Toe eee wre wT TT wT eww z2_maenarin rn te ™_|PLAYOPRS EY WEEK NHL Owners 3c." = reer Steps ranging an inter-league draft) "I am interested in a 'Local' Lads Push Parts & S ervi ce Take Talk Of = tdi Str ie ee " os Clarence Campbell, league/ments, "I have come to Win Skein To 13 Playoffs | (patti sini dnc ia cart By BAILEY January show an increase of|player while I'm ahead. e of second apa and cal 27 '@ | ue Laurels PALM BEACH, Fla, (AP)--|120000 over last year at the! Webster, 31, spent two sea- Two-goal efforts by Paul Hol-jof second spot and Local pM : National ges Lasavh owner ma 3 a i ae, a. ol mop sons with Montreal Alouettes of unarve re 5 hs in, omy an Leste in front of them nave decided she 5 pene cw game more than ie year, pa Maggs ag ed dell and a single by John Cory wLTt Fts.| In the Simcoe Hall - Oshawa| led 7-6 at the end of the first, 13-|and the rest of the team all injthe league, At present they are -- Pain yg holding posi ee a league attendance rec- was his eighth in the NFL." ie conga ae 409 a ae Ra noe Ms re nn a lS cor atime, rah, ta vei ante i . ry over an Tire iddy Division, Jast Satur-jof three. was in vincial Tile -- a 6, game i ™ Seat Sates tor ¢ 17 pod pee 'he tinal games of|the thick of things, Morrison, Meliveen 9, Sugden,|Medical Pharmacy squad was said veneer | will sg Ort. .. in the posts left vacant by Perry B'Rith last night in an Oshawa al 2784 ; 1963-64 i Minor Hockey Association Baa- Houdaille 16 |the schedule were played, Play-| In the scoring department for|Haas 9, Total--24, Fouls-- 4 for|Blakhomer with 14. For Bola! arch 2. Webster |Moss. fired last week as head 15 | offs begin next week, Bolahoods it was Rajkovic. and|12 -_ |hood's it was Glecoff and Way- The league officers lifted re- |eoach and general manager of 14| The first Biddy contest saw|Naurot leading the way with 13 Kinlochs Men's Wear -- Step-|ling with 14 and 16 points re- chetto, Wha alates at iki | 13 | Jaycee Blues continue their win-| and 10 points respectively, while|paniak 6, Naurot 4, Krasnaj,| spectively, 4 ne Foe. Ep perence bd has not approached him. He 3 | Jaycee Blu B Medical Pharmacy --~ Oyr 2,|3280n only on logning of play- e a y said also that he would take a tam League game. The local has yet to lose a game, winning li and tying two. Ron Joseph, Hudgin, Waddell and Jarrell each picked up a ; pair of assists, with Ken Jones|Coca-Cola the Als. But he said the club ning ways by trouncing the|for the Radio lads Boivin notch-|McConkey 8, Jacula 6, Birko-| ets. th aniner ton ; ing i har , - hi a : gue affiliates, Firefighters' Association 22-11.|ed four. wicz 4, Total--28, Fouls--2 for|Blakhomer 14, aged ge They said it would give the only one or the other. In the first and second -- : gor red a ye 3, | posch F ey. a 4 ing one|B'Nai B'Rith ters, play was fairly even with|4, Jackson, G. Manser, B, Man-| The gecond minor game saw) Total--26, Fouls--2 out of 3, v U.S. WALLOPED: oc ee ae: Ee ny aang ect Tere en CRIA cones, Wier feegue) Relaknet's | Spertenpves | ~ REMEMBER WHEN...?; LO Metre PRAGUE (AP) pd evils ead a ie ' , eading ways with a . vic} Hubar, eco! , Cornea 2] | ; : Heudeille come wp with = | ° quarter Firemen were held to @| Bolahood's Sportshaven -- Raj|tory over St. John's Cadets.|Wayling 16, Brennan 2, Wotten,| By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONTREAL' (OP)=Fullbeck aid esaees the United Stace Caaancan five. this Oe Lions Win 4-0 Ree ree ee ne el ee rae rene ha eUret 1] Kins wes spmtier ene Ot tnese Miieeh %. Tole, Peule-7| begs hi wpinwong oe lien, Weeakr Ber York acl hay IR beter hes ea ; as tn Jarvis 9 cht Fe Mer wins. St. 's er lost his , J ore 18, j Bob Water fired two goais\Qppanents pumped in elght/Boivin, Jarvis 2, Luke. Total--jlast quarter wins. St. John's) out of 7. Me years ing today |Giants says hes ready to retireltators Tuesday night, the Czech : more. 29. Fouls--1 for 6, Cadets were tied with the win-| . : é 4 h last night to lead Lions toa 40)" "ro, point-getter for Jaycee ners after three quarters with League standings: WL Pts,| When he was defeated by /@8 a Player in. the Nationallnews agency CTK reported, ' M shutout over Rotary in an Osh-/piyes was Mclinro: i FINAL STANDINGS : i ' ' , : y with 10. 119 each. The final quarter was) cy 99| Frankie Genaro of New Eddie achen awa Minor Hockey Association| For the Firefighters it was Cald- i Wt Ptal one whinh baw harnty, anvihine am PO titi y on York 6h 6 \siround danleion. Midget League game, er who pumped in six. |Parts - Service 9 3 2 20 |go right for the Cadets as CKLB| a Oshawa Firefighters 7 514| The Toronto French-Cana- Announce New Brian Myers and Ron Wilsun| Jaycee Blues -- McInroy 10,|Bolahood's 'haven 6 016 /out-scored them 12-5 for the! Kinloch' ; -5 519 | dian, after only three years Dropped From notched a single goal each to Fe 4, Davey, Pace, Foster| Mundinger 4 win. High scorer for CKLB was b Rinlern « Mona Weer 4 5 8| a8 @ professional, won the round out the scoring. Dan|2,;Melnychuk 6. Total -- 22. Firdlignters Hah 13 12 |Heholt with 17. Provineial Tite 49 8| title on a decision over H Heav Ranks Leawase, Se {acerine ond Foulse0 for 5. boone, [ Hd For St. Johns the lead man\b Medical Pharmacy. 1 8 2 Ernie Sarvs of Britain ia Healing Substance... lan Rei ed up an assis pee ee | ( z | was jkovie with mine, ecember, Ou; ie y rey a \ rues AM. = pod Games scheduled for this Sat-| "Se gp mecha -- Rajkov-|, NOTE: a postponed game to| won more than $00,000 in Shrinks Piles Checks Itch NEW YORK (AP) --~ Bddle| The fired-up Lions squad/Total--11, Fouls--1 for 3, : cee the first "ound of the'9 "Smelko 7, Johnstone 6, Per- 4 pared i standings Dy ees purses, by 1934 he was re- | 9 Machen, the long-time No. 1) ..oreq one in the first period,) In the second bout in this|/M@Y°ORS @re as follows: 5.00) inow taee weni et way Peal a working in a beer | Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink Fikes caegcial ins, B. Rajkovic 2, Total--24. : i : |a.m,, Parts and Service vs Mun-| Kins, B. Ra heavyweight contender, h&@S/added two more in the second|league, the league titlist Parts! dinger; 9.00 a.m., Bolahood's|*Uls---2 for 5, passed, fel iee 4 : hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue, Games scheduled for Satur- | A renowned research institute has | many months. . top 10 i " | Servi ing- " 7 ; ee are, sree raangs(tnd one inthe final etanss. and Service walloped Munding/Srorishayen vs" Firefighters, CKLB <~ Holt 1, Davis 2 : ¢ F ssoc.: . mM. 1 oe ) , Lieyd 2, Mc Rp rete < i ' . f A ant alg Eatin hhc sd ag yt, * > CRO RAMA at Ny a Pay fe ese mae et ataaee | aes emeatas chen's elimination, former Gaudaur Talks Of pletely shutout as the Parts) MINOR LEAGUE hoe i other Minor League _ Firefighters Assoc, vs CKLB | rhoids Saialoaio: ic tania take wich quinkly haipe beat injured reeryeren ens hearse] TV Gridiron Deal (Pst i's. sel 2°, hla yi" ui, macs conten payed. at OUct, "Rol ANG Ny Mate Phare | Se tere ett | sagemnniogeae from second and undefeated ipoint getters were B. Melny-| winning drive Tr each peat hood's Sportshaven | got back! At OCCI, 8.45 a.m.--Kinlogh's| herd ees" i ahrises satens poner teamed Cassius Clay of Louisville, Ky.,, LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Jake/chuk 'and Zimny with six| vincial Tile 28-24, The first quar-| tt, er winning, ways agai) yoo." Wear vs Bolahood's| | "One bemorrboidst cate history | Prepentiat to second from fifth in the rank-|Gaudaur of Hamilton, Canadian apiece. For Mundingers the|ter saw some very ragged play.|<> they Panond, rie! sey My aT" | Sportshaven. after another reported "'very strik- In addition to actually shrink- ings, released today. Football League president, said) scoring was split between Lee,|Score ended at 8: 6 for Kinloch| vary. am, ha like. che sie ph | SERVICE ing improvement." Pain was | ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H Doug Jones of New York, who| Tuesday he was unable to make| Swindell and Keat with twolIn the second quarter the Tile-|"Coeq tr g unas Han ae the | promptly and gently relieved... | lubricates and makes elimis meets Clay in New York March|any official announcement, but) each, men took ever and at the half e af i . i deh ant . bia| BASKETBALL CLEANERS end LAUNDERERS | eiuai reduction or retraction less painful. It helps prevent in- 13, retained his third ranking|indicated that a deal has alll Parts and Service -- Coninco|the score was 13-10. Kinlochs\142 lead in' the. first. quarter| | owuitey cowouna (shrinking) took place. fection which is a principal cause and Sweden's Ingemar Johans-|but been concluded between the/s, Felix 2, N. Melnychuk, B.|came back to take the lead, Atland although the Medical lads| SCORES BOWMANVILLE -- SeARBORO * Among these case histories were | of hemorrhoids. ' son was boosted to fourth from|CBC and CTV networks to per-|Melnychuk 6, Alchen, Zimny 6.) the three-quarter mark it was|trjeq vainly to over-take them| Curteins, Drapes, Blenkets, Rugs a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Just ask your druggist for Pre- sixth. mit the CBC to carry telecasts) Total--17, Fouls-~1 for 6, 18-18. for the rest of the game, Bola-| OSHAWA"S ONLY tions. Relief even occurred in cases | paration H Suppositories or Pree Zora Folley of Chandler,jof Saturday CFL games. Mundinger -- Lee 2, Smzyr,| Top scorers for Pfovincial|hood's seemed to be and proyed|BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS UNIONIZED SHOP |. Of long standing, and mest im- | paration H Ointment (with a Ariz., is fifth, Cleveland Wil-| Gaudaur also indicated the/Swindell 2, Edwards, Rantz,|Tile were Haas and Mcliveen|to be equal to all threats, The, National Association | portant of all, results were so | special applicator). liams of Houston, Tex., sixth|deal calls for the CBC to carry|Kent 2. Total--6. Fouls--0 for 7.| with nine apiece, while for the|win kept the Bolahood's team|Syracuse 120 New York 100 | 723-4631 thorough that this improvement Satisfaction guaranteed of yous and Bob Cleroux of Montreal|the games over the whole net-| In the final game, Bolahoods|Kimlochs squad it was McCon-|within striking distance of the|Boston 106 Cincinnati 96 | 50 MILL | was maintained over a period of | money refunded, : seventh. work, defeated CKLB 29-8. Bolahoodsikey leading the way with eight|CKLB team for first place in'St. Louis 120 Detroit 105 Bd to ts ee td 8 SO sR 8D tm to wo Wes cece 53 eH BSRSSRHELSES™ owe ee BAaeew-~s rFPeSexntrteeweuuwus Doh Pepe weer - 0 1 0 2 1 1. Collis & Sons Entire Winter Stock Must Go! Our Costs Disregarded! SPRING SUITS 2s . -- E | Ladies' DRESSES. RL REG. 12.95 ; Reg. to 29.95! = NO PHONE ® OUT THE YGO ad While They Lest OR MAIL ALL-wook A : LADIES' SPRING COATS Limited Quantity! All ws Hay sizes in the let. 4 Ready . Reg. to 29.95 Thursday 9 A.M. g. to 29- , THE GREATEST Res. 0798 VALUE EVENT IN YOUR cis rar nars 'LADIES' Reg. to 3.98 LADIES' CAR COATS BARGAIN LOVIN' LIFE! 1 Reg. te 287" /2 vrice Boyn' & Man's WINDBREAKERS 4 AQ a Reg, to 13,95 e LADIES' SLIPS AND PYJAMAS 4 00 Boy's All Wool Sport Shirts Sy ie ; Sport JACKETS BOYS' DRESS PANTS Reg. to 5.95 Reg. to 4.95 § LADIES' WOOL PLAID SLIMS Reg. to 5.95 Sizes 8-14, Reg, to 14.95 $ GIRLS' SLIMS Out They Go Reg. to 3.98 LADIES' WINTER COATS ; Reg, to 69.95 Out They Go! LADIES' BLOUSES : MEN"S DRESS PANTS Reg. to 4.98 se tees Our Entire Stock Of LADIES' Reg. to 10.95 Men's & Boy's SEAMLESS NYLONS | MEN'S and BOYS' SOCKS @ = 4 ON PYJAMAS of pg gaa aca ™~ Ladies' Milliner y Reg. to 95c ? ; Broken size ranges. 2 PRICE 4-Prs. | 8 GIRLS' SKIRTS V, Reg. to 3.95. $ -- ttyles and rirst Quolity Reg. to 9.98 2 price Out They Go! _ J BOYS AND MEN'S SWEATERS 4 AQ oem Soe fe O08, Reg. to 7.95 . Out They Go! let. Ail sizes In the GIRLS' DRESSES 3-6x -- 1 Out They Ge- 8-14. Reg to 6.98 .. 72 Price Ladies' Famous "Shetland" ei (fy + seg dB sah dae ae KNIT SWEATERS | GIRLS' BULKY KNIT SWEATERS Men's Reg, 24.95 Cardigans & Pullovers Reg. 4.98 Orlon Pile BOYS' SPORT JACKETS Gorgeous colors! ; 4 to 6x. Reg, 4.98 sa Sizes 8-14 ..... 00500. / Reg. to 6.95. 99 Corduroy Suburban ALL SALES FINAL ae ALL SALES FINAL COATS Hondsome pot- ™ Tremendous Cards get these! | i | < fore tages,» feasts DRASTIOALLY =, -- ton 3398 '10 4 | Bargain Counter! {2:2 5: povoen: i te 10 Out They Go i a) ut they ~ } COLLIS & S0 NS 50-54 KING ST. WEST hy " (Opp. Centre St. S. Phone 725-6311)