Oshawa Ladies Annual 2-Day 'Spiel Under Way The Oshawa Curling Club's annual Ladies' Open Bonspiel a two-day affair, with The GM Gold Trophy, McCallum Troph) and Frank Hailitt Memorial Tro phy as premier awards, got under way here yesterday. The OCC premier ladies' event will conclude this evening and already, the behind-the- glass experts are predicting that Dorothy Morgan's rink from Peterborough Golf and Country Club and Lee Scott's Scarboro entry, will finish in the final match for The GM Gold Trophy. The secondary event, McCal- jum Trophy, and the third event, Haillitt Trophy, are con- sidered as "wide-open" with awa Golf Club, favorites in the McCallum Trophy play. Quarter-final round in the GM Trophy play, to be played early this morning, is expected to pro- duce a strong contender for the Fourth Event while the Hallitt Trophy, at this point, appears headed for an All-Oshawa final. Dorothy -Morgan's rink knocked off two former GM Trophy winners in yesterday's play, when they whipped Ef. "ezzelwood's rink in the first; ound and thumped Marion Jampbell's foursome in the second session, Both had pre- viously won this bonspiel. Mayme Taylor's Oshawa rink moved into the quarter - finals with two wins, along with Betty Lofthouse and Marg Jacobi, vovh Ushawa Golf Club entries. Lee Scott's Scarboro rink ousted Oshawa's Mrs. F. Fordham (also a previous GM Trophy winner) in the first round and then won a close decision over "Maible" Boudreau's rink in the second round, Eileen Coppin and Jean Renwick, both Oshawa entries, skipped their rinks to two wins in the primary event, along with C. Martyn of Port Perry. Each of the 32 rinks played two games in_ yesterday's ise rg skip, Myrtle skip, OSH. Muriel Hefen skip skip, Ay A oung, Broadbent, GM TROPHY bay corte cc, Bea Croti iy Eileen Goulding, Marie MacDiarmid, Joan Sm: Donald, 8; A CC. Fran Maroosis, Belva Cain, OSHAWA C.C, Virgie Ward, M. Kinton R. Mann, M. Taylor, 7; re, G.C.c. y action, after which the day's fun and frolic was climaxed by a king-style banquet, highlighted by brief speeches and lengthy sing-song sessions, Following are the complete results:-- FIGHTS LAST NIGHT SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY HOCKEY Oshawa Minor Assoc.: (Mid- get League) -- Local 222 vs Ca- nadian Legion at 7.15 p.m.; Firefighters vs Kiwanis Club, at 8.15 p.m. and Kinsmen Club vs Navy Vets, at 9.15 p.m. All games at Oshawa Children's Arena. THURSDAY OHA Junior "A" Metro League -- Whitby Duniops vs Brampton 7-Ups, at Brampton Arena, 8.30 p.m. OHA Junior "B" Metro League -- Bowmanville Pic-O- Mats vs Lakeshore, at Lake- shore, 8.30 p.m. Oshawa - Courtice League -- Beaupre's vs Foley's, at Port Perry Arena, 9:00 p.m . Oshawa Minor Assoc. (Juve- olle League) -- Oshawa Dairy vs Beaton's Dairy at 8.15 p.m. and Hayden Macdonald's vs Tony's Refreshments, at 9.15 p.m. Both games at Oshawa Children's Arena. By THE ASSOCIATED, PRESS New York -- Carlos Cruz, pointed Roland Kellam, 132%, Brooklyn, 8. San Antonio, Gutierrez 160, San Antonio, knocked out Teddy Shores, 160, Dallas, 8; Sonny Moore, 203, Dallas, knocked out Alvarado Gonzales, 191, Odessa, Tex., 3. Montreal--Georges Thibeault, Montreal, knocked out Billy (Kayo) Brown, Washington, D.C., 1. (heavyweights). Portiand, Maine -- Willie Greene, 162, Providence, R.I., outpointed Augie Simmons, 157, New York, 10. 18414, Dominican Republic, out-|Beth Tex.--Santiago e skip, Mrs. E skip, skip, Norma skip, Mrs. J. skip, oO! Mrs. Mrs, S. skip, wth McKee, Eleanor Jean Castle, Dorothy Morgan, | M, Taylor, OSHAWA C.C, Rose, Mrs, Wm. Tribble, Mrs. H. Mrs, G, Gilchrist, corer OSHAWA GOLF Evelyn Langmaid, Eileen Hopkins, Beth Lander, Betty Lofthouse, ' OSHAWA C.C. Smith, May Ridgley, Fran Poll itt, Kemp, 8; 10; 12; . -- 9:00 O'Clock Drew -- OSHAWA GOLF Ermal Holland, Reed, Jacobi, ina fom Irwin, skip, PETERBORO Gert C Kk .|Alice Rowland, OSHAWA C.c. BOWMANVILLE Shirley Robson, Ido Coddard, rb Tresise, Joyce Johansen, Eilleen Coppin, skip, 14; BANCROFT skip, Dorie Cox, Barbara Elliott, Marion Jack, Lila Bierworth, Clare Foy, Myrtle McCartney, skip, }. hold Kay Currie, Chris Doughty, Eileen Betts, Doreen Dobbie, skip, SCARBORO Mrs, R. McCarthy, Mrs. J. Vass, Mrs. J, Sadieir, Mrs. N. Kennedy, skip, 5 OSHAWA GOLF Nell V Anne Gay, May Johnson, Ef. Hezzelwood, skip, TOR. GRANITES Mrs, A, Mrs. J. Mrs, €, Gallagher, Mrs, S. A. Marshall, 9 7 skip, PARRY SOUND Aileen Wilson, Bobbie Little, Irene Hopper, Alice Holmes, skip, BOWMANVILLE > Cruckshank, Marj A skip, UNIONVILLE Mrs. W, Lomax, Mrs, E, Westlake, Mrs. W. Douglas, skip, OSHAWA GOLF Mrs, R. Patte, Mrs. Eric Henry, Mrs, E, Lemasurier, we, E. A. ae i iP, TOR. GRANITES Mrs. D, McLaughlin, Mrs, J. K. Glover 6.|Mrs. J. Souch, Mrs. A rs. J. yi . A. Hoare, Mrs, Wm, Bentley, Mrs. J. R. Findley, skip, 6; OSHAWA C.C. Mrs, J, Renwich, Mrs. R rford, skip, 10; ip, PORT PERRY OSHAWA C.C, Rebecca Bruton, 'Toots' Macknes: Marion MacMaster, Ray # Phipps, Hanna Kenny, v Granik, Clara Martyn, Phy! Bates, skip, 10; skip, OSHAWA C.C, OSHAWA GOLF Mrs. K, Williams, Mrs, J, Morrison, Mrs. D, Calhoun, Mrs. F. Black, 3./Mrs. Elgin Munday, Mrs, A. McDiarmid, skip, -- Second Round -- 6; M, Boudreau, 12; M. Armstrong, J. Renwick, 10; E.- Lemasurier, Cc. Martyn, 5; D. Munday, McCALLUM TROPHY Rog First Round -- skip, 10; L. Scott, E. Coppin, ; A. Holmes, ; D. Dobbie, 3 F. Irwin, ; E, Stone, ; Q. Fletcher, P. Bates, P. Fordham, Queenie be hed OSHAWA GOLF rlee iwrence, 0, Dorothy' Robins, $ Mrs. O. Crawford, Mrs. Roy Stephens Mrs, Wally Butler, OLD COUNTRY SOCCER By M. McINTYRE HOOD Spec'al London, England » Correspondent To The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Britain's deep » |freeze which makes soccer 1m- possible continues to wipe out '|the weekly schedule of games in both England and Scotland. For the sixth successive Saturday, practically the -whole list of .|games had to be postponed be- cause of new falls of snow and sub-freezing temperatures which turned football grounds into skating rinks. Of the 64 games "\scheduled to be played in the English and Scottish Leagues and the Scottish Cup, 56 had to be called off, and only eight ry and abandoned since December, 15 has reached 385. And still there is no sign of a break in the frigid weather which is wrecking the soccer season, Tt is certain, that when condi- tions again make play possible, all teams will have to play two or three games a week to catch up with arrears, and that does not make any allowance for! draws in the English Cup rounds, There was not much signifi- cance to the four games played in England. All of the first und second division games were cancelled. In the third division Halifax won at Brighton and g.)were played, four in England and four in Scotland. While an agreement has been reached with the Football Asso- ciation and the English League *|to extend the season until May 4,19, this extension does not at the 4,;moment appear to be anything 5./like sufficient to catch up with 4\the backlog of games. The number of league games .|which have been postponed and for which new dates have to'be arranged stands at 256, enough to fill five and a half full Sat- urday programs. The total of league and cup games p d 0 4. 6.) 4, 1. 5. 4. 7. be Abnormal Winter Is Delaying Schedules Swindon both by 1. This solidifies Swindon's posi- tion in second place in the sec- ond division, two points behind Peterborough and two above Watford. Third division leade-:s Oldham Athletic beat Rochdale 5-1 to take an eight point lead over Brentford in the fourth' > ag Crystal Palace, HE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Februsry 6, 1963. 19) division, while Torauay beat hand, are ' rtlepools 2-0 to sink helthe leadord, to are atl isthe Bray 9 deeper than ever at/running promotion. UP IN SCOTLAND No games were played in the first division of the Scottish League, In one Scottish Cup second game, Dundee United beat Ayr 2-1, while the other games were post- poned. Iton won a 6-3 vic- tory over Berwick to take a seven points lead. over St, John- stone in the second division. But because of ents, St. Johnstone has played nine games fewer than Hamilton, so are favored to take first place} i once they start playing again. Stranraer, with five games in for re SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES - Industrial and Commercial The established, relioble Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 The tensions and stresses of today's fast pace of living can often bring on nervous headaches in per- fectly healthy and well-adjusted people. When this happens to you, there's no need to fret or let your day be upset. For you can get dependable relief from that nervous headache in minutes with Aspirin*. Simply take two Aspirin tablets with water, sit down for a few minutes, and close your eyes. And almost before you realize it, your nervous headache will be relieved, You can always take Asprin with complete confidence. For Asprin has brought fastrelief from headaches to millions more people than any other brand of pain re- liever for over two generations! So next time a nervous head- Can Get Dependable Relief in Minutes ache threatens to spoil your day, | put your confidence in Aspmin, It will relieve that headache in practically notime, [f-----=--) |ASPIRIN| } | genuine Aspirin, Look for the pack- age with the Bayer cross, Sune. K Vv. P, F. B. Cain, 11:00 O/CLOCK DRAW SCARBORO Mrs. 8, Barraclough, Mrs. D. Clemens, McAlpine, Mrs. W. Tredway, Mrs, DB. Scott, SHAWA GOLF Boudreau, dg OSHAWA C.C, Mrs, Wm. Miller, Mrs. N. Moran, Mrs. F, Fordham, skip, TOR. GRANITES Mrs, J, Tolton, Mrs. F, Graham, Mrs. J. $. Richards, Mrs. $. Stockwell, skip, 8. BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" NEW HOMES & HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. Pavement PEOPLE'S CLOTHING 36 SIMCOE STREET NORTH - are having a - GIGANTIC Mid-Winter SALE Starts Thursday, Feb. 7th -- 9:30 a.m. Thursday morning People's Clothing are launching one of the most spectacular sales they've ever had . . . This is a complete stock clearance of "Buyer's Goofs" . . . and mid-season "left-over" stock. It all has to go to make room for new Spring mer- chandise . . . no sentiment allowed! Eve Save on name brand, finest quality men come, first served" sale. MEN'S SUITS MEN'S SUITS MEN'S SPORT COATS MEN'S REGULAR 69.95 REGULAR 39.95 REGULAR 32.50 ry at 29.00 ut 15.00 15.00 SALE Continental PANTS": 6.95 BOYS' PANTS ""::" 2.00 e ALL SALES FINAL e ALTERATI Boys' SWE BOYS' Sports SHIRTS MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS ATERS MEN'S LAMINATE & WOOL COATS. MEN'S REGULAR 25.95 TO 35.00 SALE REGULAR 6.95 REGULAR 2.95 SALE REGULAR 4.95 TO 6.95 SALE item slashed in price to a fraction of original cost. This is your opportunity to Really s clothing. Make sure you're one of the first to dash in, shop and save... It's a first SALE 4 eo) | 2.00 16.00 Casual PAN TS mst 400 ONS EXTRA PEOPLE'S CLOTHING DIAL 723-3612 36 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Downtown Oshawa