a A. Pr ete neta Afternoon Tea Ancient Ceremony If you have ever seen the tea ceremony performed by to. day's graceful Japanese women in their colorful kimonos, you'll be sharply reminded that tea time at its best is a time of repose and quiet, of refreshing the mind as well as the body. Tea time is a time apart from the hurly-burly of every- day living, where sipping tea becomes symbolic of the good things of life. It is a time to enjoy the companionship of friends, the fragrance of flow- ers, the beauty of good dishes, and the taste of tempting food. The English and later the Ca- 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jenvery 31, 1963 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCaffrey and daughters, Catherine, Pat- ricia and Teresa, Elgin street east, returned recently from a one-month vacation spent in Nashville, Madison, Henderson- ville, Tennessee; Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Vir- ginia, Michigan, and New York, taking in several of the cities in these states. They were the Christmas and New Year guests of singer and recording artist Mr. Ray Price, his wife Linda, and baby son, Clifton of Hender. sonville, Tennessee, Mr. Price is a member of the Grand Ole' Opry in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. McCaffrey operate and have Mrs, H. A. Mellow will con- duct the devotional period at the WCTU meeting, in Simcoe Street United Church, The vocal solo- ist will be Mrs. S. V. Barlow. A clip sheet on the life of Fran- ces Willard, on panel, will be held. Mr. and Mrs. John Huband, Grierson street, were among the 300 guests present at the official opening of the Rainbow Ridge Ski Chalet at Brace- bridge, last Saturday. The hosts were the owners, Mr. and Mrs. RETURNED as president of the Women's Auxiliary, Osh- awa General Hospital, for a second year, Mrs, A. W. Arm- Changes in Executive Made In OGH Women's Auxiliary The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Osh- awa General Hospital was held recently with 40 members pres- ent. Mrs, A. W. Armstrong pre- gided. The minutes were read by Mrs. E. A. Reed and_ the treasurer's report given by Mrs. €. M. Elliott. * Mrs. J. G. Carter reported the Gift Shop had an excellent year with sales considerably increas- ed. Mrs. H. B. James stated that R. B. Reed and Sons have of- fered to fill the altar vases every weekend except Christ- mas and Easter or such times members or patients wish to do 80. Miss Vera Moyse took the ehair as chairman of the nom- inating committee. The slate of Officers was read and approved. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong took the chair to commence her sec- ond year as president. She thanked the members for their co-operation and help during the past year and welcomed the new members of her exec- tive. The executive officers for the current year are: Honorary president, Mrs. T. H. Everson; honorary vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Gordon Conant; hon- rary treasurer, Miss Mabel Whitney; past president, Mrs. R. W. Bassett; president, Mrs. A. W. Armstrng; first vice- president, Mrs. J. A. Dancey; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. James McCansh; 3rd_ vice-president, Mrs. Harry Taylor; recording secretary, Mrs. Neil Felt; trea- surer, Mrs. W. F. Marshall; corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. M. Elliott; press secretary, Mrs. H. O. Perry. Conveners: membership, Mrs. C. Boes, Mrs. J. Copeland; stu- dent nurses, Mrs, J. A. Mc- Intosh and Mrs, Russell Nesbitt; sewing and knitting, Mrs, J. E. Mann, Mrs. D. A. Jackson; wards, Mrs. B. G. Doherty; chapel, Mrs. H. B. James; prop- erties and historian, Mrs. John Payne; social, Mrs, E. F, Cuth- bertson and Mrs. H. H. Tonk'n. Mrs. S. J. Nobbin, assisted by Mrs. .K D. Crone will con- vene the St. Patrick's Bridge to be held on March 13 after- noon and evening. The meeting adjourned and the retiring chairman of the Evening Group. Mrs. C. R. Lunn poured tea for the social hour. RUNDLE PARK AUX, The January meeting of Rundle Park Women's Auxil- LODGES AND SOCIETIES jary was held in the clubh ; The president, Mrs. Albert Crowells, presided. Mrs. Thoms: Hobbs rea' the secret: ,'s report, M Mary McConnell gave the finan- cial statement. Nine members were present. One new member was wel- comed to the auxiliary. Euchre conveners for the month of February were ap- pointed. It was decided to hold a chicken patty tea and bake sale Wednesday, March 13. Wool was distributed to the 'members, to be made into knit- ted articles. A sale of work will be held later. The next meeting will be held dn the clubhouse February 25 at 7 p.m. Refreshments were served by VICTORY LODGE, LOBA Victory Lodge No. 583 opened > meeting with Worthy Mis- tress Sister Mildred Carnochan and deputy mistress Sister Ann Derry in their respective chairs. Devotional exercises were performed by the chaplain Sis- ter Louise Hockett. The lecture was repeated by Sisters Eliza Warren and Iso- bell Roberts, Sister Elda How- ard reported on the bingo. Past Mistress Sister Elda Howard installed Junior Deputy Mistress Sister Gertrude Somer- ville in her office. Plans were made for a euchre game to be held on Monday, 7 28- in the Orange Tem- ple. The next meeting is taking place February 13 in the Or- Mrs, Gordon Tromley. Jange Temple. ROSS MILLS 80 SIMCOE NORTH Hundreds of Yards -- First Quality CARPET REMNANTS . AT eS Half Price FIRST COME--FIRST SERVED MANY OTHER ITEMS AT CLEAR-OUT PRICES » MILLS-- COMPANY LIMITED Floor Covering Headquarters CONTINUES PHONE 728-6218 | strong is seen with her vice- presidents from left to right,' Mrs. G. Dancey, Mrs. : ' James McCansh and Mrs. Harry Taylor. --Oshawa Times Photo President's Ball A Social Venture For Rotary Club An important date on the social calendar, Friday, Febru- ary 1, marks the first formal dance to be held by the Rotary Club of Oshawa. THe "Presi- dent's Ball' is taking place at Oshawa Golf Club and is ex- pected to become an annual "black or white tie" event, Receiving from 9.00 p.m. will be President Fay L. Brooks and Mrs. Brooks and vice-president J. Murray Macleod and Mrs. Macleod. Rotarians and _ their ladies who have indicated their intention of being present in- clude the Honorable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr, Rotary District Governor and Mrs. Ed- ward G. Storie, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. Alger, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coulter, Dr, and Mrs. Charles M. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Geikie, Mr. and Mrs, Frank J, Grindley, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wilson. Also in attendance will be His Worship Mayor Lyman Gifford and Mrs. Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Clay. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. TO Crone, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. Byron §$. Edmondson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. James McCansh, Mr, and Mrs, G. L. Murdoch, Mr. and Mrs. John Ovens, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Prest, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner S. Williams. Many little, pre-dance recep- tions are being planned private. ly; dancing will continue until 1 a.m. and a special buffet supper is planned for 11.30 p.m. FINGERTIP TREES Japanese gardeners have suc. ceeded in growing minute trees in pots no bigger than a chest- nut. They are called fingertip bonsai. Findlay Munro, Toronto. Friends of long-standing in Oshawa and district have been invited by Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Henderson, King, Ontario, to a reception in Ridpath's Gal- lery, Toronto, this evening to view the 'Canada Room" which Mrs. Henderson has assembled as a memorial to her father, the late Mr. George McLaughlin of Oshawa. The collection of fine furniture, made in Canada by been the ¢ Smith, Goodlettsville, Jean, Zanesville, Ohio. esidents of the in- ternational fan club for the past four and a half years. They visited various artists, friends, disc jockeys and others in the United States. Before returning home, they visited Mrs, Bessie Ragsdale, Nashville; Mr. Hal Tenn.; Mrs, Ann McFadden and family, Nashville, and Mr, and Mrs, Howard Scotte and daughter, nadians appreciated afternoon tea and made it a social occa- sion, But of course the English and the Canadians went further and made tea drinking an event at breakfast, to brace them for the day, as well as a drink to choose at any meal and any hour for pick-me-up. Any Canadian too, will tell you that tea tastes better from a thin cup or a pretty glass, thus reflecting part of the Japanese tea ceremony that is Canadians is to be shipped to Rotterdam, Holland, where it will furnish the library and board room of the headquarters of the World Esperanto Move- ment. A portrait of Mr. George HOUSEHOLD HINT Suds and water must be able to circulate freely in your wash- er to do the job they're sup. McLaughlin, a founder of Gen- eral Motors and great Canadian humanitarian, will add distinc- tion to the board room and a plaque will explain that the fur- niture in the Cenada Room has been made by many Canadians who have come to this country from many lands to live and work together in the spirit of harmony and mutual under- standing, that is the aim of Esperentists, the world over. Among those at the reception will be Mrs. G. N. Irwin, a daughter of the late Mr. George McLaughlin, and Mr. Irwin of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Alger, Mr. and Mrs. C, Ewart McLaughlin, Mr. Arthur Fergu- son and Mrs. Frank Chappell. Posed to do. If you overload gg over into Canadian daily ite, the machine or use a detergent that gives too much suds, this ANTHONY | CHARLES We are sure that his customers will regret the de- . parture of Mario, who is leaving for Italy. How- ever, we are pleased to announce our newest stylist, Charles, who has just arrived from Paris where he worked for some time with Alexandre of Paris. Styling by Anthony. & Maro 136 Simcoe South (Just South of Memorial Park) For Appointment Call 728-9651 circulation will be hampered, Ansus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. pate 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your carpets in your home or in ou plant RETAILERS TO THRIFTY SAVINGS CANADIANS DAYS GIRLS' "SMARTY PANTS" ZELLER'S OWN "GINGER LANE" Unbelievably low-priced! Sizes 8 to 14. Dainty rayon briefs in pretty pastel floral prints. Delight- ful trims. Stock up! 2» §8- Ms 2 Hollywood Beds A twin bed setting of glamour f FEBRUARY SALE Plastic upholstered headboards, smooth top 209-coil mattress, box springs, metal frames, : 6-Pe, Outfit In French Provincial Exquisitely crafted, rich cherry veneers. Double dresser, framed mirror, chest, panel bed plus mattress, box spring. FEBRUARY SALE DOWNTOWN T 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-2294 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209 LADIES, COME-A-RUNNIN' TO ERWINNES FABULOUS BARGAIN TIME All Wool Skirts REG. TO 12.95 All first quality all good new lengths. ALL SIZES FIRST QUALITY FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS AND NIGHTIES Reg. to 3.98, Sizes S.M.L. CURVE -- V WONDER BRAS REG. 3.00 All sizes -- Cotton and Satin All brand new SEAMLESS NYLONS REG, 1.00 VALUE ALL FIRST QUALITY. ALL SIZES BRAND NAME SLIMS Reg. up to 16.95, All wool worsteds, Finest quality. Many plaids to choose from WOOL SLIMS PLAIN and PLAIDS, Less than half price. Sizes 8 to 20. Priced From . ALL AT ONE CLEAROUT PRICE ALL SIZES All 1962 Blouses REG. TO 7.00 2.99 BABY DOLL PYJAMAS Now clearing. Pretty colors. Y, All sizes. Sizes S.M.L. .... /3 OFF BRAND NAME BAN-LON REG. TO 5.00 PULLOVERS & CARDIGANS All' first quality. Brand new colors. Short and Long Sleeves. Sizes 16 to 20. 2.99 & 4.99 ALL "STERLING" WOOL SUITS REG. TO 40.00 2-PC. 19.98 "Exquisite" BRAS Satin and cotton, Reg. 1.50 to 2.50. Broken sizes, Now .... 3-PC. 29.98 1.00 .. 1.49 ERWINNE'S 11 Simcoe St.S. SPECIALTY SHOPS 723-7421 Deep Foam Cushioned 3-Piece Sectional TERMS TO SUIT FEBRUARY SALE A 160" sweep of luxury that you can rearrange many ways. Thick, bouyant reversible foam Decorator covering. cushions. $279 FEBRUARY SALE $144 2-Pc. Modern Group Modern as you like it! Striking well-trimmed back, wide arms, deep foam cushions. Sofa and lounge chair in frieze. 4-Pc, Bedroom Set A new giant value creation in ginger glow walnut finish, In- cludes double dresser, framed mirror, chest, bookcase bed. FEBRUARY SALE $168 1-Pe. Colonial Maple Dining Suite Includes 42 x 42" round exten- tion table, 4 captain's chairs, 45" wide server, matching hutch top. Maple finish hard- wood, FEBRUARY SALE $239 FREE PARKING While You Shop a 154-156 Simcoe St. South OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 725-6559