Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jan 1963, p. 8

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-, Frank Roche, «and Mrs. I ~aeft0Ss, read the minutes and pre- On __members who attended Hillsdale 's» ead her report and the Parish! 8. 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jonuery 28, 1963 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES _ CANADIAN CORPS AUX. ' an: of the aay 0? Auxiliary, ps. Assocation, Unit' 42, was in the clubrooms recently "held president, Mrs. William tie! presiding. There were 30 bers present. lowing final reports from retiring committees of 1962, president, Mrs. William Bis thanked them for their eration in the past year welcomed the newly elect- 'officers, who then took eMrs. George Price was elect- "@6.co-chairman of the social Seommittee to assist the chair- a Mrs. Paul Smith. Valentine Dance is to be Seta on Friday, February 8, "Hbonsored by the Auxiliary mith admission set at $1.50 per le or $1.00 stag. This event sr take place on the third of our building. Refresh- ents will be served and Jack Beac 's five-piece orchestra will supply the music. t=» Members were reminded that a joint installation of officers "tbe 1963 will take place with the ~men of the unit on Saturday "evening, February 16, in the « Mabrooms. Mrs. Margaret Hood reported "that she and her volunteer help- ers had visited Hillsdale Manor "Yind offered their help in varigus capacities. The members were recently saddened by the passing of one of the members of long stand- ing in the person of Mrs. Viola Magee. She was a devoted mem- ber and will be greatly missed. The next meeting is to be held February 20 at 8 p.m. in the clubroom. ONT. REGIMENT AUX, The Ontario Regiment Ladies' Auxiliary held its first meet 4ng of the new year, recently, at the armouries, with the new president, Mrs. Clifford Bould, taking over from the immediate "past president, Mrs. Fred 'orter. Mrs. Frank Roche installed the new officers. There were 20 members present at this meet- ing, including a new member, Mrs. Jack Woodman. Another mew member, Mrs. Robert Jen- kins, could not be present. Tuck shop helpers for Hillsdale Manor this month ars Mrs. Clifford Bould, Mrs. Harry a and volunteers were asked to supply refreshments and to an| serve. : The Study Book period was presented by Mrs. A. R. Gar- rett. Refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. G. A. Fletcher thanked Mrs. Clever- don for having the members at her home. THIRD GUIDE PARENT COM. The regular meeting of the Third Guide and Brownie Par- ent Committee was held on Tuesday, January 22, at the home of Mrs. A. D, Morrison. Mrs. J. R. Riseborough presid- ed over the business meeting. Mrs. J. T. Gaskell installed the following officers for the year: President, Mrs, J. R. Riseborough; vice - president, Mrs. William Wilson; treasur er, Mrs. Archie Dewey; secre tary, Mrs. William Milne; re- presentatives to local associa- tion: Mrs. J, R. Riseborough. Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs.' Har. old Sproule; social conveners Mrs. W. C. Dart, Mrs. Carl Creamer; telephone convenors, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. A. W. Simmons, Mrs, Floyd Fore- man, Mrs, Kevan Howe, Mrs. A. Miss Jessie Jacqueline Rob- inson and Mr. Hurvin Archi- D. Morrison. The dollar per family plan will] be used as a money making] project. Mrs. 'Riseborough thanked Mrs. Gaskell for installing the) officers and on behalf of the members she also thanked Mrs, Morrison for having the meet-) ing at her home. Refreshments were serv Mrs, Morrison and Mrs. Dart. KING STREET, UNIT 6 The January meeting = of! Friendship Unit 6 of King) Street United Church was held} recently in the church lounge, with the unit leader Mrs. H. L. Bell presiding. Mrs. R. L. Mowers conduct- ed the worship service and Mrs. Douglas Lander sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Scott. Mrs. Howard Brown and Misses Betty Bigwood and Don- na Wilson participated in an ex- cellent. panel discussion of the Toc Alpha Conference, held in Toronto last December. This was the sixth annual provincial ed by) | Church. The | bald Hosey were married re- cently in Knox Presbyterian bride is the daughter of Mrs. Harry Allen, |tario Temperance Feneretiee:| land it was attended by 11 Osha- |wa teen-agers, including the two} |\guests at the meeting. | During the business meeting, | | the minutes of the last meeting,| jand of the recent executive | meeting were read by the sec-| retary, Mrs, E. C. Wilson, and} the treasurer's report was given| by Mrs. Le Roy Kellar. The flower convener, Mrs, M. R. _ liott reported on flowers cards sent, while Mrs. H. J. wit ton reported on visits to the) sick. | Plans for the year's activities) participating during the year in| the Valentine Tea, the Feast) of the Seven Tables, and the| Merry-Go-Round tea and sale of) work. Plans were made for the) Friendship Unit to hold a Rain-| bow Bridge in February. convention of this Youth Con-| ference, sponsored by the On-| Refreshments were served by; Mrs. Mowers and her group. were discussed. All units will be ingredients, MID - WINTER WEDDING Oshawa, and the late Mr. Gordon Robinson. The bride- groom is the son of Mrs. George Hosey, Jamaica, and the late Mr. Hosey, --Ireland Studio WIFE PRESERVER Baking-powder biscuits will come out a golden brown, rath- er than white, if you add a tea- spoon of sugar along with dry WARNER WiLLIANS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 17B BOND £. 725-3531 jline read: ANN LANDERS Best Friend Comes 'Twixt Man And Wife Dear Ann Landers: I received in the morning mail three cop- jes of your 'column, The head- "Never mind your enemies, madame, keep your ey on your best friend." The after- noon mail will be here at 3:00 P.M. There will probably be others, Why must people be so cruel? If I wish to pretend not to see, what business is it of theirs? I have four young children who need their father. And, frankly, I need a husband. I'm no good alone. For the past six years my husband has been having an af- fair with my 'est friend, an at- tractive widow. To put it bluntly, I'm sorrier for her than I am for myself. She's throwing her life away on a man who wil! never marry her. So, let this letter serve as an open reply to those women who mailed me your column, After weighing and measuring, medi- tating and soul-searching I've decided to live my life as I think best for me and my children.-- BLIND BY CHOICE Dear Blind: Thank you for your letter and I hope your anonymous "friends" all see it. Dear Ann: The letter from Si- lent But Certain was a slice of life. The woman wrote: "If you have a best friend, watch out be- cause she's probably having an affair with your husband." Here's my story: During 15 years of marriage I never glanced sideways--that is, until a new executive joined my husband's firm. He was hand- TO Ansus-Grayoon CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 FOR RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your carpets in your home or in ow plant some, fascinating, sophisticate and I was smitten like a school- girl. That look in his eye let me know he was reading me, and the return was "yes." The way to '"'get acquainted," I strategized, was to invite him and his wife for dinner. She and I would become friends -- the same old story. The stage was set, One look at his Mrs. chilled my ardor instantly, They arrived late and she was plastered. Her conversation was_ incredibly banal and boring. He gave her long looks--which she ignored Their relationship was obviously a horror, How could he have chosen her? The gentleman has _ never looked good to me since that night. So, perhaps, it's not such a bad idea after all, girls. Get heart, but you never expect te! see it in print. After 18 years of marriage, my wife confessed she was hav- ing an affair with--of all people --her best friend's husband, No, she didn't want a divorce. And neither did he. There were six children involved. Would I stand by until the fire burned itself] out? I told her: "Yes, I would try." The next day I telephoned the other man's wife and invited her to my office for a chat. She had known--instinct, she called it, CAUTION HERE Carbon tetrachloride, a -vapor- iizmg liquid, is a good cleaner of food spots and other stains from clothing, but when "car- bon tet" is mixed with air in a confined area, it is inhaled and resolution asking for legislation to require adequate cautionary warning on labels of all house- hold chemicals and patent medi- cines containing injurious sub- stances. is quickly absorbed in the fatty tissues of the body. Under cer- tain conditions, and these ccn- ditions are more prevalent dur- ing winter months, it is an ex- treme hazard, Beware of 'car- bon tet." It is not labelled as dangerous, Consumers ee tion of Canada has adopted HOUSEHGLD HINT Scatter rugs at top or bottom \ of stairways invite falls. If you want to use them in these areas, be sure they are anchored firm. ly at all corners and in the center. and was pretending not to see. I admired her character and her courage. And I noticed for the first time how terribly at- tractive she was. You guessed it. We've been comforting each other ever, since, and I hope my wife never gets tired of the other guy.--' NOT GRIEVING Dear Not Grieving: You didn't ask for advice, so I won't give you any. In five words, how- ever -- you all deserve each other. Dear Ann Landers: You and your great big mouth, I tele- phoned my best friend this morning to ask if she had read your column. She replied: 'Yes, crazy. I wouldn't have your hus- band if we had an atomic war and he was the only man left." This was a catty insult and I really let her have it. Maybe you do a lot of good, but today you broke up a 12 year friend- ship.--MAXINE Onn, © OPEN 6 DAYS EVERY WEEK e@ AMPLE FREE PARKING @ OPEN TUESDAY, THURS- DAY AND FRIDAY EVE. NINGS FOR APPOINT- MENT. ° yi SATURDAY 'TILL to know the man's wife.-- WHITE PLAINS Dear White Plains: Here's an- other letter, same subject, dif- ferent twist: spoke one of those frank truths @ Commercial and industrial Sites @ Leaseback @ Development REALTOR 728-9474 | PEGGY' S BEAUTY SALON Corner Simcoe S. & Ritson Rd. S. > PHONE 723-1921 Dear Ann: Silent But "truths which everyone knows in his 52% Simcoe N. and I think Ann Landers isi. ee Danny the Dry Cleaner Says: CALL US FOR PROMPT PICK-UP and DELIVERY PHONE 728-5133 4 Centres to Serve You: @ 434 Simcoe South @ 249 King East @ 16 Bond West @ 688 Hortop Cleaners and Dyers Travel savings up to 4 O7. /O with RED, WHITE & BLUE fares Between Montreal and the Maritimes Gi th of ainadian National e way the worry-free and Mrs. Jack Wood _ might of cards is planned Pe the evening of February 11, at the home of Mrs. Harry Wood, | Roxborough avenue. The lucky draw for this onth was won by Mrs. Harry avies. The prize for next _month will be donated by Mrs. Robert Andrews. Mrs, James Smart, Mrs. Mrs. William Jmelock and Mrs. Raymond "Hobbs--will 'be responsible for the refreshments at the next meeting and members are ask- ed to bring donations for the penny table. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Fred Porter, Hele, Mrs. Duncan Foreman) sand Mrs. Bert Anderson. CHRIST CHURCH WA (Martha Branch) The January meeting of the Martha Branch of Christ Me- morial Church was held at the| home of Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon. Mrs. D. H. Moore, president, | opened the meeting and wel- ~e@omed to the group, two new 'members, Mrs. G. E. Lutman)| K. MacDonald. The secretary, Mrs, R. J.| » ented the annual report. Mrs. R. C. Day. treasurer, €ouncil Report was given by Mrs. N. C. Millman. -- The annual Daffodil Bridge will be held this year on Thurs «vay, April 25 with Mrs. A. R.} *Garrett as convener. The com- mittee is as follows: tickets, a L. V. Walker; tables, Mrs. H. Gibbie; prizes, Mrs. A, | = Hite food, Mrs. J. M. Greer and Mrs. G. E. Lutman; candy, ..Mrs. R. H. Broadbent. - Mrs. D. H. Moore thanked the Manor in January and Mrs. G ~A. Fletcher will be the repre- _Sentative to Hillsdale. we Tt was announced the annual "vestry meeting will take place =n Monday, January 28, The e-Gonfirmation Service will be "held on Sunday, February 3, MON. ,. FRI. 9.30 P. Mrs. Jack) PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-2245) | [ROSSLYN PLAZA - OSHAWA p 728: "530 SIMCOE ST.S. | HONE 725-3546 | 4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA "ONCE A YEAR RED TICKET" SALE "LOOK FOR RED TICKET ITEMS THESE ITEMS ARE 1/3 OFF Listed here are to change ' ust half price. All top ai withou REXALL SPECIAL VALUE POLYMULSION children. 24 oz. REXALL BABY PANTS STAG PRE-SHAVE LOTION 5 oz. Reg. $1.50 Special......... REXALL BISMA-REX 4 oz. Reg. $1.35 Special... Orange-flavoured liquid vitamins for infants and Special TIFFANY RO-BALL DEODORANT 2°)" 5. REXALL VALUE PAK ENVELOPES TIFFANY HAND CREAM 8 ounces. Regular $2.50 Special. REXALL A-SA-REX TABLETS 5500's reg. $2.49 special... REXALL COTTON BALLS 300's Regular $1.44 Special REXALL FLUORIDATED TOOTHPASTE REXALL BABY OIL 12 ounces. Reguiar $1.25 Special. Smi. med. and X- . Reg. 35¢ pr. Special pair 200 sheets. 'Letter size. Special........ Reg. $7.75 "soe Special package BUY-ONE-GET--ONE--FREE) { Ree. $1. Adrienne Liquid Cream Shampoo. 12 07. Reg. $2.00 aney 5 for $2.00 Adrienne Hand Lotion. 12 0z. Reg. $2.00 Special; . for $2.00 2 for $2. "A Airlenne 'Spray Net. 14 oz. Reg. $2.50 Speci 2 for $2.50 pred Bubbling Bath 'Liquid. 12 ozs. ees. 25 Pre Bnoag 2 for $2.25 ve Lotion. 10 gy atte er ny ple Aton Tires jexal Throat Lozenges. Ht . Special ; cn $1.00 | $1.98 $1.19 99¢ (2 tubes) Re Ge Speca"... 77¢ EXTRA \ ms) SSSESSELS ESSER TICLE LE SEE: td ine i CAL KING ST. E. et VARCOE'S RD. + PHONE 728-9191 Oshawe's Biggest Discounters APPLIANCES & FURNITURE a w q a , REXALL SUPER PLENA- MINS TABLETS. Canada' ! het ee Reg. pk HOT WATER BOTTLE. 2 Qt. size. Red -- Natural rub- ber. Finned surface on both sides, seamless moulded body. Regular $1.29. Special. 99¢ anteed not to ladde: ane value $1. value $1.19 pr. S FULL-FASHION value 69¢ pr. Special ..4) REXALL most popular vitamin-min- eral tablet at a big, big saving. Get a whole year's supply at this money- air SPUNTEX NON-RUN SEAMLESS NYLONS. Guar- pecia 99¢ pr. SEAMLESS MESH, oe SPECIALS : REXALL SATIN FINISH DRY SKIN BATH OIL. (REXALL MEDICINE CHEST) ; A Special "8 Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tablets. sary 500's. Reg. $2.00. Special. . $1.39 Rexall Vitamin B Compound Tablets. 250's. $3.98 value. %4 Price Special $1.99 Thru. (Liquid) For muscular aches and pains. Special combination offer 2 oz. bottle with 4 oz. bottle. Both for... $1.49 Mineral Oil Heavy American. 40 02. size. Regular $1.50. Special $1.19 T Action Cough Syrup. 4 oz. Adults Reg. 98¢. Special . 69¢ 8 02. Children's Reg. $1.49. Special 99¢ Rexall Tablets. New Size! Effer- beg 400's we 79¢. Special. . n sick family tonic. ire 07. ey 19, Ne $1.49 low onl Cod Liver Oil. 16 0z. ei 4%, 89. Spec. 98¢ Gauze, Bandage. 1" x 10 yds. y 8 29¢. Special 49¢ Adhesive Tape. 1" x 5 yds. ~ ri Keeps your skin smooth and soft all year round. 5 oz. Reg. $2.50. Spec. $1.50 if Of run, 59 pair. tel Ss [sav Deluxe Toothbrushes, Soft, vi Assortment. am poly bag. Adult and jevenie. 98¢ value. Special Rexall 'Support Stockings. or Full- gat All sizes. Value $4.95 pair. Special... $2.95 AVINGS ON SUNDRIES) Reg, 1.98 OUR PRICE PERTUSSIN VAPORIZER BOMB 69 CURAD Loa i anonoes PLASTIC STRIPS Reg. .98 CHILDREN'S BUBBLE BATH & eg. 1.00 Only 69. SOAPS CHILDREN'S BUBBLE BATH 80c Value Only 39 Tooth Paste 35c Regular 32: 2 FOR 1.50 Our Price SHAMPOO 719¢ RICHARD HUDNUT offers Double Beauty Value with New Large Size APRIL SHOWERS SKIN BALM 1.00 Special! CREST TOOTH PASTE 13s ve 99: BRYLCREAM HAIR DRESSING nes. 73: 4 Je Johnson & Johnson COTTON BUDS 54's--Reg. 38c + 29¢ 90's--Reg. 59¢ 43c 180's--Reg. 98¢ 79c INST J Way sHave] ------ NOXZEMA INSTANT LATHER REG; 89¢ 6 3c ANT KLEENEX 20 S 15c EACH 2 ror 24 JERGEN'S LOTION wis pune reci.19 7c medium or hard. N Nylon bristles Natural bristles... Child's Dental plate Rexall Return Address rma Reg. 25¢. Special... . . A ad. 2 thermostats, 3- speed Braille type lever switch. Plaid cover with dome Legh ' year guarantee. Save $2.46. Reg. $6.95 pecial Rexall Penciis. ; PP! Styles. 69 ny ladies' and men's with ma ichiny Value $2.50. Speci 3. assorted cards bag (Seamless pair MODESS nes. 2 tor 1.02 y 125 2 ror 19 LISTERINE Decanter Bottle Value 16-Fl. 8-oz, 4-oz. MULCIN . 5.25 3.99 -33 2.29. -42 4.59 METRECAL POWDER 31/2 w.-4.6] VASELINE HAIR TONIC ws.ss 69 \ Pc NTHOLATUM san or ruse res.sc = 43. Bayer Aspirin Reg. 93c '67« CORICIDIN: TABLETS 1.15 see ene 89c 15 seeese 59c Cough Syrup .. 1.29 REG. 1.50 .

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