f _ Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, January 26,1963 7 WED IN ST St. George's Memorial Church was the setting for the recent. marriage of Miss Shirley - Ann Strumbiski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Strumbiski and Mr. Ken- . GEORGE'S neth Morris Prescott, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Prescott all of Oshawa. The Venerable F. G. Ongley officiated. --tIreland Studio | St. Christopher's PTA Hears Talk On Russian Way Of Life Mrs. Walter Branch related her adventures on a three-week bus tour of Russia at St. Chris- topher's Parent - Teacher Asso- ciation meeting recently. The society there is a com- plex one; a form of modern slavery. Five days of this trip was spent on board a Russian luxury ship, with stops at Hel- sinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm: and Leningrad. At Leningrad the tourists had to declare all) money, jewellery, and most sig-| nificant to Mrs. Branch, a news publication called "Newsweek"', for at another border, officials checked to see if it had been declared. Russia wants no American literature at large. Their money was to be ex- changed at four rubles to the dollar; they received less than one ruble. A coffee and brandy aboard ship cost fifteen cents, and here in Leningrad a dollar and twenty cents. The residential area is com- prised of apartment dwellings all alike; no curtains, lamps or pictures on the walls. For each six, two room flats consisted of one bathroom and one kitchen. For the journey to Moscow, they were compelled to travel on the night train. One drinking glass for everyone, and four per- sons to 1 two-bed compartment; irregardless of sex, race or ac-| quaintance. On the Moscow streets there are no concession stands. Drink machines containing watered down fruit juice are obtainable; but again, only one glass for all to use. The Russians, says Mrs. Branch, may have con- quered space, but have failed as yet to make a paper cup. Boys on the streets have Stalin medals to trade with tourists for gum. Mrs, Branch, not having gum, traded bail-point pens. Two boys have recently been) caught doing this and were sen-|; | tenced to ten years hard labor.) / Chocolate bars are available) ' in hotel lobbies at a dollar and): ninteen cents. A cigarette, one} | crossing the main border, but;TOPS Club all were too depressed and sick WEDNESDAY to eat. "Farm Animals', a satire on THURSDAY Y e 'S\ Calvary Baptist WMS highly recommended and is cur- Christ Church Eve, Guild Russia by George Orwell, . Toronto game and once again Film And Talk - On Sportsmanship By Football Player The Conant Home and School Association held a very success- ful "Father and Son Night' Monday, January 21, with the auditorium filled to capacity. Mrs. William Tymchuck, pres- ident, opened the meeting. . Mr. Thomas B. Kidd intro- duced the guest speaker, Mr. Danny Nykoluk, right tackle for the Toronto Argonaut Football Club. Mr. Nykoluk expressed his views to the students in re- gards to clean living, good sportsmanship and the very def- inite need of an education. To jthe parents his advice was take an interest in your child's par- ticipation in sports and if pos- sible, go to see him play, This was followed by the showing of a colored film of the Hamilton- Mr. Nykoluk's comments were very informative. Many parents and children took part in the question and answer period. The minutes of the November meeting were read by Mrs. E. T. Buckler and the treasurer's report by Mrs. J. W. Murdoch. Mrs. William Tymchuck brought to the parents' attention the Child Study Course, being offer- ed at the McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute, start- ing January 24, 7 to 9 p.m. The course is to be held each Thurs- day for eight weeks. It was also|§ mentioned that the report cards would be sent home on Friday, February 15. The attendance banner was won by Mr. M. J. Banks' class. Refreshments were served by Ghia executive incmnbets. Married recently in St. Hed- wig's Roman Catholic Church were Miss Wladyslawa rently being used in some high schools in Ontario. A pamphlet, 'Russia Today",/Christ Church Aft, Aux. is available in General Motors/Simcoe Street UCW 3 magazine racks, says Mrs Branch, and it tells much of what she herself saw in Russia. |* Mrs. Lorena Malone present Mrs. Branch with a gift on; behalf of the PTA and refresh-| Butter sold in Canada must) ments were Mrs | Startek, daghter of Mrs. Lucia Startek, Poland and the CLUB CALENDAR EXCHANGE VOWS late Mr. Startek and Mr. Hieronim Slawecki, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Slawecki, Oshawa. --Mary's Studio MONDAY Ladies' Civitan Club Southmead Park Aux. Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Past Matrons' Club, OES IODE (Prince Philip Ch.) IODE (Golden Jubilee Ch.) Castle Chapter Alumnae 13th Scout Mothers' Aux. Oshawa Lionettes |20th Scout Mothers' Aux. 10th Scout Mothers' Aux. TUESDAY SA Home League Christ Church WA Canadian Legion Aux. The annual Evening Chapter of the Hospital Auxiliary was held at the Osh- awa Golf Club on Monday, Jan- uary 1, Sixty-six members at- tended and enjoyed a delicious dinner. Mrs. C. R. Lunn, chairman, conducted the meeting. Minutes of the December meeting and the annual report were read by Mrs. R. W. Bunker. The trea- surer's report was presented by Mrs. Russell Learmouth. Corre- spondence was read by Mrs. J. §. Cuthbertson. Mrs, Stephen Heney reported on the arrangements for the winter dance "Capricorn Capers' which is to beheld at the Jubilee Pavilion, Satur- day, January 26, Mrs. Lunn announced that the Eastview Park Aux. FRIDAY SATURDAY St. George's All Doubles BUTTER REGULATION Evening Chapter OGH Auxiliary) Elects Mrs. S.A. Heney Chairman meeting of the MRS, S, A, HENEY 'luck supper. treasurer, Larry Beaupre and her commit.|and not more than 16 per cent tee. served by contain at least 80 per cent fat iwater, St. Patrick's Bridge would be held on March 13, Mrs. G, H. Jackson, sewing convener, reported 42 gowns and 52 pairs of footwarmers had been turned in during De- 4\cember. Mrs. William Stirling reported 18 scrapbooks had been made during the year. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, presi- dent of the Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa General Hospital, re- ported on the afternoon meet- ing of the Auxiliary and ex- pressed her appreciation of the accomplishments of the Even- ing Chapter. Mrs. C. R. Lunn, retiring chairman, thanked the mem- bers for their support during the past year and expressed appreciation for all the help and co-operation she had re- ceived during her term of of- fice. Mrs. Gordon Curley, past chairman, introduced Mrs. R. W. Bunker, chairman of the nominating committee, who pre- sented the new slate of offic- ers for 1963. Past chairman, Mrs. C. R. Lunn; chairman, Mrs. Stephen Heney; 1st vice-chairman (to be filled by executive), 2nd vice- chairman, Mrs. W. J. 'Wells; record'ng secretary, Mrs. G. H. Jackson; treasurer, Mrs. Rus- sell Learmouth; corresponding = |Press secretary, Mrs, James Hepburn: secretary, Mrs, Garth phen Heney, presided for the} remainder of the meeting. A past-chairman's pin was presented to Mrs, C. R. Lumn by Mrs. Gordon Curley, with ad- miration and appreciation of the members. Along with the pin, Mrs. Lunn also received six beautiful colored goblets. Mrs. Bruce Affleck introduc- ed a prospective member, Mrs. Sidney. Young. Mrs. Dean Kelly introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Wal- ter Branch, who delighted the members with an _ interesting account of her bus tour through Russia last summer. Mrs.) Branch was thanked by Mrs Lome Goodman. Mrs. Thomas Norton thanked Mrs, Dean Kelly and her com- mittee for arranging the dinner and making the evening such a success. CORRECTION The next meeting of the Silver Cross Chapter will be held at the home of Mrs. V. A. Cope, |and group. (UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Mrs. Robert Williams as con- vener, A cheque for $50 will be sent to Provincial Command, Toron. to, for the Bursaries Program. Mrs. James Anderson will continue as kitchen convener; Mrs. Howard Cook as table convener and the Christmas Savings Fund conveners will be Mrs. Leonard Weeks and Mrs. Frank Davey. Mrs, Alyn Elliott conducted the election for the secretary and one executive Mrs. Daniel Guiltinan, ed the following: president, Mrs. Norman McEvers; _ secretary, Mrs. Alfred Lavender; éxecu- tive, Mrs. Robert Williams and Mrs. Earl Smith. Mrs. Eva Burkett is in Osh- awa General Hospital and Mrs Charles Lamb is home from hos- pital in Toronto. DEL-MAR UNIT 5 The Del-Mar Unit 5 of King Street United Church held its January meeting in the church parlor with Mrs. Gabriel Lavic- toire, the new leader, presiding. CASTLE CHAPT. (Jr. Group) The January meeting of the Junior Group of the Castle Chapter Alumnae was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Brown, Masson street, formerly Miss Ann Howden, The program for the evening was 'Millinery' and lessons in how to drape a spring hat or create a flower and veil head covering, was demon- strated by Miss Doris Batty, Brooklin, who has attend many courses in the art of 'Chic Chapeaux." Refreshments were served by Mrs. E. A. Hillmer, Oshawa, and Miss Charlotte Gentiles, Whitby. 8T. GEORGE'S GUILD Boulevard Club The annual meeting 'of the Boulevard Group of St. George's Women's Guild, held in the par- ish hall, was preceded by a pot- Mrs. G. H. Murless, retiring leader of the group, conducted the meeting and welcomed the new officers: Mrs. J. G. Brough, leader; Mrs. P. I. E. Walter, secretary; Mrs. Stanley Turner, man is the candle of the Lord" and closed the worship service with a prayer. At the UCW meeting on Feb- Plans were discussed for the Valentine Dessert Bridge to be held in the Parish Hall on Feb- ruary 14, The next meeting of the group will be a social eve- ning on February 25. Mrs. L, E. Saunders» program convener, will be in charge. OLD COUNTRY CLUB Ninteen members were pres- ent at the Old Country Club Whist Drive held last Wednes- day, at Rundle Park. The raffle held during the interval was won by Mrs. Joseph Finch. Re- freshments were served by the members. Mrs. George Holtom had the highest score and won first prize, Mrs. F. Bourne won sec-| ond prize and Mrs. G. Drinkle won third. Mrs. Leonard New- land, a member from Whitby, th gg and took the The next meeting will be on The meetings commence at 8|ebruary 27, at 8.00 p.m. ; Refreshm were served by p.m., every Wednesday evening! es and visitors are welcome. |Mrs. William' Johnston, Mrs. Robert Stewart and Mrs. Don- 11TH SCOUT MOTHERS' Aux, | cald Cooper. The January meeting of the ST. GERTRUDE'S CWL llth Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held at the com-| The St. Gertrude's Catholic munity hall, Thornton's road|Women's League held its Janu- north, recently. The president,|ary meeting recently, with Mrs. Mrs. Harry Sliter, welcomed|James Noonan presiding. the members. There were 16 la.| Following the minutes and dies present. treasurer's report the various The bake sale convened by|committees were heard from: Mrs. Fred Sturch realized $46.) On Welfare Mrs. William Mrs. G. N. Varnum, presi-|Clancy reported Ohristmas dent of the District Committee|hampers were given to four was the guest speaker. Shejfamilies, 24 children were sup- ave an informative talk on the|plied with clothing, shoes and unctions and duties of the aux-|toys. Also one family was com- iliary and answered questions.|Pletely outfitted with clothing, Mrs. Varnum also gave :some|Shoes and boots, Also one child ideas on various ways to raise| Was taken into a home during money within the auxiliary. Mrs.|Christmas for one week and Alex Macdonald thanked Mrs,|2!l new clothing and toys were Varnum on behalf of the mem-|Purchased for him. : bers. Refreshments were séerv- sali ggen ste go BE patie obe: og by ae Ai, ene ladies worked at the Tuckshop at Hillsdale Manor and five ladies assisted at the Red Cross Blood Donor. Clinic, On Education Mrs. Neal Boyle reported a -- , Isadore will enter a boy a a president, Mrs. Norman Me-/ gir) in the public speaking con- Evers, presiding. A letter WAS! test sponsored by the Regional read from Mrs. Charles Lamb | cwL,. Their names will be an- who stated she would be un-/nounced at a later date. able to accept the office of sec-| Since it will be ten years retary due to ill-health. It Was this February that St. Ger- with deep regret her resigna-|trude's CWL received its char- a bake sale before the meeting. A rummage sale is to be held on February 28, The rummage is to be brought to the Unit meeting the evening before the sale. Other projects were discussed for the coming year which in- cludd a fashione show in March and a dessert bridge in October. The secretary, Mrs. Douglas Southwell, read a letter from Mrs, Douglas Redpath- who on behalf of the UCW, thanked the Del-Mar Unit for their help dur- ing the past year. : Mrs. Lavictoire closed the meeting with the benediction. LEGION AUX. 43 The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43, held their weekly meeting with MR. AND MRS. Amidst a_ beautiful setting of gifts and floral tributes from their many friends and rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clif- ton Dowson celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Davis, recently. The former Miss Iva Maud Aylesworth of Layton, Ontario, and Mr. Dowson were married at the home of the bride's par- ents in Reach Township and have resided in Oshawa for the past 40 years. Their marriage was blessed by two daughters: the late Mrs. Earl Dearborn (Olive); and Mrs, Frank Davis (Velma) and four grandchildren, all of this city. After 34 years employment with The Pedlar People of Osh- awa, Mr. Dowson retired six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Dow- son are members of St. An. drew's United Church. Among the many letters and congratulatory telegrams they received were messages from the Honorable Michael Starr MP, minister of labor and Mrs. Starr; Prime Minister the Right Honorable John G. Diefen- baker; the Honorable John P. Robarts, Premier of Ontario; Reception Honors Oshawa Pair On Soth Wedding Anniversary - R. C. DOWSON Newton, Mrs. Joan McFarlané, Miss Marjorie Sproule, Miss Elta Sproule, Mrs. Alec Mat, acle, Mr. Walter Hocken, Mrs. Richard Morris, Mr. and. Mrs; Russell Tennier, Hortop, Mrs. Victor Phair, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McRae, Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henry, Mr. and Mrs, C, Wilson, Miss Joan Bulkowski, Mr. and Mrs, C. Schoenau, Mr. and Mrs, G. Darling, Mr. 'and Mrs. K. Hooley, Mr. and Mrs, M. Bulkowski, Mr, and Mrs, L, Mosier, Mr. and Mrs. F. Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. I. Southwell, Mr, and Mrs, George Adams, Mr, and Mrs. C. Smykal, i R,_F. Mrs. From out of town were Mra, Emma Webster, Port Perry; Mr,. and Mrs. Arnold Darrock, Clifford, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foster, Mrs. Ruth Dows son, Mr. Howard Dowson, Mr, and Mrs. G. Tremeur, all' 6! Little Britain, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs, Russell Henry and Mr. and Mrs. John McPhee, all of Peter- borugh; Mrs. Ethel Behmanj Miss-Faye Behman, Mrs. Pear) Johnston, all of Kitchener; Mr: Ethel Locket, Mount For Mr, Paul Leddy, Mr. and Mré: R. Leddy, Miss Ann Leddy, Miss Ann Cowan, all of Bow- manville, and Miss Geraldine Mr. T. D. Thomas MLA; Mrs.|Healy of Toronto. re Christine Thomas, ex-Mayor of Oshawa; Mr. Franklin G, Mil- lar, mayor of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs, W. Penman of Pharr, Texas, U.S.A. The visitors included Mr. T. D. Thomas and Mrs, Thomas, the Reverend John R. Leng and the following Oshawa friends: Mrs. Harry Sager, Mrs. Charles Silver, Miss Lottie "Servi Osha ind Aree "Over 10 Years" to tion was accepted and the mem-/ter, it was decided to commence bers wish her a speedy return|the meeting with Benediction to good health. ' jand after a brief meeting enjoy The annual executive party|a social evening. Mrs. John will be held on January 26, On|Byrne will be in charge of the January 30 a chartered bus will! affair. leave the terminal at 6.30 p.m.;| High on the agenda was the for members going to the "Ice| annual card party and the date Follies' at Maple Leaf Gardens | set for this event is April 17. in Toronto. On February 12 the|The convener will be Mrs. Zone Commander, Mrs. Rob-|John Polz and the co-convener ert Williams, will pay her offi-/Mrs. Howard Knapp, cia] visit to the Oshawa Auxil-| While Mrs. John Byrne and iary. All members requested to|her committee served refresh- be at the meeting. The first}ments the welfare draw took "Night of Cards" for 1963 wa ace and the winner was Mrs, i" \e : z= Before YouBuy |] @ AWNINGS TRY |e SIDING - FURNITURE WIN DOWS-----DOORS | CENTRE FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS (OSHAWA) LTD. © FREE EVENIS ° 88 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 725-9332 LES 5 15 725-4632 - be held on February 19, withiGeorge Aasen. SALES LTD. PRINCE ST. , You'll Be Glad You Did. Eve, 723-2707 | = 354 Leslie street, at 7.30 p.m. on February 15, and not at 1.30 p.m. as previously stated. PP BPPP PPP PPP PPP PPPS, > © OPEN 6 DAYS EVERY $ WEEK © AMPLE FREE PARKING @ OPEN TUESDAY, THURS- third the size of ours, is sixty} ; clubs or auxiliaries. People live for the state only. Enroute to a village, women| were seen washing clothes in| puddies and streams at the roadside, as in days of the Czar.| There was only one rest room) in the village center for all tol share, so the touring bus kept) on its way. At the Poland border a vast stood a life size statue ey Blessed Virgin, garlands of flowers at her feet, and sheaves of wheat about her This happy little boy Scott Timothy Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Wilson, Bader avenue. He is_ the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. CHILDISH GLEE John Westlake and Mr. and |Gloria Roboson; social conven- Mrs. Jack Wilson, all of Osh- jer, Mrs. Peter Zakarow. Mrs. awa. Scott was six months old |Curley installed the new execu- at the time of this picture. _| tive. DAY AND FRIDAY EVE- NINGS FOR APPOINT- MENT. @ OPEN SATURDAY 'TILL 3:00 PEGGY'S BEAUTY SALON Corner Simcoe S. & Ritson Rd. $. PHONE 723-1921 *|Gillespie; membership, Mrs. A. *|P. Robson; knitting conveners, |Mrs. Earl Matthews and Mrs. *| Terry Knight; sewing conven- jers' Mrs, Arthur Jones and |Mrs. Agdrew Chrisomalis; |scrapbook convener, Miss Choose Your Pharmacist... as you would choose a doctor --Ireland Studio | The new chairman, Mrs. Ste-|2 HOT SANDWICHES For that something hot, but} special, try a hot sandwich: ood experts at Macdonald In- stitute, Guelph, suggest that dif-| ferent types of bread be used for variety; whole wheat, rye, cracked wheat, french, cheese or fruit bread. Buns, muffins and tea biscuits also make good hot sandwiches. If the sandwich is to be broil- ed, toast one side of the bread first and butter the other side. Heap. liberal amounts of the filling on the buttered side and broil until hot and bubbly. Notice To Electoral Members Of The Oshawa Y.W.C.A. for of the Board of Directors of The the Oshewa Young , Women's 4th, te $ Christian Association will be day, February 9th. held from Monday, y1 Six members are to be elected in sheets mailed to Y.W.C.A., 199 Centre Street. Ballots will be available at the effice during regular office hours Mondays to Seturdays. from the eight names listed on members and et the J THE WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE OF OSHAWA invites you to attend their 28: SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE 10 FISHER STREET, OSHAWA on Monday, January 28th, at 2:00 p.m. Guest Speaker MR. EDWARD J. MITCHELL Special Representative WE COME TO | YOUR HOME | As your personal | physician comes to your home, we too, come to you, All prescriptions accurately filled, and delivered free. "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S | PRESCRIPTIONS IS OUR PROFESSION" Jury E Lovell. | Oshawa - Bowmanville - Whitby BOYS' CLUBS OF CANADA "We Send Medicines To Europe" | He acted like the life of the | He is quiet. But the kids all like him. He | good head. But last night... sf FOR WOMEN ONLY - | THE LIFE OF THE PARTY That Jimmy Bates certainly thought he was a riot last night! Why, what did he do? party--singing, dancing, clowning around. Kid stuff! ae ' Ueually you're complaining because he's too quiet. nae always seemed such a What happened? Well, for one thing, he'd had quite a bit to drink. You'd never believe the change in him. Alcohol does that to some people, especially a shy person like Jim. It sort of loosens them up. . ore It certainly does. Why Jim even tried to start a fight with John Archer because John didn't want him to drive. Jim could easily get into real trouble from drinking too much. It worries you, doesn't it? ies Yes--lI just hope he shows a little more sense next time. DO YOU KNOW: --that alcohol is an judgment in everyone? --that most alcoholics say they began as "social drinkers"--and that in Canada, about 3% of social drinkers become alcoholics? s --that many alcoholics say they began drinking heavily while in theirteens? --that anyone can get scientifically dependable information about alcoh: and its effects by writing to:-- sg The Education Department, Alcoholism & Drug Addiction Research Foundation, Box 1666, Terminal "'A"', Toronté, Ontario thett, that avi mae and