16 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, , January 25, 1963 35--Lege! ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and --_ Fi in = 2 32--Articles For Sale claims opaist the ROSS, ANDERSON, lote of the City of Oshawa, are re- Tire Stores, 48 Bond ets, boots, ete. Call now 725-6511. GOING hunting? Get your supplies at Dominion Street West, Oshawa, Guns, ammunition, jack- quired to send full parti- culars of such claims to the undersigned, rg? for = ELECTRIC stove, "Moffat", fully auto- . Reasonable. 20th doy of Feb or AD. oO ruary, A.D. » 1963, after which dote the Ef j i i i if ' ale EeR y IE oki b = : ' Fst i ii i ef if if i 9 agge 9 tion; walnut » 22" condi. McCLARY gas stove, ', good will trade for smaller set (seats ten) 725-9243. Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims thot have been re- ceived. Lat beetle nil SEY ART-TIME means extra Holiday pty Check thes Wanted" ads in Classified today to find the one that's ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. right for you. 15 long play records plus 728-7723. in by good 668-: ys fahanasichlah he MAN'S two-pant sult, size 36 tall, $25. a $10. Fishing rod and reel, $5. bsnl dl nO RE CE POSS aha OO meaner et DUNCAN Phyfe mahogany table and 4 upholstered chairs, condition, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of FREDERICK JOHN FUSCO, Labourer, de- Jd teries, Kelvinator erators, vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. '. RICH Stores -- Tires, bat- B, F. GOOD! tele. All persons having § claims AWNINGS, canvas. free d Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe pt , table rentals.) North. ogainst the estate of FRED- ERICK JOHN FUSCO, late of VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes Parts, .| the City of Oshowa,, in the Free 5 » hoses, guar nee Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Serv. ice. Call anytime. 728-0591. anteed rebuilt ma- County of Ontario, who died on or about the 17th day of WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. D ber, 1962, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed Personal Representa- STUDENTS A super value, Y}mately 630 sheets of letter size LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 "|HONEST Cal's s|ances. Name brands at biggest dis- "IVarcoe's Road. typing Mrs. paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap Oshawa Times ice, My Dundas Street West. approxi. tive of the said deceased on or before the 6th day of Feb- ruary, 1963, particulars of Furniture and Open 12 hours 9.30 9.30. Telephone 728-9191, said claims. After which said dote, the Personal Rep: Minister By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LUTON -- A Methodist minis- ter at Luton, Bedfordshire, has appealed to a_ thief: "Please send back the money you stole." The money, in a collecting box for tne National Children's Home, was stolen from Farley Hill Methodist Church. It was contributed by people living on the Farley Hill Estate. AIRFIELD PLAYGROUND HORNCHURCH, Essex -- A former Battle of Britain fighter airfield at Hornchurch may soon' be transformed into a vast play- ing area for children. The Essex county council has been asked to make bids for certain areas of the airfield, which is to be sold by auction in February. LONG TRIP AT 79 SOUTHALL, Middlesex--Miss Gertrude Fraser, 79, a former district nurse at Southall, has fursaken her cottage at North- boume, near Deal, to fly by jet to Victoria, Australia, where she will live with her nephew. She hopes to be able to do part-time nursing in Australia, 11,606 CHICKS DIE AMPTHILL, Bedfordshire -- Over 11,000 day-old chicks were lost when fire severely damaged a poultry house at Pulloxhill, near Ampthill. A further 11,000 chicks may die in the next ative will distribute the assets of the soid deceased having regard only to claims of which by 4 ft. Telephone 728-2874. ICE fishing hut for sale, suit two, 6 ft. she shall then have notice. ELMER'S Furniture and Appliances. See all the for less, E. Wilbur, Hampton, 263- rest--Come buy the best, 2294, DATED ot Whitby, this 14th day of January, 1963. BUY and appliances, Simcoe Street South. 723-3271. ND SELL, good used furniture ho location only. 444 MARGARET FUSCO, Ad ix, by her Solici TREMENDOUS January 'Continental beds, $19; suites IN MEMORIAM bargains: R. M, HEFFER, B.A. LL.B., 509 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. BAHME -- In loving memory of Wm. Rehme, who passed away January 25; 'There is a link death cannot sever, NOTICE DOUBLE bed, spring and blond wood, reasonable, in good tion. Telephone 725-4645. attress, condi. TO CREDITORS Love and last forever. --Remembered by wife Marie and Levlelyg - gpeoed yo wool, $10, like new. Apply 257 Street. size 18, slightly » size 18, grey AND OTHERS In the estate of set, $25; RANGE like new, $50; beige chrome $25; television, 21", $75; baby cribs, ete. Apply 159 Verdun Road. CYRIL ALEXANDER GLECOFF Retired, Deceased their BARGAINS for baby! ut prices. » 96.88; crib 1 Fabulous clear 6 $5.88; playpens, $8.88; carriages; $19.63; spring filled arrange- All persons having claims egainst the Estate of CYRIL $34.88. Wileon F Dunbarton Church Street. 2 Church ALEXANDER GLECOFF, late of the City of Oshawa, in the By MRS. I .THOMPSON DUNBARTON -- The regu- TWO piece Kroehier chesterfivid (medium brown), good condition; two folding doors; vanity dresser; chairs; Schedules Meeting |zses" County of Ontario, Retired, deceased, who died on or about the 9th doy of Dec- ember , 1962, are hereby not- ified to send in to the un- dersigned Personal Represen- lar morning service of wor- ship was conducted by the min- ister, Dr. W. A. McKay assist- ed by Mr. R. Pitcaim, organist and choir director. The choir sang the anthem "Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee". Mrs. Peggy Annis conducted the Junior congregation. SKATES Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex- chonge for 10 yeors. New ond Used, Largest assortment in town. DRAYTON CYCLE 204 BOND STREET EAST tatives of the said deceas- ed on or before the 18th day of February, 1963, full par- tieulars of their claims. Immediotely after the said date the Persono| Represen- tatives will distribute the There will be the annual con- gtegational meeting on Jan. 24. 8T. ANDREW'S CHURCH Genk, Folucing tes wed , was we attended on Sunday morning and was conducted by the min- ister Rev. F. Conkey. Mrs. Marion McClement, organist and choir leader presided at the organ. PERSONALS Jim McGinnes of the 1st Dun- 'barton Scout Troop received ry Ist class badge on January * Percy Cropley was 76 years old on Jan. 15. The Horticultural Society held 'their annual meeting at Dun- barton United Church _re- cently. Sid Pugh, superinten- 'dent of the Greenwood Conser- -vation Area, was guest speaker. 'Also present was the District Director for District No. 5, Miss Ada Linton. The Mitchell 'sisters Marlene and Marie, pro- -vided the musical entertainment 'accompanied by Mr. R. Pit- 'cairn. The afternoon unit of -UCW catered to the banquet. * Kevin Preston returned to Smith Falls on Sunday after spending his vacation in Dun- 'bartcn. » Mrs. G Campbell of Osh- awa visit Mr. and Mrs, "George Watson last week. ~ * The Ladies Auxiliary of the Negion held their meeting at -- on Monday even- » Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ste- uphens of Downsview spent the weekend at Mrs. Stephen's for- mer home. Columbus Scouts Hold Skate Party By MRS. E. LAVIOLETTE COLUMBUS--The Boy Scouts had a skating party at Powells Pond recently and returied to the lower Church Hall for the regular weekly meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sander- son, Brooklin, visited at the home of Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pinkette, Cheryl, Susan, James and Mary Jane of West Hill were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Naylor. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Stark visited Mr, and Mrs. Jim Brown, Karen and Randy of Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith and family visited Mr. and Mrs. = Palmer, Toroato, on Sun- y. . Miss Janice' Stark and Miss Ruth Smith were overnight j of Misses Eve' od Sorstey Youme _* REJECT MAHOGANY DOORS 2.95 and up Many Sizes To Choose From BEAVER LUMBER co. LTD. 419 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY 668-5818 assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Deted ot Oshowa, this 18th day of January, 1963. HENRY GLECOFF and CONSTANTINE GLECOFF, Remove Ice with Calcium Chloride Rock Salt or Sand from BATHE & McLELLAN BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 81 King West, Oshawa For free delivery call 725-4761 Executors, By their Solicitor, BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A., Borrister & Solicitor, 36% King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND FREE All Oil Burner Service Free and guaranteed if you purchase "White Rose" uni- fined furnace oil from WESTERN OIL CO. © DIAL 725-1212 BY TENDER The Corporation of the City of Oshawa hereby invites offers for the purchase from it of the following lands: 1. Lot 7, Plan 599, on the south-west corner of Co- nant ond Myers Streets, FILTER QUEEN New and used Trade-ins Other Makes. , FILTER QUEEN 'SALES (OSHAWA) VACUUM CLEANERS 323 KING ST. WEST 728-7552 | having a frontage of 57' and a of 132' 10%", . Lots 1. and 2, Plon 626, on the north side of Jone Street. The lots have o total frontage of 100' ond an average depth of 167.5'. What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. Zoning requires a mini- mum frontage of 60; therefore, these lots will be sold as one parcel. Sale of these lots is subject to the approval of City Council and the Minister of Municipal Affairs for the Province of Ontario. 34--Lost And Found Further particulars of these » January 19, B43137. Telephone 728-1459, LOST: Keys on metal ring in the vicin- ity of Oshawa Shopping Centre on Sat- Licence number lands may obtained ot the Assessment Department, City Hall. OST: Tuesday evening, man's Air Force wailet, Papers. Finder kindly phone important 723-1393, Offers for the purchase of the above lots may be made LOST -- on eyeglasses, Henry Street Bloye, 068-3201. on forms provided for thot purpose by the City' Clerk, 3rd floor, City Hall, Oshawa. OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS SELL MOST ANYTHING The closing date for tenders is 5 p.m., E.S.T., Monday February 4th, 1963, and all offers shall be sent to the City Clerk, City Hall, Osh- awa, in a sealed envelope clearly marked 'Tender for Land" and shall be accom- panied by a certified depo- sit cheque payable to The Corporation of the City of wa for an amount equal to 10% of the amount of- fered. The Corporation of the City of Oshawa reserves the right to refuse any or all offers whether such offer is the highest or not. L. R, BARRAND, City Clerk. house b an electrical fail- ure cut light and heating. KNITTERS LOSE JOBS ST. ALBANS, Hertfordshire-- Forty men knitters at the Bal- lito Hosiery Mills, St. Albans, whose wages averaged $75 a week, lost their jobs because of the decreased demand from -- for fully-fashioned stock- ings. PUBLISHING RECORD LONDON -- The year 1962 was a record one for British publishers. During the year, 25,- 079 titles were issued, including 6,184 new editions of existing books. New titles. accounted for the record year. CIVIL DEFENCE DROP LUTON, Bedfordshire -- Luton} has written off more than half of the 827 men and women from Appeal To Thief | 35--Legol Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Feb- ruary 7, 1963 for the supply of a new 5 ton dump truck, equipped with snow plow and wing. Tenders must be on forms and in envelopes sup- plied by the Township, which ere available at the Town- ship Office, Hamtpon, On- tario. R. M. SHORT Road Supt. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk, Township of Darlington LAND TITLES ACT 2 sng stm sonte es pencil SF PMB CRU tl SCOT etree mae erewra> Aanirsneenee ing meray 2% School Board Sets Budget At Bay Ridges MRS, MARY WILLIAMS the town's Civil Defence Corps. Y RIDGES -- Gerard F. The corporation Belanger, chairman of the them about a proposed re-organ-| Board of Trustees of the School ization but 451 either did not) of the Holy Redeemer, released reply at all, replied that they/estimates for the financial op- wanted to resign, or were found) erations of the board for the to have left the area. year 1963 recently. Mr. Belanger said that the CAMP FOR GYPSIES strood| board anticipates a doubling of rural council an ached to set|*te size of the school and its up a site for 12 gypsy families enrollment this year. in Cuxton despite strong local] The costs in 1963 estimated opposition. Some of the gypsy at $58,000, will cover the oper- families living in the camp at|ation of the enlarged school, Cobham, Surrey, are to move repayment of debentures and there. Families formerly living] includes provision for introduc- by the side of the road near|ing Oral French. Dartford will also be included. | The board has operated in its first four months within the TO U.S.A, AT 102 amount budgeted and Mr. Bel- BOURNEMOUTH, Hampshire] anger felt that this encourag- -- Mrs. Henrietta Moser, aged|ing result would be repeated. 102, of Bournemouth, plans to| Owing to uncertainly as to make the journey to Massachu-|previous and future assessment setts this year to see her grand-| within the School Section, it daughter. She intended to make|was not possible to indicate the the trip last year but had to . It is not, however, postpone it because of illness. mail sate. ery anticipated me there ~ Ras nges in rates Be 7) 1 pg: Neila 'oni thle meg io the egg ee we t a decimal coinage will soon be School supporters in the y ready to report to the govern- Area. ment on the possibility of a new The board stresses that it in- coimage for Britain. The com- tends to gt ae the ag ;¢\stendards of education, and its gg ed aar jae at its policy is to tailor its budget to|cpr work, and the report is expect- that end. ed in March. Copies of the estimates have been forwarded to all Separate Cu NELSON SNUFF BOX School supporters. WELLS, Somerset--A mother- of-pearl snuff box owned by the first Lord Nelson has returned, after 150 years, to the present Earl Nelson. It was for many years treasured by Captain Lionel C. Tudway, of Wells, who left it in his will to the present holder of the Nelson title. EARNED HER MEDAL ST. ALBANS, Hertfordshire -- Miss Barbara Tanner, affection- ately known as "Ma" by the 250 members of the Pioneer Youth Club which she runs single-handed at St. Albans, has been awarded the British Em- pire Medal for her work among young people. NO FREE SPECTACLES LONDON -- The minister of health has said "No'" to free spectacles for students at tech- nical colleges. This was his an swer to students who complain- ed that they have to pay the $3 charge for lenses for National Health glasses, whereas stu- dents over 16 at secondary schools are exempted from this charge. NEW WAR GRAVES SOUTHEND -- Remains of German war dead of both world wars, numbering about 40, are being transferred from the spe- cial plot in Southend Borough cemetery, either to the mew Ger- man cemetery in Stafford, or, on relatives' requests, to West- ern Germany. GOLF COURSE CRUMBLING FELIXSTOWE -- Erosion by the North Sea at Felixstowe Ferry, Essex, is now threaten- ing the Felixstowe golf course. About 7 5feet of the course has been eaten away in the last year, and erosion has now in- creased to 25 feet a month. Today's Stock Marke TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS ih Net ii Net we mith. Remenatn Lad Toronto x jan, (Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex.warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS Sends zal gf : : uf ne 3 F g2 o + ++ Se c ata 5 z BS g ngUsaREgSeES L g Hi ' ~~ bak] 3 3 2 BE in i> + ++ + £ = sustel SORES SUTTAPOS Da SSECETERENE gq 882.8 uesmyaunSesgess Sagiguccagsguadugsas § ee +1 ~ = Ss RE ng o> 3 8 a 3 a "A 3gz a EEEES bss #$ e se L's { BREE : g i ? Fi i Lu! gee + = mi - & eRe gl 4 gh i g 'I a eee ; i] 7 L+l FES 3 i*§ BE gulOtestas iast¥ets Ett i ++ +114 : ers a ge e RR S FF SESE giv guusypeggeutt uaigrogeoogemySSesegsegs gteggupapaygeull usu sgsoogeesesRee siege 38825 Fe 58 i $ 3 3 - se g #2 i = gigs H 3 § E) M i gaede ge #8eSn85 Lb git i sagthebsh. gubbsluseicesiagecl 8: pesssbees.sy of e8eagua teB ub Fe pegersSoseseteks8. wayeg¥ oss Beageuece,psbsSeb.vekbshuneiaesis eck Seep Ses sigesesy aaa (ie Be ge By ' wt hee ¢ ge "f £5 eB ngtgugurysuuboeguyssbagtgucpagt ope seyeae | + + 2 = Fog lSak aig hes sghass Fea len§ Se. osbadeh.sebbsSustagssePea8 82 pkesst iss. sg geu8Sebagges SaBoul Fed uegtgsSysesesekeS. mass F.sy Seageus SysuS, ss Ss = i all te +Ljert gobs Senior Citizen Club Obtains Charter Emp By MRS. CHAS. H. REESOR x PORT PERRY -- The Senior Citizens' Club, which was organ- Lad Ngee xd ized recently, held its second] rriehaut meeting in the Municipal build- ing, with approximately 50 men oat and women present. The gathering was in charge of the president, Mrs. Jessie Robertson, who opened the pro- ceedings with a warm wel- come to all members and new- comers, A business session was held «nd several matters dis- Gea. cussed. The most interesting an- nouncement was that over 50 persons had registered and _be-|f come members of the club. This enables the organization to ob- : tain a charter from the govern-| mc ment, now that the required membership has been reached. Mrs. C. C, Jeffrey was in charge of the registrations. Two new officers were ap- pointed -- a second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. M. Cullen and a cor- responding secretary, Mrs. George Holmes. Mrs. E. Web- ster read a poem composed by herself on "A Bus Trip to Ottawa and Quebec." A few. members anxious to learn to play Bridge were given lessons, and others en- joyed a friendly game of Euchre. Some of the ladies en- joyed knitting. § SSS EEE at opuattye & FFE z z 40% - 30 $210 210 210 +5 1400 $54 - $17% 17% 17% 738 7% 7% --2 $48% 48% 48% --% $26 26K 37% Th Hh +% $8 8 8 ygbsaoseeeredes 8088 tate Us ss z - a Lite EERE + GL Poww 100 GN C 280 pr 25 $49% GN Cap w 100 Gr Weg G 250 Gr Wpg vt 100 Greyhnd 490 $: eae e8 aphe it a + 100 280 bth st AM En oe eo oe i+ Lbbbd SiREReawgstskasey witesete.. ii ag Hee GSES Rcayesoabessy nbSessys. SHEER sevys ss Esecy nbSeseye, saSobsteses aeBous r F s le Sales to 11 a.m.: 862,000. Thomson Kernaghan & Co, MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPERATING DIRECT LINE TO. TORONTO - MONTREAL ontanio 720-1104 No Steirs To Climb RES. MGR, ERIC R. HENRY, 725-4305 4 B ¢ 8 Fe ba <1 a OFFERED POST WESTERVILLE, Ohio (AP)-- Robert (Moe) Agler, Otterbein College's athletic director and head football coach, confirmed Wednesday reports he had been|Buff RL offered a post as head back-|<30 field coach with Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadin Football League. Agler, who played with Calgary Stamped- ers in 1951, said he still is pondering the offer made by a former teammate, Bob Shaw, who was recently named head coach, ie s Ty Ha : E = BSsoess.Syea~ hl 7 hee = # itesdieSSusebegestedet et st 2 & His sryBieSoFsbssunces F329. arybisten FS aaaa F & eryBie8, retdcugses byes. : bel ce Ut IN THE MATTER OF Lots 30 to 38 incl. 42 to 52 incl. 72 to 79 incl. 83 to 95 'incl. and 99 to 104 incl. on Plan 727 for the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that Northview Construction Company Limited, has made on applicotion to the Local Master of Titles at Whitby for a certificate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from all encumbrances, except the Mortgage at pres- ent registered on title; Wherefore any other person having or claiming to hove any title to or interest in the lond or any port thereof is required on or before the 4th day of February 1963 to file a stotement of his claim in my office at the Town of Whitby, and to serve o copy on the Applicant. The address of the Applicant for service is: ©. A, HAMMOND, Borrister, etc. 35 Crockford Blvd. SCARBOROUGH, Ontario. DATED at Whitby, this 17th day of January, 1963. H. J, WORFOLK, Senior Deputy, Local Master of Titles. Hershey Bears Interested In NHL Franchise HERSHEY, Pa. (AP)--Her- shey Bears of the American Hockey League are interested in potential expansion plans of the National League. Arthur Whiteman, president of Hershey Estates, told the Harrisburg Evening News Thursday: "It would not be out of the realm of possibility that! Hershey would build a new arena to join the league (NHL)". Stafford Smythe, president of the NHL's Toronto Maple Leafs, stirred the expansion talk Wed- nesday and named three AHL cities as potential expansion sites -- Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Cleveland. Lloyd Blinco, Bears' general manager, said Hershey is one of the best drawing teams in the AHL. The Bears had drawn 1,412,566 fans in 258 home games over the last 6% years and had totalled 118,566 in 23 home starts this season. DOW MAKES IT BETTER... BETTER MAKE IT DOW l 35--Legal Names of Highways Prospect Street On Plan 41, Lomond Crescent. On Plan as the day, hour.and place for Oshawa, Ontario. BER, 1962 THE CORPORATION OF THe CITY OF OSHAWA Notice is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa proposes to pass a by-law for changing the names of those highways or streets in the City of Oshawa named and described in the first and second columns following to the respective names appearing in the third column following, namely: Description of Highways Albany and Fisher Streets The Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario has approved of, the foregoing notice, and has appointed the Ist aay of February, 1963, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, Ontario, and for hearing those advocating and opposing the change. A copy of the. proposed by-law, stating the reasons for the changes, may be seen ot the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, DATED AT OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THIS 21st DAY OF DECEM- Names to which to be changed. between Front Street 775 Christine Crescent considering the proposed by-law E. G. McNeely, B.A. City Solicitor, 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA, Ontarie