Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1963, p. 18

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Reet ieee ye teeny ar tenet mei gg MIP a De a tia haptic enrwdh 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Jenuery 21, 1902 =] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS F&= 25--Apt. & Floats For Rent |(26--Rooms For Rent 27------Real Estate For Sale By R 4 scort LOWER APARTMENT heat, water/ATHOL STREPT HAST, 189 -- Fur! ished room for central, BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| @ [EMS ses mercur and 3 th, TV outlet, Parking, Adulte REAL ESTATE LTD, [Peper ttes tener, ranweee BROCK STREET EAST, 100 = Furl 40 King St, E. Dial 728-4678 ADELAIDE Birect, newly decorated, ished spot, suitable, om ome, sea een: Accountants Household Repairs Nursing Homes a----Ponenet ~ AS es | Vale -aih and" entrances" Adult pre:| ome. ADH above, FERNHILL BLVD. or aad 658-3088 oF &4 Robert Street, iF you have @ ferred. Apply » 126-0000. OSHAWA MOTEL ( Tremed-| JAMES BROOKE, Corified| HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES nan Woy, VILLE Gaebedvocr apart (Rn DUPLEX REPAIR SERVICE d 25 a yt HOWMANVILLE part:|dan Motel), Rooms.| : gwe Shopping, Cosire, Toe. RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, - Glenceda ANYONE Interested in Tomi s proup| | EL , ment, Centrally fe [piney 16.) double ie bot Lauter] A most attroctive S14 rbom f $65 . kend of chartered lce-f / } : \ ds r bungalow plus 3 room EERE scien [Nursing Home Ltd. [iris ice esl Gamal ella ae ae ; gl ' ig OF A SPEAKING TUBR. at, tes w vane, tes nH entrances, 2 meters BW chartered sceount pe A Mh Ritson Road North, Times, ta rolgusrator, #18) mooily | peteral Motors, 67 week . well lencheoped lot, , 323 King (Sis il Wort. Omnawe, Formerly Columbus, Ontario Reman! of superfluous heir, : phone DIAL COLLECT 986-4342 " ie, Murduff. will be In ~ CRAP: SripaoNe AVENUE W = Toad reome, FREE ESTIMATES Chronic and Custodial Oshawa, "Jon, 218, Zand, , apartment, private entranes and bai ens, dihes, cooing tensa, Hove] §1', 500/00, See. ius Sadone vice, Cosapiene pookkee ay norview Patient's Core and 23rd, Phone Genosha 7 val Toom, | kigthen and , bed-altting room. walk from ir Ra Btreet 0007, Res.|Instruction bean tel inwarance Plan Hotel on these dotes for LS i} i } Bult Telephane 425-0508 South General Motors, _¥e5-2408, DUPLEX wore DLE AND CO. Chan |HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, ond Private Patients eppointment. ET tit ase PHILA SOPHE BONTRAYH AVENUE, 200 -- One: |NEAR sours GENERAL MOTORS -- 'eooun ¥ Ballet, ister spares One single » two rooms 1,20 = eg ey root 4 King Street 1 Wests nas ord Nursing Care Payment Plan ELECTROLYSIS , it Rg sGgntienen "or refered. Tele- $1,200 DOWN and" BURROWS, sharlared PRIVATE teacher, mudent eouneellor, - ¢ Recountanta, 14 ihing Street Hast, Ob-]i9 years' experience, By interview Telephone 723-464| { aticain | MAIN FLOOW apariment, unfumnisied, |27---Real Estate For Sale | up. Sepa awa; Ronald D, Wilson, CAiloniy, Act now, 725-1054. E Gatieana®, \private bole," eettanee" Mitohen" eed Ps rote == entranées, BT amend Burrows, CA, T3815, Brooklin 655-4931 |3--Pets & Livestock g WENA | TWAT WILL. CAUSE ETILIAS) | Godot toms, Scvly Geomrelan sae large lot, close te school, "¥ITE. FRIEDLANDER AND 60. LILLIAN MAE Bana, OBA, DMA, BLACK poodle, registered, ¥ WARD ROCKS Ke meas Duplate, ample parking, Telephone $500. DOWN buses, shopping, Chartered, Accountants, Licensed True: bre-ehool hinderdanee. Pe 4, Satur | Optometrist four months old. 'Telephone 128-1087. / CRUMBLE READ OF HER, | 720-6407 East, iran aie days. Masonic Temple, 733- FOX "WOUND, two males, seven ; 5 . pai ens, | ALBERT sTaeny = fiveroom apart:) 3 bedroom rug brick bung: WoW Tata win oa and MUSIC LESSONS, classical "and popu- iy "Astesetl air Upaterwn Teraien| Shee Wrecks Taina Waeuane" : SPIRITS IN KER | aor. "Tel hoof 1" 23 18, se) olow, with car port, new 50 DOWNSVIEW PARK pale. 5 eel 4% 1198 Wecker Drive, CHAM! 728-7527,|lar, plano accordion, violin, guitar, #AX-|Bany "or t4 'Burk treet, tavalide| peers BD COAMOER | ORNIMED twos room apariment|| ft. TV tower with rotor, 3 completed models for ine iis Samos Suen reek North, Oana, EXT cplans, clarinet. drums, off. New eellasamised af home, 'Dis! 735 ass, BEAUTIFUL baby Bao Gy fer |Sink, ange, Home all newly decorated, spection, more models being Whithy MO 6. rs aimeoe Btrpet South, 7as-1901. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, [Iaundry faeliities. TV outlet Apply. 32 beautifully landscaped _ {ot, built, Let us show you this tre ----|Painting and Decorating Frontenac Avenue its Large spruce tree, front choice residential 'ocatlon Auto Parts saiterere LEARN TO DRIVE DONS painting and decoraling ser |S----Farmer's Column 16--F i Help Wanted |17 lo Help Wanted can WTREET, 108 -- Threeiom| own --- Call immediately and have a house bullt te SAVE AT WESTERN Oshawa Driving School vice, Prlegs lowest in eae gone CASH on the spot Highest prices paid 16--I --Female MMelp nsec 7--Male erp : ane aot : |__ for inspection, 728-0569, _| Your specifications on ydur poet Mh tcf Me al efor dead and crippled farm stock. | CAsHIERS required. Apply -| WHO la interested to Taking $10 to 815 welcome, day care if required, Apply |~ | choice of lot, SERVICE CENTRE DAY of EVENING DODD & SOUTER [Ser Sarswil""rur Farms Tyree [20% Genosne Hoel Cotte Bhap." Jor mare, fay sling, galt Products| sve . * . pined | 'er rg e Repairs to All Makes akate, Models, Standords PAINTING / AND DECORATING Licence 149. HOUSEKE ve required, Ns in, a's Waite Rawlelah's, Dert. A-310-00, men fr nn nga SCHOFIELD-AKER OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE ' shool-a 7 separate bath, electric range retriger- LICENSED MECHANICS OSHAWA and WHITBY fk Paperhangin 6--Auction --|ther tp. _ Televi Lionain PRINTERS asistant or "young man| Stor, cupboards, 725-5 LIMITED REALTORS DIAL 728-4678 145 King West -- 728-1607 CALL 728-0091 ; Groton, ult Wall Murals enna |willing to learn printing trade, some|MARY Street, $01 <7 furnish: "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" Bray Pointing ARMSTRONG. _ |serszit sistas atgd"yca| sown, fete yon" nie "eam won aed oah Ase Over@ Quarter Century of Loan Wanted 107 BYRO Bere figgmarnle tae Telephone Itt Simcoe 'South, "|Parking"teciities. 'Televhone Yas-se01,| Continuous and Reliable Service DAYS 668-5862 20 Barristers CR SES RIES a ico|NEAR General Motors North. 'Three: 3 SERED AND NBULY, Barrons BAL |teel wategs oe hee Wi py nS 725-7426 AUCTIQNN ROOM|e coon sarin tn wow gens te Raat RMENS 2 ct ara lem tarot serine a PT] Lovely Mawes prick | HARRY MILLEN citors, ete., 114 King Street East. Dial/per cent annum, Reply Box 222, Personal Service come a Beauty © "e 'areas, Dealership to quali- Path ewohggyen nse pa easy Say we forse hesidence. Phoves: J. M:lOchawa Times he 555 KING EAST position available. Call Mrs, Elllott,|fied applicants, For interview and. fur: [ind Stove, refrigerator avalia ele} ~BUNGALOW located in the 728-1679 Greer, QC. 725-3963; Terence V, SIGNS, show oards, paper banners, art AWA 725-0442, _|ther details, telephone Mr, D. Tmieck, ie North west. L-shaped living . ae war tia,| Money to Loan Work, at low prices, May Advertising OSHAW: DRUG CLERK, full or part-time, ex-| one "mwah Company, 720-0190, /ELGIN "Sires! Hast, 13a," wafurniahed! ond dining rooms. Eating $90.00 PER MONTH e' * . : and come and asking si 900. Big Sale -- Saturda perienced proferred, Whitb > Brvonlia | Wares rooms. Privale beth, Parking 065) he k monthly, Heat, light included, Tele ea in the modern kitchen. Eercniantabalte' = Ks! MAQRTGAGES | MODERN GRILL | Jonuary 26, 1:30 P.M. |i te, » ne te ELECTRONICS [Aria 3 bedrooms." Extras include | PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND Wert, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park: 3-pe. chesterfield suites [om - TRAINED ME BEAUTIFUL 'three-room spartment,| fMotural fireplace, recreation TAXES «ing available, Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey : ood): 2 Riansh dane HOUSEKEEPER wanted for motherless NEEDS TRAINED MEN furoished or unfuroished, near South! room, T.V, aerial, aluminum is oll it costs to thi SALPH JONES, BA and FuoMAs i. * Moneys for first mortgages. Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home (inside or gu 79" « 32" : " ye ae eee ays. It you are 16 of over with min- General Motors, Apply 208 Malaga storms and screens, water lorge storey ween halt SOBRE, Apgoelats Dart. ond a. Interest at 7% Made Pies ond Desserts, 1%"; 1 good display show- phone 'immediately. 72 Tako or 125- 1090. imum Grade 10 education, you PoaaRing pare . softener. MUST BE -- house, There dre three good Mortgage loans available, No bonus WE DELIVER case, top and front glass with -|ganwsLADY, age 25 to 35, with knowl Ravan Coneunhelen: inca unfurnished apartment, private bath,| QVICKLY, Low down y- bedrooms with a 4 pe, tiled SICHARD HW. DONALD, BA, Barrister, No charge for valuations 345 ae aap sliding doors. Dining room ledge of sewing, Permanent peaition, tion, Computors, etc. Resident po gg was couple orig ge ae $12,306, id upstairs, "amine Solicitor, Notary Public, 534 Simcoe t - furniture. Table, 10 dinin Belary and commissions. Appl: Schools in Toronto and Montreal all Les Ha loytime 723 ures o modern fami 728-2801. ones -_ ree room "cholra, china cotiner son, Singer Sewing Machine bo fais 1416) or study at home, Eosy terms, [NEWLY decorated, threeroom apart-| 2265, evenings 7 738. 5513 sized kitchen 15 x 11, awa DAVID L, Barrister, purchased. Plumbing end Heating ' double bed, [Ontario Street, Oshawa | Free Booklet "Careers in Elec- | ment, private entrance, completely fur- erate dining room, and '. eo 9592, drawers, vanity, oaoirantesars vt b t x te, TH "Rese M for second mortgages ere ' , * |BARN 883 WEEKLY plus a? Wel tronics' RADIO COLLEGE OF Iniwhed. Television, laundry facilities, or. Simcoe fou sand el wee Aut PL LL PLUMBING and veating guppiles. ! excellent King-O-Heat robe in your spare they Just "how CANADA parking, near bus, $63 mo..thly, sult MASSON AND Ing 18 x 12, A dence 720-0064. available i ee lot ly | ' 'hone 725-9621, Harold H. Stark, Lid.,|- stove, takes cool or wood, |Fashion Frocks to friénds. No invest able couple or two girls, 728-4955, ABERDEEN AREA ot nicely landscaped Sauce noe wentis' Barrister, Immediate services rendered Plumbing, peetng nad Engineering.) copeble of heating 6 room ment, canvassing, experience necessary. 461 King St. W., 100 MONTHLY, two-room large apart | jp YOU ARE Coechen for a Paved drive, -- iw wi funds available, 3614 King Street East 355 Simcoe Street hale tas [Write North American Fashion Frocks, Torento 2B, Onterle Ment, completely furnished, retrigers- , ered, Asking 73-1107. Res, 965-7163 M. F, SWARTZ ALL TYPES, of ropire aad use. ny other good iiza., 1901 Industrial Bivd., Dept, 11040, | _ ' stove, heat, hot water, hydro in-| home in a good residential with $3, 000% 00 ang cal remodel: -- pay ticles, (ovis s. WYMAN, GG, Baivister, Boil 26¥2 King St. East lng, and used materials, Reason-) -- °!t'C Montreal _ 39. cided rivets entrance, self-contained] area, handy to schools, Loreen fella tonight Naar Auge Big, King Cuhinad, Seibert able res pepeimeten tres inde R. H Armstrong ~~ HAIRSTYLIST _ TIME STUDY 723-9411 calle Sar oak an 723-377 Fea 723-4697 REPAIRS and remodelling of all types, AGNES STREET -- Undurnished apart TION CANNOT BE BEAT, 8. ™ tor, + oe i344 Simeos Street N orth Mortgages rates, "Pree estimates, 735-1334, Me. AUCTIONEER Must be experienced in all MAN private bath, parting "spoons" baie room tg ome 24 storey . 625 erg Le eT i ee, . mor a eeg See, Meeting. hases. For Interview appoint. water inch . 875.1 home with 2 car garage situ- room storey F a Leone nee a FIRST AND SECOND age. Sale ---------- 11--Articles For Rent . mah r Interv ppoin For large --manufocturing | enmity. Call De feild cree ted on a BEAUTIFUL LAND- wane polerine wares Solicitors. Clients' funds available tor cee che Smet Barristers, 31 ALL WELL . Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses company in Oshawa. Know- | 7a3-d60a, SCAPED LOT. 50' x 134', ou $260 » 29 Simcoe Streetiking Street East, 723-7232, ' H Is comprised of livi Horn rates,' Charles C. ranare aa Steerer But if you insist Punch Bowls PHONE 728- 9651 ledge of MAT, Belptil tat room with natural fireplace, | $14,700.00 vith '2,000.88 corpora Gci badger Fe Bertedo, GC. | lend on all types of mortgages; mort on the best... call Brandy, Wine, Cocktail Glasses not essential, 40 hour week, KINGS COURT family size dining room and down, For, further i 723- 3770. getctr. Noney ean Ofig Aha IGUSCOTT PLUMBING Roasting Pans SHORTHAND employee benefits, Write, large kitchen, on main floor, Bast, Oshawa. 728-0232 |dooh, (See hi tee "Barristers, ua stating experience, educa- Second floor ---- 3 bedrooms % aNNING ¥, GWANFE AND RONALD mated and HEATING Limited Coffee Urns TYPIST tion ond. solary expected to APARTMENTS end modern pathroom, THIRD | DOES YOUR FAMILY NEED be WARTS, Barrister, solicitors $100,000.00 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 Sargeant's Rentals AJAX FLOOR--2 BEDROOMS AND SPACE? to loan, Henry Block, 364 "King Shrvet East inst? Rest. CLIENTS' MONIES Rug-Upholstery Service 725-3338 Some Switchboard Work BOX 341 TIMES, OSHAWA pai pin nbaPrhagition ye «a Then see thie spacious wax -- GHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re | 12 WILL TRAIN Ae es No Lease Required private bockyord, To inspect room split le level home. Four a Solicitor. ai King 8 weet Resi. iggy eh AB > og Ad at Modern Upiterars La'simcse coor atk Jointer, 3 DAY WEEK | LEADING HOME Approximately 10 miles sell 'ul MeFesten, ae --full dining it " . i. r ' ! me m a Se } ond ond SeeereSTESE oko aaltaet maser] | EXCELLENT WORKING) | FURNISHING STORE| om Oshove at ne Ferly kitchen wth aor existing first rer wanted. Whitby 668-4118, -ONDIT gour BETS. 1 BOYCHYN "oad Mitl-| mortgages and agreements OMESTERFIELDA re-uphoistered and] Wanted. | ot. CONDITIONS ite | 1 built cupboords and -- 36% King restyled, Free Opposite lorge Shopping Centre EXCLUSIVE AGENTS F T Ronse, te tor wala paveoedl aanarad oe estimates, ae Cod b , Le we [064 Ponting MANY STAFF BENEFITS Requires on aggressive alert material for mortgages arranged. holatering, 7 Charles. Street T2332 |e ee -------- APPLY near schools, churches, ete, CUSTOM BUILT HOMES led reception n bol all on CREIGHTON, eee, Soree| WANTED -- posTorFice | SALESMAN Large One Bedroom $73 | ~ iN BEAU VALLEY ecient tee, anes DRYNAN & MURDOCH [82, Peagonable, Seneeen entree * SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY BOX 488 Two Bedroom $79 Governor Mansion Apts., a! schools. $3,950.00 fewn holetery Co,, 10 Bond W. Dial 725-0911. AND FEATHER TICKS ] rk Rd. N. payment with one eltors, Notar. 5 SIMCOE ST. N one Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals Wee OSHAWA i caiealaceaaletiuseaes TELEPHONE ie ee . mortgage. Call Charles Smith 15-4768 360 King Street West ke Bie cons Semen Evenings: 723-4768 or 728-8554 |Sales and Service (collect) Solary and commission. g0y8 28-1679 evenings Ontario, a. Free Parking haa GUTBOARD MOTOR |. TURNER | Reply inwrtting stating egs, |_\WAX WH 2-200) Rediden M. Dry nan, ac, | } menace Tose a 7 Murdoch Taare MONEY TO LOAN ROOIR emvice : 723- -2043 . wn Jane 2281 : qualifications to "cid ca Low Interest MSALES'R sevice" AUTO 2h Co. OPPORTUNITY BOX 233 OPEN OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS MiSs Wav WENO] --_ No Veluntion Fee OSHAWA MARINE | Wants cor tor wrecking, Are you looking ? OSHAWA TIMES for inspection basamenta, SERVICE Ports for sale, also scrap iron For a good-paying 20--Room and ere DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS . Mame | | recreation Teoma. A. Woods, 725-3002. Until Loan Completed : and tals, ete.,, bough ae pang. Fecsesntta ¢ speaalty. Cal ; ; oe iltinne Rava Open Saturday all day. Phone. part-time job ? COMFORTABLE clean, Airaished room 9 AM. TO 5 P.M, Bill Vroom, Whitby, 668-4118, Residential Surveyors 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. Yael, uaa Dentele ead Fetioras oh ; letri Avon offers a:marvelous caveniences. Telephone T6008, GOVERNOR Your ih Chi i Flim AND TH TROLLOPE, Ontario fait S teeel inses Sea installed, City and District Land eae 11 Elgin Street Fast, ROOM ad board for two gentlemen, furnaces vacuumed. Free eatimates.| Summer Properties -- |Fhone 125.000 13--Business Opportunities Spportumly: [$18 weekly, Bloor and Ritson district '723-2997, Vacant Land BONE VAN DF FLEISCHMANN, "Gn-|FOR SALE or rent, vacant store with Write Pp O Box 512 ephone 728-6968, MANSIONS Cart i ig heed ee ES nf DT er a a Beans MOVE AND --aTORGT. Member print Ota Brn. Ts |information, apply" 374 Wilson Ke & | OSHAWA Kor nrasesl Dota' Prue" ween, N" a ae, _ North General Motors, Private home, Oehave, Wity. | Neasoosble rates Mortgage Brokers Association TV saa: Radio Repairs |South or telephone 725.0266, _ 17 ale "Help Wanted 723-6195, ] 10 Park Rd. N., ly equi sured, 'ele. VANS ¥V SERVICE, Repalms on 3 Baim de: SOND: he hay Ngo DAYS for two gentile phone 736-3661, SUMMERLAND Mahan S. Seaveasburst ala "tite were SERVICE ROUTE MAN for drycleaners. Man milage. ages bet, ined Oshawa v 10 ti Dresemoking i linac | xpanding business dest 'sehing. Hign coeinimnies, tedia lore ee ----| NOW LEASING OE ae D repairs to al) makes Low investment jand gas to start, Guaranteed salary/ LARGE comfortable _ double rooms, BRESEMAKING, silerations, pant cuit ( l J S £ A pron Elec-| ¥ }and Dandy |#ingle beds, sult gentlemen willing to WA" ing, shortie drapes. prene nie Mra, SE RITI E tronics, _ Wk Eliott, 723-9792. Fred, The only diaper service | Cleaners, Wi mith tes 3543. Ditedthas share; good meals, lunches packed, OSHA A Ss FINEST Butler, 187 Park 9863, LIMITED iIcrnc in Oshawe ~~ | Parking, All conveniences. Whitby ELECTRICALLY HEATED a ge Mig : T.V. TOWERS | asciy ait'nir'ne, sun | TAX! DRIVERS APARTMENTS int attng, Sot ten. 112 Simcoe St. North Mire Budridge, fF Montrave, Yasser Oshawa, Ontarlo--725-3568 All galvanized, no paint 723-2139 21--Room & Board Wanted FOR INFORMATION ' Preferably between 25~40 | Wangan -- Room and board for| PHONE DAYTIME 723-226 Fuel and Wood Musical Services LEN & LOU'S , |T4--Employment Wanted Top earnings. Apply atieman, close 9 eneral AFTER 5:30 BM. young pataunet som none Motors North, Telephone (25.7311, Local Furnace Cleanout PIANO, Tyed, pipe end siectronie oraia ANTENNAS Sox Set Say Tolpone 9 es MERCURY TAXI | Henry Stinson 725-0243 FREE ed. Phone Ajax 92-1664. 728-5804 or 725-7844 |peren PAN Day Nursery, Monday to 725-4771 23--Wanted To Rent Steve Macko 728-5868 1f You Purchase Friday, S81 Simcoe Street North, Taie- 8 eae Les Hall 728-5513 DAY OR NIGHT phone we iG Qeares home with : WA FUEL Round the Clock TV AERIALS |16--Femele Help Wonted| LEARN MEAT [ay cst sats 8s, a MeFeeters 725-1726 nore wmIiFPhieer BANK | ACCOUNTANT requires | "three: : og READY TO BUY | ng WEAR OUT | - eee |. CUTTING Fy a atiagn Fs] Ecce agers PROSPECTS | _ REPLACE NOW FRaeed | Oshawa ond surrounding bis. [WikL eames valuane pres | ~SCHOFIELD-AKER USE THE Baad | While weather and prices are | ERWINNE'S . ey wethrina, Being [ocd apartment ss, Christan Realty LIMITED OSHAWA TIMES | TRIO TELEVISION | SPECIALTY SHOP field. ot meat cuttin poi! |24--Houses For Rent 26--Rooms For Rent H Mrs. Clarke--11_ Si S._| chandisi ond self = 96 Fwomoon con shed |CHURCH Street, 174, central, clean, Times 17) BOND STREET EAST : a imcoe ising and se IVE, |EWOROOM comtagh, 'portly tarelahed. pee t now ogee CLASSIFIED CALL 728-6781 HAIRDRESSER goo CAL MaaY . (RE eae iemnen' prebrees, does thereto COLUMNS Want Ads TV. TOWERS | CUTTING and [07 Sh MUR, THANE inane guts eaten ave "esl SMOCKING-TOPS Pinssified Ad Rates APPRENTICE RETAIL SCHOOL --| igus' amorpnacaliran a1 | MASSON Steet, "48, warm, By ALICE BROOKS : ed, room, with family of two, All : 25 WORDS OR LESS Economy and Deluxe REQUIRED Please write teed york, seared anvowes, 'Telephone 735-0606. Smocking goes to your head--- Better described offers get faster results. | 1425 DANFORTH AVE. brie heat, =, techie'. 2. rent|4® DREW Street, two, 'partly Airnished| the result is pure flattery iP 5 EE || tems ammncme | vbuastabliheddowm | TORONTO, ONTAMO. [ES Ta pam Bas Baal tear toe caemrem ol Mew comtnd ats -- sun] SEW IT I A DAY . RRANGED jt, ~housel ew sm ee 2.25 2.48 town Beauty Parlour. HO _1-7545 ad e rae BEVERLY "Ginet, ousaceana_ toon North|fashion! Smocked on reverse utive doys If not paid within 7 days, charge rote applies. . i ft GM, Bus at door, Telephone 728-6890./side, Use velveteen, jersey, By ANNE ADAMS Professional listings only, 3 lines per month see OSHAWA TV Telephone 5:30 - 7 p.m. Oshawa's: Finest CHADDURN STREET, 8%) -- Fumish-|faille, Pattern 7463: transfer Ps dient dress -- twe (Not applicable for merchandise ------, 725-8375 or 723-3544 COLLECTOR Park lane Apts po GF og He pg Bs sizes 21%, 22, 23 included. main pattern parts plus fac 1 fi ee ' wa air GE GEL Wa Gea oe cabeaviattan' es enw Geek - SUPPLY LIMITED Saturday and Monday phone 723-7370 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS.(coins)|ings! Wear it belted or free- 15¢ veni fo t t for room for gentl j ; 2 728-81 evenings for appointmen PART-TIME | Rentleman | in quiet home, please) to Alice Brooks, care offor out, in the Spring. DEADLINES -- 28-8180 interview | 10 min. from Downtown bene telephone. Ta2.a836 Motors 'office aad The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft] Printed Pattern 4695: Misses' BOND STREET BAST -- furnished for this pattern (no stamps,/fiaring for work, play, indoors sss rent monthly accounts. Prestige locati 0K os poplar ieee «Bellary pons hee bitee Biel é Atttoctive two bedroom suites. | FURNISHED ROOMS |plainly PATTERN NUMBER, [rc Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 @.m. day of publication. WELL DIGGING BY or sales ivision No selling involved, Must be Private balconies . Available in private home FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in REGULATIONS MACHINE Experienced in general office married, have good car and Btevator service SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE routine with dictaphone. and be free to work evenings and penihes ; j Show stars smocked accessories) this pattern, Ontario residents The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- 668-2563 -- 668-3809 shorthand transcription. Able Senssiath. Wille, '6 wanenee Controlled entrances 82 PARK RD --it's our new Needlecraft Cata-| add 2 cents sales tax, Print ments nny -- than 2 -- Se WHITBY, ONTARIO to compile statistical reports, re a ; si > mai - Garages NORTH - log! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you plainly SIZE. NAME, AD- one incorrect inse i Rae Hb ayo eh Puede he 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST Modern, new office with caf- of Family Publications, list- Paved Parking | nn ----|designs to knit, crochet, sew,/ DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. price charge for o single insertion of the advertisement in whic UT ST. eteria, Comapny paid medi- ing telephone number to | weave, embroider, quilt. Plus} Send order to ANNE ADAMS, error. occurs. P.O. BOX 329 cal, hospital ond insurance free pattern. Send 25¢ now! are of Th hawa Diedag to moro chartomnanes ne tte Sian Colom | oa Post Office Box 86 | Don Howe = | PONT wig INN Sata, Onin ne ' : Ads caedlbdtarhatiee Apply Personnel Office ; seta ' Just out! 3M design ideas In the cose of display advertisements, The Times will not be |SEWING lessons in your own home 7 . . Daytime 725-7732 Television, Dining Room Want-Ads Don t b . Grou : toons minal Station, N. |. 9 ; lus © for FREE pattern held responsible for more space than thot in which the actual [Shy Madehine bervice 'on "Taa.a0re Dunlop Canada Ltd. erminal Stat Evenings 723-9692 Lunches Packed Ic i oe Bind choose : andes error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ol! adver- tising motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement EREMANENTS special. - Face Bair WHITBY Toronto 14, Ontario | Spring - S Pattern Cata- ialy inmueades Wena tone re eaanad Gane Spates: ' PHONE 668-3361 | Howe and Peters Realtors | 725-0078 | Cost-They Pay |iirS.na's0 cents ee \ { ~ Word eds... ' $ p.m, day previous rs Man to collect smail cur- | , . Os . Ontario | Classified Disploy. . . . 2:30 p.m. doy previous Well Drilling --Digging STENOGRAPHER 2 Spoclous grounds ATTRACTIVELY venbieu eta te sae at Prim ora Bony Prd Na Gin ae | Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft) coins (no stamps, please) for

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