-- = men ge oes ang ones Fathers Conduct H and S Meeting At G: Colpus School Father's-conducted the January meeting of the Gertrude Colpus Home and School Association; president, Mr. G. A. Wi less; secretary, Mr. Da- vid McCann; treasurer, Mr. (omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Januory 21, 1963 ANN LANDERS | Baby Doll Bride Needs a New Head Dear Ann Landers: I'm 24,| Dear Dutch: No. Talk to a been married less than a year,| marriage counselor -- together. and I'm ready to give my bride|If you two have been married his first wife should be disposed of before you move in. back to her father. Things Ij}less than a year you're still in MAN'S COTTON-KNIT SHIRT Now ts the time to prepare for spring. Whether your man is a golf fan, a tennis en- thusiast, a polo amateur, a keen sailor, or simply a beachcomber, you'll want him to look his best at any of these. He'll appreciate this shirt, knitted in white cotton, for being such cool sports wear. An effective red trim lends a gay note. For direc- tions, simply send a stamped, self-addressed envelope plus ten cents for handling and a request for Leaflet No, P K 1349 to the Needlework De- partment, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. the progress of a-child's school year and how the unit system had assisted many of the chil- dren with their year's work. He also gave a short report of the school's new library and of the} number of new books that were recently purchased. Guest speaker Mr. Rudi Mae- der of Oshawa was introduced by Mr. Earl Brown. Mr. Mae- der spoke on the importance of a Home and School and what it could mean to a community. He a out the importance of aving aS many fathers attend as well as the mothers and how this would benefit the children by having both parents present. Mr. David McCann thanked Mr. Maeder. Room count was won by Miss Barbara Maxwell's morning kindergarten class. The evening closed by the fathers serving refreshments which were supplied by the con- veners. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW All well-managed endeavors, particularly those requiring ini- tiative and enterprise, should turn out well today. It is also a fine period for thinking of the future and making plans. | FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that as of now you enter a fine cycle in which you can advance your Teas, Presentations, Parties In Honor Of Recent Bride The former Mrs, A. R. Wilson whose marriage to Mr. Elton A. Werry took place recently, was honored at several social events prior to the event. Mrs. Werry was entertained at.a delightful tea at Adelaide House, at which the Misses Florence and Rose Hawkes were hostesses. Friends from Mon- treal, Cornwall, Maitland, Peterborough, Toronto, Bow. manville and Port Perry were present with Oshawa friends, A dinner party at the home of the Misses Hawkes followed this pleasant afternoon. The staff of Woodcrest School was entertained at dinner, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Higgs, Mary street. At this time, a presentation of sterling silver salad servers was made. At the Christmas meeting of the Camelot Group of Simcoe Street United Church, Mrs. Werry was presented with a a lace tablecloth. Following the Christmas pro- grams of Woodcrest Kindergar- ten A, the mothers and children groups met in the auditorium and made a presentation of a portable electric mixer and a casserole, after which refresh. ments were served. The Helping Hand Unit of Simcoe Street United Church presented her with a beautiful cut glass vase. Miss Cora Cruse and Miss Florence Taylor were hostesses at an evening party, at which a presentation of several ster- ling silver pieces was made. The guests were former teach- ing associates. A dinner party was held at the home of Mrs. Donald B. Dodds, Heather Court, with Mrs. Robert Rodgers as co-host- ess. A silver relish dish was given to the bride by a group of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elton A. Werry were entertained at dinner at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smaliman, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Phillips, Lauder road and at the Toronto Skating Club as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Convening a euchre and bridge party arranged by the Daughters of Isabella is Mrs. J. G. Forestall. The card party will be held in St. Greg- ory's auditorium at 8.00 p.m. Thursday, January 24, and the proceeds will go towards charitable efforts. of the morning and afternoon George Bray. UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES CALVIN GROUP The monthly meeting of the Calvin Group of St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Helen Cosins. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read followed by the treasurer's re- port. Plans were made for a proj- ect for Valentine's Day and are to be completed at the February meeting. The door prize was won by Mrs. Douglas Turner. Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Derek Allen, assisted by Mrs. Helen Cousins. The February meeting is to be hled at the home of Mrs. Max- well Bebee. HELPING HAND UNIT The January meeting of the Helping Hand Unit was held in Simcoe Street United Church starting with a pot luck supper. The members later retired to the church parlor with Mrs. Ar- thur Morrison presiding and welcoming me mbers and guests. The devotional was given by Mrs. Irvine Cowie followed by a reading entitled 'Thoughts for the New Year" given by Mrs. Walter Johnston. The secretary, Mrs. Alex Ark- wright, gave her report, also the annual report. Miss Madeline Kelly gave the treasurer's report followed by the annual report. The next meeting will be held February 19, in the parlor. The meeting closed with the Reverend J. K. Moffat giving the benediction. RITSON H-S ASSOC. The January meeting of the Ritson Home and School As- sociation was a very interesting and informative one. A panel composed of the following tea- chers, Mr. J. P. Edmondson, Miss Margaret Kerr, Mr. Law- rence Millson and two mothers, Mts. L. H. Head and Mrs. William Kashul discussed the contents of the film entitled teacher handled pupils who} cheated during examinations, The summary of the panel was that a child is not born with honesty, it has to be taught from a very early age. Parents can do much to instill honesty} in their children by setting a| good example at home. They concluded that too many parents relegated the task of rearing their children to the} period followed the discussion. The panel was introduced by Mrs. Walter Borysiak, chair- man of the Family Life pro-| gram and thanked by Miss Janet Kerr. Parents roll call was won by Mr. Robert Richards grade 6 class. Mrs. Eric Cooper, president of the association, presided for the business meeting. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. William Milne. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Frank Zarowny. Finance report was given by Mrs. Garth Gillespie. Refreshments were served by the mothers of grade 5 pupils. KNOX WA The regular meeting of Knox Presbyterian WA was held re- cently in the lounge with Mrs. J. M. Taylor presiding. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs. W. F. Taylor and Mrs, J. §. Cuthbertson. Their theme was 'How to Pray'"'. On behalf of the nominating committee, the following slate of officers for the year 1963 was presented by Mrs. W. F. Taylor: past president, Mrs. J. M. Taylor; president, Mrs. James Wraith; first vice-presi- schools. A question and answer) T. Mills flower and gift fund, Mrs. James Moody; flower con. vener, Mrs. A. J. McDonald. Mrs. J. M. Taylor was pre- sented with a small gift in ap- preciation of her work in the WA during the past two years. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. J. Wraith. The next meeting will be held February 5 at 8 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST WA The meeting opened with Mrs. Henry McGhee presiding. Mrs. Arthur Alloway offered prayer. A solo, "The Glory of His Presence," was sung by Mrs, June Davidson, a visiting missionary A welcome was extended to the Reverend and Mrs Kenneth Getty from India who are home on furlough. Mr. Getty brought the mes- sage, Scripture 16. A presentation of a quilt was given to Mrs. June Davidson. The meeting closed with pray- er by the Reverend Getty. WIFE PRESERVER For a tie rack that won't leave marks on a closet door, use a small towel rod with suction cups. job in ts in such a worth- while manner as not only to merit the attention of superiors but to bring you increased pro- fits. In fact, where finances are concerned, your aspects will be more generous than they have been for some time, and if you grasp all the opportunities avail. able between now and March, and use good judgment in ex- Ploiting them, your pocketbook should be considerably fattened. Also governed by fine influ- ences are personal affairs, so look for harmony in domestic and romantic relationships ; also interesting developments in your social life. Generally, your chart is impressive and, if you do your part, this new year in your life should prove to be a banner one. A child born on this day will be endowed with great self-re- lance and integrity and, in the professional field, could succeed as an exceptionally talented member of the theatre. a ei ii 2 2 2 HOT SCONES FOR TEA Honey-Orange Treatment For Old-Fashioned Scones Scones in winter are just as fitting as ice cream cones in summer. The most gloomy of kitchens ecomes warm and cozy when scones are baking. But sometimes one needs a change from old favorites. How about yours? of it? life; they say, so add a little to yours by trying a new recipe for a change. that scone recipe of Is your family: tiring Variety is the spice of This is a quick asy recipe that turns into top otch scones with little effort. And they are really delicious when served with Orange Honey Butter. Here's the rule: ORANGE SCONES Yield: 6 servings. cups sifted all-purpose flour ¥% teaspoon salt ¥% teaspoon baking soda teaspoons baking powder tablespoons sugar ¥% teaspoon grated orange rind this wet weather twosome that consists of a raincoat and umbrella done in a black and WET WEATHER WONDER Little sisters will dote on tre closing of the coat and a matching black velvet collar frames the face. --By TRACY ADRIAN white. galloping zebra motif |; on a ground of white. Ocean pearl buttons march down the deeply-inset black velvet cen- dent, Mrs. J. S. Cuthbertson; secretary, Mrs. G. L. Murdoch; | treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth Mat- thews card secretary, Mrs. A. To "The Test". The film depicted how a WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 17B BOND €. 725 °531 ~am~ Ancus-Grayvvon CARPET COMPANY ° 282 King W. 728-9581 FOR RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will cleon your corpets in you e or in our, vlant Call NOW | and SAVE On Exterior Railings ASK FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE $#. During this " in the for your free estimate. 227 Pearson St. pored to offer you exceptional sev wrought iron railings. Do it now ond save . . . MEN AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW WORK FULLY GUARANTEED i y we Gre pre- on the finest in custom mode coll to-day and osk 728-7318 EVENINGS 723-4114 JENSEN Welding & Steel SUPPLY LTD. Oshewe Danny the Dry Cleaner Says: PICK-UP and DELIVERY 4 Centres to Serve You: @ 434 Simcoe South @ 249 King East @ 16 Bond West = 688 Hortop PICKWICK Cleaners and Dyers once considered cute now get on my nerves. When she used to get mad at me and pout I thought it was darling. Now I'd like to paste her one in the mush and put her lower lip back where it belongs. Last night we were watching TV. I sat through two hours of real junk because she wanted to watch certain shows. Then I said "OK, now I want to see Lassie." She said, '"'That's not a real dog. It's a person in an animal outfit and I don't want to see it." I insisted on getting the channel so she pulled the plug out of the wall and said, "All right, then let's both read." I have never hit a woman in my life but I came close that night. Should I talk to her par- ents?--DUTCH LODGES AND SOCIETIES QUEEN MARY LOBA 97 The first meeting of the year s\for Queen Mary LOBA 97 was held on Wednesday night in the 7|Coronation Orange Temple. The Worthy Mistress Sister June = 1|Goodman was assisted by the =|Deputy Mistress Sister Flor- ence Strank. An invitation from Vimy Ridge LOBA in Whitby was accepted. There will be a bingo at the home of Sister Rose Zufelt, 97 Colborne street east on Wednesday, January 30. The Worthy Mistress requests all members to be present at the next meeing, February 6 at 8 p.m. the adjustment period. Maybe you do a few things which irri. tate her and she retaliates via the boob tube. A professional counselor can provide you with unbiased and useful advice. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a widow 50 years of age who is dating a fine man whose wife died in 1959. He has three chil. dren under 15. The man has asked me to marry him and I have said yes. I'm.not sure now that I can go through with it. The deceased woman's clothes are hanging in the closet. Her personal belong- ings are still in the dresser drawers, The furniture is ex- actly as she left it. There are pictures of her in every room. I love the man and want to marry him but will I feel as if I am living with a ghost? I hesi- tate to express my feelings for fear. of appearing disrespectful to her memory. Please, help. --KATHERINE Dear Katherine: No second wife should move into a home under the conditions you de- scribe. Have a frank talk with your clergyman and ask him to speak to your fiance. HONEST CAL KING ST. £. ot VARCOE'S RD. PHONE 728-9191 Oshawa's Biggest Discounters APPLIANCES & FURNITURE 1/3 cup shortening 1 egg 1% teaspoons vinegar milk 1% teaspoons sugar Sift together flour, salt, Bak. ing soda, baking powder, and 2 tablespoons sugar. Stir in or- ange rind. Cut in shortening. Combine egg, vinegar, and enough milk to make % cup Nq- HOUSEHOLD HINT To freshen velvet garments between wearings, hang them over a steaming tub for half an hour and brush pile upward when dry. TURNIP MEASURE One pound of turnip, when diced and cooked, gives two to 2% cups, or three to four serv- ings. uid, Stir all at once to dry mix- ture. Stir lightly with fork, just enough to moisten all the flour. Knead gently about one-half minute on floured board. Form dough into a round, smooth ball; pat or roll out into an 8-inch "STOVE OIL CALL PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Oshawa, Ontario County Branch ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, February Gth, 1963 8 p.m. at the Y.W.C.A. The Guest Speaker will be MRS. G. C. V. HEWSON President of the Ontario Division Canadian Mental Health Association EVERYONE !S WELCOME round circle, about %%-inch thick. Place on greased baking sheet. Cut into 12 pie-shaped wedges but do not separate wedges from one another.. Brush with milk and sprinkle with 14% teaspoons sugar. Bake | in a 450° F. (very 'hot oven 12 to 15 minutes. Serve hot' with Orange Honey Butter. ORANGE HONEY BUTTER % cup butter ¥% to 1 cup honey teaspoon orange juice a little grated orange rind. Cream butter well. Add honey gradually. Beat thoroughly. Add orange juice and rind to mix- ture and blend thoroughly. Pla ture and blend § thoroughly. Place in refrigerator to firm. This may be made into fancy molds for an added touch of glamor. Put back in refriger- ator till ready to serve. 1 SOCIAL NOTICES -- © thrill to wear, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Har- ris, RR 3, Burketon, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Reta Larraine, to Mr. Murray Roy Birkett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett, Raglan, Ontario. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, February 16, 1963, ENGAGEMENT @r. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown announce the engage- meat of their eldest daughter, Barbara Eleanor, to Mr, Ray- mond Lome Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Harrison, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Friday, Febru- ary 1, 1963, at Westmount United Church, Oshawa. HOUSEHOLD HINT Small lamp shades can serve a useful second life when worn out if they are covered with Paper and used as hat racks glasses, $11.95. Any cost you the one low If the Cory does not happen to be WE U.S. TRADE-MARK REGISTERED on a closet shelf. THE "CORY" CANADA'S MOST POPULAR LADIES' GLASSES The Cory is the latest addition to our line of beoutifully sty frames, The soft-luxurious colors blending from dark to light in the one frame, coupled with the flattering matching stones make it a joy to behold ALL GLASSES ONE PRICE -- $11.95 All glasses sold by King are sold at only the one price for the complete 'ype of frame, any correction that you require will 1.95, 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS! other glasses from the extensive assortment of 65 other styles, shapes and colors, We are sure we can please you. OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND U.S. styled ladies' §=6sQUR =PRICE NOW ONLY SINGLE VISION 11.95 Com with peel ow FS aa 1195 Lenses and Case. your dish-of-tea then you may choose FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND HOURS: MON. TO SAT. WED. TILL 12 NOON SAVE GUERNSEY G0. 2% COSTS 4° LESS! > CONTACT QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OUR ROUTE SALESMAN OR PHONE 728-6241 TODAY! SAVE! In Half-Gallon PURE-PAC THROW-AWAY SAVE! Be Satisfied With Our complete line of SWEET FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS in all package sales. OSHAWA, ONTARIO "...at the Store Or At Your Door!"