Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. MO. 8-8708 BRANCH 112 RCL INSTALLS 1963 OFFICERS Officers for 1963 were in- stalled into office recently at a@ Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 112 general member- ahip meeting, The new execu- tive, shown above, back row, left to right: Merv Dale, Sgt.-at-Anms, T. Mclvor, T. Coulthard, R. Saunders, B, Hayes, B. Barton, Al Price, executive members; M,. Hol- ley, secertary and F. Steft- ler, treasurer. Front row, left to right: Installing Officer Reg Cleater of the RCL Pro- vincial Command; John Mc- Ivor, first vice - president; Robert Adams, president- elect; Ed. Brush, second vice- president; Vern McCanl, David Mar- shall, Branch 112 Padre and president; Rev. W. Robert Buck, Provincial Command service officer. --Photo by Stannett RAPE CASE IN THIRD DAY Crown Calls 2 More Witnesses In Trial Two more Crown witnesses were heard Thursday afternoon in the third day of an Ontario in Supreme Court rape trial, which a 23-year-old Columbus father of two is charged with the rape of a 16-year-old To- ronto high school girl, Cameron Pacey pleaded not guilty to the charge at the open- ing of his trial Tuesday morn- ing. When the trial opened, Crown Attorney W. Bruce Affleck told Mr. Justice D. R. Morand and members of the jury he intend- ed to call 17 Crown witnesses, He has now had 14 of the 17 witnesses take the stand. Two Whitby Detachment, On- tario. Provincial Police officers took the stand Thursday after- noon, after Mr. Affleck and De- office, the previous night, the accused said he' had been in Oshawa with his wife and daughter, visiting in-laws. The acoused, Constable Barton said, told them after leaving the home they were visiting, he stopped at a root beer stand, then at an ice cream stand on the way home. When he arrived at his house, Pacey tald the officers, he help- ed unload the car then stayed at home and went to bed. Constable Barton said during the conversation at the police station, Pacey was asked to re- move his shirt and while doing it, he told them he had a mark on his shoulder where his little daughter had bitten him a couple of days before. He added Pacey told him "'oh no, you'ye gct the wrong guy I was last night." According to the witness, three or four soft drink bottles area of the Pacey car and a full case of beer, still unopened, was found in the trunk. REMOVED SHIRT Back at the detachment of- fice, Opl. Williams said he ask- ed the accused to remove his shirt and as he put his hands up to unbutton it, he put his hand up and touched his right shoulder, Williams said Pacey said then "oh, I have a little mark on my shoulder where my daughter | bit me a couple of BRUISE ON SHOULDER days ago". He said the accused fence Counsel Brian A. Gros-| acconding to the witness there|was never told by anyone the man, of Toronto, angued the ad- missibility of police evidence without the jury being in the courtroom. ARGUMENTS STARTED WEDNESDAY At the completion of counsels' ee an which began Wed- y afternoon and continued pn Abe the Thursday morn- ing sitting and most of the after- noon, His Lordship ruled the evidence admissible, Constable Cyril Barton said he went to the Pacey residence with Opl. Ray Williams Oct. 7, the day following the alleged rape, and there they obtained pr id items of the accused's Constable Barton said he and Cpl, Williams had a search war- rant with them. He éaid Cpl. Williams asked the man who answered the door at the Pacey residence if he was Cameron Pacey. The witness said Opl. Williams| told the accused they were in- ' vestigating the complaint of a young girl who said she had Pickering Township area the previous night and it appeared from their investigation the "finger seem- been raped in the ed to point at him'. Constable search his car. WRONG GUY THIS TIME Then, Constable Barton said, the accused came out of the house and said '"'you've got the wrong guy this time. I can prove where I was last night." The witness said during a con- 's where- abouts back at the detachment versation about Pacey' ---- Barton continued, the accused was told Cpl. Wil- liams and himself were there with a.search warrant to search the house for clothing and tole was a bruise about the size of a silver dollar on the accused's right shoulder, which looked to have been bitten and marks in the bruise appeared to have been made by teeth. He said Pacey was never told in his presence the girl had said. the on the shoulder. Constable Barton told Mr. the same afternoon, between the accused and Cpl. Williams at the door of Pacey residence. He denied having heard Cpl. Pacey "some broad put finger on you". jan investigation into the com- plaint by a young girl ' you", Constable Barton denied hear- ing Cpl. Williams say to the ac- cused. "this is the way it hap- pened", or words to that effect. viewed the accused at his resi- dence Sunday, Oct. 7, at which ameron Pacey and was told the acoused that he was. He said when Pacey was asked if the car parked in the driveway belonged to him, the accused re- plied it did. "I told him we were investi- gating a raps Township the previous night and the investigation has led us pF gg house," Cpl. Williams sai night before that she bit the man, who allegedly raped her, Affleck a line-up was conducted at the detachment office during Under eress-examination by Mr. Grosman, Constable Barton said he heard the conversation the Williams, or anyone else say to the He said he heard words to the effect that 'seemed to indicate the finger pointed to ACCUSED IDENTIFIED SELF . Williams said he inter- time he asked him if he was in Pickering girl said she had bitten the man on the shoulder before he men- tioned the mark, According to the witness, a line-up was conducted following their conversation and following the. line-up, he had a further interview with Pacey. At this point, Mr. Justice Morand called an adjournment, When court opens today, Cpl. Williams will again take the stand to ecamplete his evidence for the Crown and undergo cross-examination by Mr. Gros- man, Drank While Minor Fined $10, Costs An Oshawa youth was fined $10 and costs, or five days, Thursday after he pleaded guilty to a charge of consuming while a minor. Court was told Douglas C, McMullen, of 791 Simcoe street south, was the sole support of his. mother and six brothers and sisters. Town Constable Don Williams told the court McMullen was found sitting in the front seat of a car blocking a driveway near Port Whitby. The officer said McMullen was drunk and thought he was in Oshawa, "He said a friend had driven him to Port Whitby and left ber there," Constable Williams said, Court was told McMullen did not know whose car he was sit- ing in. He is 19, WHITBY PERSONALS Brock Whithy ARLENE FRANCIS, JAMES CAGNEY, PAMELA TIFFIN THSS IS BILLY WILDER. een Evening Shows Start 7 and 9 P.M. Feature Starts 7:15 & 9:40 P.M, Recommended @s Adult Entertainment "4 J HE MADE "THE &'SOME LIKE IT HOT" NOW-HIS BPLOSIVE NEW COMEDY, Miss Mary Debrincat and her |sister, Mrs. Frank Grixti re- |ceived word that their father |passed away in Malta, Their many friends offer their sym. pathy for their great loss. Mrs. Vic Joly and her daugh. ter Danielle, of Roxboro, Que. pel have returned to their |home after spending a few days | visiting at the home of her |sister and brother-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert | Gagnon, Euclid street. Fourth annual Columbus Ball | will be held, Friday, Jan. 18 under the auspices of Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Peterborough Assembly. This event will take place in the Imperial Room of the Empress |Hotel, Peterborough. Attending |from Whitby will be Grand Knight and Mrs. Frank Canzi. Brain, son of Mr. and Mrs.| E. Carmody, celebrated his second birthday, Thursday. \Friends of the family wish Brian many 'happy returns of} 'the day. this time -- I can prove where) jand_ Deputy-reeve were found in the back seat} Development Committee Is Approved Ontario County Council voted Thursday to set up a develop. ment of tourism and industry committee in the County of On- tario committee. Council's action was sparked by urging by Reeve John G. Goodwin, of Whitby Township Brooks, of Whitby, when they urged consideration by council, of industrial problems within the county. The councillors presented a motion calling for considera-| tion by the County Warden to appointing a special committee | on industrial problems, Deputy-reeve Brooks told council the committee could, as a part of its function, find suit- able towns and villages in the county in which small Indus. tries eould locate. Reeve Goodwin pointed but it is now recognized there are spe- cial problems in the County's industrial area. Reeve J.'J. Gibson, of inst! Perry, questioned whether there would be any danger of a com- mittee such as suggested by Councillors Brooks and Good. win overlapping with Industrial Commissions, Chambers of Commerce or Planning Boards in the county. Reeve Anson Gerrow, of Scu- gog Township, suggested such a committee would be of little use to the county. Deputy-reeve John Dryden, of Whitby Township, said the com- mittee would be promotional in| nature and council would do| rT He added | 3. prs 07 vacation and resort business as well as industry would receive! well to support it. support from each County Coun icllor if included in the motion.| Warden J. Sherman Scott sug- gested the proposed committee would be one way of strength- ening the county and nothing could be achieved without some effort. Warden Scott pointed out if County Council is to become a} potent force of government it must look for work in many fields, _ Council approved an amend- ed motion authorizing the change of name in the commit- tee suggested by Councillors Brooks and Goodwin to the de- velopment of tourism and in- dustry committee in the County of Ontario. The amendment was moved by Deputy-reeve Dryden and seconded by Reeve Everett Quantrill, of Whitby. Georg e/},-- Appointment of members to the Warden's special commit. tees was announced at the third day of Ontario County Couneil's first 1963 meeting in Whitby Thursday, Representatives on the Board of Management of the Chil. dren's Aid Society are; Reeve Quantrill of Whitby, Deputy- reeve Francis Hockley, of Scott Township and Deputy - reeve John Dancey, of Brock Town- ship, Agriculture and Reforestation ley, of Ajax trill, B Earl Martyn, Brooks, Labor Relations Chairman, Reeve Harry Smith, Reeve Everett Quan- eeve Russell Reeve J. J. Gibson, Reeve Neil|-- Smith, and Deputy-reeve Alvin Redshaw, of Uxbridge Town- ship, Council Appoints New Committees Separation Agreement with City of Oshawa Chairman, Reeve Reeve Anson Gerrow, Reeve John Goodwin, Reeve Reeve William Gould and Deputy-reeve George Committee Committee Cyril Francis, Mor- Let Off Steam Youth Fined $50 An Oshawa youth who "let off steam" Dec. 30 faced three charges Thursday for doing it. Donald Beebee, 531 Bloor street east, who pleaded guilty to consuming while a minor and to driving without a licence but not guilty to careless driv- ing was given $50 and costs or 10 days and a one year suspend. ed sentence. Magistrate C. W. Guest told the youth he was lucky he wasn't facing a' fourth charge that of stealing a car. Beebee told the court he and some friends borrowed a car from a_ party, without the members are: Chairman, Dep- uty-reeve Walter Holliday, of East Whitby Township, Reeve Orvan Chambers, of Brock Township, Deputy - reeve Mrs. Jean McPherson of Pickering Township, Reeve Chesley Old- ham of Scott Township ong Deputy-reeve John Dryden of Whitby Township. Industry. and Tourism Com- mittee: Reeve John Goodwin, of Whitby Township, Reeve Neil Smith of East Whitby Township, Reeve William Gillespie, of Beaverton Reeve J. J, Gibson, of Port Perry and Deputy-reeve Charles Healy, of Mara Town. ship. County " Matters Committee: Chairman, Reeye Anson Ger- row, of Scugog Township, Reeve William Gould, of Uxbridge, Reeve William Beard, of Can- nington, Deputy-reeve George Brooks, of Whitby and Reeve James Murphy of Mara. Hospital Grants Committee: Chairman, Reeve Cyril Morley, of Pickering Village, Reeve Ambrose MeMillan, of Rama Township, Deputy-reeve Allan Crosier, of Reach Township, Deputy-reeve Stuart Ball, of Uxbridge Township, Deputy- reeve Robert Kenny, of Port Perry and Deputy-reeve Harvey Wescott of Thorah Township. Emergency Measures Organ- ization Committee: Chairman, Population Explosion Is Predicted A population 2xplosion in the Whitby area was forecast by County Assessor Gordon Hep- ditch in his report to County Council Thursday. The report read in part that; Marriages among post war chil: years. In my ypinion we will have to think of supplying ser- in the south end of the county. "As time progresses the urban shadow of Metropolitan dren and immigration will build up population in the next four vices to another 25,000 to 30,000| Toronto will and affect our growth trends". Later Mr. Hepditch said the|W area involved covers from Pic- kering Township in the west, Pickering Village, Ajax, Whitby, Whitby Township to East Whitby) Township, He said the lation of the area 52,000 which meant that 1967 population would be in the' area of 80,000. move eastwards present popu- is about) the| owner's permission and drove it to Whitby for some gasoline. Constable Ken Edwards of the Whithy Town Police told the court Beebee appeared to be 'aiming the tar--and not steer- ing' as he came through Whitby, He said Beebee drove about 40-45 miles an hour and hit a comer after narrowly missing a parked car on Brock street, "When arrested," the officer said, ""Beebee stated 'I wag let- ting oft steam -- doesn't every- Magistrate Guest told Beebee who is 17 he needed some super- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Jenuery 18,1963 § Magistrate C. W. Guest levied a total of $105 in fines with 60) gui days es alternative to seven errant motorists in Whitby Traf- fic Court Thursday. He dismissed only one case, Arnold Hendricks of 802 Henry)! Street got off after his testi- mony about how a collision occurred differed greatly from that of crown witness Gi) Lan- taigne of Toronto. Melvin Mathew Perry of 124 Front street, Whitby, who said he was 69, pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driving, He was fined $50 and costs or 10 days and! asked to give his licenee up voluntarily. He said his eyesight was poor. An Oshawa man was fined a total of $85 and costs or 20 days after Pleading guilty to charges of driving without in- surance, and failing to yield the right of way. Leonard G. Perrin of Oshawa| told the court his insurance ran} out Nov. 14, 1962. He was given|s two weeks to pay, Only. woman on the 'list, was Patricia McCann of 513 Kent vision. He placed him on. pro- bation for one year on the liquor' charge. He was given two weeks to| pay his driving without a licence! jfine while the careless driving! | charge was dismissed, REINDEER CAME Reindeer were first introduced| into North America in the 1880s/ when Alaska's caribou were vir-| tually depleted. GENERAL ELECTRIC SALES & SERVICE Serving Whitby, Qshewea end surrounding area, @ FREE PICK-UP @ FREE DELIVERY Used SKATES|L 1.97 Pair | Plus Your Exchange Reeve Earl Martyn of Reach Township; Reeve Neil Smith of East Whitby, Deputy - reeve Frank Peterson, of Ajax, Dep. uty-reeve Alvin Redshaw, of Uxbridge, Reeve Russell Fran- cis of Thorah, and Reeve Nor- man Hogg of Uxbridge Town- FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed winter, if you trouble-free all 9) "White 7) Rae unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. | purchase DIAL 725-1212 Sportsman's Corner 103 BYRON ST. S. 668-4511 One block west of 4 Corners, turn south. ship. INVENTORY INCREASED Only a Short Time Left to Vacate e BARGAINS GALORE e LADIES' GIRLS' BOYS' "CAR COATS Reg. 29.50 soeciet 12,00 "SKIRT S- s Reg. 5.95 a 55 ON ae ae Now - ONLY F& |. SWearens _ [Rep 5 | ONLY .. Ow WORK (ORK PANTS All Sizes Reg. 5.95 MEN'S SUITS 3, ° to "12.95 DRESS PAN' PANTS ., 7.95 to 8.95 3,95 * 3.49 Reg. 15.95 Sizes 1 to 6 wee SWEATERS Sizes 4 to Reg. FOR . LAMINATED JACKETS 10.95 LEOTARDS oid 1 59 SUITS Reg. 19.95 onty ., 6.05 LINED iNED JEANS Reg. 4.98 2. 69 ONLY . WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Reg. 3.95 1.19 NOW .. "08° RS 14 (Whitby) Led, PHONE 668-2081 | | Independent Sales } Schemes In your Home or in Seven Errant Motorists Pay Fines Totalling $195 street, Whitby, who pleaded © wuillty to a charge of failing to jeld the right of way. She was ined $25 and costs or five days. Fifty-two feet of ello P~1 marks ie Jt tri ie road sant Sails fine for hh Crossen of 336 " Rosedale drive. He yd guilty to careless driving Dee, 6 when his car was smashed up in fields. near Gilbert street. Court was told he left 52 feet of skid marks on the wrong side of the road before crashing. A Brooklin youth, who lost his track-driving job after crashin, in the truck was fined $25 costs or five days on a charge of illegal passing. Richard Thompson pleaded guilty. A rear-end collision Dee. oe cost a Pickering. man $50 costs or 10 days for tenes feo aiyoate pe Robert Fant am 0} eaded guilty to | the charge, idid ater Bp lA ed into the rear of another ear at Whitby's four corners, ieretiine-siteders DECORATING For FREE Advice end Color our Modern Store, Coll... Foy Day or Evening Appointments | DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wellpaper Store 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 ' Your. Friendly C-I-. Desler NT! A Message To The Citizens of Whitby Each year the men who comprise the Whitby Minor Hockey Association, Coaches, Referees, Conveners and Executive Members donate hundreds of hours of their time to the boys of our community, They do this willingly and cheerfully with no thought of financial recompense, In return they ask your support for just ene | night, -- Saturday, Jariuary 26th, "Mino! Hockey Night in Whitby. Tickets are just fifty cents each. You will see three fine hockey games and you could win a beautiful T.V. set. The youngsters are selling the tickets now. We need your support -- please don't let us down, the Managers, Fred Ing President Whitby Miner Hockey Associction. "ISPEGIAL! Reg. 5,95 > 9 49 ONLY Reg. 7 oI ee 49 NOW . "PANTIES 3 'or 1.00 |: NOW 29: 50 ONLY SUEDE EDE JACKETS es Lined PYJAMAS Reg. 4.95 249 12.95 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Extra Large 70 x 90" Sineets Reg. 7.95 onty 4,99 P| ony Whitby Bargain Centre 118 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY @OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. @ Ama zing New ZING! Smooth and Spirited! ZING ziNG ZING ZING January Pre- Inventory MEN'S ALL WOOL ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS Two and three button models REG. TO 65,00 SALE PRICE 45.00 Here's a spirited wine! New inexpensive Zing is versatile and pleasing, Jordan Zing is a dramatic newdrink. Taste it and be convinced! Serve cold, on the rocks or with your favourite mixer...tonic, ginger ale or soda; twist of lemon, lime or cola. Experience its smooth quality. You will be amazed at its light, appealing flavour. JORDAN WZ Switch to Z/VG ! Now available throughout Ontario MEN'S SPORTS COATS three button Continental Styles ie the latest patterns ny 35.00 ALE PRICE 25.00 Men's. finely teilored Weel TOPCOATS also Laminated TOPCOATS Reg, 49.95 end 29.95 SALE PRICES 39.95 i 23.95 During this month we also have terrific values in made-to-measure clothing. Also Storewide 20%: Discount on all Winter Clothing 105 BROCK ST. NORTH "The Store With The Log Front" Dept. Store WHITBY

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