Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jan 1963, p. 4

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Toronto -- Corhet+ Tanmanns 68, a pioneer of professional hockey who played for the Tor- DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | cianiey Cup in 1918 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Jenuary 17, 1963 jeulture' and reforestation from Chairman, Deputy-reeve Geor, Eager 34 Reeve James Mur-|cis Hockley, of Scott Township, a = Standin jstanding status to tha of a|Brooks, of Whitby; Reeve Wil-|phy, of Mara Township; Reeve|for a four-year term and Deputy } special. commitee appointed byjliam Beard, of Camniington;|Alvin Redshaw, of Uxbridge|reeve Norman Hogg, of Ux- the warden. | Reeve Anson Gerrow, of Scugog|and Deputy-reeve Harvey Wes-| bridge, for a four-year term. i\Township; Reeve William Gil-|cott, of Thorah Township. Toronto--John Crump, 78, for- Sixteen OHW Students mm s ' 1 een 14 en tt | 'The new committees are: As-) '°W! ; lespie, of Beaverton; Reeve| Reeve Neil Smith of Hast s Co ] ees jsessment, chairman Deputy- John Goodwin, of Whitby Town- Whitby Township was elected to TOBACCO FROM N.S. mer director and superintende. Mestven J, Brnest Roble Begin Nursin g C areer Ar N d |reeve John Dancey of Brock/ship; Deputy - reeve Charlesja five-year term on the County Halifax (CP) -- About 140/ent of Gooderham and Worts| taille, 85, former superintendent | Township, Reeve Stuart Ball, of|Healy of Mara Township and|Road and Bridges Board as wasjacres of Nova Scotia farmland Limited distillers, of the old Chambly Canal for \Uxbridge Township, --Deputy- Reeve Harry Smith of Ajax. |Reeve Francis Hockley of Thor-|were devoted to growing to-) Hamilton -- Nicola Masi, 80,|9 da director of Na- \reeve John Dryden of Whitby| Finance Committee; Chair- ah for a one year term. bacco in 1962, It has been es-|head of the Masi Travel Agency nage tare hn os ) Sixteen student nurses at On-|there is ao more important goal! 'The second day of the first|TOwnship, Reeve Earl Martyn)man, Reeve William Gould, tional Laboratories Limited and tario Hospital, Whitby, werejin life than to become dedicated) 1963 Ontario County. Council] of Reach Township, Reeve Ches-|Township of Uxbridge; Deputy- accepted into the|to the assistance of mankind, |meeting saw the election of|ley Oldham of Scott Townshipireeve Allan Crosier of Reach New members on the Board|timated that a total of at least|/for 40 years and a found of Management for Fairview|5,000 acres in this province are|the Order of the Sons of ne the pharmaceutical firm of Mtl School of Nursing Wednesday} The world, Father Coates| Standing Committees, and Deputy-reeve Frank Peter- ip: i evening as dedication services|said, needs more love -- love) It also saw the removal of|son of Ajax. aot an fae pres Lodge are, Deputy-reeve Fran-|suitable for growing tobacco. 'of Ontario. let Roux and,Company, for the girls who will form thelof one's neighbor and mor é|the standi itte 1 C inhanie Ci ititee: ' ; : OHW graduating class of 1965|charity towards one's neighbor. the standing committee on agri-! County Property Committee;|Ambrose McMillan, of Rama hb ' F 59 were held. With more love and charity to- ' To these 16 young girls, the|wards one's neighbor in the : | dedication service meant they|world today, the speaker said, ! have successfully passed theirjthere would not be the chaos * ous on oes % uae pe wea --? 1 four-months probation period|there now is in the world. 5 BLOCKS NORTH OF FOUR CORNERS ON HWY. 12 305 BROCK ST. §, WHITBY PLAZA Free Parking--Open Until 9 P.M.--FRIDAY | RED and BLUE | BLADE tb 5g: (JANUARY ) BRAND |ROAST.... wear their caps and will wear|nothing to stand in their way them from now on as they|until they return in the spring ¢c A E E F SHORT RIB ROAST =». 65 STANDING RIB ri leave the hospital today for 18|of 1965 to accept their nursing ROUND STEAK ROAST months to go on affiliation train-| certificates, | ing at the Toronto General Hosp} Each student accepted a tal and the Toronto Hospital for|Gideon Society White New Test- Sick Children. ament from Mrs, Victor Hinkel: | PORTERHOUSE WHITBY P Ib. 89: LAZA PHONE 668-4901 'Proud parents, friends and|man, on behalf of the Gideon) relatives mingled with the 16)/Society's Ladies' Auxiilary. girls' fellow students last night) 'The students were assisted in as the newly accepted School of|the lighting of their lamps by Nursing students each lit their/nursing instructors Mrs. Ellen WE AT DODD & SOUTER will have Florence Nightingale lanterns,|ziykoyic, Mildred Thurber symbolizing, their desire to be- Margaret Svenningsen and Mrs. = a part of the nursing pro-|Carolyn Macdonald, They were @ssion. : jwelcomed into the school by Dr. | Students' dedication services,,W. H. Weber, hospital superin-| bea were at " timejtendent. . : eir capping exercises, marks!' James Sheedy, Reg.N,, an offi- - completion of the first chap-|cjal of the RNAO and a grad-| - in their nursing training,|yate of Whitby's Ontario Hospi-| Miss Helen Whitman, OHW)tal School of Nursing, led the! director of nursing, said last/processional and the Invocation) night. was given by Rev. T, H. Floyd, NATURILIZE GOLD CROSS 1.88 0 10.88 | Now...10.88 BIG REDUCTIONS ON ... WOMEN'S & TEENAGE SNOWBOOTS Miss Whitman told the girls'}OHW Protestant chaplain. Mrs. parents each of them possess|Dianne Mackechnie, president) the qualities required' to make|of the OHW studeat council, led) nurses. To the girls she said,jin the Prayer of Dedication' the next step in their training)which was repeated by the 16) will be longer, interesting and/new students, will have its discouraging mo- "ut, th WHITBY t, the director of nursing poor -- bar yas keep their) goa m: and must remem-) ber they have their '"'big| PERSONALS sisters," the intermediate stu-| : dents to assist them as they|_ Mrs. Ethel Chisolm, of Parry embark upon their chosen pro- Sound, is a visitor at the home fession. of her daughter and son-in-law, Rev. S. Coates, Roman Cath.|Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clairmont, olie chaplain at the hospital,| 206 Cochrane street. She will be told the Class of '65 he did not| returning, to her home in early like the word profession for] February. nurses, but preferred to hear| in ' ' cursing called a vocation. eae oT. bes age yp FR In order to become ajner first birthday today, Friends SSS hos © Gare tr Soar Ste aa dena 2 seed of vocation to help man- happy returns of the day. kind in suffering -- and in| The many friends of Mrs.| death. V. D. Richardson are sorry to "No one," the speaker con-|learn that she is under doctor's tinued, "'has a greater love forjcare. They wish her a prompt) his neighbor than a nurse."' recovery. | | WHITBY SPORTS: By GERRY BLAIR MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT JANUARY 26 That major once-a-year night, formally known as Minor Hockey Night in Whitby, will take place one week from this Saturday night, January 26, with three entertaining minor games on the agenda. This night is held in conjunction with Minor Hockey week in Canada, when emphasis is placed on encouraging parents and friends of minor hockey players to show their appreciation for efforts put forth, gratis, by enthusiastic, dedicated gentlemen. And in this instance, parents of Whitby young fellows participating in the Whitby Minor Hockey | Association, choose colors f should feel obliged to wholeheartediy express their thanks ors ror you or to color for this diligent group, who operate an efficient and con- cientious organization. The act of running a minor hockey body isn't always the easiest of jobs, especially when they are subjected to thoughtless criticisms, not necessarily from the parents. And when you stop and think for a moment, it doesn't re- eee GRANT DODD a Color Stylist from the Flo-Glaze Color Studios in Toronto at our Decor Centre -- Th:rsday, Friday and Satur- scheme your entire house. So please come in and meet our color stylist and let her choose the proper colors for you in paint and wallpaper. HOWARD SOUTER day, January 17th, 18th and 19th to quire much intelligence or fortitude to administer criticism, but it apparently takes unending time to conjure up a word or two of praise or thanks! One definite way these chaps who govern the Whitby Minor hockey have of realizing their attempts to promote minor hockey are appreciated, is by a 'tremendous turnout at their annual "'Night". FIRST GAME AT 6:00 P.M. Three games will be played, next Saturday, January 26, commencing at 6.00 p.m. with Bowmanville Pee Wees opposing Whitby; at 7.00 p.m., Oshawa Midgets tackle Whit- by, and in the finale, at 8.30 p.m, Ajax Bantams meet Whitby. As a special added attraction for the last game, former members of the 1058 world champion Whitby Dunlops, Sid Smith, and Bobby Attersley, will referee this tilt. Tickets for this special evening may be obtained from any player in the Minor hockey assocaition, or any member of the executive. As an extra incentive for the players in their ticket selling, prizes will be awarded to the top sellers. In each bracket, Pee Wee, Bantam, etc., the player sell- ing the most tickets will receive a handsome wrist watch, To the over-all top salesmen will go a sparkling C.C.M, bicycle. Again this year, the admission price will include an opportunity of winning one of the door prizes which are: A General Electric 23" television set, and two Dunlop white- wall tires. During the course of the evening, a special presentation will be made to some gentleman, who was considered to be one of the greatest contributors in all respects, towards minor hockey in Whitby, in recent years. Last season's Minor Hockey Night was well receiver with a good turnout, but executive members are optimistic of an even better attendance next Saturday. GENERALS IN WHITBY TOMORROW NIGHT TOWN AND COUNTY .. . Tomorrow evening in the Whitby Community arena, Oshawa Generals, still with faint hopes of a play-off berth, meet Whitby Dunlops. Generals luced their finest showing last Sunday with a 4-1 triumph of Knob Hill Farms, while Whitby came close to a win here fm Whitby on Tuesday night against the burly Marlboros. . . . Area hockey fans will see both Whitby Dunlops and Oshawa Generals again this Sunday at Maple Leaf Gardens as part of another gala prize-filled afternoon. In the open- ing tilt Generals have the dubious chore of opposing the pace-setting Neil McNeil Maroons, while Dunlops clash with Knob Hill Farms in the second game. Some lucky Leaf fan will win a trip.to New York as guests of Toronto in their next engagement with Rangers. | FULL WALL MURALS - BIG DISCOUNTS } Sunworthy WALLPAPER (READY PASTED) Prloni 9 ¥, PRICE SALE PAINTS AND ENAMELS FOR THIS SALE ONLY DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE WHITBY .-- Won't Forget! GD PAINT IS ON SALE and FOR THIS OCCASION 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH One Block West of The Four Corners Turn South PHONE 668-5862 Open Friday to 9 p.m.

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