s ° " o> és 2 eB P POLED GOLA ILI LL AGED eae eel - one -- CU a i ry gs A parison ee SS capil ss CPV Ty were 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 16, 1963 ms ee By The Canadian Press The death occurred suddenly] _ Zoe set Eaemange--in. 4 at the Kingston General Hospi-|z--oda tot, 'tal, as the result of a car acci- fame 'serie wocetk dent near Enterprise Friday, Dec. 28, of Doris Sigsworth, 300 INDUSTRIALS Humber avenue, Oshawa. ei A daughter of the late Harold; gtock sales High Low s.m. Ch'ge Grant and Ethel Vannest, the/ Abitibi 215 $41 41 Al deceased was born at Odessa|Ackind pr 100 May 10, 1921, logge married Alta Dis 3200 in Kingston Sept. 2, 1942. For the past five years Mrs.|Aic can" " 7100 |Sigsworth had been a resident] Alg 150 of Oshawa where her husband|{!min 1405 has taught first in Central Col-| Argus legiate Institute and then Dr. F. n J. Donevan Collegiate Institute. Previously she had lived at Frankford, Gananoque, Enter- nN prise and Port Credit. She was a devoted member of| Bank Oshawa Free Methodist Church.|8 Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Grant, of Waterloo Lutheran University. Also surviving are one brother, Claude of Wilton and three sis-| Rr ters, Mrs. Nelson Kennedy (Ruby), - Mrs. Adam _ Lyons HS *|(Lila), both of Enterprise and|¢, Mrs. Lavern Snider (Lois), of ¢ Osaka, Japan. CL Fillet mPa lg The funeral service was held pe bse: aa tik : on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1963 frets q . Tuesday,| Hannah Funeral Home, Tam-|< January 15° 1088, Robie Kah Cameron,| worth, to Verona Free Meth- aged five months, beloved son of Earl-| odist Church. Rev. W. McMillan . -- of Oshawa, conepeien -- pare : ice, assisted by Dr. R. B. War- * ren of Kingston and Dr. W. J./ Ww. 9, 9 ' a oe 20h 960 $ ! vt xd w tt 3 3 age mattiitted . 4 $1 13 13 1% BW% 31% + % 00 295 295 295 eer! 16 , d F ae it' 519% 19% 19% + %4|Placei a x T k Ad antage 190 $19% 19% 10% Y, tw ake Vi io 6 48 : 00 ~ ' oe, 8 & oe . TNE Of These Extra Qu: e $15 15 15 -- | Quneton 1500 12% 12% 12% y 56S 00% 24 2% Rio Algom 534 $11% 11% 11% a i Bonus Tapes a Th The + | ROckwin 000 14 4 GA St $4 uw M4 ot your rend customer: oe Lint eo in Steel alk GW 58 6 = ee" a wert min ho oul 300 ne May? RECEIVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH ms 115 1% 18% : 13¢ OFF 32-02. Bo Be a Moon ie es KLEAR LIQUID W porns $11% nie tig West A wis 3339 Sli %7% 11% Tribag PKG. KOTEX REGULAR oF 2 PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 16, 17, 18, 19 Wood J We reserve the right to limit quantities. RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH 2/ Stonehouse of Uxbridge. Inter- 550 99% 9% 9% Woodwd A 225 $17 17% 17% LIBBY 15-0Z. FRUIT COCKTAIL toxcr 2 ms ment was in Harrowsmith Cem- 6 66 Bai ih % % pro 240 39% 9% ae ne aes RECEIVE $4.00 IN NT COFF MAXWELL 10c OFF ery. $14% 14% 14% Page < -| Pallbearers were (honorary) |© aan: $25%¢ asi BsKe ime ie 1 | Sales to 11 a.m: 792,000, : BONUS TAPES WITH INSTA HOUSE © 60%, JAR o Damon Goodberry, Ross|Ci, Pet, tht aa ees ulc 208 350 ERRY PIE fARMHouse == 24-02. 2-LB, of Joseph| Sedore, Jack Marlow and Jim 355 355 355 15 CH FROZEN PKG. NESTLES QUIK deal Aldous; (active) Gordon 2a 400, 480, 480, --8 -- DIVIDENDS : Sf the Atriotnee Petal moe et| Bauder, Cecil Kennedy, Georgé|ces fener ian Sak nn Be a % % LIBBY 15-0Z. é ie 20c OFF = GIANT Sar ite emer rae ik ac\Grant, Atlle Howls, .Willlain|cee ase n 1300 8108 108 308 iy jos3 370 370 370 +8! By THE CANADIAN PRESS BEANS & POR 2c OFF TINS TIDE DETERGENT SIZE apel Friday, Jenuary 18, at 2 p.m./Imeson and Francis Casement. | Coronatn oe Bank of Montreal, common A n WHITE SWAN tn eee FUNERAL OF SEEN Se See se aye i% cents, March 1, record Jan. COLORED TISSU. TWIN PACK CREST TOOTHPASTE bd KILLEN, Randy J: WALLACE G. BATTLE 34000 W% . Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-| 'The funeral setvice for Wal- 12 Midcon Canadian Utilities Ltd., com- TABLERITE WIENERS xc eral Hospital, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1963, 61% -- % % 30 t PKG. Randy James Killen beloved son of|lace G. Battle, 47 Aberdeen % 8h mon 30 cents, March 4, record Mr, and Mrs. James Killen and bro.| street, who died at the Oshawa " --% 28% Feb. 15; 4% per cent pfd. $1.07, HOPPED CHERRY HILL ther of Janice Marie and Brende Lee,|(eneral Hospital Sunday, Jan. * 'eee mtu $30% Ys 5 per cent pfd. $1.25, Feb. 15, BEEF STEAKETTES . LB. Meciotrone" Feeerei Reming at theli3" was held in the Mclntosh- $38% 38% 38% | Pamoil ts record Jan. 31, s ; : 12-02, with memoria] service in the Chapel,| Anderson Funeral Chapel Tues- 200 $10, 10) = 10 Ponder Cochrane - Dunlop Hardwar AR NO. 1 GRADE 3-LB. CELLO Mild CHEESE cuT Thureday, January 17 at it a.m. In| day, Jan. 15 at 2.30 p.m. Faicca ™ de se oe oe oi Lid., Class A 2 cents, Feb. 15, CRISP CARROTS -- ae a Rev. H. A. Mellow, pastor of fo size 178 34 : 5 eae! ; : Fr pe a 500 record Jan, 31, NO. 1 GRADE 3-LB. CELLO LOCKE'S FLORIST |Northminster United Church, en heute Geis tal aa. COOKING ONIONS BAG Funeral arrangements ond /|ment was in Mount Lawn Cem- 55 55 OSS mon 10 cents, March 14, record floral requirements for all |etery. G $20% Feb. 15. RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH ; 300 2-LB. Scedsibne. Pallbearers were Gordon Jar-|¢ aoe 645 45 The Jockey Club Ltd., com: GRADE 'ew EGGS *°vAt Goto F ic PEA POLY OSHAWA SHOPPING | vis, George Perkin, Robert 18 $16 I6ie ine mon three cents, March 15, re- LARGE Daren ep CENTRE Latham, Ira cNaulton, e! aan cor eb. 28; six per cent pfd. GOOD a 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Wiseman and Harry Bartlett. pe 1s . in 97 rig 15 cents, 5% per cent pfd. 13% MARGARINE Te nas. 728-6555 ROBIN KEITH CAMERON 2 983% 83% ry ae April 15, record March Sees HOSPITALITY (THURS., FRI, SAT.) Robin Kah cameron, infantis Se fa * A ! SAUERKRAUT ""*" "*<" ar GERROW FUNERAL son of Earleen and Allan Cam-|Imp $3 4% 43 Ai Kelly, Douglas and Co. Ltd., EACH eron, died suddenly at his SM Bi 103 Class A 6% cents, Feb. 28, re- CHOICE 15-0Z. ' y Ind CHAPEL home, Simcoe street north vit bs cord Feb, 8. TINS Kindness beyond price | (south of Conlin's road), on $6 Bi McIntyre Porcupine Mines APPLES McINTOSH 3-LB. CELLO ae Tuesday, Jan. 15. He was five 405 485 Ltd., common 40 cents, March BA yet within reach of all. rioathe old. i ae oe a' th 6% 1. record Ba 7. G : TABLERITE 6-0Z. 728-6226 The tragic death occurred 3 SK 24 sou 1B 2 | Northwestern Utilities Ltd., SLICED COOKED HAM VAC PACK 390 KING STREET WEST when vomit lodged in the baby's $10% 10% 10% pfd. $1, Feb. 1, record Jan. 17, throat, causing suffocation. $5 155 5% 16 The Royal Bank of Canada He is survived by his parents, ra ee 8 a y sas 8. common 60 cents, March 1, re- IN MEMORIAM [fsters, Denby ana Poulin 'ie te as 3 38 500 yp ica NEW ZEALAND CHOICE was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs, 10% 104 + % : 5 Salada Foods Ltd., common JENKINS -- loving ory 100 16% 1be-- % 3 six cents, March 15, record WHOLE OR HALF In of : Wiliam Jenkins, who pessed awey Jen- Alex Cameron and Mr. and Mrs, 18% 16%--% ¢ Feb, 22. SHORT CUT, uary 16, 1958. Norman McEvers. 37% 37% -- % ¢ ii e = a ux») NET EARNINGS OM 3 2 palvays remembered by Gladys and) A funeral service will be held % United Church. Interment will) 5 yt ox By THE CANADIAN PRESS 1% %| Consolidated Paper Corpora- be at Mount Lawn Cemetery. wan it Gn le a rer oe Dec. 31: Ib. $ ' 967,055, $2.80 a share; MRS. EVA BLACKBURN wf" asas 'sia. tae tase 000 ati 4 "au --t (1961, $15,292,403; $2.58. 0 4% --1 The death of Mrs. Eva Black- $109 103 109 Fencoout 1% 1% 1% ROAST, CHOPS, STEW. _ 6 6 16 burn occurred at the Strathaven|, 2 snd ek 4G 365-3975 375 8 9 Nursing Home, Bowmanville,|) 150 150 150 --1g | Gulf Lead iH ead. Thomson IN Tuesday, Jan. 15. She was in|Mid- WS WS 175 1% 1% 24 A her 82nd year. M mame ant C H 2 Fe8 Sg2atesessede g PY Tae ee 3sige 38 aes 88 BsE8 SeS8syhSkySSSHg8Se 333 os McCAINS FROZEN . at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel JENKINS -- In loving memory of W.| Thursday, Jan. 17, at 2 p.m. and Ys, tes, 7? Paswed away January! +i) he conducted by Rev. R. H. Love, minister of Columbus 33 6258p sess + Loco $144 Uh UK + % 234 23% 23% gh Mrs. Blackburn was born at|N& Dre eigen niles. ot ak 3M oh ag Kerna an & Co. Maple Grove and resided in the 9 400 305 305 305 MEMBERS OF THE Ib. Bowmanville area all her life -- ee TORONTO 'STOCK EXCHANGE ited| Lhere is one brother, Kenneth|#"- pe | She was adherent to the United! Ostier, of Oshawa. Iro 95 | vaherphliies" scoped LINE TORONTO - MONTREAL , Friday, Jan. 18, at 2 The sili rer fill. A memorial service will be , | : 10 LIBBYS FANCY ac OtLOCK--in loving memory of our| Foley, and her husband, Mark/ nm. with Rev. F. G. Ongley, a ; ONTARIO 725-1104 T ear eaaiae nig ee ee rector of St. George's Anglican|reitch 33 153 183 No Stairs To Climb OM A he ; | g are three sons,|Church, officiating. Interment|Lencourt RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, sev88eurges |Farewell Blackburn, Bowman-|will be at Mount Lawn Ceme.|Macassa Se tego LOCK -- In loving memory of a| ville; Walter Blackburn, Don tery. Matatene tf on i HM 4 _--, whol Mills and Wilbur' Blackburn, |sssex------------__-- by brother| Bowmanville and one daughter,| bered IGA family. |Mrs. G. Shackleton, (Bessie), | POLLOCK -- In loving memory of} Bowmanville. There are 15) - dear gs ad who passed away] grandchildren. aee Serr as cf cur loved.onss =| A gga service will be held| But u »|at the Morris Funeral Home,| E le dae, Mima |Bowmanville, Thursday, Jan. 17,| LIBBYS IN TOMATO SAUC Dagvinely remembered by Mom and/ at 2:30 p.m. The services will| -+. FOR _ Distinetion ee ve by the Rev. Chris| r : | QUANTRILL, Harolé G. Ww. -- Jan-/Dugan of Tyrone. Interment : wary 16, 1962. , |will follow in Bowmanville| : Cs ee | Cemetery, +» FOR: . Comfort we ae a From The pallbearers will be Ed-| ward Foley, Ernest Twist, How-! \ 3 | i . ' BERRY 'erett and Eugene and families..ard Cryderman, Ross Allin, | * STR rg Clarence Bell and Hector Sad. * + FOR Savings \ & 4 ER JA CARD OF THANKS" wusena, or * ; YLM BRANTON -- Words MRS, EMIL KANSIKAS | r / to express my deep appreci reggie The memorial service for Mrs. | The BARO 1 GRADE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND a. Geenie Gece ee Emil Kansikas, formerly Julia! ; » NO. 1G ee Gill, Dr; Vollmer, Dr. McLean and Rev. -- Proig ipty who died| i 'anadian Legion 1¢71,Sunday, Jan. 13, at the Oshawa| - Sats se ny and tee] General Hospital in her 73rd| \ Your kindness has been deeply appre.| Year, ~ held at the Arm.) 25-lb Ba elated. trong Funeral Chapel, Tues-| . a . g Mrs. Cecile Brenton.) day Jan, 15, at 2 p.m. j : ' -- Rev. P. L. Feiss, minister of ; Y ausare Sppreciati Grace Lutheran Church, con-; their kindness| ducted yy Miescage Interment | 65 Styles, Shapes and Colors To Choose From , e was at Oshawa Union Ceme. 8 thanks to Saag tery. sie Leese s Now a European-styled frame improved upon and made in North 3 . | America. The "BARON" is @ new type contour bridge frame. Better bate Pallbearers were E. Loto, fitting, requires practically no adjustment; made to fit the hard-to- Complete with Frames, : CALIFORNIA @ Chapman Family.| fy Weiler, E. Boote, J. Mullen, | fit. Featherweight, in beautiful smoke colors, it is the best engineered, Lenses and Case : : McGREGOR -- 1 M. Wirtanen, K. Lindb . most modern and distinctive frame in the optical world, Hie: f ¢ ie aincere thanks and Seovesieten to rele. aly _-- : seabird tives, friends and neighbors, for the) MRS. JOSEPH GALKA, JR. | No Appointment Needed Broken duplicated. Frames re- ff] 3 m4 red, f I hil Gama. Fe, con af te " you wait. Lowest prices! CALIFORNIA -- NO, 1 GRADE General Hospital. Special Gait i ' LARGE SIZE 19° : : amily residence, am- -- : OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS ' Vi i TT for the wonderful Boog Mltoy 4 plain avenue, this morning, in also filled at same prices. Your | ; d CRISP LE UCE HEADS EACH --Mrs. Ruby McGregor.| her 35th year. She had been in -slapralushtelasati colt Mulllsccaeeee | . poor health for the past year. . BIFOCALS A daughter of Martin Ostler LIBBY'S 15-02. ioe. She was the 'former Opticians--Over 3,000.000 Satisfied Customers LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE Shopping Centre Mixed Vegetables TINS 33° arjorie rraine Ostler and was married in St. George's An. 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor COLLEGE HILL IGA CuBeRT STREET, OSHAWA Piles teat ts tenes nice i PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA ertemcs one care" 1 BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA ||| DAVID'S SALTED tun|8t, George's Church. ei Fiagcaf =|] HOPE IGA STORE rorr reany SODA CRACKERS) =: 33° ' # then ' Ke AWA calles testy ts ne ban fthow ai By Be Borg WEDNESDAY TILL 12 NOON quran bemsy «fff DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE sr., osH LOWNEY »}and the late Isabell Ostler, she : was born Nov. 17, 1928, in Ham. U.S. Trade Mark Registered $ 1 / 95 MOTOR CITY IGARITSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA to thank friends neighbors for cards, floral tributes,|ther, and her stepmother, Mrs. | SOUTH END IGA Brock sT. soUTH, WHITBY BRIDGE MIX ba gg 43* and acts of kindness, at 1} F § ; j : % hener, q 5 5 | " " 2 Mites daglans roa pond a Branches In Toronto, -- oon Kitchener, Sudbary, Peterborough Soult Ste. Marie | BECKSTEAD IGA courrice, ONTARIO --John and Grant Sieeworts,|and a son, Joseph, all at home.|