22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jenuery 16, 1963 _ CAMERA ON CAR WILL PHOTOGRAPH BID FOR WORLD'S RECORD ore ae ee ee ee ee ee JET-POWERED Showcase! The attempt to set a world- land speed record will be made in this "Bluebird", a jet-powered showcase of Brit- 4 damage to the base of his skull produced recurring spasms of what he calls '"'cold fear." "I'd shake and prespire. It was pretty unpleasant and for six months I lost the will to work. "The awful thing was I didn't know why I was frightened. When you know why you are efraid you can control your fright. I didn't have that con- | trol." built version of the jet-power- ed vehicle that crashed at 300 MAN WITH MISSION--Bri- tain's Donald Campbell hopes perfectly fit to crack the record of 394.2 mph this spring, on the South Australian salt flats in a re- mph two years ago, when he suffered a skull injury. --(CP Photo) Campbell To Try Now Campbell feels and looks again. He has tested his nerve in a sports car and gets in a lot of flying from a field near his country home in Surrey. Although naturally apprehen- sive about the 5,000 horsepower he'll be driving, Campbell is quietly confident about himself and the car, He often relies on ish engineering skill, built at a cost of £1,500,000, Rear view (right) shows the small cam- era pod mounted on the tail. fin. The camera will, photo- i It guardian instincts--"you get ajsay. But he is kind as well as|94!', funny feeling sometimes'--but| commanding. A newspa stalling communications. has a reputation for avoiding described him as "an organ- unnecessary risks, Ff l izer, a man who must climb the/cess or what he'll do if he After a cautious buildup pines miannaies la ide" Bae" moment of fulfilment/Campbell can't tell you why. the 18-mile salt strip, bird's graph Donald Campbell's bid to exceed the record of 394.2 miles an hour, Ce ed OE OE OOO SEES WOW OS eet 9 ew wt 2 eM INEIES S I EE GY BVI INT. pag ag aay ge One reason may be to emulate his f ir Malcolm Campbell SPORTS BRIEFS died in 1948 after beco: only person to hold the |: water speed records at same when his motorcycle collided with a Canadian army truck, FIRST TRY FAILED When the war ended he and a partner developed a flour- ishing woodworking machinery business and most of Camp- bell's protits went into designs/ce on the water speed record, An atte! with his father's) ; in 1951 but by 1957 a new pure-jet Bluebird was set! @ pace that has yet to be matched, The Australian government has conferred 'national adop- tion" on the attempt this spring and is spending several thou- sand pounds scraping away providing transport and old boat f --(CP Photo) Campbell won't commit him- self about the chances of suc: ' |mounced a house' will defend titles won uary in Miami Bea Fla. Qualifying begins Thursday, Games, will Telegram - Maple Games here Jan, 45 24- old champion run with the Spence twins, Mel and: Mal, and Larry Khan, CARDS SET DATE ST. LOUIS (AP)--The &t. Louls baseball Cardinals said Tuesda ining will be- But} fails. "Let's wait and see," he said. in St, Petersburg, Fla, should come in a blurring eight} seconds as it roars between! electronic markers, Campbell) must repeat the performance in) the opposite direction within the hour, He hopes to push the car well) beyond the 394.2 mph record) set up by Britain's John Cobb in 1947. If he succeeds, and the Americans fail to snap his 1959 water speed record of 260,35 mph, he says, he'll probably retire. | A short, dark man with sharp) blue eyes, he has the restless) energy of a Napoleon, friends 500 MPH On Land By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON (CP) -- Donaldjversion of the vehicle that spun Campbell is a man with ajand crashed at 300 mph in £1,500,000 car and a 500-mile-|/Utah two years ago. It is the an-hour mission, most expensive car ever con- Some time in structed, a. sleek 33-foot Proteus probably in April or May, the/jet-powered showcase .contain- 41-year-old Briton will scorch|ing the latest and best in British across a measured mile of/engineering. South Australian salt flats in an} Miraculously Campbell es- the spring, His car, Bluebird, is a rebuilt} attempt on the world land speed|caped from the crumpled cock- record. water record. He already holds the|pit after the Utah crash with BULL'S WOOL and OAKUM! Oshawo. That was an old time expression for suits made from doubtful materials but Johnston's suits are made from the best of English worsteds. Why not invest in quality at Johnston's /2 Yearly Sale that starts on Thursday, January 17th, 8 Simcoe St. N., ZELLER'S| RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS SCATTER MATS 18" x 30" NON-SKID "RAINBOW" & "'TWEED" effects. -- OT: Viscose, with non-skid "Latex" back- eevee ing. 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Truck men know every part of a GMC Is engineered and bullt to work with every other part--you get true truck value in a GMC, For every truck need, see your GMC dealer. There's "EXTRA VALUE" in every GMC Trock! Be SURE TO WATCH "THE TOMMY AMBROSE SHOW" AND "OUR MAN HIGGINS" ON THE CBC NETWORK AND "THE DICK POWELL SHOW" ON CFTO TV. CHECK LOCAL LISTINGS for TIME end CHANNEL. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 723-4364 H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK 103 DUNDAS EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-5846 LTD., | Stretch Your Dollar At GLECOFF 174 Ritson $, Open Daily till 10 P.M. FREE DELIVERY FREE PARKING ToDay: citkiermes © .~3.09 FRESH BREAD 9 2i0m39° CHEESE SLICES 28 DOG FOOD 29° MATCHES 21° KERNEL CORN 3 '<< 39° MARGARINE 4. 95° FIRST GRADE With Meet Order of 3.00 or over (4 th. 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