Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jan 1963, p. 8

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acorn <n ae nee = i See + lm oe tote ee eee ee re ree COSTUMED CAROLLERS PRESERVE OLD UKRAINIAN CUSTOM An ancient custom of the Ukrainian people is the wel- coming of the New Year with the visit of the Malanka to the homes. Seen here isa group of Malanka caroilers from the St. John's Ukra'nian Greek Orthodox Sisterhood, who visited many homes in the neighborhood on Sunday with greetings of goodwill. --Oshawa Times Photo Ri ial I ET OS a ae Ucmen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 | 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 15, 1963 The highlight of the January meeting of the Federation of French - Canadian Women was the viewing of color slides taken by the Reverend N. J. Gignac during a European tour and his sojourn in Our Lady of Lourdes Sanctuary. The speaker explained in de- tail the construction of the Grotto and a good explanation was also given of different miracles that happened fre- quently in the holy place. World Travel Theme of Meeting Held By Kinettes The Kinette Club of Oshawa held its January .general meet- ing at the Sandalwood Restau- rant with the president, Mrs. Gordon Garrison presiding. The theme of the evening was "World Travel', with the din- ing room and head table suitably decorated with wooden shoes, jetliners and travel post- ers. The chairman, Mrs. Monty Cranfield, introduced the world travellers, Mrs. Ted Thomson, Washington; Mrs. Boris Melch, Panama; Mrs. George Russell, Veneuela; Mrs. Ronald Wilson, Italy; Mrs. Tom Russell, Ger. many; Mrs. Gordon Garrison, Scandinavia; and Mrs. Hans Haagmans, Holland. Each trav- eller, in turn, escorted her fel- low Kinettes on an interesting descriptive tour of the country which she had visited. Mrs. Rob- ert Fry concluded the "tour" with a short history of the City of Oshawa. Winners of the draw were UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES "The piety of the people, the fervor of the pilgrims, the spon- taneous devotion is what makes of this pilgrimage area the best known tuary of the Virgin NORTH COURTICE H-S ASSOC. North Courtice Home and School held their last meeting of the year with Mrs. Thomas} Gladman presiding. The min- utes were read by Mrs. Charles Archer with Mrs. Barrie John- ston giving the treasurer's re- port. Room counts were won by Mrs. Harold Teirs from the north school and Mrs. Lenor Hoar from the Highway School. Mrs, Gladman introduced Miss Reva Teirs, well known pianist, who rendered a series of mu- sical selections on the piano. Mrs. Edward Warburton gave a reading, followed by the Maple Grove Quartet, consist- ing of Mrs. Lenor Hoar and daughter Diane, Mrs., Gordon Beech and daughter Bonnie, singing several numbers, ac- companied on the piano by Miss Teirs, Novelty gifts were ex- changed and refreshments were served by the executive. Open House will be held Tues- day, January 22, at 7.30 p.m. *lfor parents only. Interviews will be held at that time for Grades 3 to 7 followed by a film demonstration. Fred Malloy. This party is in the appreciation of the hus- band's help with catering. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Steven Artym and Mrs. Edward Brookham. The next meeting to be at the home of Mrs. E. J. Black, 112 Oshawa boulevard north, MARY ELLIOTT MC The Mary Elliott Mission Cir- cle of First Baptist Church held its monthly meeting in the home of Mrs. Edgar Anderson, The president, Mrs. Richard Brit- ton, presided. Mrs. Harold Parrott read the scripture lesson for the devo- tional period and Mrs. Britton gave a reading, also giving a report of the Girls' Home in the Maritimes, Mrs. Walter Nickerson gave the highlights of the monthly Link and Visitor. Next month's meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Ed win Pearson, Adelaide avenue street east. The topic 'Our Wit- ness in Western Canada" will be arranged by Mrs. Amgus Barton. The meeting closed with Mrs. Ralph Hopson offering "| son, taken by Mrs. Norris Conboy on the theme "The New Year' Scripture was read by Mrs. El- don Little followed by prayer and hymn singing. An inspira- tional reading "One Solitary Life' was given by Mrs, Don- ald Cowle. Business consisted of the ap- pointing of a new social con- vener, "Mrs. Cecil Simmons" replacing Mrs. Eric Dunham who has accepted the social convenership for the whole UCW along with Mrs. Charles Archer. It was decided to begin the use of systematic giving en- velopes in the unit for the com- ing year. Several future project were suggested and will be taken to the UCW executive meeting for discussion by the president. The meeting was brought to a close with a "Thought for Today" by Mrs. Bruce John- and refreshments served by Mrs. Norris Conboy and Mrs. Don Cowle. The next monthly meeting will be held on Monday evening Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. 'one was were} Mary", he said. He also ex- ',|plained why this manifold devo- tion brought so many miracles and hoped that this devotion spread more and more in the world. Father Gignac, parish priest of St. Mary of the Peoplen also showed pictures of the official opening of the rectory, Every- pleased to recog- nize each other in the pictures of the open house and to re-live unforgettable moments. It was also interesting to note the changes that have taken place in so little iime. Picture-Story Of Lourdes Shrine Highlight Of New Year Meeting The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Lucien Chamberland, the president, who emphasizised his unselfishness, . stating that Father Gignac was always ready to help at any cost and that his self-denial was the trade mark that had made him known to everyone in Oshawa. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Adrien Carriere The minutes were read by Mrs. Yvan Gilbert and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Alcide Leclerc. The chairman of the social committee, Mrs. Roland - croix, reported that she had sent two get-well cards to sick members, Mrs. Yvon Leger, chairman of the welfare com- mittee supplied a layette to a needy family of the parish and appealed to the members for more clothing, new or used, for distribution. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Wellie Rickard and Mrs. Yvan Gilbert served tea, pre- pared by executive members. KEEP DEATHS DOWN The 1962 infant mortality rate in the United States was only slightly above the record low in 1961 of 25.3 per 1,000 live births, Pictured is Mrs. John Kietz, convener of the Ladies' Civi- tan 'Night of Cards', being held at Hillsdale Manor on February 7, at 8.00 p.m. The proceeds will go toward chari- table organizations. --Oshawa Times Photo New Executive For Naomi Branch At i Janae meso: mi Branch of the/A wan cna Memorial Church, held their January meeting in the church recently. The annual reports were given by Mrs. Clare re McCullough for the secretary; Mrs. Edwin Roberts, treasurer; Mrs. Bransby Cook, dorcas; Mrs. James Howard, educational sec- retary; Mrs. William. Broad- bent, parish | council; James Parson, press secre- tary; Mrs. Russell Dougherty, Living Message; Mrs. F. A. Mc- Ilveen, bulletin secretary and Mrs. Murdie MacLeod, hostess) convener, There will be a joint study group with the Dorcas branch on January 22. The Naomi group will again day, February 26. The new executive for 1963 are as follows: Honorary presi- dent, Mrs. H. D. 'Cleverdon; president, . Mrs. rence; __ vice-president, Robert Galpin; recording sec- tary, Mrs. Edward Davies; corres , Mrsf ag _ A. ig secretary, - wreasurer, Powell; press etary, Mrs, James Parsons, education- vener, phone committee, 'Mrs, Gordon . Donald Mrs.| Dona' The officers will be installed at the 11.00 a.m. service on January 27. Refreshments were Mrs. William B: William Ashman, Bellingham and Mrs pert CENTRE | ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! ; "725-3531. t PPPS SS SSS TSS SS Dusen A series of Old Fashioned values starring top quality merchandise and featur- ing wonderfully low Walk- er prices. Watch for the next exciting episode ! Mrs. Jack Riseborough, Mrs. Archie Hubert and Mrs. Richard Bowers. During the business session, reports by the committee chair- men confirmed highly success- ful results in each project under- taken by the Kinettes. Mrs. Steven Dy! advised that the Kinettes have supplied an- other coffee urn for use in the Kinsmen Community Centre. It was decided a pot luck sup- per would be held, with co- chairmen Mrs. Donald Cullen and Mrs. Lewis Ripley appoint- ed to formulate the plans. The evening's entertainment was ably arranged by Mrs. Monty Cranfield and her com- bara of Mrs. Robert Fry, Mrs. and Mrs. Hans prayer. The hostess served re- freshments assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Rice. JOY UNIT, COURTICE UCW The Joy Unit of Courtice, UCW held its first meeting of 1963 at the home of Mrs. Eric Dunham. President, Mrs. Bruce John eS oe. | son, opened the meeting with the singing of the UCW theme hymn, followed by the reading of the minutes by Mrs. Donald Cowle and and opening year treasurer's report by Mrs. Alec TO Ansus-Graypon CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. . 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING ke Specially-Priced 1 Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday MARGARET HAMILTO GROUP " ANTI-SMOKING VANCOUVER (CP) -- Five thousand students entered an essay contest here on the haz- ards of smoking and 33 won prizes, First prize went to Tris) 'ALL WINTER HATS VY PRICE RACK OF DRESSES TO CLEAR Reg. to 25.00 $10.00 Edna Ann Hats OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Store Hours: 9:30 to 6:00 -- Open Friday Night The January meeting of the Margaret Hamilton Group of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Edward Brookham, with the president, Mrs. Charles Corne- leus, presiding. The Reverend D. P. Allen opened the meeting with pray- er and a talk on The Presbyter- ian Church World Wide and the Missionary Work of the Church. Mrs. Donald MacDonald read the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Fred Malloy. Business was discussed with the Bake Sale planned for Feb- Tuary 21 at the Motor City Bowl- ing Alley and a rummage sale January 30 at the Canadian Re- creation Association. A night of fun for the group was planned and to be held Jan. 19 at the home of Mrs. Clearance of Men's Brand Name SPORT SHIRTS sii jet Long sleeved sport shirts in a wide selec- tion of washable first quality fabrics. All popular styles in choice of patterns. S.M. mi Re hates Values $5 to $6 Outstanding Values on Men's r POLO SHIRTS 2 A Sa es ep dose tgredong for ; er in both plain and fancy knits. ran- or 2.29 each 3.95 value Garden. The devotional period was ' * ® & ' ' ' ' SS . ' "STOVE OIL L PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 Our experts will clean your carpets in your home or in our, ieee LODGES AND SOCIETIES BETA SIGMA PHI (PHI PHI CHAPTER) The first meeting of 1963 of Beta Sigma Phi, Phi Phi Chap- ter, was held at the home of Miss Judy Reeson, Churchill crescent. President, Miss Margaret Russell, opened the meeting, and. treasurer, Miss Maureen Comerford, called the roll and read the treasurer's report. Final plans were made and discussed for the annual Blue aad Silver Bail which will be held on February 2 from 9 p.m. till 1 a.m. with Charles Coch- rane and orchestra. Prizes and favors will be given away and the highlight of the evening will be the crowning of the Valen- tine Queen. The sorority has offered vol- untary services to any or all teed washable. Short sleeved style with agra stays. Assorted colors. S.M. sizes. First Quality Overmakes MEN'S SOCKS Choose from both stretchy and regular types in different fabrics. Both plain shades and fancy patterns in the group. Sizes 10% to 12. ¢ First Come--First Served--Limited Quantities Only! . 3 $1 to 150 values ed te ete a 33 ONLY! POPEYE PRESTO PAINTS 12 Colors Reg. 2.98 6 ONLY! BRIDE DOLLS Beautifully Packaged PRICES. SLASHED! REDUCED ! BARGAINS GALORE! TERRIFIC VALUES ! Tremendous Savings on Specially Priced BLOUSES SLIMS SHOP EARLY LIMITED QUANTITIES 24 ONLY! Pyjama Bag SEWING KIT Poodle Reg. 3.29 26 ONLY! PLUSH TOYS Vp) PRICE The choosing of new Rose Buddies was done for the new year. The cultural program on "Am I Intellectually Competent?" was given by Miss Stella Smarz and Miss Margaret Russell. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Joan El- Hott, Cadillac avenus south, Variety to choose from EARLY WESTERN TRAIN Vinyl Rubber Reg. 3.49 BLACKBOARDS 24" x 18" 16 ONLY! Young Doctor & Medic Kits Reg. 4.89 and 4.39 .. 15 ONLY! Aluminum Christmas Trees 54" high, tripod stand Reg. 6.50 PLASTIC PUSH BROOMS 12" Nylon bristle Yellow, red or blue Short sleeved blouses in plain and fancy styles. Choose from white or pastel colors in a variety of fabrics. Sizes 3 to 14. 148 to 2.98 values Assorted lined corduroy and cordana slims, plus some suedine in the group. Green, blue or red to fit 3 - 6X sizes. 1,98 value Here's Where You'll Find Them ! BAKING SET Complete With Pie Plates, Cake Plates and Cake Mixes. Reg. 3.98 SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS Interest on daily balance, redeemable ANY time Minimum Deposit $5,000.00 GUARANTY TRUST $2 KING ST, E. 728-1653 5S ONLY! Diaper Bag & Feeding Set Complete Kit Reg. 3.29 SWAN <> HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SPONGE MOPS With polished metal squeezer UW/ALKER'S ete) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 SI I La eT NE PRO ta Poti Pole

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