Aim Safety Drive At Rural -- The annual rare, tbe Ontario County fety Council by te bee oe 2 Ottion Srment of Agric feeals. Projects carried out. du 1962 were reviewed. These rie ects included educational meet: of on Farm and Home safety, 'arm and Home Safety Post- Competition with rural school gy total of 340 safety posters ne submitted; 4-H Automotive and Farm Safe- Club; ge ll of Farm ctor and ment Flags. Distribution of coklet "Farm Implements on Ontario's High- ways" and distribution of Farm Safety Posters. Harold Drivers op Medical Services, number of Townships in County. and a the The projects planned for 1063 will be similar to those carried out in 1962. It is hoped that the Farm and Home Safety Poster -| Co: tion with public school pupils can be re-organized in the near future. The election of officers for 1963 resulted as follows: honor- ary chairmen, Larry Doble, RR 3, Uxbridge; Norman Lehman, RR 2, Claremont, Chairman, Mrs. Walter Car- ruthers, Uxbridge, RR 1; vice- chairman, Norman Smith, Ux- bridge, RR 3; secretary, Lynn Fair, Uxbridge; treasurer, Gor- don Ewen, Uxbridge, RR 1. Only one accident Br in the Bowmanville OPP district last night. There were no in- juries reported, Mark Kaphis of 297 Front street, Belleville, went out of control Ontario County will attend the A. Brown, RR 1, Locust Hill; Ralph Veitch, RR 4, Uxbridge. Car Strikes Ditch At Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Police say a car driven by and struck the ditch on Highway 2, about half a mile west of the CPR overhead bridge. Gamebridge; lock, Atherley Auditor, Raiph Veitch, RR 4, Uxbridge. The following delegates from George Gowan- Provincial Farm Safety Rally at the OAC, Guelph on Feb. 4, 5, and 6: Mrs. Walter Car: ruthers, RR 1, Uxbridge and Gordon Ewen, RR 1, Uxbridge, Alternate Delegates, Mrs. W, BOWMANVILLE. -- The an- nual meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital was held recently the Board Room, The ponelaest, S. McMurter declared all rere closed and asked Mrs. T, McLaughlin to preside for the annual meeting and election of officers, The secretary, Mrs. H. Saun- ders, in her report, said nine regular meetings were held with an average attendance of 22. During the year a member- ship tea was held in February, the bootee project was discon- tinued and a Birthday Tea was held in March, Mrs. Directors, Anson Gerrow, RR MRS, A. L. HOOEY in} pital. and four executive The nual Auvilia ronto in Oct Hospital Aux. Names Officers District eight was held in April with the auxiliary as hostesses. A library cart was donated to the auxiliary for use in the hos This was given by Mrs. Mary Stapley and A. Birk of Montreal in ty of their mother, Mrs. W The 50th anniversary dinner was celebrated in September, Two delegates attended 'the an- convention in To-| ai er with a carload going for one day. Lunch was served at the hospital annual staff party. Cheques were pre- sented to the Hospital Board to pay for the furnishings of the chronic floor and the television for the day room. corresponding secreta: The regional conference of'Mrs, J. Cuddahee, reported . H, Birk. I ge ty tre ogi ff Pad ee hag Ot og yeep csi ihe diialiinadti tet tall cards, 22 letters, two floral ar- rangements, one plant and two/for gifts were sent, leaving a bal- ~-- $19. ing Commitee and they pr C2 at ommittee and the: a television, two r: lamps, cards, and a board for the pet oe Mrs. J. O'Neill reported fo playing, Mrs, A, L, Hooey rt for the elope a eqs for $1,000, the treasurer's show- ing total recei; and expenses the savings account $734.20. ts or sid, all reports. M. the marathon bridge committee|® and $398 was turned in for the ear, This season there are four adies and two mixed groups nted the an shop, showing total receipts $4,108 : The gt shop is open twice daily operates with volunteer com, At the end of the year the presented to the aux- Mrs, R, G. Cowie submitted 107.34, 11,132.60 and in Mrs, Earl brag seconded L, Roenigk is to ee din be contacted to audit the books} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jenuery 15, 1963 7 1963, "hire, J. O'Neill presented the new Constitution for 4 An amendment was made to theip. Constitution that the word "Htos-|B » radon. ticLa be deleted, Mrs, L. T. cLa made a that members who «have elven outstanding service to the uxiliary be honored and the length of time will be decided at the February meeting. NEW OFFICERS Mrs. D, Smith presented the slate of officers for 1963: Past president, Mrs, L, C, Mason; president, Mrs. 8. Me Murter; first vice -. president, Mrs, Wm. Rudell; second vice- president, Mrs, J. ¥ Nest; re cording secretary, Mrs. J. dahee; converging secretary, Mrs. L. Ayre; treasurer, Mrs, R. G, Cowie; buying committee, Mrs. D, Smith and Mrs, Hy Lake; finance, Mrs, Wm. Rudell, Mrs, R, Simpson, Mrs, B, Heavysage; ; gift shop, Mrs, A. L, Hooey, Mrs. B. Mitchell, Mrs Mrs. i 4, "Dell on| Mrs 'oud. were welcomed, E, Thompson, Mrs. L. C. Mason. eS es Marathon V, Hoar and membe! . Cawker, Mrs. 00! Lake, View T. Rehder; layette, the| Mrs. ie Sylvester; executive, M H. Storey, Mrs, L. T, wh of Library cart, Mrs, H, Anfossi; | gift tea, Mrs, J, J, Brown; nominat- ing a ag Mrs, J. Cudda- hee, C. Mason and Mrs. W. C. Cawke for the regular meeting Mrs, McMurter thanked the members for the honor of being .|president, Three new members Mrs, H, 'Ane fossi, Mrs, E E, Rundle and Mrs, R. Spry. A letter was read from the PN do favors Gentes for patleals sd t the heap tal, Mrs, McMurter took the chair fi the members for | and tec she. Saat SE en ee The Newcastle Girl "ne D Club left ene Ne Oe torium of Trinity United February 1, regular BR psy m, chairman of the Hospital Board thanking the auxiliary for fur- nishings for the chronic ward. A letter was ved: fr the hospital GOOD POTHOLDER 'The quilted lining from a dis- 'om|carded jacket makes an administrator ideal padding for potholders. winter -- Wright, Department of agueaitere! Revinstene OAC, dressed we : Morrison Col- man Smith, RR 3, Uxbridge; Ted Lamb, RR 4, Port Perry; Donna Johnson, RR 4, Ux- way Safety" this year, since more farm people were killed ; Mrs. A. Brown, RR Provincial Farm Safety Council last year in highway accidents than in accidents on the farm bridge; 1, Locust Hill; 4 Sg Walter Car-| would emphasize "Rural High- The Ontario County Farm a Y UE ee MILLIUM 'INSULATED AND QUILTED see NOW SEPARATE "FORMULAS COMPOUNDED EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUNG SKIN OR AGING SKIN For Skin Age 28 Plus ACTIVE _ MOISTURIZER Helps to retain the cleat moist freshnens of youth, tS =4 TS paAo ss nasynt 7 OAMERSAL ITERATION PICTURE | Ro / dashing DOORS OPEN AT 6 P.M, § BILTMOR : With 1,000 Reg. Staples A9 De Luxe Model B38 For Skin ne 45 Plus CUP OF YOUTH An exclusive iiond of pr: me soning ene % + EESERSES l 1-Ib. Reg. .59 Reg. 49 $2! ALARM CLOCK CHANTICLEER es. 2.98 | 98 nes hey Vo f 6 VACUUM BOTTLE fone 66° 39 ss. 30 65° REVERY HEATING PAD 4% 330 REVERY 75°|HOT WATER BOTTLE ' 66° 65°/THERMOMETER 'tam *% *1,00 1-MINUTE $$ G2° FLASHLIGHT wruscere strom 1% 94.92 epegens 2=s2. MULTIPLE VITAMIN GAPSULES LANOLIN «== oe 74-02, Reg. 59¢ "Time" on your hands? Take the look away With... Helena Rubinstein's FAST ESTROGENIC |wnt = HORMONE. |WILDROOT CREAM OIL «x HAND LOTION MUM DEODORANT CREA OMLIGHEL wou nrors rm 197 CLEARASIL OINTMENT 79°/NATL BRUSHES on.2s 19° PAROL-AGAR Winn tan =m *LI9'pLASTIC BOOT TRAY '3 59° CURAD PLASTIC STRIPS * 65¢ ruvry "98 PON L Big ARISTOCRAT OS OO RE ee TING PAD 26 16° JERGEN'S LOTION wt 79*|---- 5oe|WRITING PAD . 10 29 ENVELOPES Eve Keeps dentures in place Reg. 1.13 Secs TAM & ivy We, lace McLean, Udney; Gordon} Ewen, RR 1, Uxbridge. Committee Members -- Mac Christie, RR 4, Port Perry; John + |E. Power, Whitby; Heber Down, Brooklin; Clarence Werry, RR) Safety Council was supported fi-|1, Oshawa; Clarence Hewitt, RR} nancially in 1962 by grants from 3 Beaverton; Ches. Oldham, the Province of Ontario, the On-|Zephyr; Ivan Rennie, Black:| . tario County Federation of -|water; Tom Harrison, RR 2, S VES you MON EY HS culture, the Ontario County Co-'Beaverton; Grant Windatt,| A WA, 1A MAX FACTOR BEAUTY«AEXCLUSIVE DRUGS-COSME : Ics- SUNDRIES "99° 65°|NBSORBENT COTTON -- ..'s | P00 COOCOANUT SHAM - wes S" 1STAPLER SET 32° . 1.39 80-oz, Reg. 2.59 yyy PEROXIDE 1% xs wie 182 Peper aa | Exolusioely MAX FACTOR -|WINSUM LOTION Helena Rubinstein LOOKING SKIN... | 2 BIG WEEKS 7" ECIAL SAVING 5! JAN. 12 to 26 AS.A. TABLETS: "99° 65*/ABSO ate 12 nes O90 | OVEN M ee WILK OF MANES, == 99 eran PARFINOL ™veru. "u 9° $1 72|\HAIR DRYER neg. 15.95 ese 16° STUDENT'S DESK LAMP. 2.63 : |SACCHARIN ta ton tne ae ee aq:|BOWLING BAGS -- sim 8s ss sary me x| TAMBLYN FLOOR WAX 39° =p aA BRUSHES ue an "108 SPECIAL VALUES |ywn LIMITED QUANTITY - ORDER NOW! KEEP A YOUTHFUL SAVINGS TO YOU! 6 we sh Oe SPD oe teen 2s _BOREUEBREES.. 33g5 Ty as eas" Value 7.50 New Only 4. 20 ULTRA. FEMININE CREAM FEATURE DAILY AT .. . 1:40-- 3:35 -- 5:35 -- 7:40 -- 9:45 KID FINISH LETTER Size LETTER a Reg. 1,19 SS ge a a = 16° es LINEN Reg. .15 Reg. 79 DE VILBISS VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER FINEST EGG CREME SHAMPOO malt 16-0z. Reg. 2.00 | PLASTIC TRAVELLER 5.4-0z. Reg. 1.00 SPECIAL "1. SPECIAL 50c 3% STAYTRIM CARLTON HAIR CLIPPER ALL-IN-ONE Reg. .98 GIFT WRAP 49% -- 2 ron 9BE Reg. .29 FOUNTAIN 2 rox 29 ODO-RO-NO SYRINGE "eat "1.74 SNOW BRUSHES. Reg. 23 TOOTH BRUSH «2%. '3 IRONING BOARD COVER "x TAMBLYN Compare Our Prices On. PRESCRIPTIONS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728 - 510] Reg, 25¢ a FOR 33c HALLMARK BATH SALTS BUBBLE BATH fer Batnating Baths 3b. Plictim Bag Reg. 69 Ea. adhe HOW...ADD A MOTION PICTURE TO THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD! 'a te HAROLD HECHT TARAS BULBA $10 WARAMAKER BRAD DEXTER GUY ROLFE PERRY LOPEZ wacrety Winds Soot eee Se Lest Tbdirom OULD Het pasion EASTMANCOLOR ox ] FEATURE TIMES: 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:10 - 7:15 - 9:25 NOW PLAYING STORE NEAR YOU DEODORANT SPRAY mui 75¢ FILMS ie Tite 3 1.20 6 KING ST. EAST 723-3143 PHONE 723-2843