seo m oy See 3 Te a eee ne eed nr Girne he Sa arg et . ee pg OES SS eye ve SrOwras we ve JANUARY a le ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Specially Priced Items From Every Department @ WATCHES @ RINGS @ LAMPS @ JEWELLERY @ CHINAWARE SAVINGS FROM 20% TO 50% Basrsetty> Oshawa Shopping Centre : . 1 Simcoe Street South DON'T MISS IT !! Semi-Annual DOLLAR SALE ONE DOLLAR GET AAAAAA to C ANOTHER PAIR a) Oe ale OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE * stainless by International i in the levaly. 'NEW DAWN' pattern _% WT styted te reflect casual elegance - d carefr livin only, +r on ee 9 * 24 Piece Service for 6 on : nude | oe attractively gift boxed te SIMPLICITY' stainiess FAMOUS AND TRADITIONAL by International yi W™ ROGERS x * SILVERPLATE oo+sCANADA'S xx ™ bi BEST J j SILVERPLATE te VALUE....c00 X 'SWEEP' or 'SILVERY MIST' et patterns vi 42 Piece Service for 8 te Including Lovely Drawer Chest Sweep hk xk Ne peolishing--No pompering ? Simple beauty thet cores for itself. * * Superior Stainless in 'NIGHT SKY' or 'TRIUMPH' x Patterns... * Smert, modern patterns thot ore as proctical as they are beoutiful In lovely gift package *32 Piece Service for 8 i> 1847 ROGERS BROS. eoceee Set @ gorgeous table tonight and let Internationel STERLING - with the beauty that lives forever| With your cheice of 'International Sterling' comes the complete @ssurance that you have the 4. sterling silver to cherish for a lifetime of pleasure Y (4d) GALLERY TRAY -» SERVING ., ACCESSORIES A wettatree ideal additions te PLATTER any table settiig An extremely useful ond practical serving dish. {b) ENTREE DISH Plotter is footed A double vegetable dish to protect thet con be vsed as @ covered dish or os two serving dishes table surfaces. The upright borders (c)GRAVY SET on these trays make Wonderful for serving meet them perfect for and vegetable souces etc. serving drinks but Boot is attoched like most troys have to plate for easier handling mony serviceoble uses the 'gleam' of silverplate reflect your good taste! Lovely drawer chest available 'SINCERITY' for ONLY $19.94 TEASPOONS "eS (Dessert size) x >>