eas BN ROWE ENERO IES 29----Autemobliies For Sale |29-----Automobiles For Sale Quality Special $59. Hilltop Auto Sales, King Before 27--Real Estate For Sale METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 GREENWOOD HEIGHTS $700 down ---- new 5 room bungalow rea for ' occu- poncy. All sized rooms ~-- large lot, 1 N.H.A, mort- goge for balance, Close to school, shopping etc. Call this office now for appoint- ment to inspect. MELROSE AVE. : One block south of King St. At NICOLS E, --- New homes being built In Whitby THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, Jenvary 15, 1963 . 5 32--Articles For Sale B. F. GOODRICH Stoves -- Tires, bab 26--Reooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale Two bed - BOOMS, sitting ao 27--Real Estate For Sole HORTOP STREET $10,900 -- $10,900 3. Bedroom brick home, separate dining room. Good size living room, Toxes of $225 Hy R ble down pay This is a wonderful this price, in this top tion. Telephone 725-1186 W. T, LAMSON Real Estate 2 = all' Church Group : Holds Meeting, By MRS, HARRY sig ii i Street West, 728-1238. 1957 BELAIR Chevrokt, automatic, radio, a3 condition. Best offer. Tele- phone LET room, yet ied a irl Call 725-7100" g Saieabie B : Seth Somer, room, one-storey, v 1 gg 04 furnace, garage. us sea | » Kelvinator vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. tor custom, in the ELMER'S Furniture and Erich © Biber Bast, Baa Dominion 'Tire, 48 Bond 1 Mn Ba : 198) DODGE, new plates, good motors|BTORE for rent, 1982 Poatiae, pow wis each, . $118 Whitby oreales eaaees, days, Dr SAE EP RI Ee MONARCH convertible, re-built / 5... » ew brakes, tires, Boat tid ncaa 1956 BUICK convertible, power! Price | EeAsmiae Take over payments, After 5 7125-6084. fy Es ag close to 'bus Newt LA f i iif} g if i ot al BE ' : s SE 3 s fi H 2 i & i ll MOVE IN IMMEDIATELY FOR $690 DOWN BRAND NEW Includes complete interior decorating. All rooms better thon average size. Double windows with screens, Forced heating oil unit. Close to Stevenson's Road. CASTLE HOMES 2 5 5g < 4 '1 i f i ; i i [ ii i = 28-7377 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER DUPLEX $16,500 A real good investment for some person who would like a beoutiful opartment with : fireplace plus recreation room CHEV! -Air, new paint foam accessories. Good motor, $600, 668-4632. 1958 +=BUICK, four door, automatic,| power steering, snow tired, mileage 19,000, Telephone 723-9167. ot cat fae map Interior, me- tion, numerous extras, $945. Will ac- trade. 128-0504, 1954 OLDSMOBILE, white, customised, | radio, » motor rebuilt, new tires, Guide Realty | LIMITED =--s REALTORS 16 Simcoe St, S. 723-1121 NEW 5 ROOM BRICK HOME ~--Good size living room, 3 bedrooms, tiled kitchen, al- in this choice residential area. The price of $14,300 includes a Hollywood kitchen, carport, storms, screens, storm doors etc. Down ent floot shidt. Whitby, 668-4068, etc., $1,244, Balance on 1 N.H.A. : mortgage. 0 ib CLEREORS Ee cic Teal | 1 eee deo bundy ike, Senet BUILDNG LOT FOUR DOOR STATION, |phoue 'Wednesday "and 'Monday, before of Oshowe Times Classified Ads. ond double garage. This prop- erty is only ten yeors old and in good condition. Owner will ider all offers. Hurry ' Q27--Real Estate For Sale to Dr, Phillips School, 4 bed- rooms, lafge living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook, brick garage, terrace, paved driveway. Phone 728-0376. No agents. for this one. Call Bill Johns- ton 728-1066 or 728-5123. WARREN AVENUE $9,900 FULL PRICE Five room brick home with uminum doors and windows, Excellent location, close to schools and transportation. Good terms, Vendor will carry our mortgage. 7 ROOM--2 STOREY BRICK HOME -- Excellent location, close to bus and school, few blocks from downtown. Quiet residential district. TELEPHONE 725-1156 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY IN_A MEDALLION HOME GUIDE REALTY Limited Realtors 723-1121 63 ft. by 115 ft. -- in o good residential orea with oll prepaid services, includ- Ing curb and paved street. Asking $4,500. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 28--Real Estate Wanted WAGON White and blue with blue interior fully equipped. der, $850 cash. iby, 5 \y 4 p.m, other days 9-8 p.m, 726-0651, 1958 CHEVROLET four door, @ cylin- Telephone évenings, $1795 1959 PONTIAC, Strato-Chief, six, auto- matic tri 728-8348. 1961 FORD Two door, six cylinder, white with red interior, fully equip- inite! Tel 723-5555 or 728-7913, AR) 1953 CADILLAC, Coupe de Ville, def- ly A-1_ condition it, $500.) 1968 CHEVROLET BelAir sedan, auto- the Good ~ ROSEDALE AND MARY STREETS -- two - bedroom matic tr » new job, brick bougalow, livin: condit ACHANCEIN A LIFETIME! tcenange now duoien or house's Osie| Ped with low mileage. ur Street be-|Frone foom and 'dining room, with natura! wit dedroom, Large double garage, phone 728-5972, ith one Tele- SIX-ROOM brick house, in good condi- tion, hot water heating. heme, Garage. Apply 321 King Bast. 728-0194. Ideal income Street LOVELY duplex in prestige area, fire- place, recrea TAKING ORDERS FOR 3- Bedroom Brick Bungalow INCLUDES LOT $10,950 $10,950 AS LOW AS $85 Includes Interest - Principal - Taxes. SEE OUR MODEL CASTLE HOMES TELEPHONE 725-1186 Live Better Electrically In A Medallion Home garage, many extros, $1,500 down will buy this home, Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345 $13,900 RESALE N.H.A. Six room ranch brick bungo- low with dining room near Rossland Rd. ond Gibbons. Nicely landscapped lot, Storm windows and doors. Just o reasonable down payment ond only $74 monthly plus toxes, Hurry call Irwin Cruik- shanks ot 728-5205 or 728- 5123. TRADE YOUR HOME ON THIS 5-BEDROOM HOME Close to all schools and shopping, good size rooms, wood ponelled recreation room, oil heat. Very modern, lot 75' x 150', real family home, Lot of living here, make an inspection by call- ing Bill Horner ot 728-5123 or 728-2236 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO. OPEN EVERY EVENING. NORTHWEST New five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom, decorated with dish- washer, garborator, natural stone front, sodded and many other features. JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 | BUILDER'S OPPORTUNITY-- House with 358 ft. frontage, enough for 6 lots. Sewer and water, close to schools. Home is 10 years old. Apartment in basement rented for $60. Must be sold, owner leaving the city. 7 ROOM INCOME HOME -- 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, very well clean brick home, Close to schools and transportation. Good terms--one open mort- gage -- Vendor take back. GROCERY STORE -- And 6- room modern apartment. Well established business in good crea. Very good turnover $60,000. Building in excel- lent condition. Good modern equipment. NEW FOUR BEDROOM RUG BRICK RANCHER -- With attached garage. Hot water oil heating. All mahogany trim. Basement roughed In for extra bathroom. ASH ST., $12,900---6 room, 2-storey brick in excellent condition, Call now to inspect and give us on offer on this fine home, INCOME HOME ON CHRIS- TIE ST. -- Two apartments with separate entrances and meters, two driveways, large gerage, $140 a month iIn- come. Immediate possession. 3 YEAR OLD DUPLEX .-- 12 rooms, 3 bedrooms in each unit, All aluminum storms and screens, 2 separate drive- woys. Fenced yard, Excellent buy. Must be sold. Inspect today and make an offer. For Full Particulars Call 723-1121 Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. becouse the owner is leaving the city, an dhe has author- ized us to reduce the price of this six room, seven-year- old ranch brick bungalow, to $11,700, Four - piece tiled bathréom, finished recreation room with two-piece wash- room, forced air oil heating, storms, screens ond TV cerial. Nicely landscaped and fenced yard. Act quickly on this gen- ulne bargain. Call Steve Zurba. 723-1121 PATRICK G. McDANIEL REAL ESTATE BROKER WHITBY 668-2311 4.3 acre site on Dundas East hwy 2). Two frontages, -- Dundos frontage zoned Commercial. Seven - room house ond garage. Good mot- ps or used car and apartment ite, HILLCREST DRIVE: 3-bed- room dwelling with an attach- ed garage. is is a good family home with many ex- tras. Close to Schools and on a quiet street, L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. . SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTORS 43 PARK ROAD SOUTH N.H.A, RESALE " in and relax in this fully decor- ere bt move © & relax on ly decor: immediate ated, clean ond modem, 5 room, ick bungalow, even the basement floors and walls painted, owner tronsferred, forces sale, $1,400. down gives possession, call Tony Siblock 725-8761 LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? 6 room bungalow completed in every respect including a 4 room basement apartment, home obout 8 years ©! widow Is willing to sacrifice, asking only $1 owner now & Id, 3,900. with $2,000. down, call Sid Martyn 723-9810. NORTH CENTRAL foom family home with gorage, hot water heating by oil, new evetroughs, an excellent lo- cation and reo! value at $9,500. with $1,000 down, possession weeks, coll Tony Siblock 725-8761. luminum storms ond screen: LIMITED REALTORS Over a Quarter Century of | Continuous and Reliable MASSON STREET $12,900 large _ two-storey brick home locoted on this lovely, quiet street, six large rooms, newly decorated, new oil furnace. Landscaped lot 50' x 133'. An excellent buy with terms, Phone Bill Mc- Feeters, daytime 723-2265, evenings 725-1726. NEEDED 3 HANDYMEN ESTATE SALE We are open to offers on these 3 properties. 9 Room 1V-storey, price $6,000.00. & Room 1¥-storey, List List JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. OFFICE HRS. (9 A.M, to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES | ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD FULL PRICE $6,200, Locoted in the heart of town, two storey six rooms, four bedrooms each one a fair size. Full basement oi! heot- ing, dead en dstreet good for children, wil Itake low down payment. Call Mr. Ratcliffe ot 725-6544. EXECUTIVE'S HOME 4-BEDROOM Only 4 yrs. old, 2 car at. tached gorage, 3 rooms, finished rec room, clean home, beautifully landscap- ed, located on Mohawk St. = be Bod call Jack Ap- Pp at 6544 - +119 or 723 LINDEN COURT New and different semi-split level with walk out to patio, oil heat, featuring large kit- chen plus dining room, storms and screens, Low down payment $13,700, Full price 6¥%2%. morgtoge. Call Mr. Gower for full information exchange new duple: Office Box 22, Oshawa. Listings Invited Real Estate Department IGUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada 32 King Street East | | } { | | 728-1653 AFTER HOURS Telephone Bill Collins 668-8716 x or house in Osh- awa, Please send information to Post | 1960 MORRIS vai Telephone Whitby, 668-2582. good shape, $528. "BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPECIAL BUY 1946 GM.C. Tow Truck, 3 ton, heavy winch, can be financed. ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Bowmanville 623-5756 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill a Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 1958 | INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL - ALL STATION WAGON, gleaming block with chrome bumpers, 24- 000 miles. Ideal merchants' delivery von or tradesman's equipment truck. $1095 Bill Whittick Motors Ltd. 146 Brock St. North Telephone 668-4741 668-4741 ond 668-4025 __ $1895 1960 CHEVROLETS 1987 PONTIAC V 6, automatic with condition, Apply 148 | wit radio. In excellent Brock street east after 6 p.m, 1958 CHEVROLET hardtop, V-8 auto-| with very good condition, radio matic, w 5 alls, For particulars call after 6 even- ings ; Six cylinder, one-owner, low mileage cors. Two to choose from. $1695 $1895 1960 VOLKSWAGEN A real economy car. | $1095 cars for paid. 725-1161, 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Highest tices wrecking. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens pald off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N.; WHITBY 668-8001 1959. CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR STATION WA- GON. Golden beige, fully equipped. $1695 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5874 after chairs, tel Lag club scale, man- bag. Apply 514 Bulsite| SELL the extra TV set you aren't wang and have extra 92 today to start Classified ad that brings you cash buy: ers in a hurry. cash instead. Dial the inexpensive STUDENTS A super value, } mately 630 sheets of letter size paper (news print) for only $1.00, Ap ly Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 11 Dundas Street West. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all_makes.| Snow. Free estimates, Parts, and Your 1959 PONTIAC 31--Automobile Repair Six cylinder, four door se- don, wine and beige, gray ond wine Interior. $1595 1958 VOLKSWAGEN HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION _ BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL. REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 A reol money saver. 32--~Articles For Sale HONEST Cai's Name counts anywhere, Restonic Beverley mattress furniture lnes,|ented by i » oO vi 4) 9.30 - 9,30, Furniture and brands at biggest We carry GE dealer, Contact 12 i Open. hours daily, SELLING furniture? We'll . » washers, $895 1958 CHEVROLETS and PONTIACS FOUR TO CHOOSE FROM Automatic and standard shift. $1095 $1295 SPECTACULAR savings son's January rockers, $28.63; five kitchen suites, $27.63; clear out baby chrome of all 1962 model Se raase ec GUN (id antique) wanted. Also Telephone 8. 725-8183, Oshawa, RECONDITIONED se - machines, | +} Kinas, Singers, others, B16 Oshawa | Biya up. ¥v Simeooe 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR 'HARDTOP, fully equipped. This car must be seen to be oppreciated 1956 FORD TWO DOOR SEDAN, white with green interior, fully equipped. $695 PAINT SALE Stock clearance of quality interior wall paint and ena- mel ot low discount prices for one week only. : Bathe and McLellan 81 KING WEST, OSHAWA for [cilyge eh hs Chair, coe Frias eft to, the 1955 FORD TWO. DOOR, jet bleck, duc! exhaust, chrome heads. 3695 Half-Ton PICK-UP 1950 CHEVROLET with good motor. $145 Vacuum Cleaners Used, good condition, less type Used Filter $25 Queen's from $50 Warning Protect your Filter Queen Warranty! Unauthorized re- pairs void your guarantee, Ex- clusive Sales and Service for Ontario and Durham Coun- ties. _ FILTER QUEEN Tr WE buy, sell and ex used fu ture or anything Cong oll The 'ty vading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street! South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. All Oil Burner Service Free and purchase "White Rose" unl- fined furnace oil from WESTERN OIL CO. DIAL 725-1212 FREE jaranteed if you TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guar- anteed, One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent Ht H ; i : BE i 3 iF : 5 ae Fe -, TT H F price $6,200.00, 5 Room 2-storey, List ° $7,300.00. " Make an appointment to see the 3 les. properties, Must be sold, Call Les Hall, daytime ates, evenings 728- CLOSE TO EVERYTHING OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: If you are looking for a ot 725-6544, HOWE & PETERS Realtors -- 725-4701 67 King St. East 29--Automobiles For Sale 1986 CADILLAC coup de Val, hardtop, white, one owner car, Interior, meeh- anical and body in showroom condi- tion, Numerous extras, $1300, Will ae- cept trade. Telephone 726-6504, '1960 PLYMOUTH Savoy, very good oon- dition, Vi tranemission 8, automatic 6 Take over payments, Telephone 728-6879 after 6, SALES (OSHAWA) 728-7552 ~ 323 KING STREET WEST BUY NOW AND SAVE! Boats; Grew-Crulsers, Tra- veler, Mason, O.M.C., Larson.. Motors; Evinrude, Volvo- and buy. PREMIER TELEVISION 339% Simece St. South 725-6457 COMMERCIAL CORNER ft. and a depth In part 120 ft., other part 277 ft. von ee jon, property now on Estate to be sold. Call Sid 810. 1958 PLYMOUTH TWO DOOR SEDAN, V-8 engine, stick shift; new li- eense vlotes $895 1956 PLYMOUTH Remove Ice with Calcium Chloride Rock Salt or Sand from BATHE & McLELLAN |" variety of building lots, reo! volue ot winter locat! 9) good now for Spring building, call office 723-9810 or 1988 FORD coach, motor excellent, new WHY LOOK ELSEWHERE 2 ont tires, og seat covers, $125. NOR or : 967 FOUR door Meteor down, new 3 bedroom bunga- E 4 opel Eg i : I I Hf ba 8 i i Hf ' t ie if i ii t bi} 7 tf used by, 668-5481. BUY, eell or exchange used furniture and appliances. What have you? Goold 215 Dundas East, Whit- 4 Sire. Toms, Mo 62372, aewsprint paper in convenient 100 ft. rolls, suitabie for picnic tables, at the Circula- i ete, Fitting|tion Department, Oshawa Times. Te per roll. Whitby's only fuel dealer carrying a complete line of FUEL "Blue Coal' in various sizes, Semet - Solway Coke, Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. Briquettes ond Charcoal Hardwood and Softwood Slabs. Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock St. South 668-3524 Whitby CULTURE STUDIO of HAIR STYLING JAN. 15--FEB. 15 SPECIAL Have your hair permed and return next week for Free Setting. Telephone Mickey Scott ¢ 668-3151 228 BROCK ST. NORTH large family home in a fine residentio| orea, be sure to see this home at once. IF YOU DON'T YOU'LL BE SORRY -- 8-room brick, see home with 5 bedrooms, bathrooms, family size dining room, huge kitchen loaded with cupboards, Full price only $16,000. with $5,000. down AND BALANCE ON A ONE OPEN MORTGAGE. Get busy now coll Bill McFeeters, daytime 723-2265, evenings 725-1726. | A LOVELY BUNGALOW FOR SOMEONE who wants on extra good bungalow just 5 yeors old, all in imma- culate condition inside ond out. ALL THE WORK HAS BEEN DONE. Feotures in- clude a lovely living room, 3 good-size , a very modern kitchen tiled beth- room, extra large yard is enclosed with white picket fence and h lorge shade trees, and landscap- ed. Paved drive. PRICED AT ONLY $12,950. Reasonable , owner will hold one _ terms, OPEN MORTGAGE FOR BAL- ANCE. Phone Les Holl, day- time 723-2265, evenings 728-5513 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Custom Built Homes in Beau Valley Governor Mansion Apts., 110 Park Road North 360 King Street West-- Free Porking low with built-in stvoe ond oven, fully decorated, col- ored bathroom fixtures, $12- 850.00. For further inform- ation call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. 4 BEDROOM brick, 2 bath rooms, storms and screens, washer ond dryer included. 5¥%2% N.H.A. mortgage, situated on a nicely land- scaped lot 75 x 150 ft, Call Ron Drapak at 725-4701. RANCH HOME OF DISTINC- TION -- 6 rooms, stone fire- place built-in china cabinet, 4 piece both with vanity end mirror, lazy susan, 29 ft. stone planter, heated gar- ge and paved drive, profes- sionally landscaped, close to all schools, ing and bus line. Call Joe Crawford, Bow- monville 623-3672. INCOME HOME -- Central location, excellent income re- turn, 4 opartments, hot water heat with oil. Asking $13,- 900.00 with terms. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. COURTICE -- $9,500.00. 5- room bungalow, forced air with oil furnace, garage and workshop, large lot. Don't be too late for this one. Call Bob Johnson ot 728-2548. RESTAURANT business sale, 2 to frorn seating for 41 people, exce!- fent central. location. Call Ron Hetherington 623-5212 at the Bowmanville office for an appointment. for matic, $65 or best offer. Telephone after 6. 723-1387 Renault--Peugeout AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A, SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 _14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S$. WHITBY -- 668-4291 Cars bought and 'sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S,, Oshawa 728-0921 V-8 engine, automatic, black with red interior. Penta. MARINE STORAGE $595 1955 BUICK TWO DOOR HARDTOP, fully equipped. $595 1955 CHEVROLET Needs body and motor work. $175 OVER 40 CARS FOR YOUR SELECTION $10 DOWN TERMS TO SUIT YOU NICOLS Motor Sales Ltd 512 BROCK STREET NORTH Ya MILE FROM 4 CORNERS & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT. 655-3641 ~ INQUIRE About Our CASH and CARRY PRICES McCULLOUGH'S BUILDING SUPPLIES 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (West Side) 728-4688 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture ond appliances. your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-440} or call at the store 16% Bond W. For FUEL OIL--COAL OIL FURNACES 24 D 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 Day and Night HOUR SERVICE IXON'S ~ SENSATIONAL INTERIOR BIRCH AND MAHOGANY SLAB DOORS Complete with flock sets, hinges, door stop, trimmed on both sides and frame completely assembled. A rec room bargain at only $14.95 Ya PRICE BEAVER LUMBER WHITBY 668-8001 Co. Ltd. 419 DUNDAS E WHITBY 668-5818 Ss Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex- change, for 10 years. and Used. Largest assortment in town, DRAYTON CYCLE 204 BOND STREET EAST KATES New 34--Lost And Found HOUND, dark colored jost Sstarday vicinity of Blackstock, , . W. tattooed in ear. Telephone 725-9212 col- has B, H, W. 35--Legal without Gallant, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my mame on or after this date, my » 2 written Charles Street, Bob BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD, Sam D €1 King West, Oshawa For free delivery call 725-476) 'tmas law, Dr. e ; and holly, Clee Presumed Drowned Taken In Custody KIRKLAND LAKE (CP)--A former Royal Canadian Kf : petty officer and a woman, presumed drowned in Lake On- tario Aug, 6, have been taken into custody here. Police said Russel Falshaw, 30, of Hamilton and rgaret Faye Johnston, 21, of --a laboratory technician at a Hamilton hespital--have been living in Kirkland Lake since a sports car and clothes bearing their identities were found,on a lonely beach near Bronte, Ont. Falshaw, married and father of four children, will be taken back to the naval base at Ham- ilton to face desertion charges. Miss Johnston was placed in -- of her parents who ar- vi Sunday. Teck Police Constable Peter Delenardo ized Johnston age g oe is. sued when the couple peared. iw ce by anyone Jamuary 15, 1963, consent, Roy BIG AUTO DRIVE -- TI will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my mame by anyone on or after this date, Tuesday, January 1 1963, without my consent. Ansell, Ch written Britain's motor industry in- creased its export valnés by . ore than 10 times between ie and in