A rf | i t This sturdy young man is John Mark, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoskin, RR 1, Oshawa, and grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall Knipe, Oshawa and Mr. MARK Little Theatre Presents Play At Woodcrest H&S Woodcrest Home and School Association presented at the first meeting for 1963, a pro- gram on Mental Health. Mrs, Roy Mercer introduced the Oshawa Little Theatre play- ers who presented the one-act play "Fresh Variable Winds" under 'the direction Mrs. Jotn Crook. The players were Mrs, Marjorie Robertson, Mr. Ted Farrow, Geoffrey Crook, Catherine Robertson, Mrs. Gwen O'Regan. Mrs. Leonard Brash express- ed the ya of all pres- ent, to' the players, for an en- oe + mg performance. s s. Sidney Gedge introduced Dr. C. H. Jackson, psychologist of the Oshawa Mental Health Clinic who commented on the play which dealt with the be- haviour and discipline prob- lems in children. A question and answer period followed. Mrs. Glynn Pearse thanked Dr. Jackson. Mrs. D. J. Pugh presided dur- ing the business meeting. Mrs. / |Thomas Broadbent read a note Archie Hoskin, Bowmanville. His great-grandparents are Mrs. John Knipe, Campbell's Bay, Quebec and Mr. Rich- ard Hoskin, Oshawa. --Aldsworth Photography 1 ANN LANDERS » or the TV. «According to her, « know--neither does April, Prolonged Mourning An Unhealthy Sign Dear Ann Landers: I'm a girl 18 who is writing this letter in behalf of myself and my 17- year-old brother. Our father died three months go. He was a fine man and we loved and respected him. For two months after his death we didn't go anyplace except to school, to church, and to the cemetery with Mom. We didn't turn on the radio or the hi-fi Now, both my brother and I Want to date, and get active in school affairs again. Mom says we are biaspheming our fa- ther's memory by even thinking about respect for the deceased. mourning should lat one full year. She om head to foot ene, plans to do so in- Are we wrong to feel as we| @o? Please print this letter and advice. Talking to Mother no good. -- RESPECTFUL BUT LIVING Dear Respectful: Prolonged Mourning is unhealthy and it serves no useful purpose. Teen- agers should not be expected to exclude themselves from school @ctivities and isolate them- ing clearly these days. Dear Ann Landers: In a re- cent column you told a woman she was sappy as a maple tree April. 1 Up here in Wisconsin the le trees get sappy in Feb- . I thought you might like know. Thank you.--COLE- MAN, WIS. READER | Dear Reader: 1 appreciate the information, but February doesn't rhyme with maple. I but it's a lot closer. Dear Ann Landers: Is it pos- sible for a woman who has had two marriage failures to make a.go of it with a man who has never been married? At age 17 I jumped into one of those war marriages--impe- tuous, crazy, -- everybody was doing it. When he came home three years later we had noth- ing in common. After seven months of no communication we were divorced. The following year I married) a man who seemed devoted and kind. He told me his wife had died of cancer and he was rais- ing their two little girls. He turned out to be a sadist and a liar. I learned his wife had com- mitted suicide. When he beat the youngest girl with an ap- voree, I asked for, and got the Oiee I've met a real man. He dis my age (40), and .s the ndest person I've ever own. He loves the girls and Blue Jay: You have al good understanding of why your two previous marriages failed. HOUSEHOLD HINT For a delicious and unusual salad, stuff pear halves with turkey or chicken salad, with cottage cheese or with a mix- | ture of deviled ham and grated! today in king many per- fumes, particuarly oriental fra- of thanks from Mrs. L. M. Wil son for the many cards of con- gratulations received prior to her marriage. Mrs. Sidney Gedge reported on the Home and School Council meeting held in December. The February meeting will be convened by Mrs, Sidney Gedge, Family Life chairman, Lieut; Col. F. S. Wotton will be guest speaker. Refreshments were served by the grade mothers of Miss Charlene Flath's Grade 4 and ie The fact that you seem preoc- cupied with the happiness of your friend rather than your own happiness is also an en- couraging signal. And, too, none of the elements which contri- buted to the failures seem pres- ent in this relationship. If the man wants to marry you, with full knowledge of your assistant social convener, Mrs. R McKelvie. The room count was won by Miss Flath's grade. The family skating night is to take place on January 26, try to attend and make this family fun night a success. WIFE PRESERVER Rub zipper tracks occasional- past, I say go ahead, Girl, and good luck. ly with a stick of wax to keep them working smoothly. Perfect for hearty appetites sharpened by the cooler weather is fried chicken with a deli- cious gravy, creamy. and smooth made with better-blend- ing evaporated milk. This re- cipe makes four servings. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES HUMORESQUE CLUB The Humoresque Club of the Blind held a business meeting on Thursday evening at the Ca- nadian Recreation Association building with Miss Pat McCon- nell presiding. The meeting was opened by the singing of the club song and a bible verse for the blind, The roll was called and several members were absent due to illness. The secretary, Mrs, James McConnell, read the minutes and correspondence, A treasury report was given by Mrs. Charles Lovell. Plans were made for the club birthday party on Thursday Jan. 4.. The material for White Cane Week February 3. to 9 had ar- rived and was given out. The members have collected $25 in pennies and nickels for the Overseas Blind Fund. After the meeting refresh- ments were served by Lionettes, Mrs. Rufus Lambert and Mrs. 'Jack Anderson. 2 er ee Ny ey = Ne et gee ae lege THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, January 15, 1963 2 ot a elite Aaa Serve Vegetable Cream Gravy With Crisply-Fried Chicken 3-lb. broiler4ryer chicken, cut in pieces 1% cups undiluted evaporated milk Y cup. flour % teaspoon salt ¥ teaspoon pepper ¥ teaspoon celery salt ¥% teaspoon onion powder one-third cup shortening Place chicken pieces in large bowl, Cover with undiluted evaporated milk and allow to stand for one hour. Drain thor- oughly; reserve remaining milk for gravy. Combine flour and seasonings. Coat chicken with easoned flour. Brown chicken well on all sides in hot shorten- ing, Cover and cook over low heat 30 to 35 minutes, Drain on absorbent paper. Reserve % cup drippings. for gravy, recipe given below T prepare Vegetable Cream Gravy: Fry % cup chopped onion in reserved % cup chicken drip- pings until tender. Blend in % cup flour. Gradually add % cup water and 1% cups reserved evaporated milk, stirring con- stantly. Add 1 can (8 ounces) undrained peas and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Season to taste Textured Accessories Give Stylish Elegance By ELEANOR ROSS The colder the weather the more we want our homes to look warm as well as be warm ~which accounts for the rich, textured look in home acces- sories. There are several delightful items along these lines in stores just now. One newcomer is the shower curtain made of a quilted plas- tic that looks smart and color- ful. It's printed with large, col- orful hollyhocks to give an ef- fect nothing less than splendid. the|lated embroidery could almost sories, the same rich look pre- vails even in everyday appoint- ments, & New plastic place mats are foam-backed, which means that |they look important and also cu- sound. The surface is tex- tured like linen and its simu- pass for real. "It's wonderful that such ele- gance should be available at reasonable cost and that a few will keep these table mats applications with a sudsy ies JANUARY CLEARANCE If your child needs a new outfit next year the time to get it is now. 20% Savings on All Coats and snowsuits and dresses, Bargain prices on many other items. Come in all this week, tw Evelyn Shop. 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-1221 This is one shower curtain you will not let get dingy from drip- Pings and splashes, because you would want it to glow in all its splendor all the e. BEDROOM ELEGANCE More of the elegant mood ap- pears for the bedroom, with new spreads that copy ancient damask museum pieces and have the added advantage of be- ing pre-shrunk, lint - free and washable. Two-color tones aré. used in this beautiful, textured fabric, al blend of rayon and cotten which gives the spreads enough body to hang well and not to wrinkle easily. bj sang EASILY ven though we are already used to living with a host of beautiful washables, we were a bit surprised to find that this lush fabric really washes so easily. Turning to dining table acces- HIGH BIRTURATE COLD LAKE, Alta. (CP) -- This RCAF station 150 miles northeast of Edmonton has had a continuing population "'explo- sion" in the last seven years. Current birthrate for the cum- munity of 6,500 is 15 a month. In the last seven years 1,300 babies have been born at the base, with salt and pepper. PAINTS ALEXANDRA TORONTO (CP) -- British ar- tist John Ward has been com- missioned by the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada to paint a por- trait of Princess Alexandra, the regiment's Colonel-in-Chief. ANU AL CLEARANCE ALL ITEMS PRICED TO CLEAR SA SALE STARTS «7 THUR. 9 a.m. SHOWER ENCLOSURES keg. $49.50 ALL ASSEMBLED -- READY TO INSTALL BATHROOM FIXTURES Soap Dishes -- Towel Bars -- etc., etc. GOING AT '% PRICE CHROME Regular Value $4.95 29.95 Underslung Counter or Shelf NOSING In 12-Ft, Lengths Only SALE PRICE Per 12-Ft. Genuine " Gold Seal" CONGOLEUM 9-Ft. Widths Only 10 patterns to choose from Reg. 1.15 per sq. yd. now 89. PRINTED LINOLEUM HEAVY GAUGE LINOLEUM TILES GREY HANDICRAFT PATTERN 13¢ each NOW 83a 12-ft. Wide Sq. Yd. Per 99c Clearing Clearing 1 Only ! RED WOOD DESIGN 4" PURE VINYL COVE BASE 242" PURE VINYL COVE BASE PREFORMED FORMICA COUNTER TOP 11 FEET LONG ONLY HUNDREDS OF YARDS -- FIRST QUALITY ARPET REMNANTS HALF PRICE FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED MANY OTHER ITEMS GOING AT CLEAR - OUT PRICES ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. Floor Covering 80 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Headquarters PHONE 728-6218 | || | ing as fresh as new. 5100 Trade-In Allowance ON THIS 1963 ADMIRAL 23" Custom Lowboy THE REVERE, MODEL L43B1X. A beautiful piece of furniture in tra- ditional period styling with four full fidelity speakers. Walnut or mahogany veneers. See it and hear it at Parkway to-day! 399 i s SEE THE FINEST IN QUALITY STEREO HI-Fl AND TELEVISION AT PARKWAY. @ 1.A.C. MERIT PLAN AVAILABLE "Your Color TV Store' PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE NORTH "Every Sale Fully Serviced" PHONE 723-3043 € , IN OSHAWA! SHORGAS Limited Have Opened A New ENTAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT You'll Get all the heat you need... and all the hot water you can use with this combination COMFORT YOU: Rental Natural Gas SPACE HEATER AND A Rental Natural Gas WATER CAN BUY WITH CONFIDENCE HEATER This brand new Coleman Gas Home Heoter is a modernly de- signed unit sure to add beauty to any surroundings. It's backed by Colernon's exclusive $500 Bonded Warranty . . . the strongest guar- antee ever offered in the heating field. Has automatic furnace type blower, front operated controls, 100% safety shut-off control and a host of additional features you'll like. PHONE 728-9441 NOW! For A Total Of Only 1.75 «. Ask For Full Details, You'll Never Run out of Hot Water with a Natural Gas Water Heater. Costs so little to operate too! SHORGAS ura. Corner of Celina and Athol Sts. See Our Modern Showroom With All The Latest In Gas Appliances.