Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jan 1963, p. 8

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departed's name is mentioned)limit TV viewing and these other good things will grow CHILD GUIDANCE * B> THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jonuary 14, 1963 = 'PARTY Steven Alexander Reese, 'two years old, is seen with *yhis brother, Kelly Joseph, who »is four years old today. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs _. Joseph Reese, Beaupre ave- ~«*nue and grandsons of Mr. and "Mrs, Steven Rzany, Oshawa, eB annual BOUND and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Geor- geff, New Hamburg, Ontario Their great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zam ruk, Kitchener. --Studio of the Leica, Hamburg New >vANN LANDERS - This Dad's a Cad _ » And Expects Sympathy i Dear Ann Landers: After 25 ~°>ayears of marriage I had to ad- mit my wife was a bore. She was a fine mother, excellent thousekeeper and cook, but plain ~ dull. I met a younger woman who . Wvas exciting, attractive, in- formed and made me feel alive. 'When I asked my wife for a di- vorce she took it like a lady yand we parted friends. Now that I have remarried the real problem is .ny children. I told him something about a mutual friend in the strictest of confidence. He was astonished lit.' I repeated the story and jagain he insisted it could not be true. Finally he said: 'Go get the family Bible and swear on it." I considered this insult ing and refused, He snorted: \*Well, that proves your story is a lie," I was furious and asked him to leave. This morning he tele- UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD The January meeting, pre- sided over by the president, Mrs. Robert Behm, was well attended and two visitors were welcomed. The Reverend Philip Feiss was in charge of the devotional portion of the meeting with Mrs, Philip Feiss at the piano, Miss Margot Knox read the minutes and Mys, W. F. Marshall gave the treasurer's report, also the report. Mrs. Herbert Hartwig and Mrs. John Steffen eiare to audit the books, Various committees were ap- eipointed: Mrs, H, Hartwig and Miss Gladys Colbreay, phone conveners; Mrs. Marshall and Mrs, Edna Hansel, visiting; Mrs, Steffen, press reporter. A decision was made to hold future meetings on the first Tuesday of the month, this to be done on a three-months trial basis. Mrs. Victor Hartwig and Mrs. Steffen volunteered to serve at Hillsdale Manor on Jan, 20 | After discussion, it was de- cided to write for information on the cost of several stoles for the use of the pastor and ex- tensions for tables for banquet returned to the home of "Mrs. Hazen Manning for their busi- ness meeting. Mrs. Frank Newell reported ton behalf of he nominating committee the list of offices for 1963 -- president, Mrs. Ronald Trewin; vice - president, Mrs. Fred Crome; secretary, Mrs. Morley Chesher; treasurer, Mrs, Frank Newell; group leaders, ber; and the annual bazaar in November. Group leaders were appoint- ed: Group 1, Mrs. E. D. Shreve; Group 2, Mrs. Alex Bourne; Group 3, Mrs. Lawrence Mill- son, Members were reminded of the congregational meeting on Tell Child of Calmly And Honestly By GARY C. MYERS, Ph.D. Children over eight or 10 us- ually don't ask as many ques- January 30, Miss Marjorie Blewett was in charge of the worship service with Mrs. Ran- tions about death as do children ifrom three to six. | The older children, from Mrs. Alan Gibb, Mrs, Zigi Vas-\dall and Mrs. Bradbury assist-|much they have seen and heard zen Manning; social conveners, Mrs. Jack Keenan, Mrs, Daniel Rogers. It was decided to hold the birthday dinner meeting at the Sandalwood Restaurant. . Mrs. Frank Swackhammer will con- tact Miss Ruth Troyer, a mis- vick; press secretary, Mrs. Ha ing: The offering was received by Mrs. Bourne and Miss Isla |Barker, : THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW among adults and other chil- 'dren, have gradually arrived at notions they derived from these | other persons. While older children have as- sumed that persons having |grown old and worn out die, |they also learn that a few chil- jdren and younger adults die |$100 to the church and $10 to-| themselves. sionary on furlough from India, | from accidents or serious ill- to speak at this meeting. Miss Troyer is in charge of an or- phanage in the Serango District, working among the Saora and Avoid carelessness in business) yace. ; and financial matters. Written If it is a parent, brother, sis- and legal matters also call fF \ter, cousin or playmate who caution, : snc npn |dies, they may be torn more by In the P.M.,, influences are! -orrow at the loss than by worry Death it up and put in on the bank. | Maybe it will Jive again." and talk of him. or her is ob- jective and not repressed. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Can we hope by. reading to our young children and pro- viding those who can read with azines to divert them from pro- grams of violence on TV and ex- cessive TV watching? : A. Sometimes, perhaps. First, more attractive, i { { |good books and children's mag-§ ca) DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 The whole question of immor-| tality arises' with the young) child. Sometimes we can get' help from our minister, priest | or rabbi. In the long run, we do best as we talk' with this child) honestly in terms of our own} beliefs and convictions. Certainly concerning the loss' of a loved one, we should em-| phasize the happy memories we and others have of this person) while he or she was alive. It might give you and the lit-/ tle child temporary relief to} say, "He (or she) is just sleep-| ing." Yet the child might then} feel afraid to go to sleep or for Oriya Indians, |more pleasant and many of the! ina) they thems 4 ' The group decided that they themselves might die. to give|/day's problems should right SORROWS LONGER . oe , The older child may feel the FOR THE BIRTHDAY sorrow longer than does the rrow is your birthday, ; Hoy sect Be indicates t hat | Youngster three, four or five. : gee ' Yet his grief is assuaged in pro- you can achieve a great. deal! MB " ./ portion to how secure, loved an ments were served by group|during this next year of your)* d and ward the nursery for books and records, Mrs, Frank eae eared asked grace before refresh- use. The pastor held a study ;|period on the 6th chapter of "s!Tsaiah which was followed by a} hymn, Mrs. Victor Hartwig and} |Mrs. Steffen served refresh-| ments. | | CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC | The Young Women's Mission Circle held its first meeting of} the year at the home of Mrs. Walter Ciona, 1525 Evangeline| drive. Mrs, Harry Grant, the! new president, presided | The meeting opened by sing- ing, 'Guide Me, 0, Thy Great} Jehovah" and Mrs. Austin) Hooper led in prayer, followed} iby the reading of the fifteenth} chapter of St. John's gospel. The minutes were fread by Mrs. Victor Bodash, There were} 23 ladies present. The next! meeting will be held at Mrs. \Victo r Henkleman's home.| }Seven missionary letters, that! had: been received during the |Christmas holiday, were read, | thanking the group for Christmas parcels It was praise and testimony and exclaimed. "I can't believe/ nicht for the YWMC as they|by members of the Alice Jack- start anew year of work | The devotional period ended} by singing "Blest Be The Tie! | That Binds" | A short work period: consisted| of packing bandages, and pre-| paring used Christmas cards,| {for missionary work. | | Refreshments were served by) |Edna Green who has served onjnext July. Mar Mire sek Keenan a} te. You are currently in a'fine| Wa" he feels be I i is fam. sisted by Mrs. Daniel Rogers|cycle where both business and]. 11" cinor interests and activi- and Mrs. Hazen Manning, {personal matters are concerned (les bats " but, as of April, your prospects se CALVARY BAPTIST W.M.S. [become more than generous. | We parents can help the ; The first meeting of the New, In the spring months and|reaved child ourselves by re- Year opened with a song ser-jearly June, all matters con-| calling the happy times we had vice and a poem (a prayer for\cerned with property and real{With the lost one and stressing the New Year) and_ scripturejestate take a definitely upward] what a privilege it was to en- reading from Psalm 48. Mrs.|swing and, in your private life, JOY the love and companionship Arthur Alloway offered prayer./romance and the possibility of of this person as long as we A letter was read from Mrs.|sudden marriage are indicated did FORS THING the mission field for 15 years. | There will be a chance for y eg Hanan we pan dp is The meeting took the form of | travel in August to relate any unhappy moments prayer and praise with Mrs.| Home and domestic affairs|we had with this departed per- Jack Dugan leading in prayer|should run happily for most of}son or to express regret over and each member taking part/the year ahead--except for al/some ugly things we had done in thanking God for His many/brief period this month--and the/or said to him or her. Even if blessings. The sick members|middle of the year will bring) we say nothing of this sort, the were upheld in prayer as were! planetary influences which, last-| child may sometimes think or all departménts of the work ofjing to the end of 1963, should! say something of the sort. We the church. The hymns "There| boost your job and economic need to be resourceful then. is 'No Love like. the Love of|status tremendously. Do make The little child comes upon Jesus" and "On to Victory"|the most of opportunities then--| animals which have died or have were sung. Mrs. Arthur Alloway/especially if you have a chance) heen killed, as on the highway.) closed in prayer. |to launch new but sound ven-|His pet may die. We explain to tures him it has no feeling then, We ALICE JACKSON UNIT 1 A child born on this day will) may let him help us bury it. A pot luck supper was held|be warm-hearted and intelligent Walking down a highway with but will loathe restraint of any|our youngest,. when he was son Unit 1 of King Street UCW) kind labout five, he and I came upon recently. Mrs. Murton Walter la snake which had been killed presided for the business mect-| "Poor thing,'"' he said, "I'll pick ing and opened with a reading, -- "Gifts of the New Year'. The minutes were read and roll cal taken by Mrs. William Brad- bury. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Elmer Raz- dall, Mrs. Leslie Booth recorded HOUSEHOLD HINT For a festive touch, add chop- |ped dried fruits to your basic jmeein recipe. Donny the Dry Cleaner Says: CALL US FOR PROMPT PICK-UP and » ANTIQUES you to do so. When your little child, even! without personal bereavement,| | keeps asking excessively about jdeath, you should answer him |briefly and unemotionally but try to divert his attention then and later to other interests. Forunately,. the young child |who feels he is waned and jloved and can have normal in- 'terests and activities soon "for- gets." It's wholesome, if, for days, weeks and months, there are no tears in voices when the Ico TO Ancus-Grayoon CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 FOR RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts. will clean your carpets in your home or in. ou plont | The OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE is en- deavouring to find a Candidate: for a. NEW FREE SCHOLARSHIP COURSE and needs your help -- This contest is open to anyone -- Age is no barrier. All you have to do to enter is write a 500 word essay on the subject, "HOW A BUSINESS COLLEGE SERVES THE COMMUNITY". Entries should be mailed to: Oshawa Business College 10 Simcoe Street, North, Oshawa, Ontario. Decision of the judges is final and ali entries become the property of the Oshawa Business College. The Successful Candidate will receive, absolutely free, a Nine-Month Stenographic or Clerical Course having a monetary value of 385.00 including supplies, ACT NOW! CONTEST CLOSES FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1963 OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO MALCOLM C. BARNETT, Supervising Principal REXALL SUPER D They are 17, 19 and 22 years|phoned but refused to apologize. | the hostess and the social com- "of age--old enough to under-|He contends that a person who mittee. -~-<gtand that a man commits no|tells the truth would haye no} FIRST BAPTIST C crime when he terminates a}hesitancy about taking an oath (Bevcar aa undone WS: -<'gterile relationship in favor of ajon the Bible. __How do you! he Dorcas Gitun" of First| tre ena in February; Feast of | ""'stimulating one. feel? -- CONSCIENTIOUS OB+/pantist Church attended thel"" Seven Tables "in Septem- At least my ex-wife is polite|JECTOR Week of Prayer Service at Gib- and civil to me in public but} Dear Objector: I feel fine,/hons Street Baptist Church and _ my children treat ne as if 1|thank you, and T hope you do,)-- were a stranger. This is ex-|too. This kind of an oath-taking = Notice To Electoral Members "fremely humiliating. Everyone|demand is a naked attack on|Wild story. She says she remem- et y ia uwate <a rie your. integrity. feces the incident vividly and| Of The Oshawa Y.W.C.A. The t el for s of the Board of Directors of ""@ren flee from me as if I had| The world's biggest liars Ge dairend (hike we Gear dan the Oshawa Young Women's Christian Association will held from Monday, January 14th, to Saturday, February 9th, vr gome loathesome disease. I'd/forever swearing on their moth-|hor life -like your opinion --TEXAS DADjers' graves, their children's Will you please print this in| s r ee I ge everything] lives and whatever they feel willl the. colamn with a conMeent? a4 comes bigger in Texas--even|be convincing. A person of good|; ap, gi) iio heels, LARCHMONT Six members are to be elected from the eight names listed on information sheets mailed to members and posted aot the Y.W.C.A., 199 Centre Street. Ballots will be avoilable at the office during regular office hours Mondays to Saturdays. & GIFTS A Choice Selection of Fine Antiques Paintings, Wrough - Iron and Pine 216 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY even cag the home and hospital calls. | Special projects for the com- jing year are as follows: Valen-| DELIVERY COLD TABLETS PHONE 728-51 4 Centres to Serve You: @ 434 Simcoe South @ 249 King East @ 16 Bond West @ 688 Hortop PICKWICK Cleaners and Dyers BROADCLOTH a cotten weave almost as fine as silk and just as soft. White only, sanforized, so nice for ladies' blouses and children's wear, 89... COTTON SHARKSKIN a new fabric for spring sew- WE) ALLENBURYS SOAP 1.05 Value 5c HOT WATER BOTTLES SPECIAL PARAMETTES 100 & 25 free Tablets " 7.50 Value 4.29 jcharacter doesn't swear on any-| "pear Larchmont: Does t Some letters require reading|thing. |witch doctor :unt have a Scum ~between the lines but your sor-| Dear Ann Landers: Our first!to practice? Please tell your did story comes through loud|child, a little girl, was born twolwife that birthmarks appear for and clear. weeks ago. She has a dark redino reason that medical science Your children resent bitterly| birthmark on her back about the|has been able to figure out What you did to their mother|size of a half dollar. : = and they are letting you know itl An aunt told my wife the baby| cry on somebody else's| was marked in this way because shoulder, Tex. I'm too busy for|my wife stole apples from the| the likes of you neighbor's tree when she was a} <d» Dear Ann Landers: Last even-|little girl. | ~~ing I became involved in a dis-| My wife is not an ignorant | cussion with a man I've been|person, Ann, she is intelligent, dating for several months. \but she actually believes this / ve MONEY SAVING OFFER rd ® Big 60z. Jarof ® COTTON CHINO 42" wide, in a fine display of eleven light and dark shades. Formerly to 1.29, 89... COTTON PLAY CORD Hundreds of yards of this fine POPLIN a qood weight cotton with var- iety of patterns and 8 plain shades, suitable for sports- wear, dresses and curtains, too! 42' wide. Formerly to 1,19. 89:. WARD'S JANUARY SALE STARTS Monday, Jan. 14 31 Simcoe St. South 725-1151 FREE DELIVERY HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Ist Quality-Branded SEAMLESS NON-RUN NYLONS You save 34c on each pair during our January Sale . . . Run-Loc knit, a 400 needie 15 denier quality with ciistom knit toe for comfort ... , No Runs Ever! ... see the sample pair on display with 3 months wear by one of our staff. A won derful sheer, long wearing hosiery at a big savings . light and dark beige shades . . sizes 9 to 11 in measured lengths. Reg. 1.00 pair, vr. 66° 3 pairs for 1.95 = Co al Lie mi = a ® a ' te Ba LIMITED TMs OWL ORNAL CAPSULES for 'the symptomatic relief of colds, sinusitis 1.39 | 1.09 2.97 | 2.39 : DEVILBISS VAPORIZERS 8.95 Value DURING OUR ANNUAL STORE-WIDE 1.39 - .99 1, Crest Tooth Paste 2. Instantine Tablets 1.29 - .87 3. Kleenex Tissues 'Co -- .29 4. Pertussin Cough Syrup .89 - .73 Gg: ae ) 97, ' 5. Vicks Vaporub 64 - 49 y yd. een Also On Sale At: Greatly Reduced Prices POLISHED COTTONS CREPES MAGIC CREPES SHEERS ARNELS RAYON-SILKS Reduced Up To 1, PRICE ron si Sree LARGE. ECONOMY size X-LAX THE CHOCOLATED LAXATI /E. sanforized sports fabric; ten light and dark shades, 42"/ 45" wide. Formerly to 1.29, 99... LINGERIE DEPARTMENT "HARVEY WOODS" 20% OFF SALE Six 'popular styles of "Harvey Woods" Panties -- Briefs all reduced for this sale. 0% OFF ing. Choose from seven new spring shades. 42" wide. Reg- ular- 1.29 yard. OF 20% TO 50% OFF Suits @ Coats @ Woollens @ Knitwear @ Formal @ Cocktail and Dinner Dresses @ French, English and Italian Imports @ Lingerie and @ Sportswear PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY DRESSES 8 KING ST.E. | OSHAWA [530 SIMCOE ST.S | PHONE 723-2245) _ PHONE 725-3546 ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | "OPPOSITE THE GENOSHA HOTEL" ------_] WHITBY PLAZA 77 KING ST. E 725-4561 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND

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