Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Jan 1963, p. 3

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POLISH VETERANS HOLD BANQUET AND DANCE The Gen. W. Sikorski Po- lish Veterans' Association held a banquet and dance Satur- day, Jan. 12, at the Polish Al- liance Hall, 219 Olive avenue, for the members of the asso- ciation and their families. This event was in the nature of a Christmas and New Year party, and -- a family affair, each member could bring one couple as their guests. The Polish veterans sponsor many cultural and so- cial functions which require considerable work from the members and,their wives, The executive desire to show their appreciation to all thos who have worked so _ diligently throughout the year, thus en- abling the organization to function successfully, and so have arranged this banquet and dance. In this picture are shown the top executive of the Gen. W. Sikorski Polish Vet- Net Carp In Lake Scugog LINDSAY -- Commercial fish- erman Roy Vancott, one of eight men operating in the Ka- wartha Lakes and Trent River areas last week conducted an experimental layout of nets in Lake» Scugog. A lands and forest depart- ment official said carp netting in Lake Scugog is being deter. mined by Mr. Vancott by tria) operations. If the experimental netting proves successful the fisherman will establish commercial oper- ations on the lake. Carp bring about 17 cents a pound at the Toronto and Picton centres, most of the carp are i emoked for the export market. The department official said one ton of carp were lifted from Sturgeon Lake on Monday by Mr. Vancott from almost 1,000 yards of net. Sturgeon has been the largest eingle producing lake, it was noted. However, the. number of]; carp taken from the lakes has been dropping each year since the start of the commercial t 10, killed in a two-car collision on four-lane Highway 401 Friday night and two young girls killed Sunday when hit by a car while hey were tobogganing in front Pe cides, industrial natural deaths, a Toronto suburb, Bonnie Cos- grey, 22, Cobourg, and Judith Fee, 21, Toronto, when the car Fee were riding crossed the median dividing Highway 401 21 Peopie Killed During Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS Traffic accidents claimed the lives of at least 21 persons dur- ing the weekend, accounting for all the accidental deaths in Can. ada in the period. Ontario had the heaviest toll, including three persons of their house at Sillsville, 20 miles west of Kingston. The Canadian Press survey, from 6 p.m. local times Friday to Sunday midnight, does not known = sui- accidents or nclude_ slayings, Ontario dead: FRIDAY Sandra Proctor, 21, Leaside, in which Miss Proctor and Miss near Pickering and collided with the car in which Miss Cos-|* grey was riding. SATURDAY Angus A. Mcintyre, 25, Ham-|> ilton, thrown from his car when it hit a hydro pole in Hamilton. Wayne McFee, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. D. McFee of North Grimsby Township hit a car on|: % Highway ° at Grimsby while re-|* turning from delivering newspa-|* Orillia. Patrick Beattie, 86, Toronto struck by a car while crossin a street in Toronto. SUNDAY Renada Neumayer, 10, andiil her sister Rosemary, 6 daught- ers of Mr. and Mrs. Karkl Neu- mayer of Sillsville, 20 miles west of Kingston, when their to. |i boggan slid into the path of a car, ; Harold Alexander Hamilton 20, Bracebridge, when his car collided with another car near Gravenhurst. operation four years ago. It is not yet known whether this indicates a decrease in the CAPSULE NEWS overall number of carp for at present, commercial netting is =. only method of reducing Carp, a bottom - feeding large ecaled fish, often grow to 30 and are looked on by biologists and sport fisher- men as being detrimental to other fish, because of their habit of rooting into river and lake bottom in search of food. rooting muddies water and destroys the food and spawning areas for game fish. CITY AND _ DISTRICT PLAN MEETING Parents of deaf or hard of hearing children are urged to attend the first meeting of the parents auxiliary at Simcoe Hall, Tuesday, Jan 15, at 8.30 p.m. The program will include}, the showing of slides or a movie, followed by a discussion on how parents can help their handicapped children. BARN FIRE COLUMBUS (Staff) -- Chil- dren, who set fire to an old mattress stored in an old barn, were blamed for a fire Satur- day afternoon on the farm of Robert Howden, near here. The Oshawa Fire Department an- swered the alarm. Damage was reported to be neglible. TO ATTEND RALLY The following Oshawa _resi- dents wili attend the convention in Ottawa this week of the Na- tional Progressive - Conserva-|t tive Association; Mr. and Mrs. Al Yanch, Mr. and Mrs. Er-|i nest Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert V. Walker, Robert Nicol, Donald; John Vivash and Lioyd Bolahood. QUELL CAR FIRE The Oshawa Fire Department t t reported a car fire Sunday. The city ambulance answered a total of 10 calls. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Communion throughout the kneel in silent Lesson-Serm: ---------- Malaya's biggest pute ended today when the rail- waymen's union, 14,000 members, three-week strike: No details of the settlement were disclosed. The union had demanded re- services were held Sunday at the Oshawa Christian Science Church, and also at all Christian Science s and societies world. The church tenets were read, and the congregation was invited to communion. The ion 'was on "'Sacra- ment", and the Bible readings included this verse from Mat- thew 5: "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after -- for they shall be TALLY-HO ROOM A GOOD PLACE TO MEET AND RELAX HOTEL LANCASTER Pallotti Named Saint By VATICAN CITY (Reuters)-- Pope Jozhn will proclaim the blessed Vincenzo Pallotti, founder of the Society of the Roman Catholic Apostolate 'the Ballottine Fathers), a saint in a ceremony Jan. 20, it was an- nounced Saturday. Pallotti was born in Rome in 1793 and died there in 1850. His society now has 2,250 members. END RAIL STRIKE KUALA LUMPUR (AP) industrial dis- which claims called off a irement benefits totalling $4,- 800,000 Malayan (about $1,600,- 000) while the railway adminis- tration had offered Malayan. $1,000,000 BRIG, DOUCET TO RETIRE OTTAWA (CP)--Brig. H. E. T. Doucet, 55, deputy adjutant j}general of the Canadian Army for the last three years, will retire in February, it was an- nounced today. CAUSES HUGE LOSS PEORIA, Ill. (AP)--A fire hat roared out of control for hours Saturday night destroyed Bradley Hall, a building on the Bradley University campus that housed the school's administra- ion offices and laboratories. Dr. Talman Van Arsdale, pres- dent of the university, esti- mated that it would cost be- ween $1,500,000 and $2,000,000 to replace the structure. IS NOT SECRET WASHINGTON (AP)--A pub- lished report that.a Soviet study of U.S, military strength had fallen into American hands brought from the Pentagon Sat- urday the suggestion that the material appeared to be a book sold commercially. Officials said it includes no material con- sidered secret by the United States, The Omaha World-Her- ald, in a dispatch from its [Washington Office, said it con- -- supposedly secret informa- ion. five stitches to close a cut eye- brow. Andrade was unscathed. VOTE ON REFORM mier Assadullah Alam said Sun day a national referendum will be held Jan. 26 on broad changes in the constitution of this ancient kingdom. The Shah called for the referendum last week in a move to bypass the new parliament which, when elected this spring, probably will include many former land- lords and others oppose to such changes. CLEAVAGE UNNERVING ARMTHORPE, England (AP) Rev. Charles Grice urges brides to pass up plunging necklines when they pick their wedding gowns, "The person who gets the benefit of your decollete is the minister--and he doesn't want it," the 38-year-old Church of England parson says. in his parish magazine. PLAN NUCLEAR POWER LONDON (Reuters) -- Geof- frey Kennedy, a British consult- ing engineer, says he has »een invited to Egypt to draw up plans for a £30,000,000 ($90,000,- 000) nuclear power station in the Nile River valley. Kennedy was given the Egyptian Order of Merit for earlier work on the Sswan hydro-electric develop- ment. Ts. . William Dwinnel, 55, when he/|! stepped in front of a bus at]: # TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Pre-|i erans' Association for 1963: Left to right are Jan Derk- acz, vice-president; Olgierd Cichowski, president; Rev. Father Feliks Kwiatkowski, padre; Edward Zalewski, past president, and Jan Drygala, MM, secretary. --Oshawa Times Photo Ask Drivers Watch Signs In Collision A Scarboro woman was in- jured and five cars were dam- aged during a rash of accidents Saturday afternoon which oc- curred within an hour and a half on Highway 401 near the Whitby - Pickering Townline. Damage was estimated at $4,500, The Whitby detachment of the OPP blamed the' collisions on the icy hazardous driving condi- tions, Gerda Draband, 34, of Scar- borough, suffered severe head bruises when the car she was driving collided with another east of the townline. A four-car collision was sparked, west of the town line, when a car driven by Jillian Officer, $1, of Kitchener, ' col- lided with a vehicle driven by Robert Whitten, of Peterobor- ough. Damage sustained to the two vehicles was $1,500. Damage to a police cruiser was estimated at $60. The acci- dent occurred when a cruiser driven by PC Larry Green was struck by another car while he was investigating the Whit- ten-Officer accident. Injured Man Still Serious Two survivors of a Friday d ti Pi ti poppy nounced at last week's meeting of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion that $5,494 had been lonated to needy veterans and their dependents. benefit fund paid out $1,800 to sick committee, committee had visited sick pa- jes, members to remember Com- rades Glassco and Fusco who iLegion Reviews Very Busy Year Len Mitchell, chairman of the fund committee, an- The death lependents of members who died during 1962, Cam Oke, chairman of the reported his ents in Oshawa General Hospi- tal every week of the year. "Patients we visited numbered from one to as many as 11, dur- ing any one call," said Mr. Oke. The sick committee visited veterans in Sunnybrook Military Hospital on nine different occa- sions. At those times the com- mittee handed out various pack- ages including tobaccos candies and books. HONOR DEPARTED During the opening ceremon- President Brown asked assed away last year. One new member was initated. Harry Cjakowski, a veteran of the First Canadian Parachute Brigade, should have inined years ago," said Cjakowski, was welcomed, "I A letter of thanks from the Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jonuery 14, 1963. APPRECIATION VOICED Doug Johns, Superintendant of Hillsdale Manor, thanked the organization, for the monthly donation of films. Films were shown through the year by Earl Gillard, Padre Wooleock thanked members for their comradeship and stated he would always be available to help in any prob- lems they might have. Bill Langton, chairman of Legion minor baseball, report- ed 280 boys too'kpart in minor baseball. The 194 games played in 1962 cost $2,294, Langton also mentioned that the Ontario YEAR'S HIGHLIGHTS Highlights for the 1962 year were the sportsmen's banquet dedication of the union cemet- ery, Remembrance Day, Rem- embrance parade, veteran's an- nual church parade, decoration of the Padre, member's picnic, Children's Christmas tree and the Remembrance banquet to name a few, Frank Hill, provincial vice- president of the Ontario Com- mand, Royal Canadian Legion, conducted the installation of of- ficers for 1963, Archie Vickers provided re- ion for donations was read. freshments, night two-car crash on High- way 401 near Liverpool road, are still in a Toronto hospital today. The Toronto General Hospital reports that George David Simm, 26, of Toronto, is in seri- ous condition. He is suffering Kennel Club Rules Big Crowd Hears : Manley, '|died in :| westbound vehicle. from a chest injury. Twenty-one-year old Patricia of Hollydene drive, Scarborough, is in satisfactory '| condition, S|with head injuries. Mr. Simm: was driver of an 'eastbound car. Riding with him :}was his fiancee, Bonnie Cros- '|grey, 22, of Cobourg, who died 'jin the crash, '|. Two teacher friends of Miss :}Manley, Sandra Jane Proctor, '/21, of Leaside, and Judith Caro- ;|line Fee, also 21, of Willowdale, the wreckage of the She was admitted '/Toronto police cadet, a passen- ger in the Simm car, is in sat- Robert Creighton, 19, a Metro H isfactory condition in Oshawa General Hospital, wi +|tham road, Toronto, were in pos- "jday charged two men with auto } | theft Charge 2 Men In Car Theft Whitby Police Department to- la Police said Howard Loft, 21, Caroline street, Hamilton afd Leonard Myke, 21, 35 Crow- session of a vehicle owned by John Fraser MacDonald, 215 Dundas street east. The men were arrested earl- ier today by Bowmanville Police UI Foxhounds, Greyhounds, Maltese, (ou tions, Poodles -- Miniature and Standard. Close to 200 adults and young folk enjoyed 'An Introduction to Obedience" held at Dr, F. J. Donevan Collegiate Institute Thursday evening, January 10. This night was sponsored by the Oshawa Obedience Associa- tion, Miss Bay Meyers gave a very interesting talk on the group- ings of dogs as under the rules of the Canadian Kennel Club. Group I: Sporting Dogs nam- ing the most popular breeds in the group -- Pointers, Retriev- ers, Setters and Spaniels. Group II: Sporting Dogs -- ounds, Beagles, Le as or- egian Elkhounds, Group III: Working Dogs --' Boxers, Collies, German Shep- herds, Great lands, Shetland Sheepdogs. Danes, St. Ber- Group IV: Terriers -- Kerry Blue, Fox, Irish, Scottish, Sealy- ham, West Highland White. Group V: Toys -- Chihuahuas, Pekingese, Pomeran- Yorkshire ns, Toy Poodles, Terrier. Graney Ves Mae "nort welcome canine in the com- munity. FINE DISPLAY Walter Konradt, of Dundas, and his German ae dog "Harras", TD (Tracking Dog) showed the audience what can be taught to a dog used by police and other specially train- ed handlers, This was followed by some very amusing stunts. "Harras" certainly captivated the hearts of everyone present. W. Konradt impressed on the audience that a dog train- Able Seaman Robert D, Normoyle, son of Mr, and Mrs, D, Normoyle, 717 Stone street, Oshawa, is serving in HMCS Micmac, a destroyer escort in the RCN Atlantic Command, He attended high school in Oshawa before join- ing the Navy in November, 1960, at Toronto, He is serving Accidents Cause $292 Car Damage BOWMANVILLE -- Damage was estimated at $202 as the result of four accidents in Bow- manville, Saturday. Police said the cause of these ed for 'Attack Work' and in the hands of an untrained handler is a dangerous weapon, as dangerous as putting a gun in the hands of a child, Basic Obedience Training as taught by the Oshawa Obedience Association is the proper way to 0 your dog off on the right 'oot, Classes in obedience training are given at the United Steel- workers of America Hall, 115 Albert street, Oshawa, Wednes- day, Jan. 16, at 7 p.m, All those interested in adult or children's classes are invited to attend. accidents was mainly the slip- pery condition of the roads. Cars driven by Mary A. Chisholm, 9 Victoria street and Hans Bergsma, 50% Jackman road, sustained $50 damage in a collision at Scugog and King street west, James Allen Quinton, 16 Lib- erty street south and Eustace Holdstock, 242 King street east, sustained $70 damage to their cars in an accident at Church and Liberty streets. wows, Bulld s, Daima- we SES OF BREEDS Miss Meyers' talk included a short outline and the uses some of the more popular breeds Department. have been trained and bred for Mr. Motorist Do you drive by habit or by observation? If you use Albert street, a busy, one-way, southbound art- ery, and you don't stop at Athol street east -- you are driving by habit. That dangerous practice can lead to loss of points, and may- be an unplanned visit to the hospital. The "Stop" sign on Albert has been up for eight days. In addition, up close to King street there is a "Stop Ahead" warn- ing sign. However, city traffic officials report that one in four drivers still does not stop at Athol. Right now, the corner is a three-way stop. But in about two weeks the stop signs on Athol will be removed to make the east - west artery a through street from Simcoe street south to Ritson road south, Oshawa Police Traffic Ser- geant Norman Smyth said Fri- day police would be on duty at the corner, during rush hours, for the next two weeks. SIGN TRADE PACT WELLINGTON, N.Z. (AP)-- The New Zealand government today announced signing a trade agreement with Japan. The agreement binds Japan to 10- per-cent duty on New Zealand mutton and lamb and New Zea- land is to continue existing duties on Japanese fish, silk and some optical equipment, some fruits and motorcycles. HEADED CHAMBER THE HAGUE (AP) -- Dr. Leonardus G. Kortenhorst, 76, chairman of the second cham- ber of the Dutch parliament, died Sunday night of leukemia, He had been a member of par- liament since 1924 for the Ro- man Catholic party. HURRY HURTS 3 PROVIDENCE, R.I, (AP) -- Nothing stops a Providence fire- man rushing to a fire unless it's another fireman. Fireman Jos- eph Favali and Edwin Andrade leaped for the same brass pole Sunday and collided head-on. Favali had to go to hospital for SAMBA! Md you con waltz, you con learn jthe Sembe and Cha Che quickly lot the Arthur Murray Studio, 1114 LIST OSHAWA'S TOP ° REALTOR JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Ltd. REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 723-6544 WITH | 13 Inches Of Snow Hits Owen Sound OWEN SOUND (CP) -- This Georgian Bay area was hit by its worst storm of the winter over the weekend as some 13 inches of snow was dumned on the city and high winds whipped drifts to depths of twice the ac-| tual fall. |Man Questioned oO In Killing Of Two Constables MONTREAL (CP) -- Quebec Provincial Police said Paul Fournel, 26, was arrested Sun- day on a coroner's warrant for questioning in connection with the Dec, 14 gang killing of two suburban St. Laurent consta- bles. Corporal Andre Laporte, offi- cer in charge at QPP headquar- ters, would say only he had been "detained for questioning." Inspector Gerard Houle, the QPP officer' in charge of the investigation, would make no comment when questioned about w P and also the advantages of bedience Training for all breeds of dogs. Members of the Oshawa Obed- ience Association put on a dem- onstration of basic obedience work, In Companion Dog (CD) ork participants were Mr. John Webbing and his German Shepherd "Sandy", Mrs. Barb Scott and her Standard Poodle "Corq's Saucy Sue' and Mrs. eg Boorman with her Minia- ture Poodle "Kloverleaf Tenna"'. In Companion Dog Excellence (CDX) the demonstration was done by Dr. Helen Bathie and her Miniature Poodle '"Licinda of Oldwoodford", Jean Goode and her "Colleden's Golden Boy,"' CD; Miss Ursula Floeter and her Kerry Blue Terriet crofts. Maverick,"' CD. CDX; Mrs, Collie "Kerry- A film called "Dog Etiquette" showed the reason for Obedi- ence Training for dogs making Tuesday Is Last Day For n: ville and Thomas S. Hoar, RR 5, Bowmanville. Three cars sustained $62 dam- age in a collision at King street. Drivers were Robert Taft, 54 King street east; James Mc- Carron, RR 1, Orono and Henry Buma, Orono, § Pie a a SERVING IN DESTROYER as a radioman and is shown listening to and typing out @ broadcast. --(National Defence Photo), SAVE! . LIABILITY INSURANCE PREMIUMS AS LOW AS PER YEAR © Budget Terms Available @ Easy Monthly Payments Schofield-Aker | Ellison Osborne Schofield RE PARKING © Discount Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the last day to obtain the maximum discount, equivalent to five per cent per annum, on the pur- chase of tax prepayment certi- ficates. This discount is in addition to the "customary discount" which is obtainable if taxes are paid in full on or before the first instal- ment due date, Discount percentages dimin- ish as the day of purchase of these prepayment certificates is put off. After tomorrow, the dis- count will drop on Jan, 23, Feb. 1, Feb 8, Feb, 15, Mar, 1 and Mar. 16, The certificates are avail- able in any amount desired, in multiples of $10. They must: be surrendered "'on or before the first instalment due date." them a much happier and more the arrest. Meanwhile, Victor Levesque, 23, also being questioned in the case, is schedule? to appear in coroner's court today. WANT AD GETS 900 CREAM JARS A Burma Shave sign, "Free -- free -- a trip to Mars, for 900 empty jars. Burma Shave" intrigued Arliss French, He placed an ad -- it got him the jars, P Stratford Police car was Queen street, Bowmanville. Charge Y outh In Theft Of Auto Bowmanville police Saturday charged a 16-year-old Stratford youth with car theft and return- ed two juveniles to the Ontario Training School for Boys. The trio were arrested by the Department. 'olice said owner of the stolen Walter Hately, 91 WILL REMAIN CLOSED THE WEEK OF January 14th Due To The Death of Our Beloved Brother Raymond A. Zilinsky. TROUD' TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY FEATURES GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEAT SLICED PORK LIVER SKINLESS WIENERS 29 BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET LEAN MINCED BEEF AND GET ONE FREE 3 lis 1.00 -- WED. ONLY -- FRONTENAC ICE CREAM BUY ONE AT REG, PRICE porn For au and the company paid for a trip to Mars, Germany for him! Get cash for the trip you'd EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 like -by selling things you aren't using. Oshawa Times Classified ads will do it. Dial 723-3492 to place yours. by appointment 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- loom has been a specialty for 18 years . . . with thousands ff of yards on display to select if from, PHONE 728-4681 RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. ALBERT HOSMAR CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE AT 323 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO TO PRACTICE HIS PROFESSION RESIDENCE: 205 ST. PETER ST. WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE 668-5429 OFFICE PHONE: OSHAWA 723-1221 F. R. BLACK, 0.D. | When Your Furnace Won't Start try these things before you call for service ! 4. PUSH RE-SET BUTTON ONCE, If burner starts then stops, DO NOT PUSH BUTTON AGAIN. 5S. CHECK FOR BLOWN FUSES. And replace with 15 amp fuses, screw in tightly. 1, CHECK YOUR THERMOSTAT. Set it 5 degrees above room temperature. 2. CHECK ELECTRIC SWITCHES, Be sure that all furnace switches are ON, 3. CHECK YOUR OIL TANK, THEN, if it still won't start -- call 725-3581. Our heating Service Depart- ment is on duty 24 hours every day and night throughout the heating season. uabys 43 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA Toe PHONE 725-3581 Simcoe St. 8,

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