Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1963, p. 15

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ONG NN pe GEN GC LOIN SAE NEG EIR NB GEESE IESE LI ETN LET ETI ET RS PG ITE GMT IES eed Rite ee I sey Seog fou! Wing wind depen tidy pve sanity ag Satna SO Sat ROS OOO Obes ee Mom er MOTE d BOe gy named hesyceeny ® MEO be HE Helga he WN gC agiiae ak a wae 1 ore te 'he (25-----Apt. & Flats For Rent |26---Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27----Real Estate For Sale |29---Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 11, 1963 15 "4 For Rent THREE bedroom, and half z 509 |SIMCOE Street Norn. Sit room tamily| ERED | bedro eta y buses | 1208, VOLRSWAGEN coach, light brown Three rooma, | SIN room, Gentleman preferred.|THREE bedroom brick bungalow, ence cottage, partly furnished. |CLOSE TO AJAX -- "Ghare bath, Parking. Telephone 723-1890, years old, Near Apple Hill district. $ rage Pll price 6 ge $1,000 down. | 804 and StaPplOg. will ngert low down children, Lad ic down. 0793, 500 '2 $65, month. rl o Co. Ltd. slephone 728-8125. hot "water sng porkiog: ATHOL Street East, 162: F Call 'L. S, Snelgrove Co, Ltd, ; ; ore HIVISION gage _ Bagot jer Tne. tien intent RED ND: TR jor very OF central , me fe ma sy Pg a £m. estes 723-9 98.1 ar CLOBE to Dr. Pues" Read 4 bed- SUYS. eae for wrecking. Drees | WHITBY -- tworoomed, _ seli-ganeale, CENTRAL -- Clean, furnished room|, oo Lang Hes: altr, Highway 2, Bowman- BUYING OR SELLING ST a em a ea Ee ea METCALF eae) TED "CA IN BERS = ALL CASH § SEAUPRE STREET -- Lovely ranch| West Suit . ROSEDALE AND D MARY STREETS -- i » three bed- For tick home, five rooms, thes bed. tae, sudo Coma #16, weekly. hans, |Anat OR, Pret 3k mile ts| What Have You To Real Estate Ltd. Fp Sg eg "tal MOTORS Bee Soon Te ee tad South GM. Possession bas bog 1. Telephoi . Hy ier ss mmm eee ERT STRERT--Turee-room apart: Hepes aaa TRADE? 40 King St. East Large double garage Tele| 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Prick| mont, private enarance, hydro and heat KING Giresi East, near nila, furaiah-| on . this large brick, two Dial 728-4678 Pinon Tanta Gust East of Wilson Road) =} yout ooo oe 512. BROCK ST. N., WHITBY CARGE 'modern, three-bedroom : sell Untucndahed 725-0018 Sled bedroom, cleen. Use of telephone, home, with huge kit- EXECUTIVE ranch style home, large 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 y 668-8001 4 able immediately, East end, Tele-|p.m. a ental a ee #10 weekly, Tele} chen and dining area, The EASTGLENN ving i, dining room, kitchen, thre {ree bed. eae | Lome Of 728-5680, iH See a a aes es Naan ay] eo ewes tae | ROME de ae Se Rana MES Good Used Cars (SSE Ente Miacrtal| _"5,CARS WANTED . ates: m a Sewly Semvcetee tt eee, Teel cont ile @a3 3908, finale, #15; double, 8203 hot water heat-| in range and oven. broek PRA OF King St..in a [nagemel, ahd do , Oa open, mort- 100! : sé ars as ible ing ph Go ; phone 725-3206. GIMOOR Sirect, 'three-room 'basement|ed. television. Telephone 723-976). ___ yes -- very nice built up area. Close "Before You Buy moter a, Tolk Cosh" to the New = ROO} Street ent, private bath, $60 ag RITSON ROAD NORTH, 1065 -- eae nr conga ls con array Availabe "February 1. 'Telephone 728:|nished room to share, to schools end transportation, Gor bauer dra meer service lephone breakfast Sptlonall : ; large landscaped fenced lot. Give Bill a Try" 10K Cz logon a aga Bg Hs FORNIBHED, saree rooms, ral Motors. 136-1200, en ereene, tee TOWN LINE WHITBY Si : m.| TED CAMPIN MOTORS bie for two ladies or/ATHOL STREET EAST, 200 -- Single , 1. 723-44 : a ie sca ne NOE PO ree teeta Gore.*| Boat, or second mortgage." | $2,000. down, -- Full prce BILL WHITTICK Ste a econ 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent bue ly : boat, of second mortgage. £880 es ¥6 L004 _ , rare : Serrano or IE EPIRA A ce | 728.1186 and' stone bungciow wih ot: | Sr'ewe,ys "wuete'g | MOTORS LTD. |aettina ae ee fash. |{ast, courteous bervice, é perk tached gorage and breeze newly decorated, living nd SERVICE STATI ADELAIDE Avenue West, 3087 Spacious |IM€. gentlemen preferred, Apply a W. T. LAMSON way. Large Hollywood kit feere 146 BROCK ST. N. 4 a ON ari partment, broadloom, range| DOWNTOWN -- Furnished t house: chen, large living room, 3 21 x 14, natural fireplace, "| BRA aad 'rerigerator, tise" moathiy, "tele oceans rote, Seana shale Real Estate Limited nice bedrooms, 4 piece tiled forge dining room, wall to WHITBY . P ae SPECIALI COM. 728-5282. son, Apply Street. bath, hot water with oil heat- wall carpet. Two kitchens, 5 TWO BEDROOM Jaze societal eae art tae ig le "| PeretNice% ng ts ond | 2, bethvooms, finahed rec |_S68-4741 ond 668-4025 oe NERAL 723-7550, 7370, LLOYD REALTY locations: new homes now room, attached garage. y : . 723-7822 APARTMENT TWO. bedroom epaciment ia tri FURNISHED housekeeping room for being built from as low as Con be used os 3 bedroom JANUARY ; 'ides For ole ; 2--A or » heavy duty stove, sink. . F inform- enae| Also single "rooms. Close to. Shop: LIST WITH LLOYD hy bear satis ahead home with income apartment, CLEARANCE caneear condition = on 3.20 and dryer, parking. In modern apartment --[Avenue, Apartment No. 1. ping Centze, 63 Girentell. 725-072. R sates Pe and WELLINGTON = = Titeeroom Two ROOMS, furnished: ition and THEN CALL YOUR MOVE ratty ed bia home to be Centrally located. c "Meal, Rydre, "$70 leave, close fo hoaplial snd aowstown,| . ARTHUR STREET refrigerator, automatic home . Telephone 725-2225, be" or_ wits Call 723-7100, $10,500.00 FULL PRICE | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE FULL PRICE 1960 METEOR, 6 cylinder i , two-bedroom a ent, in jE --Firnished i DIAL 728-4678 washer and dryer free er, bag convenes, core fgg Aid or oung_festeman,| & room brick home, 4) bed. $18.900 1954 CHINRAET, stand. |e aneaie $90 monthly 723-4893, Gall. 723-2878. ' | will buy this home, one. open | 7 ia jardtop ' ee = eee GLEAN, large ob NTRAL -- Modern two . bedi SOUTH END, 1 i furnished| mortgage for the lance, | . filled piece chrome Apply Apartment 1 penne Avemaie Suarenty' 1. Tele lneeme ta. CoMBAte haan pein te inating $75.00 per month, 10 ACRE PARCELS | N.HA "700" DODGE TRUCK, hire + radio, good tres. Excellent coe Pa cle, epee rouse, Step tables, ovttee 213 MONTRAVE AVE seone Te Pee poe 2 Pm, | wenee. Telephone. Ta: se aemame| iverest ond principal, "low 7 Miles Off Taunton E.| iiss OLDEMORIEE oh a STUDENTS A" super" value, M apartme: room vate home, a a A Telephone 728-7273 maiigereane but stove. Available imme-| parking, Gentleman preferred. Tele- 8 103 ~ 7259345" g $350. down teil you wesd: CALL OWN ERS { TRUCK heavy TE ea erey ware so Wally, lat, tires, eter cares eae bie py ag ' Osh Offi Whitby, nary, Ample parking. 101 Craydon| phone 728-8706 or 723-4380, 4 : Pha -- oe, Whitby. 'Telephone 668-2082 after) ect GM, one single furnished Be independent, grow your 1989 OL ¥, four-lii1 Dundas Street West, Spm ee sei T : share, Gent SUBURBAN LIVING | own vittles; a fittle toll for door hardiop, ike new. $2208, Tele.| 21_Dundas KINGS COURT jrto crane marae pe et [ign Wonmen Tad"Tawes| $13,500.00 the best soi, We 'also, wil ~064 ALL CAN BE FINANCED [Dis cher duty Si-nme Wika" [fies omnes ater sda one furnished, one partly furnish |46 p.m, Six oom ranch bungelow, build your new home, with o ACKERMAN sae 'Cue VRO ge ay x. brushes, hoses, guaranteed reballt me, T VAntenna and washing . APARTMENTS Telephone FESS or 1 '27--Real Estate For Sale large living room with broad- low down payment Lg Rody ref ioished. Can finance. ri | chi Cay anuais. Wallace Vacuum 'Serv. PARK ROAD NORTH, 100° -- Untur. | ------ =r loom and notural fireploce. 725-1186 lephone 728-051 | HONEST Cal's Furniture iene aimed, fourcoor, specimens, "lve te, sires bri house, Dining room and modern 28--Real Estate Wanted | AUTO WRECKERS | fit iaeG0u thse" die ig| ances," Sams reads at i if includ- Apply above address between 5 and 7 Heating. Ideal income house, $500 down,| kitchen. Many extras_inc 3 WANTED, GRE Re ee : cartage racks." 660-8343, Nel Required. p.m. a ing storms ond screefs, One TWO-YEAR-OLD exchange 'new duplex. or house in Osh __ Bowmanville 623-5756 _ 1058 CHEVROLET four door, 6 cylin. Approximately 10 miles DUNKIRK AVENUE, i -- = Wes |OwMANTEL, 'modern 6 room brick. open mortgage and only | BUNGALOW awa, Please send information to Post, ve der, $85) cash. Telephone evenings, y South), four-room upper apartment, down payment, new furnace, good $95 00 monthly. Hurry Call Office | Box 220, Oshawa, Whitby, 608-8763. vi decora di |condition, Garage, Central, Howe and em ea trance, heavy wiring. $63 monthly. |Peters Realtors, Bowmanvite, oau-sai2,| Irwin Cruikshonks ot 728- Attached Garage case Pa. OLDEMOBILE herdios.. fully Opposite large Shopping Centre [kina STREET EAST. 168 -- Reason. 5205 or 728-5123 Patio -- Landscaped Lot Listings invited. JAN UARY |phone 738-8075, ORS om near schools, churches, etc. able. Large three.room apartment, pi PATRICK G "RED AND WHITE STORE" ; auto ' PONTIAC, Strato-Chlef, 5 . i h a mat ic 0 Large One Bedroom $73 ve trent a NO COMPETITION bide Dual Gacaine ala Real Estate CLEARANCE tic transmission, » ine, Wma PICKERING, MAIN STREET -- Three 5: , " ' D | Tass: shed, M Located in village East of very attractive kitchen, 2/3 lepartment encore SEELING fra Two Bedroom $79 poor yg bosses" hustieages cDANIEL Oshawa. Excellent modern of basement space for re- ¢ |i CADILLAC, Coupe de a oe Stoves, faalare? Cosbig, haat TELEPHONE jcouple preferred. Telephone 92-5540, | REAL ESTATE BROKER equipment, walk in cooler, creation room, roughed in IGUARANTY TRUST! Low Price Cars 'elephone m3 finn a oe MONTRAVE AVENUE, 2 -- One- frozen food cabinets, self for extra bathroom, Close to i9ss CHEVROLET BelAi pedan, gute. |next to Coach AJAX WH 2-2001 ete ocking TaeetIOR poe ened WHITBY 668-2311 service meat counters, etc. Simcoe Street and Public Company of Canada job. Good|8 ' mae ' . able 720-1108 OF APL. NO. 21 4 3 acre site on Dundas East: | Living quarters consists of school, Sut ties at ver 32 King § E 1959 PLYMOUTH gondikion. Apply Bis Arthur Street be- [a BEAUTIFUL Zig: above. hwy 2), Two frontoges, -- seyen rooms. 2 baths, hot door. Only down Ing Street East BELVEDERE FOUR DOOR nas METEOR Wa Gees coe ws le "s Fi Centre, ia woter heati owner. mov- : ' Tepossessed nest [mle bole Shopping ST f ng, H | 6 hi f wall radio back | $309) Oshawa $s rine sgerteans, nove, relriger tl -- : -- ing to Detroit' ond will pb Castle omes 728-1653 radio, windshield washers. tires, with rear speaker, or take Se ca , laundry and parking facilities Corr + '90 sider ony offers, Listed ot | $1295 condition, Never of ly decorated, Apply apart} hou: d Good " ' ' Park Lane Apts. Set ears arene ph peg gs opertment $19,500.00. Call Bill Homer Call Bill Millar AFTER HOURS CLOSE to General Motors, four room| site, to inspect this property 728- Dial 725-1186 Telephone Bill Collins 668-8716 1957 FORD 5123 or 728- 2236, 10 min. from Downtown [and stove. Suit couple, $65 monthly, T 4 e Telephone 723-0025. ra alot a arbet | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited W. T. LAMSON --|29--Automobiles For Sale | 5° DOOR, extro clean. Spacious grounds SUMMER STKEET |= ee ed gorege. This is a good 101 Simcoe Street Nort! Real Estate Limited |106 MERCURY custom sedan, bril- $745 Prestige location ghee rag kr rel fomily home with many ex+ Oshawa, Ontario lant two-tone green and white' finish i tor 4 Attractive two bedroom suites. parking. tras. Close to Schools and on OPEN EVERY EVENING : Bette ceinsiait wa immeculate sreee interior, equip. Private balconies OSHAWA BOULEVARD sorTe, is =|_© quiet street. and many ober extras, Don't iiss 1957 HILLMAN Blevotor service Bgwee, slave » heat, water, TV Por GUIDE REALTY Motors Led. 200 punts eet, With, FOUR DOOR. Radio, wind- ate Loring $55, monthly, Adults.| RAGLAN ST.--Attractive four bedroom split level, 2 fees, r eae nd ' . Hed entrances sal, . iy. 663-5803, shield washers, new paint. Controlled entranc Apply above address. ronge and oven fully decorated, extra 2-pc. washroom, large - Gorages GRCEN HOMER, aisse CS Tcl "Gar| For further lviormetion call Airey Meo G68-5053 ov 668. Limited ae $495 Paved Parking here, three-room apartment. Also 4088. 16. Simeoe St. $, 723-11 What's My Line? two-di brilliant two-tone and . INCOME PROPERTY <i | spruces dwelll troll NEARLY NEW =-- 5 room M | : and pe al Aides Don Howe oo ey (Ana price $38,000.00 Cait Ate Moo haved dict" In. Pickering. | eo peda sony note [Sea nese eee! aivwe snd "opel Far t istrict icke le | : , 668- $853, or Me: 4088, eager all tng ee 1 washers. ; outstand:-| your needs phone or m bath, television $550.00 down 3 pedroem bungalow; full basement, Carries for ' ini | ' Daytime 725-7732 | $92.00 monthly. P. |. T. close to schools ond shopping. Son Sor Ooh ame seo tyat $595 [us Valley Creek Furniture Evenings 723-9692 - elk 728-440) of call ot the store fe Fevcogge sr age 'cod EVENINGS CALL Ne eS ee WANT T0 BEA 1956 DODGE torch red fin. 16Ye_Bond Howe and Peters Realtors rele care, M' required. 78! Audrey Moore 668-4088 Margaret Hall 723-1358 large, nicely landscaped ot, HAPPIER DRIVER? FOUR DOOR. radio, very ' ! we "OIL CORL OPEN SYLVIA STREET, 640 -- wostedon| Evelyn Walker 725-1442, Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 | "2% © : | coon, $695 |= 7 68888, CES private entrance, 'oy dgty ATTRACTIVE RUG BRICK ! BUY A NEW CAR NOW 24 HOUR SERVICE for inspection irate tea OY OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE mortgooe. Cahoped iving | Von 1953 CHEVROLET a neta an = DIXON'S CADILLAC AVENUE SOUTH, 101 -- : | and dining room. 3 good bed- : 3 AR MAKE XAXRX FOUR DOOR, Special radio. 313 ALBERT ST. 723-46 NOW LEASING ice Reems Party' furnished. 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-5853 -- Rata cng by 4 4 a ; ; i P "4 bes sna pec on cavertibie, | besulifl Say and ktighe 63 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS Rage No children. Abstain- aerial, wired for dryer, beau- : REJECT ee SCHOFIELD-AKER re ec con | tL ta), SeSSANO UP 26--Rooms For Rent if 'ai RxS F * ready ; $2.95 AND UP ° GOVERNOR [aggre ermine -- ve. me LIMITED -- REALTORS | VALUE --~ Close to all fot 'LOAN , PALMER ny. 6208. Sizes To Choose F M AN SIO N S Feot. Telephone 728-0833 "after 12 noon. | Over A Quarter Century of ia, this ive & halt roomed | M OT 0 RS F Beaver r umber Ca Co, Ltd, GIRL companions to share light house- ti s and Reliable Servic , Alan : : ge hk yg a ice throughout. Aluminum storms THE BANK OF WHITBY eeB-SO18 110 Park Rd. N., |=: VALUABLE HIGHWAY PROPERTY cheb NOVA SCOTIA | .,20. King Street East [situa : i SKATES LARGE furnished room, for ledy, pa: } Bowmanville 623-5487 : : : FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE, BETWEEN OSHAWA AND ae . owmanviltle Osha Leading Skote Ex Oshawa vate entrance, private | bath. 'fully INCOME HOME -- Each a | da . wa's Leading Skate Ex | /| WHITBY, Thi luable prope: ith hi f , - i hange, OSHAWA'S FINEST 725-128. om nap wt hed cere of tnd ond large 9: roomed home which het ppstilinaelbed gbiontingh go qe Ais ; nomical car, $1,095. Motors ° eet Cacceen intai ttracti ivin ey a orate ave : > ETAT | PONTIAC INN | Sievetaatiaece Bun teriss'S cvice | Sevrtyemcont | OPPORTUNITY | SPECIALS fermeertrareramtitens| ite On" i t- Bok : ; % Rooms, Single and Double. chen, 5. lenge bedroorns, plus @ den ond secrmap mel = coe A oe eae eae In Good Used gold stitching, jge and|__204 BOND STREET EAST EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Television. Dining Room, second floor and also bathroom on main floor, Master bedroom . ai duolex is. situated SALE 4 luxurious equipped with SCHOFIELD-AKER Lunches Packed. has fireplace. Ook and tile floors throughout. Hot woter heat- papa "abbey . Pash ue ber F A R S = : ing with oil, large double garage. This desirable property can be E1908 0: eer | PU. On ag eg A pda ;| All Oil Burner Service Bald 725-0078 _| Seve. Hee ceeraiatzas covlee eiome: |e BUY AT sealed it" Bar "eaets| Fre, ond ported yu AYTIME 723-2265 tion AFTER HOLIDAY OFFER -- , : y| purchase "White Rose" uni-. APTER 5:3 5:3 (ey oe ATTRACTIVELY We on god oe: t) WINTER PRICES peat ng rs 668-5893. fined froin oll Pesca we wonderfu' yy to offer our f DOOR % Henry Stinson 725-0243 FURNISHED ROOMS clients just ofter the begin- AND SAVE condition. late, Corinthian white finish, with WESTERN OIL co. oo ng are Available in private pores. GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTORS Hes oe. hate Bova $450. jg <= gprs frenemieaion pie DIAL 725-1212 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 | "";oetween 5 ond 7 pum. 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-1121 | dining room, tiled kitchen. | 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN | 1956 DODGE ait Dundas Wee. Wary, eoosee. | -- TELEVISIONS vs PARK RD. { The upstairs has two bed: Radio, automotic. "Excellent jas 4 Ren Aker 725-0201 8 co: ! ' Oil y AUte FOUR DOOR SEDAN, New Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guare Ralph Schofield 728-3376 - NORTH } fooms, and bathroom. Oi Condition. Motor, New Tires, Perfect. |door sedan, brilliant tone anteed, One year worranty on heating and garage. Priced at Announces only $8,900 ond must be | 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN $550. rae Picture tube. We elso rent ° sold to settle Estote. lo, Standard Transmission me, cou WHITBY CLASSIFIED |0P2 House-497 Annapolis Steet) Sinn» | Mew | wzeomoum | JESPRC ui Wa = pRBite veLevsion end Used, Largest assortment modem 2 year old brick bun- | 1958 CHEVROLET--FOUR | nice eae, bayer, sep cee sae 725-6457 $11,700, FULL PRICE -- Must be sold. Large ranch galow with double garage, DOOR STATION WAGON-- : $495, |vou_need see the Want Ads, Do it today | situated on the corner of King . ii : THREE room unfurnished apartment! bungalow. 5% N.H.A. mortgage. | Street East and Oshawa Blvd, Radio, automatic. 'Body and 1957 FORD Renault--Peugeout Remove Ice with near Four Corners, for handyman. Low Features natural stone fire- Mechanica! Condition --Ex- AUSTIN ' Calcium Chloride Rock ete. rent. Light shag ager : Ajax after 9 p.m. FRIDAY JANUARY 1 ] th 2-9 P.M. thn elgg a large ceptional', TWO DOOR, « real good car. Parts and Service ef mehogany plywood, noturst | 1987 CHEVROLET SEOAN-- $695./ STATHAM noltiee Sand iam first floor, W_ ©, Brook, RR 1 Whitby. ___|frigerator. Cbtrel 960 par' month. Tele SATURDAY, JAN. 12th 2-6 P.M. brick fireplace. Exhaust fon | Automatic Transmission. "A | 1956 VOLKSWAGEN B.A. SERVICE |BATHE & McLELLAN THE Culture Pea _Hale Siyling. phone. ee8. 357. ' | in kitchen. Reol Nice Car" | Nice condition. | RITSON ROAD AND KING | BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 308 Boeck Siront veil FOR RENT: 3 apartment with ' Freroaly Ta, Tins: ming tree Tele | M0", Telrieraiors itches et. Sul Directions: Park Road North to Annepolis, | BEVERLY ST.--Homes in this | ©1956 CHEVROLET DELUXE | $595. |__ 723-4733 ond 723-7712 ie, ta Scott, soune, as West on Annapolis to Open House populor area are at a pre- COACH--"'Body and Interior 1959 VOLKSWAGEN | SPOT CASH olla: % ium.« They ore always in de- . a "alg two bethe ving. "Gning, Ruchen, mand; this one is situoted on Like New". PAID FOR | For free delivery coll 725-4761 | : 4 Drive it, you will buy it. large recreation room, utility room; a fenced and beautifully treed | Sl ee oe 0 P 3 N H 0 U S E | lot, a comfortable two bed- 1956 'BUICK TWO DOOR $595; | Good clean core. Trode up | BUY NOW mane room bungalow, with _ fire- HARD TOP -- Automatic or down, Liens paid off. "| MAIN floor, two room apartment with | : lace in livin, . Finished Transmission 1960 RENAULT DODD MOTOR SALES gy wT y place in 1g room. ! gn ircty private $65) 856 MARY St. | oom in basement. Hot water 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE FOUR DOOR, 8,000 miles, 314 PARK RD, an AND SAVE! oil. heating, garage. Now va- automatic 723-942 Boots; Grew-Cruisers, Trae 3 EDAN----Radi * th 'a SATURDAY, JANUARY 12th miammmcedia { Cushwe $795. | TILDEN veer, Mason, O.M.C, Lar, weekend 1:00 to 8:00 P.M. pope |" one OPEN MOF: | TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS | 1958 EDSEL ma SECONDTRIONED ciudeat Gpeeiere: oy area nant Weed, furniture SIMCOE ST.N. --Lunurius | 1959 BEDFORD VAN Only | FOUR DOOR, outomatic. A CAR AND TRUCK SNE Sebank rretaas.| nd, tromnovee ioe bas ron? Gove 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW custom built quality Ranch | $439.00. . $895. RENTALS MARINE STORAGE milton Ott gg A ng 137 Brock S. MO 8-5849./by, 668-5481, | i {All Makes and Models) Saas: Suits, coats, dresses,|WHITE newsprint paper in sraventent NEW RECREATION ROOM honk ccuuer ieciad aoe 1953 CHEVROLET DELUXE 1959 OLDSMOBILE 88" CALL 725-6553 & SUPPLY LTD. aperationns Putting over: pny les aie Wie Teun ao ota leemeeee Py af the 'Circuls: PAVED DRIVE age, electric automatic doors. | COACH--Rodio $149.00, 14 Albert St. BROOKLIN, ONT. i i FOUR DOOR, real good con- Whitby's only fuel joer rai ssc _ gall reg ml FOR AN HONEST DEAL dition KELLY DISNEY 655-3641 ee DAY care available lctaand home | NEWLY DECORATED clack, sepelets. dinica saorh ene | $1495. * USED CARS dealer carrying @ [Het tunches. Playroom, fenced in yard.| 12 x 17 kitchen, with picture neessihes 409 BROCK ST. S PAINT SALE -- WELL LANDSCAPED window, and scenic view, 4- 1961 TRIUMPH ENSIGN WHITEY --ashases | complete line of FUEL ("""-- 5 ---- pe. tiled, vanity bethroom, FOUR DOOR, 3,000 miles, C ht and sold "pine Gonl" tn yorious sites, ESTABLISHED $11 000.00 Four generous sized bed- TED CAMPIN automatic, as new. e ginger go * Stock clearance of quality A , with oodles of closet | interior wall paint and eno- cones ee Ses.,, | BEAUTY SALON | ee Spoce: The howe comes com | MOTORS $1495, | Trade up or down = ee | plete with broadioom, lum. Several 1963 FORD Demon- YOUR VOLVO DEALER for one week only, ttes Charcoal | 1N WHITBY torms and beauti- 4 4 Hardwood and Softwood Slab Paysite - LLOYD METCALF storms ond scresne, beoutt 407 KING ST. EAST avatars Ot valine' jvtin: Tae & BILLS ft. frontage. Home situatec j OSHAWA i GARAGE Bathe and ' { Reasonable beyond Lansdowne shopping Just East of Wilson Rood ith' | McLell SAWDONS "| FoR PARTICULARS CALL ee re | Smith's Sports | .Setee"set. | 4. Atchellon eel agehbe 4 EVENINGS 5 to 8 40 KING STREET EAST |For Full Particulars Call 7 723- Vall 723-4494 353 King Street W. 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 668-3524 Whitby 725-4273 DIAL 728-4678 | SAO FA A. |. ee Tees PHONE 723-931} 728-0921 (Continued on Page 16)

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