eae Ce alae PIS nas ce ETT a RO STE E, : ws | Seiya " pre neers H ne og is wesley eras arsenal ONO AG HE ETRE EEN ERIM 0 ng sore so 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, January 10, 1963 Today's Stock Market Listings TORONTO li AM. 1S ad 1 Net bert ae - By The Canadian Stock Sales High Low a. B te Stock Gales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch Inter PL 25 679% 79% 794 --~ %4/Majtrans Gunnar 803 900 890 900 +15 Inv A 100 $58 (58 Medal 600 262 262 262 --S /|Hallnor 200 215 215 316 +5 x 2100 ag Pete 224 224 --1L |Har-Min Joc! key C . 1900 330 i N Cont 1000 Headway 7) Kelvinator 9900 Ley % 10 il | Hollinger 500 Labatt 100 1 1S Hud Bay 52% e t] Th i U d Lafarge A 1725 $6% 6 + Val Jacobus 2000 \ rwear 300 1 Phillips 000 17 «1? +1 | Joburke ee ee oys erma nl @ 300 85S 8 58 a Jonsmith pd wis Kenvie "ano "a oss Sturdy mesh knit cotton yarns provide Kilembe ee ' warmth without weight. Tops in popular n 32000 179 178 Lariaaue iH 70 pullover style, with short sleeves and 4M Decatin "000 atten "$00 135 185 185 oe ribbed cuf s. Drawers have full elastic | Lyndhet is ss waist and ribbed ankle bands. Both [Abacus ' Macfie «$000 $3 Fy ; are well bound at points of strain: re pala : en panies oe : White in small, medium or large to fit Meinivre 375 8464614 48 ¥ H sizes 8 to 16. DRAWERS, Fl EE 3 833% 33 4 $18 8 Murray M sis. 18 9 Nama Cr 2000 12% 12% MM $30 630 18 1 $134 13% 134 -- Ogilvie 813% 13% Nealon : a aM 23%, +h - ! 3495 $20. 19% 20 7 460 $23 22% 23 Black Bay 2000 18 --2 |New Alger 5 "+ MI Hes 2 FOR 3.50 $3% 320 32% + K/Po Bordulac 7000 44 New Ath 1 at 31 a 52 Gi Bralorne 101 6 625 --15 |New Bid 5 $5282 QN Gas 600 6 5% 5% 4 00 $25 5S 170 aon Reef 500 3 Newconex 470-470 ' q ' 100° «39 9 9 Gas w Oo #0 9 ' 250 N Goldvue 5 4 5 P 100 68) «(100 Revelstk pr 220 500 5 New Hosco 3 14 120 120 . ------ 635 $31 4 31 Rothman 125 y Camp Chib 1240 43 3 3 N Kelore 3 a et h J $274 27 Royal Bank 317 C Tung 135 1 38 Norgold ee Meee | + € Me pene. ; @ 300 $21%4 zl0 Ba HEE 2" Fi a4 -- | Salada 2155 0 C Astoria 19 akon a" ate 122% Sayvette 200 275 27: 3 Northgate 1300 580 575 580 --$ p & 3 Seven Arta 210 $9% _ 1 N Rank 41% 41 41% +1% A 2 FOR 2.50 755 hh 1" tue ¥|Shawin 915 . Opemiska 680 680 6680 ' Can Can A 225 Shaw A pr 310 $44 44 44 Pan-E: % % mn ty Ormsby 220 22 22 © a Celen J00 ca ie on 14 shell ou 1990 sis % 00 sive i" 1% peer tt oitlt 6M 28 . ; 4 m + Wis ie 283 im 44 s Chem w 38700 330 Slat Steel pr 220 sc i |Gheskirk 20500 ac 7 wg | Patino { Handsome styling in well-tailored age oe Bey, eh oe ak MRR 4 dabity ie +1%4|Steel Can $19% 19% 194% -- "Coch Will 440 #435 «440 % i | 3 05 87% % Steinbg A 250 819% 19% 19% -- |C Bellek ™% % 7% aa Ae | i : ressin owns or 0 $ 816% 16% 16% + ¥|Suptest ord 225 $179 17% 17% }C Callinan ™ Tm Th Purdex q 69% 94 Tancord 250 165 165 165 {Gon Gillies ee aoe ; 9 . x Tor-Dom Bk 22 5% GANG > Mogul 109 109 --! | Radi ik ad ft ; as j Tee oY io Meee poe 1 | Radiore Smartly comfortable wee dressing gowns Tower wts 45 --8 |Conwest 485 © 485 | Rexspar ! 23 i in Cashmere Cotton" .. . a woven cot- 15 \Cralgmt $19 19 Rio Al ; ; : i me tie iin Su -- 4lcrowet = ue 88 Ie a ee ae A ab ton flannel that's washable, "Sanforized" mM Trane PPL a ore |D'Aragon 000 aM 2M ais ia San Ant 5 % 38 3 | ' for shrink resistance. In attractive plaid 837% 374 37K -- He eee soe Dealave suis ae 5 ie ae designs, predominantly red or blue; with S10%e 19% 19% Vendomat 8% 34 5 Dicknsn 8 . 4 ot nl Tellvea tr ak Gn au ulbeme aeorw nf Starrett shawl collar and tie belt. Sizes 8 to 18, 4 S 220 Siig "ts "ta 12) [Walk GW 945 $564 36m S614 Donalda $00 . -- 8 4 ; f an wie EV a : 7 h |WCoast Tr $14% 14% 143 Eldrich 25 " - botted pieg aoe | WCoast vt $13% 13% 13 "ny 3 6 2 y Ss a a W Pacific $17% 17% 17% $ : $21' |W 817% 17% 17% Gaitwin ac $10% 10% 10% | $2044 204 2014 4 14 | Giant YK 14% 10 «110 «+1 «| - ee oT v & tee 970 «6970 BY 3 8 8 " , 360 360 | Thomson | EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 Ssone oo aire ane ane | 14 Bh 'a + | Kernaghan & Co. 333 339% 35% 3% -- ¥| Aome Gas 13% 13 1% ~ %| MEMBERS OF THE 220 «220 20 3 963% 63% 63 GL Paper 750 $16" 3% 13% -- i Ante 08 rie TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE L 20 995 995 25 990 990 990 29 87, s es ke be pi 2 : aaa OPERATING DIRECT LINE ee eae 3 3 is | teconte - MONTREAL || sowmanvitir ~ ScARBORO | i Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs mee 3s ontario 720°L104 || osHAWA's ONLY 30 ans ans ag * | No Stelre To Climb | UNIONIZED SHOP 6 184 184 --4 J RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, | 723-4631 si2 13 «(18 25 $124 14 1K-- i] 725-4305 50 MILL 6% HBOUG 100 M7 #17: «#117 +b] 6 39 45" Imported Printed and Plain Cotton "Playknit" Ordinarily 1.79 Novelty cotton fabrics with a finely "knitted look"... handwashable, crease-resistant and 'drip= dry'! They're done in a handsome range for '63... novelty effects, stripes, florals, geometrics! A joy for good packing! For shorts, slacks, skirts, gay tops, two-piecers, togs for children! Prints in predominant shodes of lime, beige, black, turquoise, peach, royal, white, red, green, pink. EATON -- Sale, whales seh tanta ted Md cement at WHITEWALLS! [f "ven , | rr ee : a BLACKWALLS! || ie 50" "Drip Dry" 'Arnel' Sharkskin Ordinarily 2.25! , ie Firm and crisp to the touch, it pleats beautifully . . . a natural for' sheath dresses, slims, shorts, clam diggers, tennis clothes, etc. Hand-washable, it needs little or no ironing. . . its crease-resisting properties are handy on a trip. Available in sparkling white only. EATON 1 Speligh Sal ae as 45" Plain inl Printed Crease-Resistant "Silk Shake" Ordinarily 2.95 New beouty in texture... in this new arrival which is a blend of rayon with real silk. A lightened finen- like crash type of weave from the U.S.A, Patterns are handsome and suitable for sheaths, tops, skirts, all kinds of sports fashions and resort wear. New imaginative floral and geometric effects in small and medium sized designs . . . predominantly in black, orange, turquoise, blue, beige, rose, lime, brown, pink, NEW B. FE. 6 green or white. is "WINTER TREADS | Ge\ "ats BY wen yo ee EATON Spotlight Sal, yard... 20.0. 20s secs ieesseesseeseeenen " Genuine BFG Retreads 1 2. 95 nme . vo AX H . NK WS : WK epplied only te sound : 3 . casings. As low os EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 PHONE 725-7373 aA, iM be English "Byford 98" GIRLS' "BAN-LON" Socks for Men | Knee Socks : i : Good quality "Ban-Lon" . . . 100% textralized stretch nylon... Made in England of wool reinforced with nylon. Soft, warm and wash wot uf _ excellent wearin qualities! Attractive fonts patenes comfortable on the feet. Elasticized at ankles for neat fit. Rib Elasticized tops for good fit. Will fit sizes 9 to 11. Colours of white, knit in black, brown, grey, navy or charcoal grey. Sizes 10 to 13. red, powder blue, royal, navy or brown. pcr 1. S| ve FO EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 PHONE 725-7373 TRUCK TIRES ¢2--<--y |i} | as Low a Jo {||| | TAKE ADVANTAGE of the EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS in the JANUARY and SPOTLIGHT SALES! MA -s SS => (||| Open An EATON Budget-Charge Account | CRED 3 ' And No Down Payment Is Required See's! hme 7257373 the mectrave ozo + 'Customers' Accounts fic Eaton's Upper Level by phone, by mail or in -person! It has all the modern advantages of a Charge Account plus the con- PHONE 725-4543 TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN MONDAY to SATURDAY 8.30am to 6pm