Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1963, p. 16

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a Sa 16 THE OSHAWA Times, rnurseey, senver; 1, sees <==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [22 16--Female Help. -- 17--Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |25--Apt. & Flots For Rent WOMAN to care for two pre-school ADVERTISING CANVASSERS for heating company.sEL¥-CONTAINED three-room. apart. ' . dren while mother works. Lg sss in, Salary plus comm! . Age 35-55.) ment, first floor, private entrance,| and | ( " one 728-0240, Older woman pre- Apply 9 to 12 a.m. 375 Simcoe Street), dut: . refrigerator, wash- B | \ E SE V E D | | LE ¢ 3 | es os heli ined in es- SALESMAN on Class A licen alsa aia a m. SS tonal office, Whitby, Reply stating age,| Required for ropidly ex- |MimauAvuy wait oe Down:| 723-7606, ; marital status ang qualifications to Box| panding corey. Must be |town area. Ge wate ead nenetive ve| n 231, Oshawa Times, experienced competition pas, sae Write Box 815, pad pessoal sees if desired. Ideal WAITRESS with expe required} with excellent remuneration bedeabinm for couple, All utilities paid. i -- i k for David's Drive- Pigs peti ny 939 t 923-1435. Accountants Instruction Personal Service BPete B LVeO ee West, Whitby. 668-4066, ant ese tue Sicty ETAIL cates Gants Ge aie a k i BEAGLE hound, female, three years T ca cotananien a Glas ints, : 7 . % al PRONARD JAMES BROOKS, Cortviedimanver Dance AcapEnT, Seer! MODERN GRILL [aiAticence "hunter: ie. sit. 'Tole eee Genene Seeay eer © Confideniial DELIVERY DRIVER. (eneta poets sperument ne awa Centre, 725-9933. now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122. Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey phone 725- 5, : required. Tel le) hone 723- 4551 erik ines --_~ Store Work PA pacer an fare aer- BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting|/PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor,, Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home |BEAUTIFUL baby budgice, agit dl EXPERIENCED waitresses. Api ply Full Time Job. Apply ee eee or Service, Complete bookkeeping service,|15 years' experience. By interview Made Pies and Desserts. (training, talking strain, pply '8. N. Restaurant, 315 Brock Street Apply SIMCOE NORTE NORTH, close to Stree four cor- n . 725-0397. Rea.Jonly. Act 725-1054, Broad, 114 Elgin Street at i South, Whitby 668-9061. 323.7005.. heen Ml reer WE DELIVER BLACK and tan hound BEAUTY demonstrators, earn up to SUPERINTEN DENT REED'S FLORIST pes Padre cow a LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA, entrance. witsox AND a Sehoel, Ballet, tap, acrobatic,| 345 RITSON AD. SOUTH | weeks. old. ent nny of, oe Pq conmeten Full of "par Manian bbatnctdth SB og Accountants, 114 King Pirect act Osk-|pre-seheel: kindardance, Fridays, Satur- 725-3887 " <a lfiine, 'Telephone 325 3687, ' F awa; Ronald F. D, Wilson, CAs|days. Masonic Te: ¥ a MINIATURE white poodle at stud, To naieachanabeniaiens experienced in MAN REQUIRED BY SIMCOE North at 17 Ariington, three G. Burrows, CA, T20-784.__|""" FARK TO | DRIVE E |Plumbing and Heating ee sal Sak Wemeiie one oe Se METAL Private bath, television oudet, garage,| What Haye You To PRINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char. Age a og Tel 725-4858. \but not necessary, Apply in person: to . near schools, , bus. 723-3537. | fered Accoun ccountants; 172 a aa Oshawa Driving School [AM PLUMBING and neating suppiles. meso - Glazier's Departinent. Store. Local Finance Co. SENTRE Be co Peers gg TRADE? ee LANDER AND 00. DAY or EVENING Plumbing, Heating and' Engineering,| 5--Farmer's Column SALESLADY age 25.5 with "knowi- FABRICATING, Age 21 or over with contained spartment, private bet 'bat, gas} on this large brick, twe 14 Accountants, Licensed Trus- S06 Sisnooe. Street Sout TEN shire pigs, eight weeks oid.|case of sewing. Fermanent posi j i ivalent, pene peli Hod storey home, with huge kite in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Ponts gah ge nse lit Gebuk of foal as ed: | Telephone 723-0081 pag Men tring rae Ag per WELDING AND oo - se va Relcome, day care, if. eoures 728- chen and dining 'orea.' ab Bast, Oshawa, 728-7371. utomatics, Du ling, new and used materials. Reason-|GASH on the spot. Highest prices paid|Ontario Street, Oshawa. STAMPING PLANT OP ROTTITY: ar RIT BY ~~ Baceidam abaraneat bast | kitchen is ultro-modem: with an advancement. Ay vn exchange for day care| Hollywood cupboards. built- ITH, MONTEITH, RIBHL, and able rates, Estimates free .Dialifor dead and crippled farm stock, tinea Serene. Seyrans. 728-7527, preerorrt wa ---- 723-1198, J. Foley, ae Telephone Collect. ene Bsa Sr Gaseer tense teeta on :| In range and oven, re ee ea : REPAIRS and remodelling of all types.|ticonce ae TPA T¥FONC-'fortable home. 'Telephone 728-1651, IN AJAX Phone AJAX WH 2-4020° m, ( Mt 3-000, Whi 4 i Lawn Mowers _ new and used materials, |GiRL or young woman for general . BOWMANVILLE - = One-bedroom & apart. YES -- Grab Plo as iatne ™"|V1--Articles For Rent ice is Toate Sew hate Et) 40 men and 4 foremen | _ of Whitby 668-5991 jmen cinaiy sted Renca ge] corpert, ene 5 Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Good home and salary for right per- TAX! DRIVERS manville as.2004. easy N.H.A, ortgage. Ti dig wl Save At b pea rit gl EVERYTHING ALL WELL agli | Punch Bowls 1eoks, Splanoag Oshawa 725-7851 for in Apply to SIMCOE Street, three-room s basement ay! prinrh hoo Nay v9 ervice Centr "oe : aap ald ll ai ee rtment, private bath, $60 ly 1 But if you insist | Brandy, Wine Cocktail Glaaer | LEGAL | SUPERINTENDENT | abe trg! -- - 40 Available February 1. Telephone 728.| boat, or second mortgage, Repairs to All Makes S T A N S on the best... call | Roasting Pans | | 'op earnings. Apply \| F Gates toon," basemen LICENSED MECHANICS [corner inc AT Burk sts, (PUSCOTT PLUMBING Coffee Urns | STENOGRAPHER | Post Office Box 550 | ,y,ERCURY TAXI preg a lo ge 725-1186 | Pa couple. Laundry facilities. Near bus. 5 King West -- 728-1607 land HEATING Limited / AJAX, ONTARIO Telephone 725-5363. W. T. LAMSON "pIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" 723-3224 | 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 wale EO eae WANTED 725-4771 ____ OSHAWA' BLVD, NORTH -- three Real Estate Limited Only experienced need apply. room apartment, newly decorated, pri- | vate entrance and bath, heat and hot) Permanent. position, 5 day week, Apply. SALES OPPORTUNITY aa a al Louis §: Highen; Qs a eee erse LLOYD: REALTY 37 King Street East " AND FEATHER TICKS Excellent opportunity for above average earnings, A able now TH CHESTERFIELDS id old chai: '2 = GREER, "Aeasclaks Barcinears pon gis Mortgages civered like new. Get the best for less| Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals | providing the following benefits: -- CADILLAC AVENUE SOUTH. "101 -- LIST WITH LLOYD Saunas ----jat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe t if | Three-room, self-contained apartment, tides, 150 King Street Weet, 728-6246.) ~~ tat Modern' Upholsterers, 142 Sime (collect) |17--Male Help Wanted 870, Private entrance, Partly furnished | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER jage loans available. veienw lintel aha intercnraateees Bere ) Available ii t Mortgage } DONALD, BA, Barrister,|nereements purchased = and = 801d:ciESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, |. TURNER [mTTOUS. real estate salesman re-| Advancement Sora omnia No "children," Abaaie | GLENFOREST STREET RICHARD Lt » bo *\Hennick and Hennick, ghee 31 like new. Why pay more: Our rates| quired. Preferably with licence. Ref-| . ' : 728-9083. Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcot]King Street East, 723-7232. _|are. "reasonable. Satisfaction gurran-| 723-2043 -- 723-2281 erences required. Liberal commissions. | Hospitalization po | $13,900.00 FULL PRICE North. 728-2891. eas ey PRIVATE and ~aasaraice is |teed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. 13--Busi rr} io Pisce orcrpeee Foren keg re) 4 PI ? sINCOn 'onTa," #21--Fnrniahed two. i < . » Ba -- i > oe mae ig bet ne ella aay Nag ct Snake tn a tno usiness Opportunities |i. Street South, Whitby, 668-5823, ension Flan \kitchenette.. 'Suitable for, lady. $60.1 © iol ert bungolow v4 dence 728-0264. chased. Creighton, Drynan and Mur- Sales and Service FOR SALE or rent, vacant store with|two SALESMEN to call on service Permanent Employment [ecmmy. Tobias, Resal "aman 2,900.00 BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,|doch. (See heading "Barristers, ") : --_|modern apartment above. Would con-|stations, etc., in Oshawa, Whitby and |NEED a loan? Check the dependable esale requiring $2/900.0 Solicitor, "Notary Public. Mortgage| A OUTBOARD MOTOR -- escomcatiee are wa Wises Hoe d furpounding areas. Dealership to quall-! Mie te the tremendous increase in our sales during the past year, {firms poeple tinn isle tla etal Tremendous yous 36% King Street East O G G ed applicants. For interview and fur- |fast, courteous service, ere in this eter: oreo. fae ton Kes. 965-7168. M RT A ES REPAIR SERVICE te ell Bharanimegllldesticens ther details, telephone Mr. D. Timleck,} We have an opening for on energetic young man to compliment | aperampE Avenue West, 303: Spacious} Coll Ed as right now Gis 8 HYMAN, QO. Barrister, Soli- SCOTT MOTORS PROFIT MAKING coin laundry, Blair|Fuller Brush Company, 726-8130. our present sales staff, |five room apartment, broadioom, range| for appointment to, inspect oer Notary. Alger Building, 37 King Moneys for first mortgages, McCullough Chain Saw fae cian. ee ae meet ; and refrigerator, $120 monthly. feie-| a+ 728-5123 or 725- 9345, tect act" 7ai00. Mortgage "Or! Interest ot 7% SALES & SERVICE" twirane'dows. Wote' Sorts Omavs| EXPERIENCED The epelicont must be et nest aopedronce, good reputation, |pieee_ Tae 'available. Ti | ambitious and had previous experience in Automobile sales or |$50.--FIVE rooms, garage, oll furnace. 7. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solct| No bonus CITA A MARUNE pe WELDERS aitied Biecinoss, ior tke mralviiag tse uis eis] $1,000.00 DOWN tor, ete. 13% Simcoe, Street North! No charge for valuations SERVICE DIAPER SERVICE " pie ae ee phone Hampton 263- a room ranch bangsiow, » 723-1101. Residence, 725-5542, ; ; is is your opportunity to join one of Conada's leading Genera THREE-ROOM as private en- ick. Located in East Sec- CARBON and BASTEDO, 1 Barristers, ase oc 2 A Agreements 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 oo and Motor Dealerships. tutiaied' T2018. Att et 8p us| tion of Oshawa. Oil heating, ony ee i aakies Street} Moneys for second mortgages (Surveyors : 728-4564. | ; "| storms and screens, paved North, meer eats) MoU, ferisces weamrcconel TT deere STEEL THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, seme smn, az ----rareioga| s¥e,ond loge lor, Peed Qc; Edgar F. i Land S , 111 Elgin Street East ScaRPiT # MANGAN, GG, Barrister. Immediate services rendered. Freed surveyor gin Street Eas' Apply 311 Wilson Rd. South FABRICATORS couple Kitchen equipped with sink,| ments of only $70.00 on Solicitor. "a to loan. Oftice 14M M. F. SWARTZ [DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN. On- 723-2139 260 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA rds, retrigerator and stove, AP-| one "mortgage. Hurry ming: eet TT 2612 King St. East fac Land Surveyor. Commercial blue- WANTED : igen dimen Call Irwin Crukshanks ot . Z AND RONALD oe 'apartment, A FS neg i Oshawa, Ontario -- a _|14--Employment Wanted fe, TV. aerial, 'beat| 726-6205 or 728-5123. Notaries. Meees fe leet Sesl: mek, 723-4697 ITV -- Radio Repairs cy care for two or three small. chil- Reply in writing to APPLY IN PERSON ONLY land nat wate a0 month "Telephone WARTIME BUNGALOW" 26% King i z perp Senate arane poops sarimen|MONEY TO LOAN |i reaoreer etme 'rmstee ice | Dior ean tbiee BOX 220 creme ats ccbosa a iper| re bedron, amuoltslt. de> DONALD s vt vs ® I 5 -oiya f "| corated inside and out. ¥ 57 Ell Sy tke woo mother!. fi hild | : and Solicitor, ade bg hy hg sacra [tronics 15 Elliott, 723-9792 Fred. val poeggy dient ik... "| OSHAWA TIMES i ™ F broly re adults pre- $900.00 down and $80.0 dence 65973. Low Interest | T.V. TOWERS Phone 66206 ag a rag Ww --_ bi ag w ---- TWO bedgeom epariment lm etpiex| Per month. Call Bill John- THREE- our-be "home, | | elp ante elp ante 728-10 72 HUMPHREYS, 5, BOYORYN and WILL. | THREE. or four-bedroom home, prefer: TRUCK DRIVER fiscaace u Be 2 = building, stove, refrigerator, washer,,| ston now 66 or 725- 'MAN, Barristers, oes Pig em No Valuation Fee | All galvanized, no paint jarea, close to public school onic 3. | | ; | a enema eee me . | Barristers _|Money to Loan [Rug-Upholstery Service _ Toc halslee Wants d | JAMES A. MscDONALD, BA, LLB. |$4,000, APPROXIMATELY. needed for|CHESTERFIELDS and|- we | | 1 | | Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- re-styled, Free estimates. See our ¥ lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King/first mortgage on house. Will pay O eatarial: for re-covering. Dalton Up- WANTED Oshawa, Ontario. Client park-|per, cent per annum. Reply in writing itoring, 75 Charles Street 723-7212. SCRAP IRON, POULTRY | j | | | | } } | jably with recreation room. In nice jdryer, parking. Apply 349 Frontenac) 512 Street East, Oshawa; Light work, steady employ- |Avenue, Apartment No. 1. " ; . | referen Bef 3 » teleph } J "S. Boyenyn, BA. acs! ~~ Until Loan Completed Hmn ' | ment. ferably bet- |WELLINGTON STREET -- Threeroom| Lloyd Realty Oshawa) Limited, LLB, Office 721-3177 N & LOU'S [221 Local 246s er: Ane vee ae SALES MANA | i ) is, ONHA and other Residential s T : |NADCERANCE hanfivaaa, wide ted) Weer! 40.20 years. Apply homer TV. 'outlet, "heats hydro, "470 101 Simcoe Street North, ; : | isi, 725-500, NI and o esidentia ANTENNAS lof experience, elevators, machines, MR, BAILEY | monthly. Telephone 725-2225, Oshéwe; Onterie. ' . Pe | linterested ai: in bowli! alley, Me-} inten HEIGBTON. DRYNAN AND MUR- City and District | 728-5804. or 725-7844 |ehanically experienced in maintenance) BAILEY FOODS |MODERN: two-bedroom apartment. ia OPEN EVERY EVENING jnew building, all conveniences, close | Tel Summer Properties | 7 REDIAI G |MOTabRLY care stenatwaitares|__10 SIMCOE SOUTH _j We want a manager with direct sales ex- [Soin 'Geteral "Soto Vacant Land TV AERIALS © react of OY eens S0ed homes, 16ree | perience, hiring and training ability. Cap- | fenced yard. Telephone 728-1383. |FOUR- ROOM main » floor "apartment,| | erase j}Learn Meat Cuttin | ; : : jfour-piece bath, modern kitehen, = SCHOFIELD. AKER es es DO WEAR OUT [Pans ast sme ice Nar ht einige arty ie | able of handling a large sales organization [and cergerstor, slows, te, downtown , sold and arranged. rtga roke sociation jPhone 728. t . re 728-1673. | -- REPLACE NOW |RELIABLE woman desires work.| ps agate veh gibbon lly vie Availability and car a must. anal hn mann ee REALTORS While weather and prices are |Store, housework, care of children, etc. | trict day or evening cing a 1 : . Building Trades SUMMERLAND \Four days weekly. Telephone Brooklin| formed offering _ pracitcal apartment. Available February ', Tele-| Over A Quarter Century of j | j j 1 ALL TYPES of building repairs, root- | at their best, 1655-3059. training in the highly paid phone 723-7827 before 9 p.m, _| Continuous and Reliable Service | Qc; G. . 733-3554; G. L. Murdock 72 sade Member ae Wesops. Gordon May, 725-050. : SECURITIES TRIO TELEVISION 1é--Female Help Wonted | {it'd Cf meat cutting, mer- We offer special financial arrangement and over- [rebiguettee tel cee Gaeta ae $900.00 DOWN NR oy one LIMITED 171 BOND STREET EAST |sooumRRFER = Full al Aet'now) oS Selene | right. Exclusive territory. No investment or fran- |fiss' will rélenimss eovael"anes] IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1 t tial, good t fo! | ; i sini cei dh Sul bcs naan heir 'toe totes . 112 Simcoe St. North Fabio _CALL 728-6781 Bel Whitby Vata ag shes BR aye Bd PRACTICAL MEAT | chise. Field training and Supervision, TWO comfortable « apartments for -pent,| SUBSTANTIAL S-ROOMED pap ty Joeal chimn. leane' c ¥ y rf | i + $ INGA! j built end repaired. gas linings installed.) Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 TV TOWERS won tee CUTTING and For unlimited apportunity in Canadian firm, in Vv AGienn sar washing 'facilites: | vous rag a (ooo Nursin RETAIL SCHOOL Telephone 728-9763 or 725-3832, [5 Hoh, Begurifully: detondtead : a 9g Homes WAITRESS FURNIS as in. Beautifully decorated, HED all good-sized rooms, cera- | PLEASE WRITE ile, , i a og ae x] Sletesicia? | Economy and Déluxe | FULL TIME | 1425 DANFORTH AVE. | WRITE BOX 228, OSHAWA TIMES Exceptionally clean 3 room mic tile, bathroom, large yao. Deiver. gas, and oil supplied.) | i i ; | DAY SHIFT j ' , Nursing Home Ltd. ™ oe | sak na 20--Room and Board 24--Houses For Rent APARTMENT schools, shopp' week-ends. ROOM and board for clean, respect-|an4 South GM. Possession February 1 -Dressmaking Chronic and Custodial | | H | i | } | : basement, oil heating, good- self - contained sized lot, poiinergs to all p.m., 728-2696. ond bus. = 5 | | isdn: .xtacet HOVING ee | | Experience: not necessary, | |ROOM and board in private home,|BEAUPRE STREET = Lovey Tanck Suit one or two business S90060 10" Ce Foon and insured, Tele-| Ritson Road North, also part-time help for EATON'S jelose to, South General Motors, Tele-|brick home, five rooms, three bed: | ladies. this one, coll. Henry pbc | | phone 723-30 ms, unfurnished, school, b , q Columbus, Ontario | QSHAWA TV a 'od South GOL Fecenttioa Femreary't| CALL 725-6740 daytime 723-2265, evenings | | To reliable tenants $110. i i | able gentleman, single beds, clean monthly, 726- 725-0243 ' | Apply in person. IN OSHAWA coms, good meals. Close to North| $80. 6-- | DRESSMAKING. elevations, pant calf + emia s Care 4 SUPPLY LIMITED | Ry ty Berane | General Motors. 728-0723. Two-RooM ae ~ partly furnished rid For lemon axca) «4S |S NORTH - WEST » # a . iOSspitai insurance Pian | | . +... aeVEN ¥ Twr ayy ' 9 ol ildren, please For particulars, |$ arge clean furnis! mis eet 728-8180 | ENVOY | _ Require Young tit, sevaN pave tor ive seaicmen (cut, gis room Canadian home "private tm| LOVELY 6 ROOM BRICK EXPERIENCED dressmaking, altera-| Ny Merb 1 | . R | Salesman With Some central. Telephone 728-3396 LARGE modern, three-bedroom _brick| "°° 'Telephone 723-1359. BUNGALOW Jocated in the tions, Peat cutting. sReasonablerates.| Nursing Care Payment Plan Gia Me ducers | estaurant E M NEAR Duplate and bus, clean, quiet/Rome, oil heated, Hollywood kitchen.|CELINA STREET, 2i8 -- Large house-| North west. L shaped living I. . Mot re, rs. Eldridge, 67 7 xperience in CMS |beme, good meais; [lunches packed. phone 728-2434." Rast ond. Tele. [terre a Tea eee | end. dining | rooms, earns Fuel and Wood Telephone Well Drilling--Digging 522 RITSON ROAD SOUTH | Clothing. laundry if desired, parking, gentleman SeLephene: TA SIR. Glen ln ta oiler kitchen preferred. Telephone 723-1248 SIMCOE SOUTH -- seven-room house, ;| FURNISHED bedroom in pri +| ----3 bedrooms -- extras in: Brooklin 655-4931 ee oe aa % | |newly decorated, oil heated. ¥enced|Parking. Gentleman preferred. Tele- W. WARD All company benefits [SINGLE room "Ri, boards seven, de7| yard. Parking. $100, monthly, Tele-| Phone 728-8706 or 723-4380. clude NATURAL FIREPLACE Furnace Cleanout : FRE-E Optometrist | WELL DIGGING BY | Bookkeeping hanks & PP jto town and buses. 173 Ritson South. | Bhone 725-3206. |NEAR South GM, one single furnished) RECREATION ROOM, ' T.V. al caste 3 pply Personnel Office: |sicoz anp ROSSLAND area, warm | FOUR-BEDROOM house, Simcoe Street | room. Two rooms to share, Gentlemen piste aluminum storms and it Vou Purchens G. BW. TUCK, RO, Optometrist. Please MACHINE | Machine | Jroom, private bath and entrance, quiet/North area. hot water heating, bus/preferred. Telephone 725-8645 between eens, water _ softener. }pay Bccounis at owalown Momision| SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | IT. EATON CO. LTD. |home: Lunches packed. Home cooked |Service to door. Telephone 723-2542 be-| 4-6 p.m. MUST. BE Lal pe FINA FUEL Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids| | meals, leundry, park Apply Tog tween 8 and 5. After 6 evenings,/ATHOL STREET EAST. 200 -- Singi Protaie jexamined at home, Dial 725 4537 668-2563 -- 668-3809 | Operator | Osh Sh Centre |carexie Wa | 728-372, rooms, suitable for gentiemen. Tots] | Low LIST | WHITBY, ONTARIO i | shawe opping sabes OM AND in hoe two jbus stop and downtown. Apply above. PRICE "ONLY'$ $12.3 300. Call ROSS HILL Painting and Decorating } : | |ROOM AND BOARD for iwo gentle. '25--Apt. & Flats For Rent | Steve Macko, da 723 less 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST For No. 3200 NCR | Wood and Metal jmen, to share, home cooked meals, 12 GIRL companions to share light house 2265, 0, daytime . 728-7761 DONS PAINTING ne oecorating| P.O. BOX 329 | Fess walk to south GM. 723-1360. | PONE SRRUE. "Gs ri ramen [be ver peor 1B oe ee evenings 728-5868. Pri si! i q ( ! M Dl r apartmen _ guaranteed Bowmanville 263- +2780, 1 Ww. 2 C 1 ACCRUAL PATTERN [ROOM AND BOARD oa op ae newly decorated. Private bath. and en- 078. oe oi ea Seca RAVINE SETTING Household Repairs DODD & SOUTER ----Womens Column single beds, clean room, good meals,|tTance, heavy wiring. $65 monthly. |ATHOL Street East, 162! Furmlahed! j, i tnibavnten datitsncdialshsd savanheecn aren eee SWING' le "in wane aa | MAKERS 'lunches packed. $15 for five-day week. |room for gentleman, central , you are LOOKING FOR PPLIANCES PAINTING AND DECORATING (Bone =. Sseens. 12 your aia beme 728-9626, N Snel BE lke beer | SOMETHING UNUSUAL HOUSEHOLD APPL | Group or individual. Also alteratioons| | phase sss Kl GS COURT -- lanai be Street 336, large bedroom, U in Sasi RGaT Gavést, |. . Pomia Amahvamd> .: Ge ee FIRST CiNos BMY |22--Storage Space | deals betes solent OS Waals] del veut a * ¥ ae | 'ainting, r " |PERMANENTS on special, Page Hair s ' H caucus ai e itu Fi is is it, - POLISHERS, IRONERS | 'Gyptex, Full Wall Murals dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone) Modern new office with caf- | TOP RATE PAY and Gorages APARTMENTS [snr | tures a beautiful ravine lot : met | Spray Painting 1725-5363 eteria. Company paid medi- | | "eee = -- m4 | |KING Street East, near limits, with creek runn Service gen | 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY ap j | cal, hospital and Insurance | Telephone for appointment Peg Ree von isd, penenerne slanai a i tateoone Bounds: tar g Raga Formerly with THOR of Canado | DAYS 668-5862 MW rNidac ttn benefits. Transportation easi- | 668-5233 j 733-0211. AJAX | phone 725-2974 gardens, etc. EXTRA LARGE NIGHTS 725-7426 1 nged. App! { | DIAL COLLECT 986-4342 |RIDE required to Toronto, leaving Oxh-| | ly arranged. Apply personnel | {340 SQUARE feet clean storage space. | Nek Bi ARTHUR STREET -- Two large fur} LIVING ROOM OVERLOOK- FREE ESTIMATES awa about 6.30 a.m. Telephone 728-3195) office OSHAWA |Immediate possession. Located at 295) 0 Lease Required. {nished rooms, refrigerator, stove, large ING THE RAVINE. Dining | t [Personal Service CLASSES in oil painting. Individual! stanaallecassnd Sho, arson blaster tema [apa ae wre COU CE Gene closets, laundry facilities. Reasonable] room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- Instruction IANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ pip OF Private. tay ar | DUNLOP | Pattern and Model | CEMENT BLOCK _ | a 2 diag pe Telephone 724-0033 efter 12 noon. | rooms. Finished: recheation MUSIC LESSONS. classical and popu- peg Sang He tea Fr tC AERDY 'Would lke side be Bioor and | Limited | Pg PN age ag -- room with walk out entrance Tat, piano accordion, violin, guitar, sax = ca-wac Wer (Yonge 'area arriving approximately Canada Ltd BUILDING | Opposite large Shopping Centre |single, $15; double, $20; hot water heat.| dOuble car port. Qil heating. po nergy coleneenl "ihe teas hkl . naeare soap ineeltind § picts ing|"_2:™. Please teleptrone 725-9130 Whitby 668-3361 y FE le Help Wanted | $0 x 40 ek. Suitebe fo near schools, churches, etc. jed, television, Telephone 723-9761. Priced right to sell -- terms. 87 Simcoe Street South. 725-150! you need see the Want Ads, Do it today | iF you shave a drinking problem write) = YY Nifby : 61 _ | 16---Fema je Mei wanted | 30 x ets SUOUe - Tor L |DIVISION STREET, 25 --Furnishea| For complete information, o---- ---------|Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or| Repair Shop or Storage. orge One Bedroom $73 jrooms, single and double, suit ladies or} call Henry Stinson, daytime : ifi eee . | {gentlemen ,use of kitchen if desired.} 723-2 % Classified Ad Rages jANYONE interested in joining a group] H| H A ES 182 Simcoe Street S. Two Bedroom $79 |Apply above. a 265, evenings 728 Better described cy a get foster results. a tabs Moawne eo GH SC OOL GRADU T { Telephone 728-1901 | TELEPHONE [REtSOe SAD NORtS 3 ig oo SIMCOE N Cash Charge February Write Box 229, Oshawa! jsuit gentlemen, breakfast optional, ORTH | Times if yous ties Wesliieia sible OFFICE SPACE AJAX WH os 2001 {close General Motors. ae oe Large ie By 1-storey tive di 3.75 4.13 Basco ena a $ pect Pe ' 2.25 2.48 | Removal of. "superfluous: hair, PIN : akon SERER ik ee aN "6 2 grey | | , : | ty jlarge furnished, single and age eer ABOVE x If not paid within 7 doys, charge rate applies. | Marie Murduff will be in | 'ou will enjoy work asa | Oshawa' S Finest _ | th elnks, single bed i OSSLAND. L-shap- Professional listings only, 3 lines per month 7.50 | Oshawa,' Jon. 21st, 22nd, j Y Igy ' FOR RENT | ling, gentlemen preferred. Apply. above.| ed living and dining rooms. | (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) and 23rd. Phone Genosha |DOWNTOWN -- Furnished light house-| Feature natural _ frieplace, ar ane pts. |keeping room, English speaking per-| wall to wall broadioom and Each additional line per month 1.60 a A ag dates for 'BUSINESS OFFICE REPR ESENTATIVE! Central location ge hg Peg palace Rheipre =k one Count eoch word, initial, ¢ hone or abbreviation as one word. | . ges 3s se | } 723-2138, |CHADBURN STREET, 203 -- Furnish-| chen and 2-pc, washroom - . Box number we ag Handling contacts with our Customers FFI ae 16 ein: from Downtown ee, home for lady er complete main floor 2nd ' |phone 723-7 joor consists of 3 huge bed- Werd ads 5 p.m. dey previous O CE CE Spotious rounds {phone 723-7370. roo BAe i tee. Classified Display ..2:30 p.m. day previous | Jerry Mountenay's | GOOD STARTING SALARY --- REGULAR INCREASES | AVAILABLE : Prestige location | PONTIAC INN washroom with tiled wails 'Births, memoriams, cords of thanks -- 9 am day. of publication. | PLEASANT OFFIC : ~ | | and noturai firep! HOME ession | EAS CE -- FRIENDLY CO-WORKERS j Corner King & Albert Attractive two bedroom Aer Lost and Found -- -. . 8:30 a.m. doy of publication Barber Shop i AGG to 750 sa. 4 | suites. Rooms, Single arid Double. \S HEATED AND AIR CON- - Concellations and Corrections--B8: 30 a.m. day of publication. | 4 : ; | Aa DITIONED BY GENERAL 72 CHURCH STREET Please apply in writing. to | APPLY LAKAS Private balconies REGULATIONS pete sive: Television. Dining Room, ELECTRIC. To: indpect 'call sit wok hee : = as 1S AGAIN Lunches Packed. Steve Macko, daytime 723- The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in adverti | S AG COFFEE SHOP ChnivGlladadtrancee 2365, econinwk 728 5868 j | | itted otherwise than in writing, not for more than OPEN FOR BUSINESS | | ; Senge abioceoigs Meow ar piss aderameok Bs bend the | | BOX NO. 218 = OSHAWA TIMES '23--Wanted To Rent Garages | 725-0078 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR | } | |ASSISTANT bank manager with fam-/ error occurs. \3--Pets & Livestock | lily (two school-age children) requires The Oshawa Times reserves the right to clossify edvertising |S oaeae ee a cas THE BELL TELEPHONE three-bedroom home. Telephone 723+) according to its proper classification. - year old, female eight months." With| COMPANY OF CANADA | 3457 during office hours Don Howe In the case of display odvertisements, The Times will not be . |papers. Reasonable. Good home. 726 24H | ; | | [B76 --Houses For Rent Daytime 725-7732 held responsible for more space than thot in which the actual via y shers ° > reproduce oll adve FOR SALI two Beagle hounds, six pais DIVISION SUREET -- Six-room house. | : i " | " eee ceecees. Lie vies srrecvow fo reprads {months old. Ready for training. Tele 15 VICTORIA, OSHAWA [ou heated, 870. monly 'Two cmiaren| Cvenings 723-9692 | 82 PARK RD. | 110 PARK RD. N tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement {phone Ray. Brown, Raglan, Brooklin| weicles. Vecaat Jacaury 12: Son eel j } 7 ™, if eny inoccuracies in ony form are contained therein, 1655-3981. j Realtor, 725-6412. | Howe and Peters Realtors! NORTH | 360 King St. W. Free Parking ric r ingle insertic he advertisement in which After his illness in hospital Paved Baain ors CR eed price charge for a single insertion ot the advertisement c aved Ba 9 ATTRACTIVELY | Piper Wet sees FURNISHED ROOMS |. IN BEAU VALLEY Available in private home. GOVERNOR MANSION APTS. Call between 5 and.7 p.m.

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