Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1963, p. 17

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EP PS rar sit Sd Area Church Men Plan See eee ee ee ae ak. dt are ae ae a FOE ET ES Se eS ae liebe .. The Oshawa Simes SECOND SECTION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1963 PAGE SEVENTEEN | | | Rally Here © } A rally of men from ail the| churches within the bounds of| Oshawa Presbytery of the Unit-| ed Church of Canada will be) held Saturday, Jan. 19, in King Street United Church, Oshawa. More than 600 laymen are ex- pected to attend The rally, which will open at) 8 p.m. is expected to result in} the formation of the first Pres- bytery United Church Men's organization in this area. Attending the rally will be Ralph Wilson, associate secre- tary of the Board of Men; Phil Spence, assistant secretary of| the Board of Men and Sid. Mar-| tin, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference Church Men | ceremonies; Walter C. Famme, chaplain and William Boor- man, senior deacon, Absent when the picture was taken was George Taylor, inner guard : --Oshawa Times Photo seen here. Seated, from left, Everett W, Jackson, treasur- er; Gordon Pierson, junior warden; Dr. S. George Werry, immediate past master; [racy C. Glaspell, worshipful mas- ter; T, L. Wilson; Ross Bell, tended among whom were ak most 80 past masters. The officers of the lodge, who were installed by Thomas L. Wilson, grand junior warden of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, are re-| mw simi- minister) Church to Phone 723-3474 To Press For New Lights m-|" |McCauley. McCauley beat out/ the lodge are: T. C. Glaspell,|G. K. Branton, master of Cedar |Vie Ayling for fourth spot. W.| worsbipful master; Dr § \Lodge |Sudsbury tailed the polls George Werry, immediate past; Among the distinguished] | Mr. Wilson will be the theme senior warden and Charles speaker, His remarks will be} ceremony was held in the Osh- from left, Harold Sproule, ju- der Orders". During the rally! awa Masonic Temple Tuesday nior steward; M. B. Reed, sen- the report of the nominating| d AM, No. 139. More than ler; Garnet Tubb, junior dea- and the newly elected officers) 200 members of the craft at- con; M. D. Jacobi, director of will be installed | . } ih 'e @ sing song conducted by Don League To Honor {uri ith a 'Williame wt the | . | Safe Drivers lat Northminster United Church, I t ll Offi Returned As \Oshawa,. will conduct the wor- 1¢ 'ers |League's Safe Driver Award] Follow: | | " "4 | ollowing the meeting L b H d jbanquet were discussed Tues-|frachments will be served a or @a \ly, meeting, The date for the! ,. x "i : a aver as be tanen \ter Of King Street United Of Lebanon Lodge a Bs, gh Sei tt th elected by acclamation to his| Organizing committees were} 5 : ' see : rae '(men's groups in Oshawa Pres- ¥ a f the u | fourth term as president of the|formed to arrange the dinner bytery and to give leadership in and largely attended gatherings|rector of ceremonies; William Watson, associate deputy minis-) Council at the monthly meeting|in the city if dra fa im the history of masonry in|Boorman, senior deacon; Gar-|ter of agriculture; Richard Gra-|Tyesday night The league members unani-| other presbyteries Ontario} 3 present last\2@ve formed similar organiza-| installed Tuesday night as mas-/George -Taylor, inner guard;/for Ontario and Rev. Fred J.| were aecepied by T. D. Thomas,|year's chairman, : ter, and the officers of Leban-/M. B. Reed, senior steward;|Reed, of Hampton MLA, Delegates voted unani-|mas, with a framed certificate|!V new A y 'ai fg 1 Gos pages "eae asians lar organization while were invested |A. F. Davey, tyler; R. Pinder) **, : ene Mr. Pilkey to office after Tom-| Sgt. Norman Smyth reported) 5 nile AWB ad : The toast to the installing ) 'i x 5 an t Tre » Clanin of Lansdowne United More than 200 mmbers of and P. G. Fletcher, auditors boaid was proposed' by Gordot my Edwards declined to let his|that the Traffic Clinic will be} i : Mr, Edwards was returned to|29 in the court room at the ee i ore sont pes Th installation was conduct-\by T. L. Wilson, who voiced|his post as first vice-president|Oshawa Police building L b = Fj ht G Lod ff |junior warden of the Grand|paid tribute to Dr. Werry the | tion Those who were nominated | a or 0 1g a Te scien eae aitable| Lodge of Canada in the Prov-|immediate past master, for the) declined were: Fred Beck- h ' ' | ; past masters of the lodge and/ing the past year. Douglas Lindsay. Mr. Beck- BIRTHDAYS C ange In Act body of the officers of the lodge|;,, past masters of' sister) The toast to Grand Lodge|stead was acclaimed second | Congratulations and best | " members of Mount Zion Lodge, Assisting in the ceremony|With H. O. Flintoff replying in| Secretary - Treasurer Keith jand achieved over the years will Brooklin, headed by their sil Pe Frank Mills. A. G. Cop-|® Most able manner. The toast/Ross asked delegates to elect] dents of Oshawa and district be destroyed if the federal goy 7 - s , who are celebrating their iMetineg in MA Ueeninige ; : :SENTE k F. Harris. w.|Ross Bell' Mr. Watson, in his|had already held for eight ' Pssgsale ceogliaad Peay athe gncgs shear re 7 at. an gg NM oi Pineeea w.|reply' commented this was an/years. He said his work con George T. Morris, 122 Sim Insurance A Local 222 UAW reremagge -" m 4 oe street north, who is cele iD Lat " " J it it , awa and istrict aber wy = ' . De y remembered. Not only did it|time-consuming, Electors persu | ineranil ce ioht se pope ge gi yee cooing * ie. CE bh provide the opportunity to meetiaded Mr. Ross to fill the day Council Tuesday nigh : ; a am Ioy-|t0 pay his respects to Mr. Glas-| Nominees for the four posi-| jcontained in the report recently} po gpm gael gcd mendone Bh ee Done a al pell a dear friend. with whom|tions on the executive board submitted to the government ; | Pont any year. clined to let their names stand affected in time of unemploy mediate past master of talons: yi Conniets aes 'come il ttm Those elected were: D. Lindsay, |ment," he predicted on Lodge. Lodge ' \ ' |}ODLC take time at its Febru- jary meeting to discuss the re- fables THE 102ND INSTALLATION Templar, secretary. Standing, based on the theme "Men Un-| night by Lebanon Lodge, AF ior steward; A. F. Davey, ty- committee will be presented , : | The meeting will open with! 200 MEMBERS ATTEND pj : Pilkey Is jorgan. James Young, an elder Plans for the Oshawa Safety| chin service jday night at the regular month-| Roy 7 w Herbert. minis. Alderman Cliff Pilkey was|tively set for Mar. 30 co-ordinate the activities of the v : M. Drew Jacobi, di-;Livestock Records Board; W. P.| o¢) ; ahorito | 'cident-fr ore wah At one of the most colorful|secretary; M. Drew Jacobi e Oshawa and District Labor|to honor accident-free drivers) en's undertakings. Although| Oshawa, Tracy C. Glaspell wasinet Tubb, junior warden;jham, livestock commissioner) Nominations for the top spot}mously agreed to ' i . Ted Middle-|t#onsn the group is still relative- on Lodge, AF and AM. No. 139,/Harold Sproule, junior steward; | roasts PROPOSED mously in favor of returning|in recognition of his leadership. Mr. Herbert formed a . k 7.30 r 22 and|last February the craft from the area between T. L. WILSON PRESIDES Pierson. 'The reply was given name stand neld at ) p.m. Jan. 22 and}'#st : most 8 past masters and @ ed by Thomas L. Wilson, grand|thanks to the past masters and| oF the ODLC, also by acclama- Sisd due to the attendance in almce of Ontario, assisted by. the|leadership given the lodge dur-/cteag, William Rutherford, CELEBRATING and a large number of" thelnaees in Oshawa was proposed by W. Boorman! vice-president 'Things we have fought . for! 4 wishes to the following resi ing master Neil Smith pin. H. O. Flintoff, ¢ Tem.|to the visitors was proposed by|another man to the position he ermment accepts proposed birthdays today . Amann : cant cfc 7 'i C Was very President Me Im Smith told ed by the presentation of a ju-|L. Houston, R. Saunders, J occasion which would be long} nected with the ODLC wa 4 brating his 86th birthday Norman W. Purdy. The pre-|H. A. Suddard, W. J. Sargent old friends but also the chance| position for his ninth term He said "sour grapes' were eee P : | total 4. Of th ' 'The welfare of many would be by Dr... George Werry, im-|toff, Dr. H. B. James, H. Tay-|"¢ had. been associated for|totalled 14. C ese, eight de " IP. McCloskey, D. Crandall, D.| Mr. Smith urged that the The newly installed officers of/Master of Parkwood Lodge and! | port 1 U nitedjafter the | lespie, Labor Council Firm On Nuclear Arms Ban The nuclear arms policy of the Oshawa and District Labor Council was reaffirmed at the monthly meeting Tuesday night. "We are opposed to allowing nuclear arms in Canada, and we are opposed to use of nu- clear arms by our Canadian forces in Nato," said first vice- president Tommy Edwards. He said the policy was adopted NDP convention 18 months ago that called for use of "conventional armaments"'. He charged that there are Honor List At Donevan CI list for the fall)Honey Sniderman, Bonita Sny- examinations, held in Decem-jder, Nancy Stewart, Margriet ber at Dr. F. J. Donevan Col-| VanDerGronde, Norma Waite, jegiate Institute, has been an-|Elizabeth Wheeler. nounced. | GRADE ll -- Bruce Bunker,| Following were the top stu-|Judith Dalton, Carol Dempsey,/sentenced to two years of vir- dents in each grade /Glenn Elliott, John Forsythe,|tual house arrest, was con. Grade 9 Dirk Garlichs,|Sandra Gunn, Maybeth Hoag-|victed Tuesday on four charges 86.9 per cent land, Cheryl Hudson, Patricia|of child neglect Grade 10 Hart,|Jacklin, Paula Kettela, Paul- Mrs. Rita Elien Dzedzora, 34, 86.1 per cent jine Kettela jwas remanded in custody one Grade 11 -- Susan Reed, 87.1) Sandra McGahey, Janie Man-|week pending a pre-sentence per cent and Judith Dalton, 87.0|/kowski, Marlene Mason, Jac-|report per cent queline Menzie, Louise Miller,, Eight of the woman's chil- Grade 12 -- Roger Bergmann,| David Partridge, Paul Aegan eae already have been placed 1 per cent |Susan Reed, Gloria Reid, Jan-jin foster homes by the Chil Grade 13 -- Monica Connoliy,jice Roe, Ronald Siblock Paul|dren's Aid Society of Manitoba, 87.5 per cent |Stacey, Janina Telesnicki, Den-) A, 14-year-old daughter re The following students secur-|nis Whalley mains to be placed in a foster ed first class honors in their) GRADE 12 -- Dougias Beal,|home and two older boys, 16 respective grades Roger Bergmann, Donaldjand 17, will remain at home GRADE 8 Alien,|Canmvpbell, Traudel Huth, Ran-|with a 20-year-old uncle Oleg Bahniuk, Samue} Balca,|4Y Johns, Joanne Kolynko, Nan- The Children's Aid Society Marian Bielak. Robert Burke,|CY Malloy, David Muir. Dennis| said it will appeal for legal Edward Coulson, Leslie Domon-| Partridge. Diane Sabo, Carol/guardianship of all the children kos, Dirk Garlichs, John Gil-| Saunders \later this month after Mra, David Hare, Pat Hele, GRADE 13 Monica Con-|Dzedzora is sentenced Jean Koss, John Krantz, Linda|nolly, Elizabeth Simmons Ste-| oHARG P pe Lupel, George Lyzsyk phen Stepinac oe XED NEGLECT . | The Crown charged that on Lesley Overton, Susan Pea- Ian ' cock, Christopher Pinto, Henry Offi Dec. 6 Mrs. Dzedzora neglected jother than close relatives, after } Przysiezny Romana Rebot,| eg jshe pleaded guilty to a charge jher four' youngest children-- Kenneth Robinson, Robert Rob-| Sap Two Oshawa police officers|f possessing stolen goods, {Lena, Guy, Kipper, and Kim, " . qin a manner likely to cause in- ins Judith ¥ inaki, pent fe age ie Hage MB ase Beso einienn ; Sinith Josin Bee A two-year suspended sen- Walke A nne | wi ' ' The sentence was later soft- 4 1 s.|Will attend the first classes held Pata hase Samo sy emi the new Ontario Police Col-jened to allow her to attend Ogden, Leonard Shirchenko,|!8e in Aylmer, next week. [church and shop for groceries, | Constable Gary Patton, 23, of} Mrs. Dzedzora was algo Keith Ross, ODLC secretary- treasurer, said that while Cam ada must be allied with the United States, she must also choose her own destiny. "Let's not be dictated to by 'Big Daddy' who. says we can have a gun but not the bullets," y Nelson Wilson, ODLC delegate opposed the policy, stating that he doesn't agree with ba: the bomb just for Canada. "It should be first banned on @ world-wide basis so we won't be caught like we were before the Second World War." . Mother Guilty Of Neglect Of Children WINNIPEG (CP) -- A Win nipeg mother of 11 children; who became fhe centre of. a controversy in November when now those, who fee) differently on this policy and asked dele- gates to \'fiercely discuss' the matter. Malcolm Syith, presideni of Local 222, UAW, said that every extension of the nuclear club membership is an extensio} to the threat of war: '"'We can help limit the spread." William Rutherford, ODLC delegate, said that as a father of five, he wants to see his chil- dren grow up without the threat of nuclear war. The honor Daphne 86 Susar Peter pinac Judith Warcholak GRADE 16 Agnes Aru,} Tena Beetsma, Marlie Bryant,| Janet Buckley, Lydia Ciglan, | Sharon Clemens, Pau! Coppin,; Robert Dobko, Linda Eccles,} Carolyn Garrison, Daphne Hart, her house for two years and that she could have no visitors Oshawa and District Labor| master; Ross Bell, senior war-|guests at the head table in the Ls a ) , |Council will continue its stand den; Gordon .Pierson, junior|/banquet hall were Neil Smith,| warden; Walter C Famme,|master of Mount Zion Lodge; chaplain; Everett W. Jackson,|T. K. Henderson, past chair- treasurer; Charles Templar,/man of the Canadian National! To Review jfor the erection of traffic light | Standards on buildings. Secretary - treasurer Keith| | Ross told ODLC delegates at its | | | Tuesday night meeting that city| council had referred the ques- que tion to the Oshawa Public Util- | ities Commission. "We want to eliminate a poles on King street, from Mar to Church street by having the] § standards bracketed to build-| | ings," said Mr. Ross iz He said the PUC has "sluffed| off" the question by stating that some of these buildings are list-| ed as condemned. "But all the! buildings are occupied", he add-| ed | At Mr. Ross will be sen for a list ings Church Year | At Meetings | Explains Culture Of Garden Plants A very informative and in-|the members of the teresting meeting was held Mon-| Horticultural Society day evening when Robert Keith) Miss Evelyn Bennett, treasur- ef Toronto, spoke to a@ large|.r of the Society, who attended gathering of horticulturists at\ihe & A, Lovell School when their regular meeting " the she attended public school, auditorium of the E. A. Lovell) nade the presentation while Mr. Public School, Centre street Frost spoke a few. well: choseh Mr. Keith showed slides as he| words of appreciation j spoke on the merits, as well as the culture, of garden plants.,|BELL DONATED He named many new varieties) A small bell, donated by of plants in the flower garden, Misses Addie and Maymie Mc- interesting shrubs and new and/Laren of Port Perry, and Mrs. better plants for the vegetable|John Kompel-. who are mem- garden. He also spoke on the bers of the Society, was accept- merits of the use of fluorescent/ed by Mr. Frost, for use at the ght for growing plants meetings of the executive body ' Guests from the Whitby Gar-| One minute of silence was ob- den Club and the Brooklin So-|/served in memory of a valuable ciety were welcomed by Presi-| member, William McNeill, who dent William Frost as well as|passéd away suddenly Jan. 2 interested gardeners in Oshawa.|Mr. McNeill grew and exhibited i many fine roses and chrysanthe- GIFT PRESENTED mums and at one time served | Oshawa's protestant churches will hold their annual meetings this month to review the year's work. First on the list is Cedardale! |United Church which w its annual meeting Jan son Road Baptist Church hold its business meeting Jan 12 and Kendalwood Seventh Day Adventist Church will hold an annual meeting, Jan. 15 St. Paul's Presbyterian, Al- jbert Street United and Col-| lege Park Seventh-day Adven- tist Churches will hold a meet-! ing Jan. 16 The city's Pentecost al Churches will each hold their jvestry metings, Jan. 19. and places Russel Murphy, an /Hillside Baptist Church _ will Oshawa lawyer, who resigned |hold a meeting on the same} because of business pressure. | day Oshawa} i | } request, a letter) BOARD DELEGATE to the PUC asking] . of condemned build-| Robert Nicol, 132 Division street, has 'been appointed as one of two Separate School representatives on the Oshawa Board of Education for 1963- 64 the other is Rt.-Rev. Monsignor Philip Coffey, who | has served in this post for several years. Mr. Nico} re- | University Starts Rocketry Branch BERLIN (Reuters) -- Eugene! Saenger, one of West Ger-| many's leading rocket scien-| tists, will head his country's first institute for Space Travel Research, a new branch of West Berlin's Technical University, it was announced Tuesday Saenger said one of his main! interests. is the reduction of the sost aune ads | ren of launching loads into or safety patrols in the city Saenger, who will begin his Arthur Stone HEM, preswer lectures in May, said the' new| °f the Kinsmen Club, is seen institute. would be the first of TeON its kind in Europe | KINSMEN CLUB The Kinsmen Club of Osh- awa donated a cheque for $500 to the Oshawa Safety League recently. The dona tion is to go towards the pur- chase of equipment for schoo The following churches will TWO FIRE ALARMS each hold annual meetings Jan The Oshawa Fire Department|20: Ukrainian Presbyterian, was called out Tuesday to a Centre Street and Westminster During the evening a walinut/on the excutive body of the/false alarm at Angio-Canadian United and Lutheran smoking stand was presented to|Society. He also acted in the Drugs, Simcoe street south, at Jan 21 Southminster United Peter Dryburgh who has been|capacity of judge at the exhibi-/4.10 p.m. and to a car fire at|' burch will meet earetaker of the E. A. Lovellition of the Ontario Rose Society|5.58 p.m, near 10 Bond street Simcoe Street and St. An- Schoo! for the past 39 years andjin Toronto west. There was no damage.|4Tw's\ United Churches _ will whose courtesy and considera-| The door prize was won by The department also -handled|hold their annual meetings Jan tion has been appreciated by'Mrs. Lioyd Johnston. eight ambulance calls 23 Grace /& | Jan. 24 is the date for Bloor |Street Baptist Church, Jan. 2 ij for Northminster United an Jan. 26 for Harmony United | Anglican churches have each jdecided to hold a vestry meet- jing, Jan. 28. Knox Presbyter- jian Church's annual meeting is scheduled for Jan ; Jan. 30, annual meetings will] jtake place at the following | churthes First Baptist, St Luke's Presbyterian and King Street United The Evangelical Christian |Baptist Church held its annual imeeting, Jan. 1 ) Stove Causes | Basement Fire | Fire swept through 'the base- ment of a sea food store on Albert and Elm streets this morning filling the store with dense smoke. Firefighters who! ® used oxygen masks had 'the blaze quickly under control Platoon Chief M. Ostler, of the Oshawa Fire Department,| % said the fire was caused by a} jsmall stove in the basement The store is owned and oper- ated by Raymond H. Cook. Aj} female employee, who was work-! ing in the store when the _fire| started, said 'I was in the kitchen at fish and chips fryer, heard a bang and I Rae ook at the ment i Cook went down and) then 'ordered her to go and cali the fine department | The officers are. Ted Morri-| Recuperating in json, president Pat Holmes,| store she said |vice-president; Betty Law: sec- 'I was so shook up I could jretary; Eileen Milks, treasurer: |not even remember the street} | John Shoobridge and Dawnjnumber when I called the fire, | Weddup, field organizers; Ted) hall." Kiwanian Famme is seen here |Morrison, polo field organizer;| The extent of the with the Dawn Weddup and Linda Ed-|was not immediate; }mondson, polo referees and Lin- but seemed confined Oshawa Times Photo |da Luke, club judge |basement, mainly. 29 Western Horse Club 'Names New Officers Officers for the ensuing jwere elected at a recen ling of the W-Bar-L I ern Horse Club. Pl jlaid- for an exciting yee jgrar jgram | the when Ij hollere i/ furne yeal meet ch West- were pro to a nearby KIWANIS PRESIDENT HONORED -- Murray Sparkes, the incom ing president, on behalf of the club, presented him with an oi] painting of a landscape. Newly-elected top officers of the Oshawa d District Labor Council gratulate each other, after their election by acclaniation Tuesday night Walter C. Famme, retiring president of the Oshawa Ki wanis Club, was honored at luncheon. damage known, to the co painting DISTRICT jtence' was imposed on Mrs. Dzedzora Nov. 2 with the con- dition that she could not leave |194. Cadillac avenue south and/Placed on the interdict list at Cadet David Edwards, 20, of|that time. She was not allowed 127 Central Park boulevard/to drink and no one was to sup- south, will begin classes at the|Ply her with liquor. 1 college Monday. Chief Constable Herbert Fiin-| DONATES $500 as he presented the cheque to George Martin, Oshawa Safe- ty League president The Kinsmen Club of Oshawa sponsors the Elmer Safety Elephant project in all Osh awa schools \toff said the. men were chosen Illegal Gold use they are both junior of-| icers . He said Cadet Edwards will P be 21 by the time he comes ossession back at the nd of the 12-week) ® course, the age at which ca-| unt Killed |dets join ae a regular . con- |stable COCHRANE, Ont. (CP)--A Chie? Flintoff added that he|jury Tuesday acquitted Rine hopes the Oshawa Police De-|Persiani, 25, a Timmins miner, partment is able to send at|on a charge of illegal possession least "a dozen men a year"|0f gold. It deliberated 3% hours. jwhen the college gets wholly,' The charge of highgrading junder way was laid against Persiami Sept. The college was officiaily|2) by the anti-highgrade branch opened Tuesday .by Attorney-/Of the provincial police. Mem- iGeneral Frederik Cass bers of the branch testified they It will train any person em-/found gold ore in work clothes ployed as a police officer with-| allegedly owned by Persiani, in lin the province with approval of| his lunch bucket and in his bed- jthe chief constable. Except for|"0™ la $10 registration fee, all costs|, Judge J. A. A, Duranceau lare paid by the provincial gov-|(0ld the jury it had to decide aeraiens |whether Persiani knew the golé essarannist EN ATER Sd jore was in the three locations. : prey Total value of the ore was re- FUEL TENDERS ported to be slightly more than (he city will purchase gaso-| $60 jline and diesel fuel oil on a two-| Both the judge and Crown At jyear. basis this year instead of|tommey S. A. Calddick told the |tendering each .year. Texaco|jury at the start and end of the }will supply Grades One (14,000/ day-long trial the jury members jgalions) and Two (240,000 gal-|should disregard recent pub- tons) gasoline. Shell Oil will licity given to highgrading. supply 60,000 gallons of diesel Persiani has been employed joil. Ten firms bid. The bill (not}as a miner for several years based on firm prices) is esti-|/by Dome Mines Limited near mated at just under $102,000. | Timmins. --Oshawa Times Phote | LABOR COUNCIL OFFICERS ARE RE-ELECTED Ald. Cliff Pilkey, left, was re- turned to his post as president of the ODLC marking the be ginning of his one-year term Tommy. Edwards, second from left, was acclaimed first vice president another one year term, Beside him is Fred Beckstead, second vice-presi- dent and at right is Keith Ross, elected secretary-treas- urer for thé ninth time ~Oshawa Times Photo ® for % n

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