==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [22] 16--Femole Help Wanted ;17--Male Help Wanted |24--Houses For Rent 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent |27--Real Estate For Sale ee required, apply Genosha/IF YOU OWN a car and you are/TWO-ROOM ome 9g pg furnished.|ALBERT Street, five-roo: »|\NEWT'S SPECIAL -- Near hospital 7 ested in direct selling earuaecnliceies ace a hat aioe "EV serial peat} and north ae ae ae 4 je . WAITRESS with experience requirediss0. 2 week to start, Please write to 725-1343, ro Hessel Newt son, 726-6408, Joseph ; for David's Drive-In Restaurant, 939|/Box 224, Oshawa Times. | A brick) Bosco Realtor. 728-7377, Dunads Street West, Whitby, 668-4066. home, oil heated, kitchen,|KING STREET EAST, 393 -- Heated Hollywood | WOMAN for light daties, Park Road MECHANIC with Class A licence for : : apartment, self-contained, 3%4 rooms. |EXEOUNIVE ranch style Rome, forth district, For further particulars,|#™* well equipped garage, Down-|phone 728-2434, Private bath. Immediate possession. dining telephone 125-8636." ltee Gene monn wen eer $75 . 725-6964, f 3--Pets & Livestock EXPERIENCED tcher wanted,|Oshawa Times. "| cated i -Rea-|ATHOL STREET EAST -- (hree-room Accountants Fuel and Wood Personal Service B dispatcher | wanted, ! . EET ree--oom ACK seven R Albert 725-477 APPRENTICE to wood, plastic, and 728-7002. ed, Immediate possession, adults pre- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified Furnace Cleanout MODERN GRILL pe gy ag A rg' one Apply Gury Taxi, 14 Albert Street, TTT metal pattern making, young man, 16 ferred. 728-2653, i belek oa bang Many Centres 7254 oss." eee FREE Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey |111 Allan Street, Whitby. 668-3204, Wicks Gon wale" 'Also. ponres high rel, "ADI ye ities te Tw Twobedroom -- house, large TWO bedroom apartment in tri-plex|'¥° years old, near Apple a istrict ntre, r-B- % 4 wi > | = z 4 MINIATURE white poodle at _stud.|cook for days. Apply South End Res |Box 314 ph schoo ch ne | yalkt-in cupboards, ofl heating, garage:|bulldiog, stove, Soros washer, $500 down. Tel i Fish 'n Chips, Home ; RAXMOND B. PROSSER, CA, Charter if You Purchase Dinners, g 0 taurant, 5 Bloor Street East, -- 723-3211; \dryer, parking. Apply Soe SS ee ee FINA FUEL Made Pies ond Desserts, goat texture and black pigmentation. BEAUTY 'demonsiraiors, 'earn up lanes ny Boos | Cvemings, 725-2000. Breet Aber ween, ot OPEN FOR WE DELIVER Telephone 7: $3. hour demonstrating famous yres fie my ae 395 MONTH. om Apply 9 to 12 a.m, 375 Simcoe Street/CHURCH STREET -- Five-room house, LY. 2 been apartment BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting fr 345 RIN a6 SOUTH PUPPIES -- smail breed, male soa Stud Gist erage agg or part! South, ol heated, all conveniences, aduit|!# a Service. Complete bookkeeping service, ROSS HILL 25-3887 female, six weeks old. Se, Zearmene Tee family preferred. posses: Montrane tree 'washer and" dryer West, 725-0397, Res. Wann We cole tee : sion. Montrave Avenue. 725-9341, -- 728-7761 Neonbiae and Weattes pivstinl Pihore Seca iveaey ome: boot 8 TAXI DRIVERS. gen, st menis. Aooiy im LANSDOWNE 'shopping. Caire, Taras INSPECTION wae A p.m, 725-2549. 's room apartment, refriger- WILSON AND BURROWS, Chartered 5--Farmer's Column Preferably between 25-40 [stone srREET -- Two - lator, Imundcy 'sed parking Teeilities "shy Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh- ALL PLUMBING and hea' uppiies, WOMAN as companion to elderly lady, \T j f home, ail ag, ee Re RE Household Repeirs hone 725-3621, Harold i, seark. Ltd.;|CASH on the spot. Highest prices pald|Light duties, live in. Own private roont. op earnings. Apply y 1. : weet fabee 6. ormagi ey eee) OAILY EXCEPT SUNEATS PI S Seeced Burrows, CA. TATE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANC:S | Plumbing, "Heating and' Engineering,|for dead and crippled farm stock./R MERCURY TAX| [@i8?088 STREET at King, sicroom ¥IREEWOOM apartnen, central, eh cera, heat 9 A.M: TO 9 P.M. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char REPAIR SERVICE 255 Simcoe Street South. DEPENDABLE salesgiri, addition to brie Eis St t 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Sulit elderly couple or tered Acerumnett te sasaete. | RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, [aia SYPES of repairs and femodel|Licence 10 Ket ot Seoeneney. Appar la pore ts 725-4771 mae og Me tg {ese arma 80 rama au aioess GOVERNOR ceountants, Licensed Trus:| Service Guaranteed a Feeenees free, D1i/1]---Articles. For Rent SALESLADY-- age 25-35 with knowl : 7 tees in pealsoner, 64 King Street 25 years' experience uv 7s ~ WHEEL CHAIRS edge cf sewing. Permanent position. ~ ADVERTISING © 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent 2 --Rooms For Rent Bast, Oshawa, 728-7371. 5 REPAIRS and remodelling of ull types, Salary and commissions. Apply in per- SALESMAN _-- ARTHUR Street 336, large bedry: MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Formerly with THOR of Canada | new and used materials. Reasonable) Hospital beds, invalid walk- |son, Singer Sewing Machine Co., 1466 KING STREET EAST -- bus at corner, single beds, suitable for two malig o., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, TELEPHONE 725-8296 Grath PRenbiee eet eae M°| ers, bedside commodes, Ontario Street, Oshawa. Required for rapidly ex- |S¢lf-contained. heated, furnished, apart r|ghare, Garage available, Telephone 728- aE ~| crutches also slenderizing [RELIABLE woman to come in and} ponding Compony. Must be |vate home. Bed - OMMEIS TORING RTO Greeti WH 2.0890, Whitby MO 6-4131. Suan ALL WELL machines and roll- away {care for small ey | Py mae experienced. No competition wood floors, nicely , furnished. Kitchen. hall bedrooei is private home, 110 Park Rd. N +. beds: 1» ¥ ette wil erator, rangette, private phone"? 728-8708 123- erred. Tele. | Auto Parts HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, But if you insist FOR SALE OR RENT Osh Times, _ Reply giving Sales record fucahis tee baciaiee, ey aide oe one CENTRAL -- Sica rsiekca | Oshawa Save At Western bn ai Kier tec a ee | on the best... call j 725-1644 ExPeniENG ED aid inexperienced) Md phone number. Strictly [ness couple. Telephone for apvointment| ana adjoining kitchen equipped om OSHAWA'S FINEST Service Centre PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, GUSCOTT PLUMBING ~ Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, _ tailoring. Must speak English, steady BOX NO. 125 | MODERN one-bedroom apartment with|Sult_ gentleman, Telephone 723-6225, ELECTRICALLY HEATED > All Mok 1S years' experience. By interviewlond HEATING Limited Bunch ote * Ue. Price oneet Lape Hi Sher) _OSHAWA TIMES [retrigerator and sive. Avaliable imme-| |CLosE to downtown, one large bed. APARTMENTS epairs to akes only. Act now. 725-1054. 207 Si eee Mm heehee - coe St. §.--725-5132 + Lacs - EXPERIENCED it App! 3092 after 5 p.m. ly LICENSED MECHANICS [LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA, Sim Brandy, Wine, Cocktail Glasses [EXRERIENCED | waitresses ApPix1 Wood and Metal = Sata APRA = Tessie Tad ea EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 145 King West 728-1607 |pre-schoo! kinderdance. Fridays, Satur- Rug- Upholstery Service Roasting Pans » Whitby 688-9061. licens eihilatt epic PAT T ERN kitchenette, refrigerator and stove. clean, quiet home," all ie single" a SCHOFIELD-AKER. " § TO SERVE YOU" |days. Masonic Temple. 723-7233. MENERTINLDS ia reer | Coffee Urns aetna" wala eae Telephone _ nutes to four corners. Genileman| FIVE BAYS TO eM echt tot S reupholstered an Store, housework, care of children, etc. TWO comfortable apartment only. LIMITED |MUSIO LESSONS, classical and popu-|Te-styled, Free estimates. See our Sargeant's Rentals Four days weekly, Telephone Brooklin MAKERS aoe mar for rent, } hone, it, > N nd 1» reet a L keeping room, private sates nee, on) PHONE DAYTIME 723-2265 JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA. "LLB. | used, instruments, Alte, Musto Supplies | CHET CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- 725-3338 hoagprnyd age Ale Bigs Pod FIRST CLASS ONLY ote eee main floor, Telephone 7265253. | "| AFTER 5:30 ey | bee 'The Commercial Building, 286 + Maden "Uoniaiecere. tat at ne TOP RATE PAY private bath, warden space and park- in C ; jarnisived F Wet a ee ee LEARN TO DRIVE South, Call 726-0151, Free evtimater' phone 723-1082, ing spa reasonable. Ph one|trance. 'Telephone "725139. pavate Henry Stinson 725-0243 ing avail ie. FALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. POLISHERS, IRONERS Fes and 'used materials. 3 Giazier's Departinent Store, PCR itl ---|Ltd., Realtor. Chartered {3s Simeve Street North, Osbawa, Ajax FREE ESTIMATES vale home, 'Bed. siting. Toom, hard. week. Reply in writing to Box 21¢,| With excellent renumeration it sewers wanted for lady's and gents| Confidential. 726-7643 after 6 p.m. and Weekentls. | stove and refrigerator, in quiet home. a a al artic |room. furnished, orgs gentleman. Ap-} detest ote PRONE Telephone 725-7768. . : material f re-cove: Dalton Up- one furnished, one furnished, CELINA STREET, 218 -- L Barristers =. tate piano accordion, violin, guitar, sax.| Daveeis! for A oie bee 3 grey P | 655-2089. TVA and faci , 218 -- Large house- Tercister tnd Solickor and Netaty Pub-ivss', Simooe Street South, 725-1 civered like new. Get the best for less! Articles Wanted -- Ve nerauan tae FOUR-ROOM duplex, private eniraice,| SOUTH END, large clean alter 6, San: b078. +t sctditedse a ie Steve Macko 728-5868 Tee Acorchate B pes) like new. Why pay more: Our rates}| AUTO WRECKING CO. 668- One-bed- room for gentleman, central , Les Hall .... 728-5513 fe gy Ri ogg veut or DAY or EVENING are, Brera sca yo Up-| Wants cars for wrecking. flower.-sh nee deesrated, ntilities paid, washing facii.|KING Street Bast, near oe furnish-| Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Mértgage loans en sina] A Lote Medes, iy noee holatery Co., 10 Bond W. Dial 725-0811. | Parts for sale, also scrap bron , sis OSHAWA ea Fon ll fon 728-9834 . Shy pak. eh weetniePnone,! "Reg Aker . 725-0201 RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, 5 utomatics, Dual Contro! and metals, etc., ught APPLY hen. pe edtoom | phone 725 Ralph Schofield 72 i ie rement, chofie' i Getictor, Nolary Public. Sih Simcoe] Ae WHITBY Sales and Service Open Saturday ali day. Phone REED'S FLORIST | Pattern and Model --|arartment," unfurnished, private bete iarHoR p 8-3376 room, private entrance, mavy duty TS -- Two large fur-| BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- CALL 728-0091 OUTBOARD MOTOR =| 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. Limited wiring, bus stop at door, $50 monthly.|Mished rooms, refrigerator, stove, large pong Hag South, 725-9592. Resi - REPAIR SERVICE WANTED Le King Street West - ALBERT STREET. 1 a og rng orn rent, Telephone 728-0933 after 12 noon, IT'S A HONEY Available now. 723-9688, closets, laundry facilities. Reasonabie| - Lawn Mowers TT MOTOR . room: convenlabe OSHAWA MOTEL (form: Temi BRUCE, Mane une Mewes] WE SHARPEN ond RENT| McCullough Chain Sow SCRAP IRON, POULTRY CAPABLE Learn Meat Cutting |siu'san' ty caresignens, salen ac, ee ene for funds available 364 King Street East] "47 OCT EVERYTHING SALES & SERVICE AND FEATHER TICKS TYPIST 20 Men needed for class; in CEREAL = pia sin Title tek ee esate heat THE PRICE : = ah 'ance, , pone ae co bona eh| (GIVE USA CALL. . ; OSHAWA MARINE _ | Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metols For elecic. tpewsiter, With Oshawa and surrounding Dis- |CPXTRA curmow STREET, 23 -- 6 spotless rooms, in this fully tiled bathroom, Furnished citer, Notary, Alger Bullding, 37 King S TA N y) S SERVICE (collect) knowledge of bookkeeping. trict day or evening, Being |dinette, 'kitchen 'electrically ecuipped. as meas and double, suit ladies or poid for. brick home... Ine ivi y SHAW Telephone for appointment pool cy - JONES, BA and THOMAS Oshawa Driving School CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, Giri to - work th Ppointmen ATHOL sreer 7 a ATHOL Street Bast, 162) Furnished rtment formed offering racitcal jLaundry facilities. Parking. suse of Strest Saat. "20-903, Mertgnge wee 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 I. TURNER Storting salary $175.00 per | training in the highly paid |ADBlY Apt. 1, 254 Athol Strect ast" |APOWY above, cares oo eee, ee ee orn eg 723-2043 -- 723-2281 month field of meat cutting, mer- |THREE-ROOM fumished --basemeni|RITSON ROAD NORTH, 105 -- hoy s;, Easily duplexed. Very GEER AND RELLY, Ber East. Dis CORNER KING AT BURK STS. |Surveyors ie r) i PHONE 728-7371 chandising ond self-serve |aPattment, good od, locality, rangetie, Te- fut gendio to share, single beds, central Sri dow poy . Resilience Phones: J. M. r & |--Business ortunities A : Fa.27i2, Residence | Phones M. 723-3224 HTLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario eevee utes Biss taba LEGAL wlaidecdst | |CADILLAG AVENUE soUTH, io _-- clone Experal ito eet Dh nce et a to Be. forty, One Kelly, BA. aa ms a Phone 725-6881, Park Plaza, Whitby, nine thousand PRACTICAL MEAT dec sshcos pip Panter fon latge, Sechiede eines ak ee Call eee i 1186. the "bolonce. ZT. SALMERS, Barrister, Soliei- DONEVAN AND FLEIS NN, On-|down. Bullding also if desired, for five | rooms, sinks, single beds, park- ii tor, etc. 13% Simove Street North. Mortgages tario Land Surveyor. Coeiereial ee thousand down, Write Box 243 -Oshawa STENOGRAPH ER CUTTING and Cg aa alt ing, peeve preferred. Apply above. Otfice, 723-1101. Residence, 725-5342. | RECOND mortgazee. Sule print, it Ontario Street, 725-5552, Times. RETAIL SCHOOL or. 720-9083, CENTRAL -- A sincle furnished room, $300 DOWN and McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barr pt o1a ae --| Suitable for one. Sereraton ies fitectlaae feet eat taker 3i/Tailors DIAPER SERVICE WANTED PLEASE WRITE iene Street" South m | yar on ae eee Bert oa, Cua io, QC. PRIVATE and corpora corpora ion monies LEN PULLAN ¢pntimidinacteng hot Mn anigis Fr ga ag TORONTO, ONTARIO. PONTIAC INN. | 2% is the, only ether re- > lend types 3 mort- , uiremen re room lf a a Ig ag CT 3 nae | oe, be zee moe : sein tedilend taka 5 "4 - chased, » Drynan an - lor a 'ailoring require- ; \Xitehenette. Suitable for 1 , single and Voubie. & King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232 |Goch. (See heading "Barristers, ants ur ar shouranced Aes we pase Louis $. Hyman, Q.C., 20--Room and Board Imoothiy fos.osts lor lady. Tolan Sedna eee ly fou vou Shy. has am Prana ns SW AREE ONY Taare, services for both suit and I} : ROOM and board for clean, respect-|APARTMENT -- Ground floor. Large, i Satiessa." poe to loan, teary 'Block, MORTGAGES dress repairs and alterations. 723-2139 37 King Street East pseod Prgporen "rg Merge wa > Bas bright bed ating. . aut bet ae wale: mile 3A King Street Hast, 120-4607. 1 Resi 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 General 'Motors, 720-0723, room." One. bale : ate 725-0078 Fetoes dial 723- Moneys for first mortgages. (rant. to Bus Station) 14--Employment Wanted WAITRESS Si3-- SEVEN DAYS for two genllemen,|for baby Ag arents work, Immed!- BUNGALOW Soriee SEE, HGP, BEG] Inert ot 7% io Rapel ggg Bg Eg FULL TIME --_|contt. elope tartooee™™ A082 mo and' water, Paows| ATTRACTIVELY | e* Business "723-2201. Resi-| No bonus TV -- Radio Repairs lant se ee ea P ieee ATTACHED GARAGE : ? l, Tele NEAR Duplate and bas, clean, | . dence 726-5373. | No charge for voluctions Milage get Be sg ll PETER PAN Day Nursery, Monday to DAY SHIFT home, good ineala, tonches leans | qulet| ADELAIDE Avetue West, 303; Spacious). FURNISHED ROOMS BUILT-IN KITCHEN UNITS BOYCHYN and HILL Friday, 561 Simcoe Street North, Tei laundry if desired, parking, gentleman {Ve room apartment, broadloom, range FF | ay olicliors, 304 King Mertoapes ond Agreements |trontes, 157. Elliott, 723-9792. Fred. r ee Bn ag if Experience not necessary, |preferred. Telephone 723-1248. | Soon! wane? $120 monthly, fele- ow in private home. Mes ae POE ys awa; R. B. n- A TV RENTALS by the Gay, week, or|-- ee N ix ton oth Ga ce a 28-5282, all between 5 and 7 p.m. ing 18C:, & S., Bovenyn, BA. GCs) Moneys for second mortgages month " at Mig Television. 918 GIRL seek i oe be | necouatig also part-time help for |BXGME rom nt Pa, ore cay | OSMAWA Boulevard South, three room: " fine constructed home, situat- 1173; Residence, 728.4326; Whitby, available. : nastcais de bac Wilk cake tee ere OE Stas anal Ga week-ends to town and buses. 173 Ritson South, [Serta octet meine see 82 PARK RD. ed in-one of Oshawa's Best MO 48-2761, 725-5203, NHA-and other) [mmediate services rendered. dren in own home, while mother works, ; SiMCOE AND ROSSLAND area, warm| Adult areas. Medium down pay mortgage funds available. a + ee T.V TOWERS 638 Bloor East. 720-9168. Apply in person. room, private bath and entrance, quit Pe a Zeemnone = wsdl a eile NORTH ment balance at 6%. ; NAN x x es i home inches packed, Home Meret et partme! "quiet EREIGRTON, DRINAN AND MUW- mam Al qeiveniesd.ns poi i Saks Woatel meals, laundry," parking, Apply 708/2OMe, large bed-sitting room, witchen|27--Real Estate For Sale 725-1186 me eae Bank of Commerce Build 26¥a King St. East | . 6---Female He Pp ante ENVOY Carnegie Avenie. and bathroom. North West section. Only -s ing, 3 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Oshawa, Ontario | LEN & LOU 'S GIRL or young woman for general |ROOM AND BOARD for two gentie-| ine een Senehons Wilea gir at. pence, inelud GRETA STREET Ontario 3446, Residences: T. K.} 723-4697 } housework in -- New home. Ex- Restaurant |men, to share, home cooked meais 1al- Bert Ree fe CAO ON dead D P ludes| G. M. perience and references necessary, minutes' walk to south GM. 723-1060, |CLOSE to Ajax, three large rooms, |\r." Martin, "798-9714. pt leny Sosoe, $700 DOWN . Drynan, QC, .L. Murdoch, 723-4768. | Good home and gees for ht per- partly fi tod "agreements ot sae MAONEY TO LOAN ANTENNAS son. Telehone Oshawa 735-7051 for" in-|522 RITSON ROAD SOUTH |800M ano BOARD for two clean, re-|bath? nexrumiet: me, Bedroom, share| Realtor 1287977, 6 room brick home, in. top bought, sold and arranged. 728-5804 or 725-7844 terview. -- ares ee wing ta ahare,| monthly. Telephone 668-3804. FIVE bedroom home, cute and clean, residential area. Immediate CLERK - TYPIST with shorthand or/17--Male Help Wanted i: cues packed. $18 for ebay cece! :|TWo- BEDROOM modern apartment tn|tug "Sty cod yall seenaee tone l2Y-| possession. Why not have @ Building Trades Low Interest TV AERIALS dictating machine experience. Must be|------- ing city and will sacrifice for the amaz- partment building, $83. month. Central.lingly low price of $6,000 and terms,| look? ALL TYPES of building repairs, roof- employee benefits. Hours @ a.m EARN $35 on your "day "ofl, Apply Box |7%8 x bail ira 0s bias . good typist. Permanent position, cond eat, Oshawa Times. FS cece a [aaa ees . Telephone 728-6876 Mr. Koornneet, 1723-2859, Joseph Bo ' 725-1186 ing, chimneys, places, sidewalks, o Valuation Fee 5.30 p.m, Five-day week, Telephone) Rigepa ins eva: ace -- rooms, garage, oil furnace. ; ig pac anal at haade ne Ble Sonnet Until Loan Garsiated DO WEAR OUT Pa.rr8s for interview. General Printers| EXPERIENCED and Garages pbs Ham phon 989-2594 see this. Tele- [PRESTIGE area, 'very chic, duplex in DIAL 5 FOR ALL your building requirements, | = | pes ete north end with lovely recreation room and repairs, cupboards a specialty. Call/ | REPLACE NOW " or |LAN warehouse or workshop space|THREE room heated a partment, pri.jand gerage, Shows ' W. ye LAMSON j r ' . ' LADY required, live in and care for t N ? Bul Vroom, Whitby, 008-4118 | Residential | | two children. Private room, board,| W a211, "7 seat Bireet. Telephone | vate entrance and bath. Close to stores,|$16.90) with | terms. ! YOUR local chimney cleaner Chimnneys : . : While weather and prices are monthly wage. Three days off per week. : Bk er Ocha Bd monthly. Apply 22 or | 725-6297, Joseph Bosco Ri , , Real Estate Ltd. Vailt and repaired, gas linings installed, | City and District at their best, 725+ and 50 SQUARE feet clean storage chard View Boulevard. furnaces vacuumed, Free estimates. SAVE brick bungalow, approximate- um % ated al is |TaREE-ROOM | Summer P rti TRIO TELEVISION |simngse South Tetepteien ten ee a 295 ca a aspen private Se . Vectet 'ton ss 171 BOND stRreeT EAST | BOOKKEEPER | STEEL | " eae Tem Atter ep NORTHWEST CALL 728-6781 ' - | OFFICE SPACE |aneica-srmessaaccocon| | Mortgage Scchaes Aine TV TOWERS TYPIST | peta FOR RENT lear ee New five room bungalow, beautiful large | FOR CHARTERED | |piy between ¥ ad's is ca McCULLOUGH'S | SUMMERLAND | ACCOUNTANTS onpice:| need Ciciiee) lobbies: 'ROWMANYILLE -- Opepozom par kitchen and bathroom, decorated with dish BUILDING | SECURITIES | Economy and Deluxe | Person required is probably BOX 220 723- 2138 |manville oxesoe ousmeasautal washer, garborator, natural stone front, | H r ude Ow Te)| ish aIMGa® al | SUPPLIES LIMITED Poe Neeatietes | wider 'experience. "Selary |___OSMAWATIMES | OFFICE SPACE | esate St Same') sodded and many other features. : ' , ERR vi 'ebrua: : oe Le AVAILABLE =. er wu | ee OSNWA TV. Sees SUPERINTENDENT] Comer King & Albers scan URNISHED "| JAMES O'MALLEY 723-7122 (West Side) Optometrist BOX 217 400 to 750 sq. ft, Exceptionally clean 3 room PHONE 728-4688 ©. H. TUOK. RO. Optometrist Please SUPPLY LIMITED : experienced in APPLY LAKAS self - contained ee Bank' or 74 Bur Street. "invade OSHAWA TIMES METAL COFFEE SHOP | _ APARTMENT | MARY AT ROSSLAND Satens examined at home. 'put 728-8180 | | $a 5 2uit one or two business lad: Combining the convenience and comfort of the well preserved JOHNS MOVING AND STORAGE, Painting and Decorating DAY OR NIGHT AVON CALLING | FABRICATING, e rh i cider nelgnoamnocd wits te eens fo ee ee Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable | rates. 5onvg--pAINGING and Decorallng | WELDING AND CALL 725-6740 powder room and twenty foot square family room. From tod- Fully equipped and insured. Tele-|< vice Prices lowest in- town, Work|Well Drilling--Digging | 7m diers and teenagers to mom and dad, there is plenty of titing Md hontai card oa cat New Year-- STAMPING PLANT KINGS ( COURT in these nine rooms. A prominent family's home, worthy of your Dressmaking DODD &SOUTER W. WARD consideration at $18,900 with terms. BRERGARISG, jitan, pat cur| PAINTING AND DECORATING | WELL DIGGING BY flkeipeat ne bea eal APARTMENTS PAUL RISTOW REALTOR ing, shortie drapes, Reasonable rates. CONTRACTORS MACHINE Join Avon. in the excitin 723-9565. Painting, Paperhanging SPECIALIZING IN'30" TILE business of sellin (path, 40 men and 4 foremen . EXPERIENCED | dreawmaking, "alters ones Full Wall Mane 668-2563 -- 668-3809 es. Teno Rati Nie aie Recently occupied by AJAX 728-9474 or 725-8152 After 6:00 p.m. rates, Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave Ave- WHITBY, ONTARIO . " N ' s fine. 725-6476, 107 BYRON, 3 Serray 204 CHESTNUT ST. west | Peflence necessary. We get Oshawa Chamber of ve haces Paving 52% Simcoe St. North -- Oshawa NIGHTS 725-7426 P.O. BOX 329 train: Write: SUPERINTENDENT | Commerce. Approx- Aperoximately 10 miles j : Want-Ads Don't Personal Service 1--Women's Column P.O. BOX 512 | Post Office Box 550 imately 1000 sq. ft. Onpésite large Shepaing Centre | Cost-They Pay PIANO; reed. pipe snd slecironie orgen| SEWING lessons in your pel 8 Oshawa AJAX, ONTARIO Bright air-conditioned | | ee schools, churches, etc, 5 [_ C5 7 D R FA ees 664. . Di , ae | ed. Phone Ajax 942-1) and machine service. al 728-297 CaP LS e One Bedroom $73 ° Lar, | mean - |PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-| sngce: xk elevator Ist Y Classified Ad Rates dessing, 306 Pine Avenue, -Teleplione| ig te Bedroom $79 _--| HEE TH LOYD tcetans itviaba "flaw gut' Renter cenit es | HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES service . . . available TELEPHONE COIN LAUNDRY -- GOING CONCERN Cash Charge on lease . . . moderate DOWN -- $1200 -- DOWN 6 consecutive doys...... nea np eae Se catia eae If you like meeting people "ane | AJAX WH 2-2001 $ 3 consecutive -doys 2 : 7 a.m. Please telephone 725-9130, | ; ent. | Osh 1. Gi t To a responsible purchaser, just think for a small down pay If not paid within 7 days, 'charge rate applies. 7.50 IF you have a. drinking problem write! you will enjoy work asa awa 's ines ment, you can:own this well established fully equipped busi- Professional listings only, 3 lines per month. . . Box 323, Whitby, or call 668-3034 or ; ness, and operate it in your own sparetime. Let me show lot applicable for merchandise a vertisements; A To: ; her i : fel ' _ : Each gneve line or fs ws is 60 CLASSES in oll painting resuming for BUSINESS OFFICE REPRESENTATIVE uk aly | Park Lane Apts. this opportunity. Call Bill Hi 728-5123 or 728-2236 Count each word; initial, figure of abbreviation os one wee evidedt tee ee mica tare T [ WILSON RED AND WHITE STORE pois DEADLINES - mi For informatica, telephone | Handling contacts with our Customers : : 10 min. from Downtown NO COMPETITION Word ods ; 5 p.m. day previous RIDE ees fe yg King Spacious grounds Located in village east of Oshawa, Excellent modern equipment, Classified Display. "2:30 p.m. day previous | phone 188. | GOOD STARTING SALARY -- REGULAR INCREASES The Oshawa Times Prestige location * walk in cooler, frozen food cabinets, self serve meat counters Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- pi a.m. doy of publication. |. 6 ae i etc., living quarters consists of seven rooms. 2 baths, hot- Lat and Found -- .. 730 a.m. day of publication. Marie I of superfluous hair, PLEASANT OFFICE -- FRIENDLY CO-WORKERS | -- two bedroo water heating, owner moving to Detroit and will consider ony Cancellations ond Corrections--8: 30° e.m. day of publication. Oshawe, Jon. 7th, 8th ond 23--Wanted To Rent Beivate halebhies offers. Listed ot $19,500. Coll Bill Horner to inspect this REGULATIONS 9th. Phone Genosha Hotel Please apply in writing to YOUNG LADY with four-year-old boy Eeahosii s property 728-5123 or 728-2236 ¢ |would like room and board in Oshawa Elevator service ' 5 wil res bi , . on these dates for appoint- | x | anes cubenitinG ctterwise: thon in wetting, fer for Meee ton | ment Wing 'care, for foarvearoid tos} Controlled entrances CENTRAL -- $10,500 e i t S , 0 than while mother works, 9-5, Good remun- - one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the ELECTROLYSIS BOX NO. 218 - OSHAWA TIMES eration in return, Call 'after 6 p.m.. Garages Sevan vacin tlic Weehe Wally wilans: Noble ATER cae: price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which 723-3104 Be Paved Parking dy sscpinbeiea BIN S78 "end Hinks vhRe ee f Sion occurs 723-464) ASSISTANT bank manager with fam- Wt kshanks 728-5123 or 728-52 the Cc Times reserves the right to classify advertising THE BELL TELEPHONE - Ol coreg ohiarea), See } quired. Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks or 05. wa Tim j ao eine ' according t0 its proper classification. |3--Pets & Livestock [3407 during 'oftice hous. Don Howe LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 1 se 0 y adv $ he i ' ot t BEAGLE hound, female, th years is | Ms Bs : gs ones, Ml Be Fah pe ef joid, poe Thangs ard Tele COMPANY OF CANADA 24--Houses For Rent | Daytime 725-7732 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH neld responsible f pac sar at 'hich e ac phone 725-8555 aes : v2 ed hae. meee Secaries Tie panies encecverr [0 repeodues ai) odver-" |ceataigor any edging, Teedr for 15 VICTORIA, OSHAWA et, Pent esl wee | Eveniliigs 723-9697 OSHAWA, ONTARIO tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement |treining, talking strain. Apply Mre ' 7250838; after @ y: : if eny inaccuracies in ony form are contained therain. |Broad, 114 Kigin Street Kast. | \fayeaio." ea eT »™! Howe and Peters Reaitors| OPEN EVERY EVENING