Jellicoe § Peerless joo. 17 «17 («17 Joliet Pick Crow 2100 63 63 % 1 |L Dufault 500 ie Wh 1H -- coat set iat $915.- TORONTO 11 AMM, STOCKS 1 Net 11 Net | ty Net |Lake Ling f 33500 5% +1 jyear - * B . ' j Am 3 4 lan G + WIC Delhi 366 325 325 325 --10 |Bordulae 44 4th 4% + ta) Latin }$820,224, 27.3 cents. { 450 $25%4 25% 25'4 + Y|Holden A 100 $104 10% 10% +1 (|QN Gas pr 67 4 /C Del 2 ize | Leitch 100 135 138 45. 'RIx Athab ee Fe . : Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan, 7 ' CPR i 4 En =30 $60) : Reichhold $9 Cc Ex Gas 500 115 135 115 +1 |Bralorne 625 625 625 ts : ia| Re che 2100 % Teck-Hughes Gold Mines Lid., }C Tire A 2125 $24 HK Imp Oi pd ' 93 3 19% 1 1 L Lac 500 167 167 167 %) Sherritt rishi, socBawarane Tet seca ot Gas 100 $18 16 18 + % {Imp Tob 400 $144 14% SN pee Pe Mees te 7g cs plete ra: Mane aks Gk" 4d Ror 17 40 M030 5 |S Miller 3300 26 3 Uy iad coe 4 ee: PAL ' | ¢ of § . al ry 1 wie Tt . 139 13 139. --1_~| MacLeo 750 107 107107 Steep 1610 . . ' , Col Cell 225 415 415415 inland C pr $00 $179 174 y rs IAPR emma Sit ete ale sidan a Re et +4 0 | Madsen 200 215 215 215 43 |Sturgeon 4000 20 20 $563,297, 11.6 cents. € "4 ry \ , 1 77, 1 ic! 04 9 §=66BY ' +14|H B OU G 215 $17 17 Cassiar 365 $10% 10% 10% cine gee on anaes seltnt Divgammetrrgerriuarin s 2405 $11% 11 1156 + Se/Majtrans 300 9%4_*94 914 + _WlCent Pat 120 120 120 |Mattgmi 540 +10 | Temag ORDER SAFETY BELTS ! | y 75 1 3 a Say' Mill City 1000 Chester , ~, h rd red $41% 41% 4156 -- Yeicon Gas 2484 $20% : y, | Interprov 275 99% 95% |Sayvette 50 280 280 280, ; Cab i ; 40 Nama Cr 1400 . Y; | Tormont 29 itoba government has orde' 5 fo ee ote Me lInter PL: 225 $80 79% 80 + %/S 523 $2914 294 294 Nat Pete $00. 23 : 14) 1 | Nealon 1030 trans Res 1 |that all new cars, and trucks Alta Gas w 750 975 975 975 Ghunes 215 $1l 'Jock C B pr 280 $10% 10% 10% |Shell Oil 410 $14 14% 14% Pac Pete 365 $124 12% 12% + 1/0 Belek aes £ 41. |New Ath 4000 29-2329 t up to one ton, it purchases have 100 560 580, +30 |Crush Int 2100 812% 12 1 44 \Jock wts 500 75 75 75 2 |Shell I wts 630 630 630 Pac Pete w 100 675 675 675 | |New Bid 4000! 5Y yner seat safety belts as standard 0 : 11 Net . 14 THE O8HAwa Times, Mondey, Jenuery 7, 1905 ™, Stock Bales High Low s.m. Ch'se| NET EARNINGS | ' : bh Lt ge | Keeley-F 66 400 715 70 710 . eeley -! oda S Stock Market istings on oronto xC ange |Kerr Add 8 Air 300 116 116 116 41 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS T | Kilembe 10000 ud B% 14 ines Ltd., Dh'ge! chs | Stock Sales High Lowa wena Stock Sales Sigh Low a.m. Ch'ge) Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge jl Osu 2000 «11 ll ht 397, 30.5 cents a share; 1961, By The Canadian Press | Stock Bales High Low a.m. Ch"ge; Stick Bailes High Low a.m. Ch'ge! oe igh -m. © Rio Algom 1122 u% UY poke: 35 135 700 2 2 - 5 =" s abi eeerrtvaaet ta | Lencourt 1% 16% 17 4 (Quotations in cents unl medeiome, Tire 50 $35 38 36 -- Bur Erle et eae Cent Del 1441 840 840 840 Buff Ank 225 225 +2 | fen ay tae rd : ! D0 | --10 /vear ended Sept. 30: 1962, $532,- from previous board-lot closing sale.)|Chat-Gai a3 S144 Lg Pe po ee te beta: Se ave ted Gr Pl | ; Ise Cap Bid 100 360 36 6 {Inland Gas ° : 4 ' 7 mh | Maritime 2000 481% 48% 48% + 4) Sullivan INDUSTRIALS IGondults® 250. 88% IM 50 $4514 454 : r13 a Home B OS 3% jGaptain : HY ey 5 | Martin 2000 50 50 Teck-H a i . : "gan Min-Ore 9000 8% 8 Thom L Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge|Gon Paper 220 $3758 37 -i4lint Util pr 50 $4846 4846 + 4a|Salada we 9 490 Medal #200 445° 341 245 +3° |Cheskirk 4 eh A Multienl 1000 Tombill WINNIPEG (CP) -- The Man- Alta Dis w 600 75 72 74 --1 |Goron pr 100 $27% Mw \Jockey C 210 335 335 335 iShaw A pr $44 44 4 Northeal 1000 Bellek |New Alger 1000 5 5 Un Buffad 0 . $4544 45 45% + "i Dist Seag 295 S$4B% Ye| Lafarge 900 5 5 |Slater Steel 210 $5 50 050 Peruy Oil 500 83) 8383 Callinan li +1 | Neweonex 930 $5 5 (ASS 5 : 234% + "iD Bridge 250 $195, 195-- 195 Lon Ce m 240 240 0 {Southam 100 $344 3444 34% + \%4) Ponder -- 1200 35 M3 : GArrow § 5 § | Neonex wts 400 1253 y 200 16 e equipment, 260 9% + Yalpom Elect $17% 2 Lau Fin A 375 $l7% 17 17% St Pav 250 $10% 10% 10% {Provo Gas 1000 165 165 165 Mogul 6 5 New Hosea 700 27 Arg CP pr 275 50% + Y! Dofasco 5 $62 62 6: {Lau F 125 125 $21% %\Steel Caw 3035 $19 18% 15 | Quonto 3625 31 Y > Morrison 73 | Newnor 1100 | Arg 250pr 305 8 8 D Magnes 83% 8% 8 Irau F 200 100 $41% 4|Steinbg A 200 $19% 19% 1 ¥4|Sarcee 2300 116 f ) Mosher L |New Rouyn 1000 iy 14 -- ts Ash Temple 100 $5 52 + YM! Dosco 100 $1014 10% 10/4 + i Leland 665 $11 M4 50 $45 45 45 Secur Free 9 Cons Que 3000 38 38 3 IN Senator 5300 1 Zenamac 294 29% 29% -- %4 Ash Tem B £50 $1 10% |\Dom Stores 790 $14% 14% 14% + WliLevy 100 $14% 89% 89° Spoonre 0 i C Regcourt : |Nor-Acme 1500 9° | pe tae, Ashdown B_ 210 8% \Dom Tar 4 wl 0 65% 65: Stanwell s | Con-Shaw : |Norlartic 500 - Sales to 31 a.m,; 1,360,000. Atl Sugar 365 M4 18% + YlDu Pont iL 60 Triad Oil 1800 16 6 r Cop Corp 1 ! 5 | 2275 ees Atlas Steel 1020 4 35% , 2100 $13 15 , Un Oils 1000 37 | Coulee 4 { X 17500 be ' 'Autofab B alte Can PL 1075 22% ¥4|Watates 500 525 525 5 \craigmt 18% 3 : 0 Tho Veitrans-Mt 637. $143e 1436 145 | Wilshire 100 210 210 210 'Eldona. 3 1 | i mson | 300 84 + I 500 Bank Mont 1355 Ve 66% 6616 *8 FF) M Bink Meet. 1358 ash + tt Peet Mig Maclaren A Delhi Pac a 2214 --114| Norvalie 9 19 9 bs | 7 ' 9 \ Fleetwood 9 9 "4 Maclaren B M "4iUn Gas 1470 $19% 19 9 % : f | rated | 3 | 3 ' 40 4 ~ < | Denis 99 $10% 10% 104% -- %|Opemiska 690 690 1: - 30 [evape Z oy Sn ie se elven ae MINES Done. $04%4 24% 21% |Orenada 7% ul Ker naghan & Co. , Freiman 22 Y 4 | u 3 \ P } 1946 + ler pete pe $00 Verret 5785 $13. 13 19 + WilVieG Tr 100 96 14) Abacus 1000 2) Donalda 11 (10% 104 -- ¥4)Osisko Ae AA se SERVICE ak OM 5 19% -- 14] 5. ' H : 1088 5 5 : / Uran 4000 5% 514 5% East Mal 100-245-245 (245 Paramaq 1000 16% 16% 16% -- 16) M 52 ;\Frosst A 100 $19% 15 4 %4|Mass-F 5% 108% 108% 108% + %4|Walk GW = 155 83 5 ty|Acad Uran ny rs ono 19s 1M 18s 4 eating Oo 68.630 Gas ci EMBERS OF THE +| |) +4+++ ++ ++ 'la Y | Ve) 1 3! | Advocate 500 635 635 635 E , Gatineau 425 $33% 33) |Met Stores WCoas_ tvt q y 3 "a ' oe a a A 714 -1%|Pax In 4 TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE ae W Gat 6 po ac 38 4 N i soa . he va| Westeel be 1 " Agnico 1000 S453 S48 17% 15 a 4--1%|Pax Int 2000 34D by 90 le, or q j 7 7 Amal Rare 500 18 18 5 13 13 3 " ~ - ~ Cc P $,(Gen Bake xd 2 + |} %4| Weston A 700 17% hab : 3 | Ste Sus + Sidon Dew lot ia 74 'tu 5 Salone °° ie at [Ment Be OOK BOK te ane ta Gece ainer 2 sh 4 AUTO = LIFE - FIRE 79 wit " 7 4 IGP 285 2 5 y 514 --~ ie West A wts 1359 93 i 5 4 4 Vy : ' 5 3 1 4 | . ° oe eee B a Me Gr ite A 6 Mm 28% ae Uae } *\Woodwd A 200 $174 17% 17% + lA Arcadia 5900 - Gunnar 500 980 980 . Ps URTRY TORONTO - MONTREAL BOWMANVILLE - SCAR 5 j 3 Ma ' 365 . M M C Br Alm A 400 Y = %'G Mack'B 1 $7 + M%{NO NGas | Zenith 100 365 «365 = 36. 'A Arcad B w 500 h 12% 4! Har-Min 15 4 { 10 Curtains, Dropes, Blonkets, Rugs Cdn Celan 100 $3 2 : G L Power 875 $2 ~\%y\N Phone w 100 5 3 f 5 | }Aumacho 2000 7 7 7 Headway : 24 1 725-1104 OSHAWA'S ONLY Ctnem Sis a as "te 4 wl Li Pow'w U7 fas 800 eas 25 Ont Sen! 00 $i 18 18 | OILS st ee es (tomer aoe ss ull INSURANCE fy o™7ano UNIONIZED SHOP C Gas In w 600 230 125 Gr Wpg vt 2 1 'Oshawa A 50 $31 31 % | Barnat 1700. 9 ollinger b sik Rice : No Stairs Te Climb | } | R si] OPERATING DIRECT LINE CANES 9nd TBY - COBOURG Cdn G Inv 100 $37% 374 1 ; 1 sia? 187 is | Page-Hers 2 3 2 3] Alminex 1000 220 220 220 --8 |B.Duq 1100 3 b . Hud Bay * 30 130. [Hardee 5 RES. MGR, ERIC R, HENRY, 723-4631 52% © Husky w 120 150 150 1! Hardee 5 25 36 256 Pbina 200 MelAn U Dev 6000 40 39% 40 + 44|Bethim 450 2. Inspiratn 2% 82% EST. 1913 725-4305 50 MILL C Imp Bk C 250 $65% 65% 65% + %|Hard Carp 3 1 IP C Jwl A. 300 $9 {Balley § A 225 965 965 965 ieee. lin ine a ame + ie Bay 3 7 4 +3 21 King St. W. 723-3722 15 4 1444 J 5250 24 23 ' C_Ind Gas 100 $95, 3, 9% + ¥ ker-S 33 5 "+ 4% Pow Corp 155. $87 7 % |Calalta 500 4 +1 ch : 300 814% tate 1444 --~ M Teens pr 7 ats QN Gas 500. $5 54 5% + "ICS Pete 1100 485 +15 [Black Bay 21000 Adjustable 3-Speed "Schick" ELECTRIC SHAVER Adjusts To Individual Skin And Beard With Fingertip Control @ Men's electric shaver with three-speed action; low speed recommended for sensitive skin, medium for average beards and high speed for heavy beards, Speed can easily be changed to suit different areas of the face. "TUSSY" WIND & WEATHER CREAM = "RICHARD HUDNUT" Ee pd om yt = =a 1a Te tac oye Much Below Usual Price! " 7 : pe ao 3 shaving action. Contains lanolin and hexachlorophene, two FASHION T A "Ultra Feminine' cream works within the skin to heip replenish a ae : : : : 3 : ; * 4 loss of natural hormones, estrogen and progesterone. These hormones = 3 Complete with handsome important ingredients for skin care. Helps A a ' ect together in a balance to combat the skin's age-ing process, Take : travel case, cord, cleaning to moisturize and soften the skin... espec-. Specially Priced to Clear! advantage of this special offer! To recopture a younger BO apelin pis Bact ed ially helpful for chapped or wind- 1 50 skin. Speciol, 4-oz. jor : : 2 f le 8 h kin. Special, 8-ox. ja SS =< Tae FETS ee, Tomine HN. Je Helps make hair behave beautifully. Use it Time on Your Hands? For a Younger Appearance Try ers ---- cen ae SS rs EACH "TUSSY" WIND & WEATHER LOTION to set a wave; hold a wave. Sprays on easily. ESTROGENIC HORMONE HAND LOTION hee Large double size containers of 12-ozs. Specially Priced! ' Same soothing ingredients of lanolin and --S ae hexachlorophene lotion. To help make the hands smoother, softer and younger looking. Helps a ® ft @ 6-oz. plastic bottle . underskin retain moisture. Helps prevent chapping. Special, each ......, a Special, 8-oz. bottle ' eae s : EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. S15 12-oz. bottle 1.35 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE 725-7373 PHONE 725-7373 GLENEATON "Pinmoney" | Service And Progress at Full-Fashioned Nylons | Eaton's Hearing Aid Centre Available Only at EATON'S! rie Service... Fine quality "Sanitized" nylons in two weights . . . 45-gauge 30-denier walking sheer and 60-gauge 1|5-denier dress sheer. i oe Neat slim seams . . . reinforced heel and eo oh You may telephone your bat- toe for good wear. Excellent fitting tops : i tery requirements. @ Audiometric testing without obligation, for comfort. Sizes 8/2 to 11 in classic and Cords and batteries for. most | : ne: " tall lengths. Popular shades of Rose Beige, : makes of hearing aids. Silhouette Lugg uage Tender Beige or Taupe Mist. " Goods satisfactory or money W. E. LANG suhinded:" For Women EATON Price, pair 49 Progress . . . By "Samsonite" Elegant moulded luggage for women. Light-weight magnesium frame construction with "Fiberglas" panels and washable vinyl covering, Recessed drawbolt type locks. Detachable plastic lined pocket in each case. Fashion shades of Dover White, Biscayne Blue, Oxford Grey, Brown Alligator or Willow Green. 3 pairs 2.25 We offer the latest developments in hearing aids. Ask about: eyeglass hearing aids, all-in-the-ear custom built savdies wit ae eae no-battery model; a tiny electronic instrument that slips PHONE 725.7373 behind the ear; or the conventional type for the very hard of hearing. Have a scientific test in our private consultation room; 21" hanger or have your present aid 'checked while you wait -- at no wardrobe, extra charge. a. & PHONE 725-7373, EATON'S Hearing and Optical Centre, for an Appointment. Other pieces available but not shown, priced eccordingly. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 264 PHONE 725-7373