Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1963, p. 15

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMSS, Friday, Jenuery 4, 1903 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS ESS SERVICE DIRECTORY eee ARTHUR STREET = -- unt Dressmaking 1--Women's Column rnished, | first floor ------t two large rooms, {cupboards and sink. Private entrance. cant. Telephone 725-6457. | ADELAIDE Avenue West, 303; 5S; i; Hair- XPERIENCED dressmaking, altera- PERMANENTS on' special, Page has. pant cuffing, etc. Reasonable dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone rates, Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave Ave 725-5363. Aue. 725-6476. SEWING lessons in your own home. five room range and 'refrigerator, $120 monthly. feie- Group of individual, Also alterations Fuel and Wood and machine service. Dial 728-2976, Furnace Cleanout phone 728-42 FRG Ee OSHAWA Boulevard South, three room basement apartment, utilities paid, TV aerial, private bath, $50 monthiy. Adults 728-8857. If You Purchase FINA FUEL from ROSS HILL 728-7761 Household Repairs ~ HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES | REPAIR SERVICE [Optometrist RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, lo. a. TUCK, | RO. Optometrist. Please OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, Mondey to Fi css le A yy Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSIN Accountants EONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified Publie Accountants, Suite 205W, Osh- «awa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. MONTEITH, RIEHL, and . oa cone Accountants, 728-7527, "135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax WH 2-0890, Whitby MO 8-4131. " GAYMOND B. PROSSER, CA, Charter te kept: 906 Centre Street North, hitby, T 668-5447, CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting pony Complete bookkeeping service, 1% -- Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. AND BURROWS, Chartered WiLsox AN 114 King Street East, Osh- awa; Ronald F. Wilson, CA; G mond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. |18--Male or Female Help Wanted WORKING MAN d couple to care for two school-age chil-| dren, Rent and other utilities free in 16--Female Help Wanted A part-time baby sitter to come to house in south end of city while mo- ther works, 728-1159. WOMAN for snack ng Regd 9 five nights weekly. King 360 King West. _ Telephone 725-8851, 17--Male Help Wanted MECHANIC with Class A licence for} small, well equipped garage. Down- town area. Good wages and incentive plan. Group insurance, Write Box 815, Oshawa Times. |paneae -- 'ork 0 e tente nd » for two chij.|ime and custom wi for wa a MATURE indy 6 Ae, fe, for, two chiller ete Experience an asset, bul not , rnings \y ue reuuired, Telephone! viner in person or by letter to Keaned, dy whan ed scents Uphoistering Ltd,, 86 Walton Street, TWO part-time waitresses for week- Port Hope, Ontario. zich ends, Apply in person. Envoy Restau- | 800M and board for clean, respect-| rant, $22 Ritson Road South, SELL the ue naet Gee ie ee oe sesienen, aoe ogg Wah Hey -- you no longer n rooms, gi yes Close 0. YOUNG WOMAN required for 1 house 28-0723. 27----Real Estate For Sale 38,900 i Na eee Taxes only $135. rye cen a um beautiful lot. anxious to Moke us on Gaerne Call' Sally Wallace -- or 728-7377. Joseph Bosco, LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER INCOME PROPERTY $16,500.00 Nine room brick home, six rooms for owner, plus three room apartment. Two fire- places ond two four-piece tiled bathrooms. Double car gorage with paved drive, Large lot 83 ft. x 149 ft, Hurry for this one call Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728-5202 or 728-5123. $11,700.00 DOWN $800.00 DOWN Just listed, 3 bedroom brick, forced air oil heating, recrea= _ tin room, full bath, T.V. antennae, aluminum storms and screens. Only $75.00 monthly, Hurry call "'Bill'" Horner at 728-2236 or 728- 5123 $8,900.00 FULL PRICE Only $900. Down and $80. per month will buy this little 3 bedroom bungalow. Has new oil furnace, modern kit- chen. Good size lot with gar- age. Hurry for this one call "Bill" Jchnston at 728-5123 or 728-1066. 6 PLEX APARTMENT | BUILDING -- a al Giga! ye. $50 NORTH-WEST AREA Available" immediately.| One year old, fully rented, in' beautiful condition, all decorated Mahogany trim, terrazzo _ hallways. Asking $47,500.00 with a substan- tial down payment. Income $565.00 monthly. Carries for $206.00 monthly, including interest and principal com- bined, By appointment to in- spect call Ed Drumm at 728- 5123 or 725-9345. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED T 20--Room and Board MILL STREET, 103 -- Two gentie- men, willing to share, single beds, $15 for five-day week. Parking. 728-4763. Mortgages" MORTGAGES Moneys for first mortgages, Interest at 7% Ne bones 2--Personal No charge for valuations : IF you have a drinking problem write Mortgages nd Agreamiants Box Wg Whitby, or call 668-3034 or purchased, 725-0803 Moneys for second mortgages available. Immediate services rendered, M, F. SWARTZ 261% King St. Eost Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 CADILLAC AVE AVENUE SOUTH, io) -- Three-room self-contained apartment, hong Private entrance, partly twnish- January 1, Ideal for oung rking 'couple. No children, Abstalsars, 728-9083, CLEAN fi tin "auiet home, large bed-sitting room, kitche . North West sect section. Only |$13--FIVE | ae for two gentleman, bo {willing to share, single beds, laundry, central, Telephone 728-3396. )OM or room and tcnaghe Bee or wady. aa pecking, 728-| and suit 50. RIDE required to Bathurst and 401 (Downsview) Fd 8.30 a.m, Please!; telephone 725-1 MAN would lik igi at 7.30 a.m, Kindly telephone 725-77" cENTLEWAN would like 'transporia- tion. Arriving at Yonge and 401 approxi- mately 8,30 a.m, After 5, please call 728-6606. ~ RELIABLE MAN FOR SERVICE STATION Oshawa district. Permanent | position, apply in writing to |21--Room & Board Wanted BOX 908 OSHAWA TIMES RELIABLE woman to care for two children, and do light household duties, Prefer someone to live in while mother works after 5 p.m. Telephone 728-8988. (OPKING, BEADLE AND CO., Char. tered 'Accountants, 172 st} Street) East, Osha' Ontario. 725-35 509, YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND "C6. Chartered Accountants, Licensed 'Trus- tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-7371. Auto Parts "Save At Western - Service Centre Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" WANTED -- woman to care for four |CLASSES in oil f painting 'resuming for|ehildren, from 7.30 to 4.30 pm.. while} New Year, Taught in groups, with in-|mother works. Telephone after § p.m. i dividual help or private. Children's | 725-8864, | POLISHERS, IRONERS jpay accounts at downtown Dominion group also. For information, telephone |BEAUTY demonstrators, earn up to! Service Guaranteed oer = 4° hapa gra POY le ids 723-7514 es | per hour demonstrating famous 25 yeors' experience | ["Teeier st. See. rs Removal of superfluous hoir, Studlo Giri coametics. Full or part- : ir | Formerly with THOR of Canada Marie Murduff will be in anee ee - a TELEPHONE 725-8296 Oshawa, Jan. 7th, 8th ond dian Tire (Whitby), eng oo FREE ESTIMATES 9th. Phone Genosha Hotel cluding Saturday. Company _ benefits.! on these dates fo: appoint- Salary commensurate with ability. Tele- | ment: Phone 668-5826 | WANTED west side of Oshawa or in | Whitby. Nice clean room with board. \Five days weekly. Gen: Jeman, Write Post Oifice Box 383. Whitby, '22--Storage Space and Garages 'Learn Meat Cutting | 20 Men needed for class; in Oshawa and surrounding Dis- trict day or evening. Being YOUNG girl or lady to care for two. formed offering _pracitcal year-old girl, Five-day week 7.30 am.| training in the highly paid to 5 p.m, Live in or out while ne 128 | field of meat cutting, mer- | oes to college, Telephone anytime 728. chandising ond self--serve Act now. PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING and RETAIL SCHOOL PLEASE WRITE 1425 DANFORTH AVE, TORONTO, ONTARIO HO 1-7545 Painting and Decorating _ PAINTING = and |Service. Prices lowest in town. guaranteed Bowmanville 26: os |NEW WINTER 1 rates! and! , "Baton, | painting: also Gyproce applied. and} isteritaped. G. Golding, 204 Church, 725-7297. | ELECTROLYSIS et ee een Cees. 723-4641 DODD & SOUTER | - PAINTING AND DECORATING |3--Pets & Livestock CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex,. Full Wall Murals req pensive Classified Ad. To have extra|General Motors. work and assisting with penis ae Prev Good! living i dain cash dial 723-3492 today. ties and salary, 725-4824. WAITRESS ; with experience required) TAXI DRIVERS David's Drive-In Restaurant, 939 Dunads Street West, Whitby. 668-4066. | Preferably between 25 - 40 send werk Day os aay ig oe Top eamings. Apply SIMCOE AND R ROSSLAND "area, warm | fas et i Mer- 2 T 4 Albert Street, 725-4771 room, private bath an quiet | T "ROOM apartment and bath, ----_ a whe ae ah MERCURY TAX! home. Lunches ethers Home cooked dryer, lights, water, heat, garage. $ ie Ale i tee 725. 4771 {Carnegie Avenue parking. Apply 708| month. BM vg February 1. Tele- gearboroant . 'arne, venue. phone ide to h, Y day: pply South End Res | nl taurant, 5 Bloor 'Street East, me ---|ALBERT STREET, 13i-- Room aad|\souTa < OSHAWA, two-bedroom apart- a jboard, single room, suitable for one|ment, unfurnished op os new y nave, heat- jyoung gentleman, three minutes' walk ed. . $90 Pecreccod 728. from four corners, free parking, 5-day |: FURN! yg eres week, $15. Telephone 728-4061, quiet couple, oer space. Apply ea Albert Street. to Ajax, three | large rooms, partly furnished, two bedroom, share bath, hot water heating, parking, $65 monthly. -_ Telephone 668-3804, TWO. modern apartment in apartment building, $85 month. Central. } Adults preferred, Tele:hone 728-6876. 'Four: -ROOM upper flat, heated, 'priv vate | entrance, hot water, $40 monthly. Quiet! |GARAGE for rent, Centre and Gibb! |Street, $7 monthly, Telephone 72. 2539 Slinene CORT. BOO A Cedar [Sto SQUARE FEET ~ clean 4 storage | ngs Immediate possession. Located THREE-ROOM | Ferd 295 ee Street South. Telephone 725: | Decorating Meshing 'DON'S Instruction HARVEY DANCE | tap, RAD Ballet, now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122. PRIVATE teacher, student c 15 years' expe By _jonly. Act now. 7: LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing Schoo}. Baliet, Pre-schoo) kinderdance. "furnished basement j@partinent, good location, rangette and! |refrigerator. Available January 7,| j Adults only. Telephone 723-3985 | "OFFICE SPACE ~~ HASSROWNE Shona Canre Tae AVAILABLE jator, laundry and parking facilities. $75) monthly, newly decorated. Apply apart-/ Corner King & Albert 400 to 750 sq. ft, ATHOL- crane, FAST -- ie | APPLY LAKAS COFFEE SHOP OFFICE FOR RENT |ferred. 728-26: | WILLIAM a apartment, monthly. Recently occupied by Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. Approx- imately 1000 sq. ft. | | 728-6133, THREE > room heated apartment, > pri- ites entrance and bath. Close to stores, bas, schools. $55 monthly, Apply 22 or j67 Orchard View Boulevard THREE-ROOM | apartment, | KING 'STREET Bast - - ~ bus 1 corner, rea Pry (Bool : | Bright air conditioned ment, on main aoe Hoenn in "gg | vate home. Bed - sitting room, hard-| space . . . elevator |wood floors, nicely furminc Kitchen. : : jette with refrigerator, rangette, private service . . . available on lease... moderate rent, unsellor, | interview and ~~ tnexperienced | -.} Sewers wanted for lady's and gents! | ONE Chihuahua } puppy, female, , 6 weeks | tailoring. pst speak English, steady | jold. After 6 p.m. telephone 728-3604 feeacrenent f suitable. Apply H. Sher- [BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Street (upstairs) 728-6731, | " pa Spray Painting | train: ng, sed strain. Apply Mt eran walle hoa care for one-| Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage| MUSIC LESSONS, |B » 114 Elgin Street East ear-0) while mother works, Prefer-/ funds available; 36% King Street East./jar, piano accordion, violin, sultar, BaXx- 107 el (TE call | THREE HOUNDS, black and tan. bly x peaienes. ray oye weeldy, | 723-1107, Res. 985-7163. : aphone, clarinet, drums, ete. ew nod im ds hunting breed. Apply 22 Orchard View| |a-9004 x " y aldwin Street,! Louis 8. HYMAN, QC, Barri sed instruments, Alto Mus ee NIGHTS 725-7426 | Boulevard. er citor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King|453 Simcoe Street South. 7 \EARN $23 WEEKLY plus a free ward-; Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage mon-} LEARN TO Ae jrobe in your spare time. Just show fes available. | sieht Fashion Frocks to friends. No invest GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli] Oshawa Driving School [on the spot. Highest prices paid|ment, canvassing, experience _neces- WANTED DAY or EVENING citors, etc., 114 King Street East, Dial wa hand Fepair. Instruments apprais-lfor dead and crippled farm stock.|#ary. Write: North Americac' Fong on |3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone,|Dept. L- 1780, Montreal 39. Late Models, Standards | MODERN GRILL | IMMEDIATELY Barristers ee BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi- dence BRUCE V. MACKEY. 1 BA, Barrister, days, Masonic Temple . j "classical and ~ popu-| > DEA, DMA,| tap, acrobatic, | s. "|Personal Service PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic orj gan| 5 Farmer's Column peivale ak: included, un- After 8 p.m. 725-0915. 88 - unfurnished, m-- 'STREET, | - 'Three-room apartment, suitable for couple, Kitchen equipped with sink, cupboards, cee ee and stove, Ap- Ply between 9 and 5. BOWMANVILLE - - "One-bedroom 3 apart- ment. Centrally located, heated, seif- contained, $65 N epaned Telephone Bow- manville 623-3394 Lawn Mowers wie li } } Brandy, WE SHARPEN and RENT | | 101 non Street North, a, Ontario. Os! OPEN EVERY EVENING SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED REALTORS Over oa Quarter Century of | Continous and Reliable Service SACRIFICE SALE TERRIFIC BUY awaiting an alert buyer.. Immediate pos- session. 8-year-old, 5-room brick bungalow. Newly paint- ed outside and completely decorated in pleasing colors inside. Floors --- hardwood and tile. aomee bright kit- chen, s, 4-piece bath. Fonied hot air oi! fur- nace. Deep dry basement. Open to offers. Must be sold. Call Steve Macko, daytime 723-2265, evenings 728- 5868. NORTH-WEST JUST LISTED this brick bung- alow on one of the better Experienced SALESLADY Aged 25 to 35. Apply ERWINNE'S SPECIALTY SHOP Mis: Clark, Solici- trance, hydro and heat oe 728-4: |shower, hot water, hydro supplied. pg for bachelor, two girls or busi. ess couple. Telephone for appointment | Pan reas after 6 p.m, and weekends. |26--Rooms For Rent |GReTa Street, ¢ 63: - Furnished house: jkeeping room, with laundry 'acilities, jand refrigerator. Telephone 423-7800 | CLOSE "to downtown, one large bed- gentlonses, Ap- ALMOST EVERYTHING jimcoe 101 Residence, 725.5542. oe rates. Estimates free - Dial) 11 Simcoe 5. LEGAL STENOGRAPHER WANTED | Experienced life man requir- | ed. We will finance you, Our contract pays top. com- missions, substantial over- ride and full renewals. We have clients and leads to keep you. going. Your op- portunity to write general insurance to increase in- come. Call Reg. Aker of Schofield-Aker Limited at 723-2265. All interviews confidential. Young. Man For room, furnished, prefer ply 24 Charles _Street. CELINA Street, 5 1 large si single room, clean, quiet home, all facilities, Five lonly to four corners. Gentleman only. |CELING 'STREET, 1. - Large he house- ping room, private entrance, on [natn floor, Telephone 728-5253, Only experienced need apply. position, 5 day Permanent week. Apply Louis S. Hyman, Q.C., 37 King Street East SALES CLERK FOR JEWELRY STORE | - 1. TUR | Rug-Upholstery Service | 723-2043 -- es. 2281 | |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- | jeivered like new. Get the best for oe 3 Business _ Opportunities . Free . 13% North, | TYLER Crescent, 118; turnished 1 rooms, Ach . ----------. | large bedroom, double bed a GARAGE wanted v vicinity ¢ C_iborne 5 le nd|room, parking. Available. Centra i a. ;Mary Streets. Telephone 425-5961, tion. Evening: tn 130, " | FURNISHED y house or apartment want- TREMEDDAN OTEL ~ Winter ed to rent for February and Macrh.|rates, Rooms, Bt $15, double $2 Adults. Abstainers. Telephone 723-1595. hot bg heated, television. Telephone 24--Houses For Rent -- "cottage, partly furnished, |TWO-ROOM cottage, PONTIAC INN INN Telephone 728-8125. Rooms, Single and Double, fat Modern U 142 Simcoe South. Call " Biair) Whither nine thousand| Free estimates See our|down. Building also if desired, for five re-covering. Daiton Up. | thousand down, Write Box 243 .Oshawa stering, 75 Charles Street. 723-7212. Ti mes. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, | like new. Why pay more: Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction gueran- teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up | holstery Co., 10 Bond W. Dial 725-0311 jre-styled, material for ESTABLISHED Texaco |FOUR-ROOM | house, 1 at "$19 C Centre Building Tredes ALL TYPES of building repairs, ing. chimneys, ee: tidewalte, iy, 0394 monies te} mort-} pur- Mu 723-2273. Residence Phones: J. M ed. Phone Ajax 942-1664 [Telephone Collect. Hampton, COlax|Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Industrial Blvd., Greer, BA, BSc., 725-3363; Terence V. ; tas Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-5832. Per is Dial conmolled | jLicence 149. oe or young woman for] xeneral| | ~ : A utomotics, ua ontroil | i . jousework in Toronto. N. hom E iti RALPH JONES, BA. and THOMAS B. : | Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey |1]----Articles For Rent [perience and references necesaan,| Wo Young Ambitious | orgie Mag -capgge Henke ie ror OSHAWA ond WHITBY | Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | : -------------- ---------|Good home and salary for right per.| | Sates inten avanetie. CALL 728-0091 Made Pies and Desserts. Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, {cern Oshawa 725-7851 for SALESMEN RICHARD H. DONALD, BA. Barrister,| WE DELIVER Punch Bowis LADY for mailing oom. Grade | | Sollester, Notary Public, 52% i 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH Wine, Cocktail Glosses leducation premmant Filing experience| ' cet North. 728-2891 25-3887 Roasting Pans Jand mechanical inclination an artet.| For well established car lot "JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Benefits. Apply in person to D. A.| in Whitby. Experience not | Barrister and Solicitor and Notary lub- s Coffee Urns Seranien: General Printers, $7 Simcoe! necessary. Only aggressive | lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King GIVE US A. CALL |Plumbing and Heating [Street South ; . | West, Oshawa, Ontario. Cliert paik-| G > zai mn | Sargeant' s Rentals | ---- need apply in person to ang _nyaliabie. 4 [Rat PLUMRRING, Gnd Venting: sxptiies 725-3338 he 7 | Zz .T, garage BA, Barrister, S 1 A N S |Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, BILL WHITTICK |255 Simcoe Street South. SicGinBON kad BASTEDO. Raises, | CONE KING AT BURK STS, ALL TYPES of repairs and a Wanted _ ae MOTORS LIMITED | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for 723-3224 ling, new and used materiais. Reason: SHAW 146 Brock N., Whitby | ret, merteagen, 2 Simowe Stree tl i981, J. Foley. "| AUTO WRECKING CO. ------ | Ci deer Baste, ac. Too Wanted err arte "aenat "hamatte| Wants cars for wrecking LIFE JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, 5 lrates. Free estimates. 725-1334, Me- Ports for sale, also scrap iron ante! tees "INVESTMENT _ Grath Plumbing and Heating. _ and metals, etc.. bought ; sesh hea ops en Saturday all day. Phone MANNING F, SWARTZ AND RowAIp| © OPPORTUNITY ALL WELL . \yeeoay ome ite INSURANCE L. | SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors,| , lished 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. i Apply To: Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, ong established company But if you insist Errata Ree, txiiacchltae SALESMAN | : Se S| tecuices funds. Will. pay Srihe ee. oan WANTED | dence, dial 723- % per annum. rite inks | i SCRAP IRON, POULTRY | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barristers TT , and Solicitor, 2814 'King 'Street East. BOX 114 |GUSCOTT PLUMBING) SCR FEATHER TICKS pede Be fsa el aacia Tem. Rew | OSHAWA TIMES lone HEATING Limited) Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals } | vue | . SOMPAREYS. BOYCHYN ané@ WILL-| Mone to Loan | 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 | | The Oshawa Times | Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King id | Oshawa: R. 3 Hum-|~ | | v8, QC; QC; G .S. Boyenyn, BA, aC | os Hillman, LLB. Office 721-5177; '23----Wanted To Rent Ya5.1173; fs sat ONHA lpr fa MONIES O 8-2761, 725-5: and other mente finds sine" "= "™ FOR MORTGAGES CAEIGRTON, DRYNAN AND MUR Barristers, Solicitors, Netar- Monies available for all types tes Pi Public, Bank of 'arerta, Osnews; of first mortgages at 7% % . x without bonus. Monies 'also rg eee : rte ace available on second mort- 723- urdoe 7 e Mortgages and agreements of sale ihn mpericuss and ne bought, sold and arranged ments for Sale purchase Monies loaned on first and Bookkeeping second mortgages. Mortgage COMPLETE Bookices tare fees| Commitments for loans given: offered for small business. Statements M. F. SWARTZ, pag B. CC. Services, Whitby, 2614 King St East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 ; Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale FOR ALL | your pala ee agreements purchased and soid.! and repairs, cupboards a specialty. Cail|Henmick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Vroom, Whitby, 668-4118. King Street East, 723-7232 BUILDING and alterations. P. A.|PRIVATE and corporation Hottot, 516 Palace Street, Whitby,|iend on all types of mortgages; 668-3126. gages and agreements of sale YOUR iocal chimney cleaner. C Chimney egg See heading * 'Barristers, ")_ built and repaired, gas linings instaled,| ences vacuumed. Free {and have extra cash instead | 723-3492, today to start the inexpensive, SAVE McCULLOUGH'S BUILDING SUPPLIES 1270 SIMCOE STREET N. (West Side) PHONE 728-4688 jers in a hurry Low Interest No Valuation Fee Until Loan Completed Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Member Mortgage Brokers Association Cartage JOHN'S MOVING "AND | Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipped and insured. Tele Phon: : ae | SUMMERLAND ressmaking SECURITIES "alterations, pant cuff | LIMITED ove drapes. Reasonable rates 112 Simcoe St. North | Os shawa, Onte ario~ -725 3568 Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get foster results. Cash 6 consecutive days 3.75 3 consecutive days... 2.25 If not paid within ¥ days, charge rate applies. Professional listings only, 3 lines per mont! (Not applicable for merchandise odvertisem ents.) Each additional line per month Count each word, initial, Box number STORAGE, BLD 723, NEED « joan? ¢ Check the dependable | firms listed in Classified right now for ox. ourteous service. Chorge 4.13 2.48 7.50 1.60 figure or abbreviction as one word 15¢ DEADLINES Word ads re Classified Display ; Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publicatior Lost and Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publicatior Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. doy of publication REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in ad ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for m re the one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the Price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs, | The Oshawa Times reserves the right to class ify advertising | | j 5. p.m. 2:30 p.m day previous day previous according to its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce than that in which the ib error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all ouve tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertissinart if eny inoccurocies in any form are contained therein, s 'Sales and Service OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTORS McCullough Chain Saw SALES & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 \Su rveyors [DO NEVAN AND I \q. F estimates, / SELL th tra TV aren't u a, the extra eh duly Se Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East . FLEISCHMANN, T AND TROL. LOPE, Phone 725-6831 On al biue Ontario| MONEY TO LOAN" {month | Classitied ad that brings you cash buy- ITV _-- Radio Repairs GU ARANTEED | 'repairs to ail v makes ra tronics, TV RENTALS "by the | day, at jSimcoe North. T.V. TOWERS All galvanized, no paint LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 cr 725-7844 TV AERIALS DO WEAR OUT REPLACE NOW While weather and prices are at their best, TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST CALL 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT week, Television. 43 or |14--Employment Wanted 918! Well Drilling--Digging 3 SELL the g00d household items not using. Start the inexpensive fied ad that puts you in touch vy buyers fast. Dial 723-3492 today W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE 668-2563 --+ 668-3809 WHITBY, ONTARIC 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 | | | DOWNTOWN | | Street, Whitby. Possession February 1. Permanent if satisfactory |Telephone Whitby 668-2384. j j State d ref t FOR RENT -- in Whitby, Service Station 'ote experience and references | Shipping Department lee Muipaloa: yr Eo ecg Intelligent young man to BOX 11] | [storms and screens, nice property. assist in Shipping depart- | |$125. per month. Telephone 668-3376 OSHAWA TIMES | {9 a.m, to 5 p.m | ment of large, local furn- | six-room house in Village of Taunton. | | iture store. 17--Male Help Wanted | {APPRENTICE to wood, |Rent reasonable to responsible tenant. Must be bondable jmetal pattern making, young man, i6| | For further particulars, apply Rev. Bowins, Gainsboreugh, Saskat- |to 18 years, with approximately three} 6 Penge high school. Apply in writing | Good, steady employment for right man. Box 314 Oshawa All usual benefits Apply between 4 and 6 p.m. any day 'TO MR. J. OWE Cherney Bros. 80 KING ST. EAST, _OSHAWA For Lease ON RITSON RD. | A firmly established mixture of neighborhood and trans- | | | R, plastic, and) pare MODERN six-room house jiences, close to schools for two families, $100 monthl; jiate possession. Telephone 72 744: 2, |BLOOR WEST, 89 -- Six |two kitchens. No furnace. |month, Telephone 725-0332; after 6 pm. | 723-9210. NASSAU STREET, 91 house, no. furnace, vacant. {Telerhorie -- 725-0332; 723-9210. |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent | ($50.--FIVE rooms, garage, oil | furnace.| if you like rural living see this. Tele-| | phone Hampton 263-2394. FURNISHED. " Exceptionally clean 3 room self - contained APARTMENT Suit one or two business | ladies. CALL 725- 6740 ~ KINGS COURT = APARTMENTS | | : AJAX ient business. $3,000 capital required. Paid training avail- able. Furniture and Appliance Store in Whitby Requires an EXPERIENCED SALESMAN | Salary and commission, Company benefits | | PHONE 668-3211 DAYS OR | 728-4231 EVENINGS AND | | LEAVE NAME AND | NUMBER _-- | Six-room | $50. month. | after 6 p.m.,| Apply in writing to BOX 112 OSHAWA TIMES | Pvbtioy CARE for one child in my ome. Weekly or daily, '|r "1222, |WILL TAKE CARE of elde jor invalids, either in the |my home, Port Hope, 885-291 i | PETER PAN Day Nursery, Monday to} \ Friday, 5 Simcoe Street North. Teie-| phone 728. 4. j | WILLING, efficient ~~ handyman |wash your walls, windows, janything, anytime. Have tools, pic Excellent references. Call Mil, 7: 16--Female Help Wanted | WAITRESSES required, apply Genosha| "AVON. CALLING | H. DICK PONTIAC - BUICK LTD. 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY | | New Year-- | | bcs " | Opposite large Shopping Centre New Career | near schools, churches, etc. eer Home Furnishing Store | In Oshawa Requires Salesman | own | Telephone MECHANIC WANTED Must have Class "A" Mechanical :License G.M. Experience Preferred 'ly people home or "will do} Apply in person to George Hill, Service Manager No Lease Required. | from Oshawa. ea | Approximately 10 miles | | | | Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedroom $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2- 2001 | Oshawo's Finest _ Park Lane Apts. 10 min. from Downtown | Join Avon in the exciting | business of selling Cosme- | tics. Good income. No ex- | Perience necessary. We | train. Write: P.O. BOX 512 Oshawa CITIZEN'S FINANCE WHITBY PLAZA REQUIRES ~ YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK Experience an asset but will consider man with experience in selling men's clothing or shoes. FULL TIME POSITION WITH IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS AND FULL COMPANY BENEFITS. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT WITH THIS OR- GANIZATION ARE UNLIMITED. Reply, stating age, marital status, education and previous experience. Typing Essential. | Usual Company Beneftits. INTERVIEWS WILL BE ARRANGED | Five Day Week | j | i | | Spacious grounds Prestige location | Attractive two bedroom Suites Private balconies Elevator service | Controlled entrances | Gardges Paved Parking or sate oe a8. BD) | WRITE BOX 501 OSHAWA TIMES 3 Howe and Peters Realtors | $12,795 FULL PRICE residential streets. So handy to all schools,' stores and bus. Contains large living room, dining area, bright cheery kitchen and 3 good- sized bedrooms, Modern bath- room. All newly decorated inside and out. OWNER LEAVING CITY. SEE THIS AT ONCE! Most desirable. Asking $14,500 -- reason- able terms. Call Henry Stin- son, daytime 723-2265, even- ings 725-0243, EAST END $18,800.00 -- 1 year old-- builder's own home. Loaded with extras. A very eye- pleasing ranch bungalow with attached garage, located in an area of fine homes. Be sure to inspect this fine home in the near future. It will sell quickly, Call Steve Macko, daytime 723-2265, evenings 728-5868. GRANDVIEW GARDENS $18,900 -- TERMS See this beautiful ranch style bungalow in this most desir- able location, contains LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH STONE FIREPLACE, dining room area has built-in china cabinet. Television. Dining Room, Lunches Packed. 725-0078 _ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH '27--Real Estate For Sale PARK Road North, $12,500, sixroom oil hot water) two-storey brick house, heating, Ideal income house, $500 aown. | {cee me 725-0793. Harmony 'Heights -- Modern Three-Bedroom ERICK BUNGALOW Y2 YEARS OLD Cenniie both, tile and hard- wood floors. Aluminum storms and screens. All serv- ices. Close to school. Any reasonable down pay- ment considered. Will ac- cept good used car as part down payment. EB nie | The very modern kitchen has PHONE 725-2632 | everything to be desired, 3 SU ee Fae eT TL RL ean a: ae one | rec. room. $650 DOWN | TASTEFULLY DECORATED, Storms and screens, storm | ATTACHED GARAGE. Paved doors, oil heating, decorated drive, beautiful lawn. For throughout. 1150 sq. ft. of |: complete information phone shining new home with large | Henry Stinson, daytime 723- family size kitchen and three | 2265, evenings 725-0243. big big. bedrooms. | EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR nt es eet USTOM BUILT HOMES IN ONE MORTGAGE CUSTOREAU VALLEY Immediate Possession ee ee pee 725-1186 360 King Street West LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Free Parking IN A CASTLE HOME _ bition Lot -- 132 x 330 on Scott's Rd -- Asking $3,500. Saleswoman Margaret Hall 668-5853 or 723-1358. Bowmanville --- 3 bedroom brick end frame bungalow, extra _ large kitchen ----- 27' living room. nicely. decorated, garage. Saleswoman Phyllis McRobbie 668-5853 or 623-7159. Byron St. S., Whitby -- Ranch Bungalow -- garage, brcadioom, fireplace, rec. room, large lot, Call office for further information, 6 rooms attached many extras. Belle Dr, -- 4 bedroom brick and stone bungalow with attached garage --- 2 fireplaces -- built-in stove and oven --~- L-shaped living and dining room. Call Audrey Moore 668-5853 or 668- 4088. 3 bedroom brick bungalow on Green St., oil heating, full divided basement. Call Evelyn Wolker 668-5853 or 725-1442. Lots for Sale --- Offices for rent. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-5853

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