AMONG THE FIRST to ar- rive for an evening of fun at Oshawa Curling Club were, Oshawa Curling left to right, Mr. L, Eveniss, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Dancing continued small hours when a steak din- Broadbent, Mrs, Eveniss, Mrs, F, H. A, Hamel and Mr, Hamel. 4 ner was served to nearly two | hundred, Oshawa Times Photo into the Club Re-Echoes THE STARS SAY |for romance, and August and/ | September of 1963 will be favor- | able to travel. By ESTRELLITA | If you put forth your vest ef: To Sound of Midnight Merriment Oshawa Curling Club's smart,)Mr. and Mrs. William Lock, Mr, new decor was a gracious set-'and Mrs. Edward Snow, Mr. ting for the club's New Year's|C. P, Foster, Mrs, W. Bonnetta, Eve dinner dance. Following the/Mr, and Mrs, C, C, Baxter. traditional midnight cacophony| Mr, and Mrs. F, L, Whitting-| Aspects are good, bringing bene-| ton, Mr. and Mrs, J. Baxter,/ficent results where travel is}of November should help you! Mr, and Mrs, Edward McComb, | concerned, and the singing of Auld Lang Syne more than 90 couples en- joyed dancing until 1:00 a.m./Dr, and Mrs, Ralph N. Vander- after which a steak dinner was/voort, Mr. and Mrs. Jack served, |Carter, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Club President Oscar Parker|Allan, Mr, and Mrs. David and members of his dance com-|Henry, Mr, and Mrs. G, H. mittee planned the evening's|Campbell. FOR TOMORROW | forts between now 'ud then, No- The influence of the planets] vembSr arene) be yy for ' ve thi ighly satis-| t@ng evidences of job prog should mah this _ highly satls jress but, in all things, maintain factory day for all those en' conservative policy--especially |gaged in intellectual pursuits.|in September. Some good news at the end jget off to a good start in the There may be good news from|new year. across the seas. A child born on this day will] FOR THE BIRTHDAY be determined, down . to - earth] If tomorrow is your birthday, |#!4 level-headed. your horoscope indicates that it) would be advisable for you to SIEGE AION I ELM Tl TN Pe: ee eS 80 KING ST. EAST eT FURNITURE WORLD Sklar clears Factory Warehouse to... GHERNEY'S at JOZ%t0 50% ott e Chesterfield Suites eSofa Beds ® Chairs i Mostly one-of-a-kind and festivities, made merrier with) Miss Chery] Hawes, Mr, Ed- " "ial fancy hats, balloons, noise|ward Gibson, Mr, and Mrs, Lees Aone heehee apt makers and streamers. -- Webster, Mr, and Mrs. M. Mac-| satisfied, to start "adopting 3! Lucky spot dance winners|Leod, Mr, and Mrs. R. H.|more realistic attitude in this! | Qa wenn oa -- in floor samples! were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon and Mrs. J, Furey and Mrs. James Naylor and Mr, James Ewart. Those in attendance included: Mr, and Mrs. Gerry McBeth, Mr, and Mrs, D. H. Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Hamel, Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Parker: Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Eveniss, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Edwards, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Bailes, Mr, and Mrs, Dean McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs, J. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. R. Simmons. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Renwick, Mr, and Mrs, B. Dingley, Mr. and Mrs, A, Nott, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sutton, Mr. and Mrs, Gor don Furey, Mr, and Mrs, Marsh Slessor, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kellar, Mr, and Mrs, W. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Wickens, Mr. and Mrs, Roy L. Whittington, Mr, and Mrs. A. 8, Meps' Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Wardeu. * _ Mr, and Mrs. Robert Skitch, Mr, and Mrs, James Naylor, Mr, and Mrs. Reginald Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Batten Mr, and Mrs, Austin Wiltshire, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Reazin, Blackstock, spent the weekend in Oshawa and were guests at the 50th wed anniversary of * Mr. and Mrs, William Thaxter, which took place last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Hum- phreys, Alexandra street, and their son, Mr, John A Toronto, spent the Christmas weekend at the Chantecler, in Barten, Sturch, Mr. Francis, Mr, Granik, Mr. Harrell, Elston, Mr, Perry, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Rob-) H.| connection. Except for brief periods in| inson, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Sager October, November and Decem-| Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Drinkle, Mr.|ber, you will not have and Mrs. John Nicholls, Mr. and chances to record real gains un:/ jtil 1963, when you will enter an Perry, | excellent success cycle, but y must start looking ahead. It's! the long-range plans that work out. Mrs. I. W, Parrott, Mr, and Mrs, ;., C, Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Gibbie, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. N. Ward, Mr, and Mrs, Edward Hill, Mr, and Mrs. Paul) Michael, Mr. and Mrs, Giles|through May will be a good tinic' many CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-938) ror u | BROADLOOM, DRAPES, TILE, will PAINT AND WALLPAPER The latter part of this March) Goulding, Mr, and Mrs. Fred) Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, James Ewart, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie} Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simmons, | Mr. and Mrs, John Benson, | Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rowden, | Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc:) Alpine, Mrs. W. Tribble, Mr. R. Luke, Mr. and Mrs. S. Clark, Mr, and Mrs. V. McLaughlin Mr, and Mr« Howard T, Say- well, Mr. i drs, John E. Mr, and Mrs, Lioyd| and == Mrs, P| and Mrs. Bert and Mrs, Irvine Mr, and = Mrs, ead Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas! Clemens, Mr. 'and Mrs, Allen! Cay, Mr. and Mrs. A. Preston, | Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kinton,| Mr, and Mrs. William Johnston, Mr, and.Mrs. George Bates, Mr. and Mrs, C, Phipps. Mr, and Mrs, George Tresise, Mr, W. F. Mercer, Mr, and Mrs. W. Oke, Mrs, Jean Crawford, | Mr, and Mrs, E. J, Alker, Mr. | and Mrs, Donald Crothers, Mr. | and Mrs, Kenneth Conliny Mr, and Mrs, F. C. Piper, Mr. and' Mrs. R, B, Halloran, Mr. and the Laurentians. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wirsching, Roxborough avenue, | were Mrs. Wirsching's three| brothers and sister and their! families, They were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hagey, Preston; Sunday guests at the home of | Holbrook, Mr, Jerry Manilla. Mrs, Fred Fordham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trehern, Miss Judy GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Mr, and Mrs, Harold Clemens, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, Reid Clemens and Mr, and Mrs. John Clemens, Hespeler, A phone call from Miss Zena Clemens, Pasadena, California, another sister, completed the family reunion. | . Jo FF. Kulk, Dr.8., of Zandvoort, Holland, a science graduate of the University of Amsterdam, who is attending a nine - month merchandising course in Cincinnatti, paid a) surprise visit over the weekend) to Mr, and Mrs. Hans Haag-| mans, Ravine road. Mr. Haag-| mans and Dr, Kuik grew up o- gether in Zandvoort. | ALBERT STREET UCW Unit 4 The December meeting of the Unit was held recently in the! Fellowship room of the church. Mrs. Samuel Gibbs presided at the Christmas Devotional service assisted by Mrs, Harry Longbottom, Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. Eric Jacklin and Mrs.| Erie Cooper. Throughout the service Christmas carols were ae by those present. Thoughts for the day read by Mrs. Leo Gray Mrs, Edward Holland. Mrs, Holland, group: leader, presided over the business meet- ing. Mrs. Gray read the min-| utes and Mrs. Eric Jacklin were and BUEHLER -- Tender EATN © TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E, -- 723-3633 Meat Specials! Fri. & Sat. e@ FREEZER SPECIAL! e BEEP wara: 59: SIRLOIN - T - BONE 89). SIDE PORK 2 uw. 89° (CUT AND. WRAPPED FREE) e STEAKS & ROASTS! e ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS RUMP ROAST BREAKFAST BACON ». 59° SLICED Skinless Wieners BOLOGN BY THE PIECE Mrs. Gerald Duguay, Mont-|8@ve the treasurer's report. rave avenue, spent he New...Refreshments were served by Year weekend with her par-|Mts. E. Holland, Mrs, Thomas ents, Mr. and Mrs. we J, Peters and Mrs. H. Longbottom. 3 1.00 FRESH MADE Lanteigne, and family in Mont-| real. { Mr. and Mrs, William Gimb-; lett of Lambeth, Ontario, spent! the holiday season with Mrs. Gimblett's mother, Mrs, Ger- > Aacaaas Richmond street! east. { WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE REPAIRS TO ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES! 178 BOND £&. 725.3531 OSHAWA BAILEY FOODS LID. AJAX THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA WEST HILL Specials: Thursday, Friday and Saturday DELICIOUS APPLE PIE CHOCOLATE PRALINE ROLL "* FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the Bakery with the large variety. wcn 4I¢ ucn Alé VEAL PATTIES 3. 1.00 Country Sausage 2... 49° ! Buy | lb. Sausage FR ' Meat for .... 25¢ AND GET 1 LB. FREE! MILD CANADIAN CHEESE ». 49° Shop and Save Every Day « BUEHLERS! FOR THE LOWEST MEAT PRICES! proth® ney che' RANG tarioe 3 george © parerre™ SORRY! NO PHONE or MAIL ORDERS PLEASE. 1 ONLY Occasional Chair Modern style, reversible foom cushion, moulded foam back, 100% Nylon cover, brown, Regularly $105.00 SALE. 92.90 1 ONLY Sofa Bed Sklar liner -~ modern style covered in 100% Antron Ny- lon, Rose Beige, Regularly $169., SALE 99.50 ---- 2 ONLY Sofa Beds 2 piece Sklar liner, and match- ing chair, modern style uphol- stered in 100% Nylon Regulerly $199.00, SALE 148.00 ai 1 ONLY Occasional Chair Upholstered in a light brown febric, regulerly $89.00, half price. 44.50 -- 1 ONLY Floater Chair Upholstered in Grown Mater- ial. Regulerly $109.00 < gimitede grreete * gen enanke rocaniee with Tivaree © 1 ONLY Floater Chair Upholstered in top quality fab- ric, regularly $109.50, SALE 78.00 Two Piece Suite Modern thin arm styling, with moulded foam back and re- versible foam rubber cushions, Regulerly $339.50. SALE 228.00 1 ONLY Sectional Suite Modern styling, with moulded foam back, and reversible foam cushions. Complete with built in arborite table. Up- holstered in 100% _ nylon. Regularly $349.00, SALE 237.00 1 ONLY Modern Suite Two piece, medium arm style with moulded foam back and reversible foam cushions, up- holstered in 100% Antron. Regulerly $309.50. SALE | 219.75 1 ONLY Modern Suite Two 100% Nylon cover, Regularly 229.00, SALE 156.00 piece, foam cushions, der toe your Ore ot OP of Jom 1 ONLY Three Piece Suite Three piece suite, modern style sofa with two matching chairs, moulded foam backs and reversible foam cushions, 100% Nylon cover. Regularly 309,00. SALE 218.00 Truly, once-in-a-decade values that cannot be repeated! It's first come, first served during this fabulous sale. Every piece carries the famous Sklar Label and is fully backed by both Cherney's and Sklar! You can even choose, Charge and Layaway until you need it! ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 1 ONLY Two Piese Suite Traditional style, gold quilted cover, foam with down-filled backs. Very styl- ish, Reguler 459,00, Seve $180, SALE 279.00 3 ONLY Very modern, curved back. In brown, gold, and beige. Regular $39.50, HALF PRICE 19.75 =-- 1 ONLY Sectional Suite With built in eormer toble, modern style, 100% nylon cover, Regulerly $289. ; 198.00 1 ONLY Sofa Bed 2-piece Sklar-Liner sofa bed and matching chair. Modern style, Upholstered in 100% = turquoise, Reguler $289, 199.00 1 ONLY Arm Chair Open orm, wooden frame Scandinavian style, Reversible foam cushions, in blue and turquoise stripe. Regular $59. SALE 39.00 1 ONLY Desk Chair Brown plyhide, with arms. Reguler $74.50. HALF PRICE 37.25 = lilt 1 ONLY High Back Chair French Provincial, in lovely beige tapestry. Sold for $89, SALE PRICE Two Pieee Suite With valance diamond, tuft backs, foam cushions, beige topestry cover. Elegant styl- : $329.50. Seve $1i2.00 SALE 197.50 2 ONLY -- FRENCH Provincial Chair High wing back in light olive and beige slade printed fabric. Fruitwood finish, Reguler $79.95. SALE 99.00 49.00 -- 1 ONLY Man's Chair Rubber seat cushion, gold tap- estry. Reguler $89.50, HALF PRICE 44.75 2 ONLY Sectional Suite Built-in corner toble. Very modern style. Diamond tufted beck. 100% nylon cover. In turquoise, Reguler $389.00. SALE 1 ONLY Love Seat 2 seater, open arm, wooden frame, Scandinavian style re- versible foam cushions in olive stripe, Reguler $99.00. -- 1 ONLY J s Wing Chair French Provincial. High back, wing chair, Flore! print on beige. Reguler 79.95. SALE 49.95 Sectional Suite with built-in comer table, modern style, 100% nylon | cover in brown. sell. Hurry! ... They're All Once-in-A-Lifetime Values That Cannot Be Repeated!