NEW YEARS DAY DIP Members of the Hamilton Polar Bear Club, watched by 500 spectators: went for their annual dip in Lake Ontario at Van Wagner's Beach in Ham- ilton, yesterday, Although the water was 35 degrees and the air temperature 18 degrees the swimmers enjoyed their five-minute dip. --OP Wirephoto Kindergarten Class Vetoed By PS Board By MRS. KEN GAMSBY QRQ@NOQ -- The annual meet- ing of the SS 12 School section was held recently with fifteen hired at $6 an hour for two half|ceived for the extra teacher as days. /Orono's ceiling an teachers' sal- Conversational French is be-| aries for Sy was $19,000. Sal- | ing taught in Grade § this year] aries at t e Orono public school lfrom 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. Thése Adult Swimming Classes. Start In Bowmanville Children's skating sessions will begin again on Monday, Jan. 7 at Memorial Arena classes are open to boys and girls seven years of age and under. Parents may skate with the children if they wish. ADULT SWIMMING Adult swimming lessons will begin on Tuesday, Jan. 3 at 7.00 pm. The classes are under the direction of W, Bagnell and Mrs, L, Caverly, There are still a number of openings in Intermediate and Senior Red Cross classes. HOCKEY SCHEDULE SATURDAY, Jan, 5 Pee Wee League -- 7.00 Leafs vs Rockets; 7.45 Rangers ys Bears; 8.35 Canadians vs . Wings. Bantam Teague -- 9.20 Flyers ys Braves; 10.15 Tigers vs Huskies; 11.00 Pirates vs Lions. Atom League -- 11.5) Barons vs Giants; 12.35 Indians ys Bombers. Midget League -- 1.30 22s BBs -WiDE CLEA = 2 o- vP 8 35 TOR 2 = BS *|iBTS vs Orphans. Juvenile League -- 2.15 p.m. Midgets vs Canucks; 3.00 pm. Mt. Royals vs Aces. | |MONDAY, Jan, 7 Atom League -- 5.00 p.m. Royals ys Rams; 5.45 p.m. Bi-| sons vs Giants; 6.30 p.m, Vik-| ings ys Bombers, | Fulton Opposes B.C. Take-Over Legislation VANCOUVER (CP)--Federal) Works Minister Fulton indicated | that as British Columbia Pro-| gressive Conservative leader he will demand revision of legisla: | tion under which the B.C. Blec-| tric Company was taken over) by the government, ' "Mr. Fulton, unopposed in his) bid for the provincial party leadership at a convention Jan, 24, said Monday the company | would remain a Crown corpora. Ition under a Conservative goy- ANCE SALE }ernment, 1 ratepayers in attendance. H, |for one period a week. Enrol-|/have already passed this mark] He told a press conference: | Duvall was appginted chairman|ment at the school as of Dec. |to $22,216.47. for the evening with H. Best as) secretary. | trustee, was elected to another three year term. In the electiqn of a trustee just Mr. Cobble- eee nomination was present: 121 was 187. No one at the meeting pro: "My whole position on the B.C, | lFlectric take-over and partic: Mrs, Violet Moffat has been posed the setting up of a kin-|ularly the iniquitous and unjust } j iring|Mired as relief teacher to the/dergarten and no action to this| legislation of last March, which H, Cobbledick, the retiring principal for twa half days ajend has been taken by the as secretary to the principal for) a similar two half days. j|week and Mrs, Robert Hancock! Roard, A former request from the has'as its objective the depriv- ling of citizens of their rights of} | access to courts, will be made Qrano Chamber of Commerce |clear in a policy statement The finafcial statement show-/at a regular meeting of the|which I intend to issue at the) Mr. Cobbledick, chairman of/Dec, 21. This balance, it was/east of the school to the high- ed a balance of $18,993.70 as of school board to purchase land appropriate time," The government took over the the Board for the past year, | stated, was needed to carry on| way was referred to at the an-/company. in 1961, paying $110,-) Presented the trustees' report/until grants were received in| Tune of 1963. and financial statement. In the reports Mr. Cobbledick pointed to the work undertaken at the school during the sum: mer holidays sych as re-decora-| tion of the principal's office on the second floor and some paint. ing in one of the second-floor) Classrooms. | He alsq mentioned the re-) pee ment of two sections of the eating boiler and the re-design- ing of the firepot. This latter} work cost the Board a sum) slightly over $1,000. | ASSEMBLY ROOM | 'Two classraoms are now in| operation on the second fleor| with two on the first floor in addition to the two basement! vooms. The room in the north- @ast corner of the school on the! first floor is now used as an| assembly and recreation room.) The report also pointed to the| hiring of H. Dyke as principal, | and two new teachers Miss Bar. bara Ann Alidred and Miss Jean Pemberton. Mrs. Stella Marton teaches music one half day a week at the school. | Mr. Cobbledick said that it was hoped that one of the teach- ers would take over this duty in the near future, He also said that Mrs. Morton was hired at $5 an hour for the one half day where in 1961 Mr. Collison was 'Risk Of Racial Conflagration For S. Africa NO RIDS SOUGHT Considerable discussion re velved arqund the cost of .oper- nual meetin /900,000 and offering to pay the) The board members stated | parent B.C, Power Corporation The chamber's request noted that they had taken no action) $68,000,000 for its remaining as- to sell this land. \sets. Last year the government) added $60,000,000 to the pur- i "\the poor view of the village|chase price and withdrew the oes Crises). Of this larper| fom the highway and felt that/offer to the Power Corporation. amount $3,340 was the care- taker's salary. The expenditure} of $1,025 on the furnace without} calling tenders or getting com-} parative prices came in for!) J. Moffat. commended the criticism. | board on taking no action on the H. Partner, speaking as a|Fequest for the sale of the prop- ratepayer, said that the three|®y. Mr. Cobbledick also point- ; ed out that if further classrooms! mining company plans to revive local heating contractors should were added to the present & of quoting on the job. The work|SChoo!, further playground area) wall. Trial borings will be made| have been given an opportunity initial installation. the development of this land|At the same time an amend-| could enhance the appearance.|ment forbade, without express They had also requested that|consent of the government, any the weeds be cut. jcourt action in connection with the take-over legislation. | | PLAN MINES REVIVAL | ST. IVES, England (CP)--A) ithe tin-mining industry in Corn-) 'any: tin loads at the sea bottom. | In this matter the board mem.| bers stated that the cost had) surprised them and that Mr.) Parker had been used because he had installed the system and was familiar with it. they had no indication that the! job would cost $1,000. | A motion to have all expendi- was defeated. A motion te have the board tender for purchases) of $100 or more for supplies and) for capital expenditures did) pass, The latter motion did not! include salaries. } Information obtained by the| board in respect of setting up a kindergarten in the Orono) Sehool was presented by the! Secretary. This information showed that it would be neces- sary to have a qualified teacher| tee kindergarten for the 1963-64) erm, JOHANNESBURG (AP)-- A! The minimum enrolment for| Canadian professor says white- ruled South Africa may escape "a major racial conflagration in 1963 but that's a risky proph- ecy" especially in view of the! steady march of African na- tionalism southward through the neighboring Rhodesias. This is the judgment of Ar- thur Keppel-Jones, professor' of history at Queen's University, . Kingston, in a special frontpage article written for the Johan- nesburg Rand Daily Mail. Keppel- Jones, a native of Cape Town, was history profes. sor at University of Natal from 1984 until he quit South Africa in August, 1959, sayi the country had "gone crazy" and he'd lost hope of any white- African compromise. The author says "South Af- the class would be 12 and the maximum per teacher would be 24 children, The class: if set-up, would be for a half day each school er | It would alse be necessary to have a piano, record player, radio, tables, chairs and a sep- arate washroom, Some of these} items of expenditure would re-) ceive a provincial grant while others would not. NO KINDERGARTEN | It was also pointed out that ho grant would presently be re- Stiffen Law On nic tated dew» ot Removal Of Snow MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Orono Police tures of $100 or more tendered,| Trustees held their final meet- ineluding the janitor's salary) ing of the year recently. The Trustee Board did, how-|_ During the Orono Hydro,| ever consider snow removyal/ from sidewalks after which the) Village may elect to have the snow removed at the expense of| the property owner. It was pointed out that many) never shovel their sidewalks) during the winter causing hard-| | ship for those wishing 'to use| | them, It was considered by the Board that the bylaw should be enforced rather than making an appeal for snow removal. The latter, it was felt would only be a part measure and if the walks were to be shovelled, the bylaw should be enforced.) All members supported the en- foreing ef the bylaw, The chairman stated that he understood that the Cobbledick, street program had cost about) $8000. This was far above the/ original estimate. Removal of} the road bed was extended be- yond what was anticipated. R. C, Forrester also inform- ed the meeting that the Council) of the Township of Clarke had' 'biggest challenge was done by Mr. Parker of Would have to be developed. Atlin St. Ives Bay next Brae | Bowmanville who had made the|\"@ Present times the grounds/to determine whether there are jare crowded. FOX": dak oad FOX's s $ « ° ue STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE me FOX'S STORE-W1IDE CLEA SALE }given approval to Orono's mave j to obtain the necessary informa- \tion te proceed with water in the) | Village. meeting it was noted in the bills an amount of $1907 for the purchase of hydro from the Ontario Hydro. This is the larg- est cost to the local commission | since its inception. In Reader's Digest-- Catholicism's FOX'S STORE-WiIDE CLEARANCE SALE The vision of 900 million Christians united against | cynical communism is a great one... but what about | the infallibility of the Pope? What about "mixed" mar- riages? Here is a frank dis- | cussion of some of the ob- stacles being faced by the | Council meeting in Rome | -»,in the January Reader's Digest --now on sale. rica will be-drawn into conflict brought about by the breakup of the federation (the Rhodesias and Nyasaland) but not neces- sarily in 1963. The clouds on the horizon for South Africa ' will be the southward march of whura (African freedom) which will lead--probably after 1963-- to a clash." In_a New Year's Day editor. fal, The Daily Mail says what- ever the political and racial prospects for 1963 "there's one thing in which the expert, ar agreed--the outlook for the economy is especially promis. i." There's really no need to let a morning headache upset you and ruin your day. Asprrin* can make you feel better so fast, that in minutes you'll feel like a different person! Just take two Asprrin tablets with a half a glass of water, and by the time you've fin- ished dressing, that morning | headache should 'be gone, | and you'll be able to start out | Next Time You Wake Up with a Morning Headache You Can Feel Fine by Breakfast Time! the day feeling really fine. You can always put your confidence in Aspirin, for Asprain has brought fast relief from headaches to millions more people than any other brand of pain reliever. And remember, too, Asprrin is good not only for headaches, but for muscular aches and pains, aching in joints, and arthritic and rheumatic pains, as well as for the discomforts and fever of a cold or grippe. So, for fast relief from head- ache and other minor aches and pains, always me take Aspirin and feel better fast. Be suire you get |, genuine Aspirin, | f Look for the || : || Fast eeuer package with the || sores | STARTS THURSDAY, 9:30 A.M. FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE TWO LOCATIONS: 7 SIMCOE ST. 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