- se eb TOOL hes eae rere =. at ty i Meg yr mee = a lh i li il 1 ER geal im gg gas te NN Rem TR itn ig i: Ree ide ce dies Rha oe ae ee a ok in HEDIS SS SUD ONRMA 4 ROR a) er ea Ain I in 88 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 2,1963 2] 22: Today's Stock Market Listing IOKSON -- A, © Uv, and D ore de- Pg a, epee gwd addition of E . oer Dee We Ws. 19 028, and Floyd . 18 ons, Dece: ir "hy the Caodten Brome INDUSTRIALS MNet Steph =e igh Low a.m, Ob'ge 24 WH + 4 2 3 le KH 10% 10% 4 8% BN 6% 8 tt 4 64% ouah + 25% 29%) 294 4% 14% eh t4----- 19% 19% + Aiea BRANTON, William A. pr age teak Wilton "G, By husband of Louise L: Cometery. ' pr teal! Jobn cerhveee od in failing health some time at the Fairview Monday, on vy» Lucretia Wolfe, beloved wife Nor- man T, ee Sr., and mother of Mrs, Russell Young (June), Roy, Clarence, Lestie and Norman dr,, pil in ber 66th year. service Gay, January 3, 1963, at 3.15 p.m, In- terment Mount Lawn Cemetery, RAE, Alexandria 'he Oshaws Gea- into rest in Hospital on Monday, December 31, 1962, Alexandria McMillan, beloved wife of Norman A. Ree and mother of Mrs. (Phyllis) of Osh- s|in the talks since last week, 10% 10% 4 1% 11% li" Litt a WY lap + tb 37 3 50% 50% ~ ! % 30 19% 19% --~ % 3288 a 4 Ye 294 4 14] Sly 3684 36% -- 14] 54 {jim Ledue ecetesecteicez f 3 250 8 75 7% 47% $18¥e 16% Shaw A pr Shell Oil '+ Me for-Dum Bk Fina tr Can PL frang-Mt 83% ai" endonat j Valk GW , S04 Sb Sim 'Const vt 3%) 1986 + V Pacific s 17% Veston A 7 895 Vest A wtse Voodwd A ellers 7 ws 6 OILS 3000 6 ue 60 403140 MO M0 NEW YORK (AP) -- Negotia- tions resume today in the New York City and Cleveland news- aper strikes following recesses The lengthy newspaper black- outs led to more reports of seri- ous impacts on business and in-} dustry and on the cities' way of life in general. The 26-day shutdown of New York City's nine major news- papers was said to be crippling +3 jAng U Dev i000 40 me Newspaper Strike Atom Scientist "'Talks Resumed |Teamsters Union broke off Sa- turday with no date set for re-! sumption. The Guild is bargaining for editorial employees of the two newspapers and for commercis! department employees of the Press and News. In the Cleveland strike, newspaper Gulid deman ularly among commercial em-|t + %/Coch Wil lia + 44/Comb Met ~- | Con-Key 1% + iC bo We ita é H\c ¥ | Coule | D'Aragon +15 | Delhi Pac ~4 Denison | Dicknsn Bidrich Faraday Fatima +1%|Glant YK © #® --1 |Har-Min onweet the| deri ' 4Siphysics with Australia's Com- stronger union security, partic-/monwealth Scientific and Indus- Leroi se : +90 | Hollinger Howey Vesoue -e Ens sf out _ofE:EERECE Bc tetcge eg BEE eutSE_oge s SESE EERE ii Estecztsres S€cksez Be esb zed C Dyno Cent Pat Cheskirk Chrom nh 435 20 u n ll Halli 3346 3314 33% Marcus 0 162 101 10t Mogul a ig 6113) hid Mosher 205 rid 0 40 4 Ot eee eee a 0 @ 22% 22% 22% 3 626 UR 5 $105) 105% 10% 405 «(405 «(405 @ 9 i 2 lsh $1 " 435 2% p Corp e i ig 170-172 16% 16% u iL 100 Ww And Friend Poisoned SYDNEY, Australia (AP)--A New Zealand-born atom scien- tist and a 20-year-old woman friend were found mysteriously oisoned Tuesday in the bush- and outside: Sydney. The dead man was Dr, Gil- Bogle, 38, specialist in rial Research Organization. Gales te tb amt 400,000. ie Osler Bish Low om. Ob'ee 100 920% 90% B0% a be ad ged ees..ge 8 +> nd oe Fegt > a 35 oF = sezc. fs 2 = i Este eeeeEsesSFEEPEE Eis tSccelekRteteciss Pts Eesweueers. EsBEs tesee. senytak sBEs test oedes 53 ucktebecurs 3 extsccuces? SSezee . 5 FS Me 2% i it = we Bre $ui% 11 6% Ls} % 11 + ou" 6 & 5 310 515 135 36 373 iss 166 ¢ 185 Ma =! 154 +1% 6 +2 | io 6 6 5 185 4 Si) Sie 156 156 wv | ee] had 80 88 ! 4 { 5500 j 29h + hb 4 4 5300 20% } jsuit was neatly folded beside jhis shoulders, | Mrs, Chandler's body was found about 17 yards away un- der cardboard eartong. Police said they understood jthe two had been to a New! Year's Eve party. They re- ported both had died from poi- son but it was not known what type or who administered it. Police said Dr. Bogie mar- ried and the father of four young children, had planned to) leave Australia shortly with his family to take up a research scholarship in the United States, FINDS 'CRUSOE' | CHRIST CHURCH, England! (CP)--Danny Weil, a 44-year-| TOO MUCH OVER THE HOLIDAYS ? Perens EFF JANUARY 2. "To LIMIT QUANTITY >. FRESH PORK SALE! 43: OVEN READY WITH DRESSING BONELESS PORK SHOULDER ROAST OVEN READY WITH DRESSING BONELESS PORK BUTT ROAST 3 3 Nb TASTY & WELL TRIMMED BUTT PORK CHOPS u §9° TABLERITE WIENERS «x::%.4Q* ECTIVE 3, 4, 5 "a ovar or <i Fish & Chips %t° 59° HOSPITALITY PIE Blueberry Pie » 45* AVAILABLE THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY 59° 33° 89° PINK SEAL Pink Salmon IGA Peanut Butter CHASE & SANBORN 12¢ OFF Instant Coffee. REDPATH GRANULATED White Sugar 5-LB. ue 47* CARNATION POWDERED Instant Milk x 79* 1-LB, TIN 16-02. JAR 6-02. JAR payee of the Cleveland Press| and News, The Teamsters seck'| jbetter working conditions at the The woman was Mrs, Margaret Shredded Wheat": 29° j\the Broadway theatre business, J a old Hampshire radio mechanic] Chandler, € | .|The report was made by Tho- handler, wie of Geoffrey Chandler, a scientist with the] 0 is sailing around the world] MINCED BEEF FRESHLY GROUND LB. 43° Street,| and others in the field. '» (president of W, C. Town Fu- Lid,), dear husband of Pu-jenteriainment and cultural en.| terprises report they are feel.| {}ing the pinch. Zore| RENEW TALKS GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all, 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral orrangements and tlerel requirements for all occasions, f aalate ° SHOPPING NTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 8-6555 'imas F, Troy, president of the 4 ee has been a hard blow to Retail West Side Association of Com- merce, after he gurveyed ticket Plain Dealer, Both unions seek! wage increases at the | papers. } brokers, producers, managers The 34 . day strike against Cleveland's two daily newspa- reat Cleveland businesses that rely on newspaper advertising, business ig slumping. New and used car sales are far down, and restaurant, sports, In the New York blackout, the federal mediation and con- cillation service scheduled re- sumption of negotiations be- tween the publishers and the striking local 6 of the AFL- CIO International Typographi- cal Union. The talks were re- cessed Friday for the New Year's weekend. In Cleveland, negotia tions start up again between rep- resentatives of the Cleveland unit of the AFL-CIO American Newspaper Guild and the Cleve- land Press and News and the Plain Dealer, Talks between the publishers and the Guild have been in recess since Sa- turday, Talks between the pub- lishers and the independent The printers in New York have! asked for an $18.45 weekly wage! ncreasé over a two + year pe- riod. The publishers, rep- resented by the Publishers As- sociation of New York City, have offered a $9.20 package over a two - year period. The printers' pre-strike basic wage average $141 a week on the day shift, Samia Schoolbays Win Their District SARNIA (CP) --A Northern Collegiate rink from Sarnia, skipped by Jim MeDonald, ad- vanced to the Ontario schoolboy curling championship with a pair of wins Tuesday over Brian Keen of Windsor-Walker- ville Collegiate, MeDonald won 12-11 in the morning, holding off a strong late-game bid by Windsor, and in the afternoon scored four rocks @n the final end to win 10-8 and take the best-in-three series in two straight games. The McDonald rink wil! be one of eight seeking the Ontario championship at Renfew Jan.| 9. | radiophysies two news-| same organization. division of the Two boys found the bodies near a golf course lane in a pers. Dr, Bogle was clad only n shirt, shoes and socks, his in a 60-foot ketch, reports find- _ a modern Robinson Crusoe living alone on a tiny island in the South Pacific, The man, a New Zealander, said he wants to "keep right away from eiyil- lation." Rcd : 4A LEADS 40 NOWHERE~ By R J. SCOTT PS- i es a : »% THE DERIVATION oP THE WORD CLABBER "> FROM 4HE IRIS) CLABA, | vaso Then Mud Z it. ARGONNE BAMLEPIALD. LOCAtre (OPAL aura. Mahe OOM ee oe CLASSIFIED CRUMB -- The family of the late Samp M, Crumb wish to se their Ay available. Reasonable rate. iat hot » experienced y T Bape vn as 340 DUNDAS Strpet Bast: Three room e@ecere thanks to relatives, friends and kindness and sympathy joss of our dear thanks to Dr. RB. K. Rev. A. Larke for his com- he Coymb Family, -- Ha been t re. CURTIS ving © patient 4 BUY, sell or exchange used furniture! ¥ | and Goold ment, unb new. yy decorated $40 monthly. Apply at Apartment Number One or eall 668-3505. ee for rent. Formerly Bow- man and Gibsons, 109 Dundas Street) West, Whitby, Available January 1. Telephone Bowma 633-5833 | used by, 668-3481 ft conventent WENT 'newaprint 100 ft. » guitable for picnic tables, ele. Available at the Cireula » What have ? re, $15 Dundes Rest, Whit- See te tne ale eaceeienty: of thea img ail the nursing staif , they were my trays to Dr. C. W_ il aif : SUSPENDS OPERATIONS CHICAGO (AP)--The Amer- lean Basketball. League has abruptly suspended operations in the middle of its 204 Chestnut Street West, telephone! tei _ Office Equip. 137 Brock heat, fight water. Private . | Apply tion Department, Oshawa Times Wer per cou leita SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Waiter Ward, ee bg ET Ah ae | RECONDITIONED student typewriters, one year rantee, terms. Hamilton & MO 6.5849. FOR BENT: Apartment, two roome, completely furnished, bed gitting room, tele vision. i. 331 Palace Street. iG Buits, obate, dresses, Grapes. Fitting | eset, ble fos. "Si in new quiet home, | lunches packed, or two. persons. KEPPS Herb Toblets, a nature! laxa- tive. Quick safe veilef from discomfort @f gonstipation, biliousness. 50 cents oe 81.00. at Bearers. Brea Store, | and all ists. | comfortable room, one | (668-466). i d sea: son because of skimpy' attend. ance and receipts. The an- nouncement from the office of league commissioner Abe Sap-|™ , said "not @ single club| was operatthg in the black." BOXER DIES... ANGELES (AP)--<Albert| by) Arigmendi, Mexican-| boxer who in 1034 won a! re of the disputed featherd tithe, died Monday in He was 49. Arizmendi the New York Athletic version of the tatherwei: Miller held on eet crown by _ out- ke Belloise. Freddie the National Boxing share of the wove MARIA Street, 715: notes Three bedroom | bungalow, fenced backyard. Im- | . $100 . Whit-|} 668.9060 evenings 7 te 9 p.m. or! Chasart' { "Whitby's only fuel dealer carryinga | complete line of FUEL | "Blue Cool" in various sizes, Semet - Solway Coke, Cannel Cool, er Cools. Briquettes end Chorcoa! Hardwood and Softwood Stabs Texaco Fyel gnd Stove Oils SAWDONS' WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brack St. South WHITBY ; ONE LOW PRICE Here at King we ore proud te toy thot we use nothing but National Brand Products, Ma- terials or Equipment. Should you pay more and often times get less value for your money ? The thinking person buys at King for fine quality glosses ot LOW, LOW PRICES. Me Appointment Needed U.S, Tredemork Registered OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,099,008 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WE PILE ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRE- ul SCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME Low Prices. Sranches ip Toronte, tH Don 1 Sctie for BRAN y $20.00 ~ $25.09 Values. Our Prices New Only SINGLE VISION Complete with Promes, Lenses and Cese. 11.95 ----------EEEEEE GIFOCALS Complete with Promes Lenses end Case. 17.95 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd fleor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA Kiteh 668-3524 Whitby Sudbury, Peterd bondon, , Miegere Fells, Orillie end Chethem Less Thi D TY) Ss. y Wy LY) Ws Li bt : © 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ONE PRICE -- ONE PRICE ONLY LABORATORY TO You NO MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT ALL GLA com. PLETE WITH LENSES OQCULISTS' Rus ALSO FILLED AT SAME PRICES REPAIR$--REASON. ABLY PRICED Wours: MONBAY ~ SaTURDAD 9 AM, - 5 PM. WED. TILL 12 NOON oreugh Sgult Ste. Mera, VAN CAMP BEANS & PORK FANCY SOUPS EVAPOR IGA STRAWBERRY NO. 1 GRADE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND OES LETTUCE CARROTS TANGERINES A NO. 1 NO. 1 Crisp MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE Shopping Centre COLLEGE HILL IGA CUBERT STREET, OSHAWA BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD, SOUTH, Oshaws HOPE IGA STORE PORT PERRY DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE $T., OSHAWA SOUTH END IGA BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO A TOTAL OF 26 IN BONUS TAPES ATED MILK 3 JAM A SALAD FAVORITE 15 OL. TINS 29 10 OZ. TINS * TALL TINS « JAR HEARTY ENERGY FOOD LGE. size | S: HEAD ~LB. CELLO 35° 49° 10-LB. BAG GRADE GRADE 3 & TENDER 2 THE CHILDREN'S CHOICE BAGS LGE, SIZE 150--bOz. 'a A ei: A ac EXTRA RECEIVE $6,00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH 1-LB, PASTE WAX"*"5 MIR LIQUID °"""" 2 SF RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH 48-02, DOLE JUICE "™*""" "Sn PUREX TISSUE wwin'Pac TWIN PACK RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH CHINESE FOOD "cx"; "97" ONIONS NO..1 GRADE 3..8. CELLO 2 OKING BAG BOLOGNA TABLERITE 12-02, SLICED. PKG,