pom piartnetnrh atiatin at fiat 00 Sere weer : 05 the Colin Cowdry and Ken) ANTISMOKE FAMILY eh imc, remame ane aa Tse Mos igh Bowlers sient cite fst ©" " lity ecuars tel atone, Ra Cc) A plans to ask the development off Gopa had net been told 4, all out for $a icKensie Fed we big family general pote eed NOT GIVING UP . Whistler as a Canadian Centen- oi is ut watson inid that Mak 2 e Show san A neha tree nn pi a een ee, doesn't sell tobacco, nial project, putting it in jine / man was out on a bad ball.|in the belief that they can for federal and provincial|to the \fear of premature re them back into eet ont He Camere res Toop tala people from wasting a e « grants. lease and the dangér of specu-/guge é Bobby aoe 4 With, say, $500,000 apiece/lators buying up more tracts in With meback Norman O'Neill with auecessive| (0, ps an as a fine effort, "| Ralph Callbeck, who joined nis ari @ | ] © | from Ottawa and Victoria, an- k balls to make Australia 9 ne father William in the business other $500,000 might be found) 'Me Park: OURNE (Reuters) --| Wo in 1928, says the family never MELB " * it" Wat. inst fine fast| Davidson sag MoKensie privately. We would suppor: it," Wat- After slumping against fine fast pled cua "igh bak i aol bono oti APORT prit.(has. Grandson Bill Callbeck i 'Whi tl é The whole idea of opening up|son said. "It lies fuliy within howling by port|works in the store but : , ; ham McKenzie, England hit the game "pieland hadjish outdoor competitive si : Garibaldi Park is "still a con-\the purposes of our associa-|o7® 'tra! next to archery, has been traced/he smokes says he'll never sell Touting For ; 1S / er |eeption, but a- conception that| tion," WP pl of Sy kip gg | oe wa 4 tor to the 18th century. tobacco either. mene now has been analysed," says Va da Resuming 0 = second inning wickets Tuesday By DENNIS ORCHARD on railway, and the moun:; The moustain's potential was|lawyer Garry Watson, GODA) Bans (EP) -- When win ie selene virgin territory.jendopsed by the COA in_ its|president. ORGANIST ia-| It needs @ lift, and not ajfinal report, and there appears) And just to show the soltiess| + ny gO gag gan chairlift Pookie fe it's too. cold atite be n Vy lack of sympathy from'nature of GODA's purpose, LILA TREDWELL try's candidate for the 1965|7,000 feet to ride in the open.|the B.C , government {Watson welcomed a_ surprise Appearing Nightly Vict 20 that ee ee ae poy abet Guar serene Whiston has vertical drop ated compen GENOSHA HOTEL zeit ed Sa tc ease peo gages tan ame Columbia's Garibaldi Park cost at least $ 50.000, the tram-|i et The bottom thira of the E '63 YO BIG YEAR! But it idn't altogether 4iultay,, between $1,200,000 andline, te tczta on the ni maMak 63 YOUR = the hopes of the Garibaldi SEEK CAPITAL thidr is above the tree line, and FINISH if Olympic Development Associa- GODA 1s plugging away at it. with ski runs cut in the fore- ; Toate geass HIGH SCHOOL » va . company rew game, th sng parade f WlcopA "hay meshed wil Should The AT HOME Th SPARS Ti aie specifications, feasi- u g If you are 17 oF over and have dropped out of school write quien' ik tant see st? studies and engineering Doctor Tell? |e fer FREE Lesson ond FREE Booklet. Tells how, tential five-mile downhill run! gui needed: Public and pri- patient be told [MM AMERICAN SCHOOL, Dept, 0-17, 100 Dundas $t. Bev ~~ to be unequa +d in North! vate capital. 153 ill? Read in eronto, Ontario. am ee Tae ee merica, And the Vanecouve'| A eouple of things are weigh- Reader's Digest a Send me your free page gh Schoo / ' area has 75,000 skiers lacking n ovincial Lee an Alpine run within. driving) agen tet vo" pastene rec eb bate by two ditngtshed NAME. .socssccveceesevevsceenens. AGE « "he wee sin ig. 8 inten oottnlt' elas hee' ee navel Gi copy Dey of prone iu stier is 65 miles no it to the foot o istler by of Vancouver, accessible so far! spring, | gine oe today. 14 es | woe -- sie -- 'oe ANN PAGE Reg. Price 2 btls 3%--SAVE 4e COME AND Gere AN a VALUES GALORE A AT KETCHUP Wiefies bus 3 g: The a ANN PAGE, PURE ORANGE "CIRCUS" | MARMALADE =~. 39: re y " SAYS GOODBYE a NESTLE QUIK ag a9: LAST tos -- mas er veerans = 10 DAYS! |: 39:@@ | ORANGES REG. PRICE 49¢ -- SAVE 100 SIZE 88's -- DOI FVE 10 The BARE. WALLS ee ronan |e C VIENNA BREAD =m 19 | 5.18 ce1io pag dane Parker, Raisin Twist Reg. Price each 45e--SAVE 109 CAR COATS DUFFLE COATS A large grouping of childrens coats, sigparsd or button fronts. Hooded or Heavy quolity Wilten cleth with with warm coller all hove worm quilt quilt lining. Split hoed. zippered end CAR COATS Beoutifully styled jacket witth at- toched hood, quilt lined. Zipper dane Parker, Brown 'n Serve, Poppyseed Bradford Marsh, No. 1 G Full and % Length Coots Reg. Price pkg 28e--SAVE Ge All in latest styles. Plain or checkered designa FRENCH ROLLS 0-02z pke 19 lining. button front, storm euffed sleeves, opening front. Winter weight lining for warmth. orn 4.88 To 6.33 Tiss 8.33 "yo.z95 13.22 SAVE CASH AT AP! np oot tele GIRLS' GO-COATS y SWEATERS GAY DETERGENT 21. plastic be & Qe 3-Ib calle bag 1 9. ait ire. Knit Syote ond -_ tad fe, Girls and Lodies PULLOVERS end Lancia Reg. Price pkg 410--SAVE Ge cuffs. Button closing, front sizes 10- : 2 -- Ben-lons 'end bulky knit SPAGHETTI 2-Ib pkg 3 5< rig Aa = Yellow Cooking, Brushed & Polished, ee Reg, to 5.98 88 SARAN WRAP 25-H roll 3 De ONIONS Sib callobes @ Qe Aap 2-02 Jar BSc -- 6-ex jar SOc SR eee sae ' Ls' ¢ i LADIES' SLIMS GIR Se SRRAS. REPE INSTANT COFFEE © 0+: 1.29 "Glenella" Plaids, machine washable, / colorfost. Neatly tailored. Ploin. waist ge 5 Good quality import cottons, guaran- beceeres ag A&P Handles Only Canada's Finest Government Graded Meats Reg. to 2.98 ....... pari CHOICE QUALITY, SIDE PORK KIDDIES' 2-PC, JEAN SETS = Ps Bove ond girls beoutifully matched shirt and yy MEN"S DRESS PANTS i Y eebeinge "Erench Twill' de As nt ened | Reg. 3.98 1,99 ent flannel, pet rg fit es lb 4 KIDDIES' CORDUROY CRAWLERS atone : Pinwale corduroy crawler in solid colors, Ribbed f FRESH GROUND, ALL BEEF HAMBURG with strap shoulders, inside leg opening. Ladies' Head Squares BOYS' 3-5 dee MEN'S OVERALLS : 30 x 30 embossed imported silk water FLANNEL SPORTSHIRTS : "Heavy duty" Brand, sanforized, i 5 f f dy denim, bib front and repellent, hand printed, in beautiful : S Gead watin meld Hemel wothoble, 1 é ee cat ae - nig ony 9 66 : : , 46 i B4 long sleeves. Reg. 1.98. t] Reg. to 4.95 ........ L) LADIES' BLOUSES ° a Clearing of a large assortment of ladies' blouses : ; RED BRAND BEEF -- CROSS CUT BOYS' T-SHIRTS cottons, rayons and nylons, full size 1 88 LADIES SHORT OR Winter weight ribbed white cotton or range. Reg. te 4.98, ) TAILORED SHIRT in flesh color brush cotton quality con- LADIES' 12-20 Made of fine imported cottons, Man- Ee: iv per Correctly sized. MATERNITY TOPS nish ae tailoring, sanforized, short Reg to 98c_ 48 eee: Neatly tailored, washable, button front or zip- f ays 1 2 i i MEE) hme =pered back. Pockets and nicely trimmed 58 4 ' a : collar, Reg. to 4.98. CHOICE QUALITY MEATY BOYS' 2-4 ; " LADIES' Fe : 3 7 py oer ih | opp a gee SB COTTON Dresses Made of good quelity brushed cotton: Capri style. Made of opaque nylon tricot. Top orga Double mopped for double wormth. fglls full with lined lace yeke. Bottoms have Sanforized of fine quality cotton sev- Shrink vési¢tent. neotly trimmed cuff with elastic waist. 1 11 eral styles and colors to choose from rg . 1.49 4 Ct , Reg. 3.98. 4 sizes 4-7, : lb LADIES' SKIRTS west Winter wools, assorted styles and colors. A tre- CAMPERS SETS mendous buy ot this low price. Sizes 10-14 -- BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS ; a silane Complete cook-set includes tea-kettle, only. Quantity limited.e 4 : Made of fine, sanforized, cottons. Sev-. orien 5 CONT ee oa Shien The co gig ee | ie ora sim 5 aoe. Hem, Ling PURE PORK SAUSAGE BEEF BOLOGNA Hote Be. it. Reg. 9.95 ) Zh ' % y 5 9 Aligood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless . . SIDE BACON +67: CHILDREN' ee: LONG STOCKINGS BICYCLE HORNS ider's Jellied Pork Tiger' Brand Single cell-type bicycle of srr dtp Seok ae Remember You'll Save pe ay on Slag am See a FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! HEADCHEESE®«::u1.03 5e Loh cl gl , Reg. 1.98... Boneless, Solid Meat, By the Piece ae KERNEL CORN | PORK LOIN sa -79: Remember ! Tt GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIRIC TEA COMPANY LTD. The Address a 43 P) FOOD STORES oe 2-lb poly bag ¢ As P MEANS DEPENDABILITY 22 KING ST. WEST . OSHAWA ae oer tae KIDDIE 4-6x Bove' 44x amis 7-14, LADIES' WINTER COATS COFFEE CAKE cach 3 5c rf = a