THOUGHT FOR TODAY 'The government heard about the man who had everything and took somé of it away, BE an ik cae CE ee ND Yi tase iy ace Se ae ge VOL. 91--NO, 302 TAKEN IN BY neighbors after the fire in which their brother Richard died, Satur- day night, three Dove chil- dren are pictured here. (Left to right); Jane Davis, daughter of Mr. and 5 David Davis of 141 Colborne street west who took in chil- dren, holds baby Roger, 18 Oshawa Child Dies In A seven-year-old Oshawa boy was asphyxiated Saturday night F upper floor of a months, Ronnie, 4, and Bob-, by, 5. Another Dove child, Betty Jean 10, had left to find her mother, --Oshawa Times Photo when flames swept through the two-storey frame home. Richard, of 118 Church street, was presumed to have been asleep in his bedroom when the fire broke out. Four other Dove children, Roger, 18 months, Ronnie, 4 Blaze and discovered her bedroom was on fire, Betty Jean's screaming woke Robert, who was asleep in the same room as Richard. She was not able to reach Ricky because of heavy smoke. . Miss Rozell also told fire fighters she couldn't see Ricky in his bedroom because smoke from the fire was so thick, Firefighter Gordon Myles car- Winter. held Oshawa in hisjing chilly grasp. during the week- end as temperatures' pl ufiged below zero levels., Sunday -andjhit eoldest today were two of the days of the year. Sat: morning and noon were very mild with water Tunning in the streets. the front moved 'in. 1, As & result of the sudden drop in temperature service stations were Bobby, 5, and Betty Jean, 10, escaped injury. They were taken in by a neighbor family at ried the boy from the house to an ambulance and he was rush- Fight Said Continuing In Northwest Congo LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo Fighting was reported continu- ing today on the outskirts of the fown of Kamina, i@ the north- west Congo. The United Nations command in Leopoldvilie said units of a Swedish battalion and a Ghan- aian eompany were under fire. The world org anization claimed the capture of town Sunday after Ghanaian troops broke out of the nearby former Belgian base. But mes- sages reaching Leopoldvilie to- day three As the UN forces Kamina/little Katangan resistance to the base in northwest Katanga to- day in a mopping up operation which appeared similar to that around Elisabethvilie. The UN said a Ghanaian com- pany, reinforced by Swedish troops, had taken a road and \rail junction 10 mies outside Kamina, A spokesman saudi there was operation and no casualties. He said @ Swedish battalion also had taken about 10 miles of rajlroad line going east from the town, their lightning military victory, the UN command gave Katan- " gan pilots until noon Tuesday to surrender themselves andi their planes, It said it will destroy all Ka- tangan aircraft "wherever they are found" if they ar2 not sur- rendered. The UN "urgently requested" that the Katangan aircraft be flown to its Manono Air Base, about 300 miles north of Elisa- bethville. It said the pilots, whose planes should be un- armed, would be "'taken into United Nations custody, and their personal safety guaran- teed." TSHOMBE MAKES THREATS President Moise Tshombe of Katanga was due to return to} his strife - torn province today from Salisbury, Southern Rho- desia, where he threatened Sur- day to battle United Nations forces to the extent of an "Al- gerian-type" war. However, the United Nations has guaranteed Tshombe's free- dom on his return to this cap- ital of Elisabethville. Life ap- peared to be slowly returning to normal there today following the bitter UN-Katanga fighting during the weekend. Tshombe spent the night at the home of Prime Minister Sir Roy Welensky. "All Katangans, including my- self, prefer to die rather than accept a political settlement im- posed by force on Katanga." He said Katanga': resistance to the UN would last longer than the seven - year Algerian war which ended last spring. "Why should we not even blow up the Union Miniere mining in- stallations?"' he asked. The com- pany is a huge Belgian - con- trolled mining complex which accounts for most of Katanga's wealth, GAINED OBJECTIVES In New York Sunday, the UN announced it had obtained all its objectives in its "'defensive action" in Katanga. The head of the UN Congo mission, Robert Gardiner, said the UN moves were "a defen- sive action to exercise our man- date" and were i line with Sec- retary General U Thant's plan for reunification of The Congo, He said the UN was "not go- ing to make the mistake of stop- ping short this time' but em- phasized his troops would con- tinue to exercise a "minimum amount of force." United Nations troops moved out of the big Kamina military CALL BY 'FBI MADE IT EASY SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) Pharmacist John Swire heard an authoritative voice when he answered the tele- phone at his drug store: "This is an agent of the FBI. We have information that your store is going to be held up in a few minutes. We have the place under surveillance and we will ar- rest the man as soon as he comes out. Co-operate with him in every way so we can get evidence." A shabbily - dressed man walked in a few minutes later and announced that he was staging a holdup. He took $50 and some nar- cotics and calmly walked out. Swire is still waiting for the FBI. said some fighting was continu- ing at the outskirts of Kamina today with the Swedish battal- ion and one company of the Ghana battalion in action. UN troops began to force their way out of Kamina Sunday, iust before Indian and Irish troops moving southwest from Elisa- bethville captured the copper mining town of Kipushi on the Northern Rhodesian border. 141 Colborne street west. David Davis said he and his wife saw the elder children were standing on the snow-covered sidewalk without shoes, and took them around the corner to his home. Firefighters said the mother of the family, Mrs. Jean Dove had left the house about 20 min- utes before the fire, leaving the children in the charge of ae sister, Joanne Rozell, of Elena street. Miss Rozell, 17, was upset by the fire and was placed under heavy sedation in Oshawa Gen- leral Hospital, She was released Sunday, She told the fire department Betty Jean had goné upstairs ed to Oshawa General Hospital. Dr. Roy Irwin pronounced Ricky dead on hos- pital, Dr, Irwin said later the have died in his sleep. A fifth Dove child, Linda, 14, was not at home when the fire broke out. one of the two upstairs bed- rooms in the home was com- pletely destroyed. They said it was not the one Richard slept in, Next . door neighbor Tasso Lakas, 13, of 116 Church street said the Dove family only moved into house about three weeks ago. An investiga' determine eause of the fire an esti- ABANDON WEAPONS The UN said it controlled an area in a 12-mile radius from: Elisabethville, Katanga. forces weapons and unifor of the advance by thé United Nations troops. The UN spokesman s aid 2 Hacked Bodies NEW YORK (AP)--The knife: hacked bodies of two Japanese, locked in a combat embrace and dead about a week, were Swedish SA AB jet fighters flew found Sunday night in # mid- 13 sorties in operations over Ka- tanga Sunday. | He said all air installations at Kolwezi, the main Katanga air base, and many Katangan air- craft there had been destroyed by the fighters. On the diplomatic front, pres- sure built up in Britain and Bel- gium against any attempt to "discussion and segotiation" in Katanga brought charges from the oppositio n Labor party that Prime Minister Macmillan's Conservative regime was try- ing to thwart UN plans for end- ing the partition of The Congo UN reports said four UN sol- diers -- two Indians and two Ethiopians--were killed in an operation to clear roadblocks UN wounded were reported at 24 or 26. It was not clear into quick Congolese unity. whether these were over-all UN casualties, ' town apartment where pdlice said a fight to the death appar- ently took place. : mate of damage is being carried out by Oshawa Fire Depart- ment, aided by police. Richard's body in the chapel on : y a 2 p.m, and he will be buried in Omawa Union Cemetery, The Dove family is now stay- ing with grandmother Mrs. Bertha Rozell at 29 Elena stréet, boy was asphyxiated and may ; oo Firefighters said this morning © BLAZE ED IN UPSTAIRS BEDROOM 2 ty THE CANADIAN PRESS i and rain struck the Maritimes Sunday with the fury 'Of an autumn The storm swept in from the Atlantic packing winds with gusts of more than 100 miles an hour. Mild temperatures eased U.K. Cold Wave ianaate ne ux miter rer Worst In Years LONDON (CP) -- Mors snow fell in parts of the Br'tish Isles today while in other sections thawing brought a threat of icy floods inthe wake of the worst cold wave in 15 years. Weekend blizzards that swept the United Kingdom left villages by the dozens cut off from the outside world, In the northeast of England another six inches of snow fell during the night and high winds piled drifts 20 feet high, The KEY WEST, Fila. (AP)--Fidel Castro's government says that additional relatives of the freed invasion forces could leave Cuba only if Pan American Air- ways resumes its service to the Communist island. The new move was reported by Havana radio Sunday in a communique from Castro's |headquarters after the govern- ment - controlled station, mon- itored here, had ridiculed Pres- ident Kennedy's participation |in a Saturday ceremony at Mi- jami welcoming freed Bay of Pigs invasion prisoners. Members of the brigade were captured by Castro soldiers when the April 17, 1961 invasion collapsed, "The revolutionary govern- ment will maintain its policy to authorize the departure from the country of g!l those desiring to leave as soon as-the Pan American Airways resumes its flights to Cuba which it sus- pended by a decision of North American authorities," the Cas-} tro note said. | No elaboration of the state-| ment was given, | LOSE ON FLIGHTS CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS A Pan American spokesman in New York said the airline had little desire to resume nor- mal service to Cuba. He said POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 + restrictions and limited travel] had resulted in heavy losses on} Cuban flights in the last several) years. | Private and commercial flights te and over the island| bd were banned by the United) States during the crisis. over Castro's construction of Soviet missile bases, In commenting on Kennedy's visit to Miami to greet the re- turning prisoners, Havana radio said: 'Kennedy admitted his participation and contribution in all steps related to satisfy the indemnification demanded by Cuban revolutionary justice to free the mercenaries." The radio described Kennedy as '"'an aristocrat and discrim- inating Yankee, who persists in his aggressive : policy toward Cuba, in open violation of the United Nations' charter."' The radio said the Cubans who packed the Orange Bowl stadium were "'men and women without a country," DENY REPORTS | The announcement of the new| condition for permitting more} Cubans to leave was accompa-| nied by denials of reports that| Castro had discussed arrange-| Castro To Free More If Air Link Regained Castro, an additional 2,500 rela. tives of the prisoners are to come to the United States, Donovan said the Red Cross is chartering a second freighter to take another shipment of drugs and supplies to Cuba and bring back a second group of the relatives and friends. As each ship provides another instalment of the $53,000,000 in commodities pledged in ex- change for the prisoners, Dono- van said more relatives will be returned on each voyage. In Miami Saturday President Kennedy, while making no promises of United States armed intervention in Cuba, urged a cheering Cuban crowd in the Orange Bow! to prepare for the day of freedom in their homeland. Kennedy clenched his fist re- peatedly and pounded it on the speaker's rostrum as he ad- dressed the 1,113 released Bay of Pigs invasion captivs and some 30,000 other Cuban exiles. weather also worsened in Scot- land and five major roads were blocked. "It is misery Monday. on the roads,"' said a spokesman for the Royal Automobile Club. "Conditions are still impossible in many areas and in Scotland the situation is deteriorating." Temperatures stood just be- low freezing most - of Sunday, Wihile no total snowfall figures were available, weather officials said it was the worst cold wave in Britain since 1947. much of continental Europe. But rising temperatures in Aus- tria and France brought the danger of avalanches around the crowded ski centres. Deep snowdrifts brought traf- most of southern England. Thousands of men worked! through the night to clear roads and rail lines around London in preparation for today's rush to work, State-owned British railways announced before the morning rush hour that most lines were clear but that services would be restricted because Sunday many trains finished miles from where they should have Started today. RAIN CLEARS ROADS Southwestern England, hard- est hit by the blizzard Sunday with snow drifts up to 20 feet deep, had heavy rain today which cleared the roads in a matter of hours. Helicopters were uséd eon- tinuously Sunday to ferry sup- |plies such as milk and animal |fodder to isolated villages and houses in the area. London air- |Port re-opened at midnight jafter a day of cancelled flights because of snow on the 'run- ways. At least 'six deaths in Britain were attributed to the weather. ments for another group to leave and that the premier would visit the United States. A diplomatic source in Ha-| vana said Friday that Castro's! regime reneged on an offer to! allow 1,000 more Cubans to leave the island on a second ship chartered by the American Red Cross. James B, Donovan, the law- yer who negotiated the release of the invasion prisoners, said Saturday in Lake Placid, N.Y., that under his agreement with) YOU'LL FIND INSIDE... Oshawa Year-End Reviews Pilot Makes Safe. Landing ...... Page $ Three Hurt In Weekend Accidents Page 3 Four Hurt In Whitby Crash ...... Page § Pages 3, 13 They included the deaths of a man and his wife who froze to death in their car buried under a 15-foot snowdrift in a rural spot in Dorset County, The couple's daughter, grand. son and another man were found unconscious and in erit. ical condition. Snow lay so deep on some highways that at- tempts te elear it were aban. doned. In Ireland, the blizzards eur- fic almost to a standstill 9} wick the impact in southern Mari- time distriets as the storm ap- proached, but. temperatures plunged as it moved northward, Severe winter weather with below-zero temperatures hit On- tario and Québec, A moderating trend was expécted in British Columbia and through most of the Prairies into parts of @n- tario. But farther east more of the same bitter cold and snow of the weekend was expected. The weekend weather claimed at least three lives. In central and northwestern New Brunswick the precipita- tion was entirely snow. Nearly two feet of it fell in some places and roads were plugged. Two men died of heart attacks while working in the snow. Vicious winds hit all three Maritime provinces, exceeding 100 miles an-hour at Greenwood in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Val- ley. At Charlottetown there was & gust of 95° miles an hour. Another four to eight inches of snow were expected in' north- érn New Brunswick, with about five inches 'in Prince Edward Island and southern 'New Bruns- . Nova' Scotia would gef lesser amounts. 'Newfoundland winds and some snow. Power-and telegraph and' tel: the height of the storm. Halifax was blacked out for less than blew against power transform- ers. Ships sought shelter in. ports Nova Scotia's south shore The fishermen have had severe 3 Lives Lost Off Schooner ST. JOHN'S, Nfid. (CP)--The bleak shore .of Little Miquelon, a French island off Newfound- land's south coast, has claimed three lives from the Newfound-| land coastal schooner Mary Wi- Sombe. Two other crew mem- bers are safe. Albert Hillier and George Bru- Shell, both of Marystown, Nfid., on Cape Couple, the southern tip of Little Miquelon Island, during a raging blizzard Box- ing Day. The five-man crew escaped the vessel in a dory, but Scott perished in the freezing tem- peratures as the boat. made for tailed road traffie and elesed Dublin airport. the shore. was expected to get strong ephone communications were! | 'ked out at intervals during) | an hour when-a sheet of roofing) § and lobster fishermen along) § feared heavy losses to gear.| § storm losses since the lobster] % Charles Scott of Burin, Nfld] % died of exposure after the Mary] © Wiscombe was driven aground| » East Coast Gale iLike Hurricane..«. {i Little relief from the bitter cold was expected in Quebec, but winds which Sunday in- creased the "harsh of a 10- led a low of 12 below this morn- busy] starting motor vehicles. An Osh- fore the day is over. Most. of| electric these cars were stalled because of dead batteries and heavy oil which froze because of the cold. A few cars had frozen radia- tors and in some cases the cars simply did not have enough' antifreeze. The Ontario Motor League Sunday night made approxi- mately 300 emergency calls and calls are still. coming in, Dead batteries was given as the reason for the majority of the stalled cars. An Oshawa taxi service said! they have doubled their busi- ness since Sunday afternoon could registered 14 below on Sunday was two below zero, Whitby report: zero. The below temperature to an esti- mated 65 below were expected to ease. MAY GET WARMER There will be scattered snow- flurries in Ontario today, but warmer temperatures are ,on the way. In Toronto the temper. ature dropped to 15 below Sun- day night--the coldest since 1956--but was expected to rise to 15 above. today, Ice-covered roads, blamed for at least one Ontario death dur- ing the weekend, will again be hazardous, and police warned drivers to be careful. Snow caused blackouts of up to 1% hours in Oakvilie and Oshawa Sunday, British Columbia will prob- ably be the warmest. province with temperatures reaching the high 40s in many areas 'and 'the sun coming inrough. The cold weather brought a rash of house fires across Can- ada as residents overheated stoves and furnaces but no fa- Airliner Crash Kills 25 People GHISONI, Corsica (Reuters) All 25 persons aboard a French airliner were killed when the plane crashed into a mountain near here Saturday, rescuers confirmed today. The first group of rescuers to reach the scene reported by radio there were no survivors. A party of 100 volunteers set out at dawn for the scene of the crash. The rescue teams fought blinding snow, fog, low cloud and bitter mountain cold to reach the wrecked four-engined airliner, The plane, owned by the French airline Airnautic, was flying from Bastia to Ajaccio, Corsica, with members and sup- porters of the-Bastia basketball team when. it erashed into 7,500 foot Mount Reneso, near the summit, 1 "NEW YORK full force hit the eastern weekend, Below-zero tempe! tures, were reported today is many spots. High velocity. winds. literally 'blew a -tiver from its -bed, The wintry blast « sion tobias iso fresh accumulations of snow ia some places. Bangor, Me., had at least 21 inches of new snow on top of the 15 inches previously fallen, Howling winds piled up drifts as high as 20 feet. Bangor, with a population of 50,000, was "just about paralyzed," according: te one reporter, to publish its morning paper to day for the first time since 1899, The Maine blizzard, termed the worst in a decade, alse forced closing of Banger movie houses and stranded some: 2,000 persons in buses and care throughout the state. Governor John H. Reed of Maine appealed to citizens te take in the refugees. The 4500 persons in Lincoln, Me., some 40 miles north of Bangor, were reported isolated with no power talities: were reported, and all roads blocked. cs WELCOME COFFEE BREAK Firefighter Jacques Thi- bault, covered with ice, lifts a warm cup of coffee to his i" during a break while battling a fire in: downtown Ottawa yesterday. One fire- man received. a frozen face ) while fighting the fire in 1 below weather. ' scp er BI (AP) --Wirger'a of the United States during a The Bangor Daily News failed -- { | i 4]