Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Dec 1962, p. 12

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| rs is ie i tie D Pe ee age 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 31, 1962 Today's Stock Market oe TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 31 Quotations in cents unless marked $, z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. INDUSTRIALS 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge ag Pd Boy +% #2r% Bm am -- % 150 $4 235 $22 80 $48 Onalog 200 130 Ar CP pr 20 Arg 260 pr 50 Atl Sugar 225 Atl Stl xd = 2125 1800 3 $74% 74% 74% -- % $52% 52% 52% -- % 265 265 265 +5 $30 Sales 379 600 300 250 Stock Abitibi Atla Dist Atla Gas Alta Gas w Algoma Alumini Alum 2 pr 51% -- % $17% 17% 17% $344% 34 30 30 $19% 19% 19% + %4/ Lau 50 $51 51 51 60 8660 $20% 20 $2844 28% $53% 53% $10% 10% 220 «220 60 20% + % 28% 53% 10% + lh, 220 Cc Imp Bk C 378 6%+% C Ind Gas 100 39% % M+ Cdn Oil 4 50 $102% 102% 102% -- % CPR 1039 $25 24% 25 C Tire A 125 $23% 23% 34+% Cc Util CWN G 5% CW Prop Conduits Con Bldg pr 150 125 248 350 100 ™M samme 22% 22% + Vj $37. 3737 $19% 19% 19% -- %} $47% 475 47% -- %| $19% 19% 19% 9 $61 61 61 $10% 1 $i4 13% 14 $17% 17% 17% + $165 16% 16% + % Con MS Con Paper Con Gas Dist Seag D Bridge Dofasco co Dom Stores Dom Tar Easy W pr 320 639 100 11 Net Low a.m. <a Sales High 165 $50% 50% 50% 50 $171% 171% 171% 00 $92 % MM +6% 50 $60 59% 60 +% 150 $136% 135% Pagal 570 326% 26% ~ 87% m TH Ind Accep eee A Jefferson Jockey C Kelly DA 2100 $5% Labatt 250 $14% LobCo B 100 $8% LobCo pr 25 $47 Loeb M 1000 $17 Fin Un 125 $36% Maclaren B 400 $19% MB PR 220 $18% M Leaf Mill 175 $12 Mass-F 600 $125 Mass-F 5% 77 $108 108 108 bi 37% 7% 7% 25 821% 21% 21% 175 hm % 5 $28% 2% + 25 $47 100 $21% 22 $7% 768 $32% 90 $48 200 $5% 525 $85% 83% 500 475 475 2 360% 60 1130 68 500 Moore Page Hers ina N@ Pow NQP 1 pr Phantom Pow Corp QN Gas QN Gas pr QN Gas w Rothman 21% 1% 33% +4 %® +1 M+ h% 85% +4% 475 60% $7% a6 + %| Salada 7% -- ¥|Shawin |Shell Oil isn Can 10% + %| Texaco Royal Bank $76% 39% $29% $46 $13% $26 $12% 125 $10 xd 2535 $18% 150 $44 Tor-Dom Bk 411 $62% |T Fin A 670 $13% Tr Can PL 265 $21% 70 27 955 18310 600 599 100 210 Shaw B pr Shell In pr Silverwd A St Pav Disabled Aid Plan TORONTO (CP) If and when Canada can afford addi- tional social welfare expendi- tures first priority should be given to providing financial assistance without a means- test for permanently disabled persons and widows with de- pendent children, E. A. Rieder, president of the Canadian Life Insurance Officers Association, says in a year end statement. Commenting that a decade ago life insurance companies actively supported introduction of federal flat rate old age pen- sions, Mr. Rieder added that Canadians now have the sim- plest, best and most equitable form of retirement income se- curity--"a plan which provides everyone with a basic income on which the individual can build his own retirement pro- gram.' The benefit had been in- creased on three occasions from $40 a month to the current level of $65. Saturday Prices At Farm Markets STRATFORD (CP) -- Prices quoted Saturday at the farm markets: : Chickens, 4 to 5 cents a large 52 cents a dozen, large 50,°medium 40, small 35; fish salmon u9 cents pound, smelts 39, halibut 75, perch fillets 59, whitefish 69, whitefish fillets 79; haddock 59; potatoes, $1.50 a 50 pound bag; applies 50 to 75 cents six-quart basket. BRANTFORD (CP)--Barley, $1.15 a bushel; oats, 75 cents bushel; wheat $1.80 bushel; buttern 57 cents pound; chicken, 35 to 68 cents pound; eggs, large 55 cents a dozen, medium 45, small 42; fish, 55 cents six-quart basket. NET EARNINGS These increases) had more than kept pace with Persons Urged the cost of living over the same period and it was estimated that on the average Canadians aged 65 and over now have spending power security, and other sources above the level of consumer spending of the population as a whole. OFFER SUGGESTIONS "Under these circumstances" Mr. Rieder said, "an earnings- related compulsory state pen- sion plan seems unnecessary. Ifn nevertheless, it is decided to establish such a plan the com- panies urge that it be admin- istered through existing facili- ties, rather than by govern- ment, and that each contributor should receive he amount of benefit that can be purchased by his own and his employers' contributions--no more and no less"'. In 1962, Mr. Rieder said, life insurance assets in Canada in- creased slightly more than seven per cent to approximately $9,500,000,000. 2% -- % | Barnat 4| Base Met | Bibis from old-age! assistance programs) 11. Net Stock Gales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 12% 12% 9% 18% 24 5% 57% 4 230 277 «27 8 $12% 12% 12% -- % $10% 10% 375 en $11% 1% l% 80 4680) 680 = - 162 28 as 28% 2% 28% =i" 155 151 155 #0 138 500 600 MINES 1000 150 700 5000 135 Abacus Advocate Anglo Hur 100 A Arcadia 500 Atlin Ruf 3000 Aumaq 1000 Aunor 100 1200 1100 3400 100 22 11000 1000 24 eas 625 725 Belcher Bethim Bidcop Black Bay Bralorne Buff Ank Camp Chib Can Erin Cassiar Cent Pat Chimo Coin Lake Comb Met C Bellek C Discov C Halli C Marcus 500 100 200 400 3700 350 - %| ---% 200 +2 3500 500 Ye + 500 9 +% 1000 +% 600 1700 200 ae Ye 2B 102 102 -3 Border Guard, Fiancee Flee East Germany | BRUNSWICK, Germany (AP) | A 20-year-old East German bor-| der guard and his 18-year-old fi- ancee trudged through more/| than two feet of snow in the Harz Mountains to flee to West| German territor¥ today. West German authorities seid the soldier was familiar with the area and thus was able to find a section which was. not) mined. The flight brought to 78 the number of East German border guards who crossed into the! West in 1962 over a tightly. guarded stretch of about 160 miles of Lower Saxony admitted to hospital in Bavaria, with severe frostbite after flee-| ing barefoot over the snow-cov-| ered hills of Upper Franconia. %|Cons Que | it Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge 50 55 (+k 22 +1 10 28 Stock Sales C Morrison 1000 C Mosher 500 Con Negus 1000 C Northid 1000 1300 C Rambler 1100 C Regeourt 2000 2000 1100 300 2500 2000 270 38 38 101 101 9 9 1%. «16 39% 39% 394 dag gd 18% 18% -- % ---%* bn 18 #18 --1 $10% a ae 10% + % 395 38 101 Bs Cop Corp Coulee Craigmt D'Aragon Deer Horn Denison Dicknsn East Mal Elder Eldrich Fatima Frncoeur Grandroy Granduc Gulch Gunnar Hasaga Headway. Hollinger Hud Bay Hu-Pam Iron Bay Jellicoe Joliet Kelley F Kerr Add Kirk Min L Shore Lan is Latin Am Leitch Lencourt Lexindin LL Lac 500 Lorado 2500 Madsen 200 MannBar 500 Maritime 2300 Matatch 2000 McIntyre Ke Wright 128 100 500 2000 600 2500 500 1000 3000 1215 500 725 105 150 2000 1000 500 950 960 13% ae a ; "h 2 $20% 20% 20% $50% 50% 50% + % 9 9 9 9 5 5 5000 2% 21% ae 24000 59 58 59 1430 660 640 1000 36 8636 250 240 240 3320 30 30 40100 33 «(32 800 132 130 500 15 15 5500 =5 5 160 160 129 127 210 210 16 16 48% 48 by =1, 250 $43 1000 Bo00 100 O'Brien Opemiska Paramaq | Pitch-Ore Preston Pros Air Purdex Que Chib Q Metal | Rayrock | Realm | Rio Algom 1459 Roche 3000 | Satelite 1000 Sherritt 462 3 op Miller 1000 100 1000 1620 1000 4000 250 2000 5' 100 38) z10 7 400 160 1000 1900 137 4500 100 1000 1000 2200 500 5000 2000 sbestos lv n Keno Upp Can ¥ auze Violam Werner | West Mines Willroy Wiltsey |Wr Harg | Yk Bear oe HG Zenmac 235 153 18 80 110 14 29 235 153 (153 18 18 80 80 110 «(110 13% 14 23% 29 235 | Sales to i a.m.; _ 384,000. | | The Real Issue | Can or should colleges try to punish premarital sex? Or ig- | noreit if students "behave" on | An East German refugee was} campus? Read in January | Reader's Digest what Dr. | Margaret Mead, says of young | | peoples ' 'new morality". Mr. Rieder, who is president of Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany of Canadan said Canadians at the 1962 year-end own an estiamted $54,500,000,000 of life insurance, an increase of about $3,643,000,000 over a year ago. OSC Investigates Finance Company TORONTO (CP) -- The On- tario Securities Commission has begun an inquiry int the af- fairs of Gulf Intercontinental Finance Corp., Montreal-based credit finance company. The investigation was pre- ceded by an order that the company had to register with the commission. Earlier this week the Quebec Securities Commission ordered Gulf to stop issuing promisory notes in that province. Gulf Intercontinental is one of a number of companies which in recent months have been inviting the public to lend them By THE CAN/DIAN PRESS |funds for 180 or 360 days at Harding Carpets ended Oct. 31: 1962, $711,996, $2.60 a share; 1961, $520,368, $2.08, Ontario Steel Products Co., year ended Sept. 30: 1962, $919,021, $1.20 a share; 1961, $484-994, 62 cents. Ltd., year interest rates of up to 10 per) cent. Since the securities issued by such companies are for less than a year. They are normally exempt from registration with the OSC. However, this exemp- tion can be cancelled. "TARZAN'S ADDED HIT NEW YEAR' Canadian Ukrainian ST. JOHN'S DANCING To the Music of GEORGE MACKO end his Orchestra From 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. SPONSORED BY: Barvinok Branch MONDAY, DECEMBER 3ist, 1962 S EVE BALL Women's Association, 31 BLOOR HA L L ST. EAST ADMISSION 5.00 PER COUPLE Refreshments & Buffet Hats & Noisemakers % WANT BOLDER ACTION Congress has os | Sex On Campus: LONDON (Reuters)--British Treasury Chief Reginald Maud- ling faces tough talks with un- ion leaders Wednesday on the country's problem of rising un- employment. The mounting total of jobless --at 566,196 this month, the highest in four years--is be- lieved by politicians to be the biggest single challenge facing the Conservative government. Union leaders will step up their pressure on the govern- Meeting Planned On U.K. Jobless memorandum to Prime Minis- ter Macmillan asserting that the main hope of saving Scot- land's unemployment situation from disaster was the establish- ment of a powerful Scottish de- velopment authority. The area hardest hit by the job slump is Northern Ireland, a centre for textiles, engineer- ing, shipbuilding and aircraft industries, There, 7.6 per cent of all local Mine Submits Offer To Atlas Steel TORONTO (CP)--Rio Algom| Mines Ltd. has submitted an offer to Atlas Steels Ltd. for purchase of the latter's assets. The two companies an- nounced July 28 that such an offer would be made and the interver::s months have been taken up with working out. var- ious details of the big transac- g tionm Announcement that the offer considered' by Atlas and eis) 37 in-cash for each Atias-share, being discussed by the partiesm'|, The announcement was made Saturday jointly by Robert H. Winters president of Rio Al- gom big pind berg Ontario NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE TONIGHT Zine Corporation Ltd., and by H. George De Young: president of Atlas a producer of stainless and specialty steels at Welland, The July announcement said Rio Algom planned to offer approximately $45,000,000 and has been made gave no details. labor is out of work. It said the offer "is being ment for more ex eco- nomic policies and for special measures to deal with the righ unemployment areas -- notably Scotland, the north of England and Northern Ireland, They want the government to use more vigorous persuasion with employers to create new work by moving industry into depressed areas. Many of the proposals of the big Trades Union Congress for creating new work are in line with the government's own thinking but the union leaders want bolder action, even if it means taking some slight eco-| nomic risk. The Scottish Trades Union| sent a_ special NEW YEAR'S EVE BIG OWL SHOW! TONIGHT -- Continuous BOTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 331 Ce) -2 5 ist Oshawa Showings COME WHEN YOU LIKE -- STAY AS iGNG AS YOU LIKE! From 6 p.m. 'Till 3 o.m. i DAVID'S Drive-in | BAR-B-Q CHICKENS | and STEAKS Hwy 2 W. Whitby PH. 668-4066 The Best DINNER EVER at the BROOKLIN HOUSE © TURKEY e DUCK STEAK Children's Servings Ya Price For Reservations Phone 655-4551 FEATURE SHOWN DAILY: 1:30 ~ 3:30 - 5:35 = 7:45 = 9:50 TARAS FEATURE TIMES: 1:00 - PHONE 723-2843 in the HAROLD HECHT Production BUIBA Ts CHRISTIE KAUFMANN wn SAT oa KARL TONBERG ered tcl Laloey I a E'THOMPSON HAROLD HECHT PANAVISION EASTMANCOLOR ours aains 3:00 - 5:10 - 7:15 - 9:25 NOW PLAYING GALA MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st ~ca"* "LINCOLNAIRES" -- AT THE -- AVALON PAVILION ADMISSION 2.00 EACH e EVERYONE WELCOME DOORS OPEN 11:00 P.M. ON OURSTAGE @ NEW YEAR'S EVE ONLY! MONDAY MIDNIGHT, DECEMBER 31st SHOW STARTS 11:30 P.M. ON OUR STAGE lnahi GREATEST aa ADVENTURE" » cour $250 bo Merch di: DOOR PRIZES! COMMUNITY SING-A-LONG » HATS! BALLONS! HORNS! ALL SEATS 1.25 It's full-bodied but never hea avy You and your guests s will like it

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