WHE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 31, 1962 9] TELEVISION LOG|| : nas ywarwr nis range) | Explorers Hold ' CHUH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--~Toronto You'D NEVER eee Buz? ee a pa ss Ne 79 Rou y Initi ation Rit e «V Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo Pohl mm ' ee MRS, CHAS. CARPENTER WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel $--Roches' pon pn By, MRS. cH 8. CARPENTER ; ed Church held a successful CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto © CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ee aR aE F GROUND? 4 : ide fall bazaar, 'sponsored by the ucW, The church was gaily deco- rated by Mrs. Don Cowle and Mrs. Sim Penfound with Christ- mas scenes and carols gracing the walls, along with lanterns 4~Edge of Night hanging from the ceiling and a ne Bae A ee hoking ' u ' ' decorated tree glowing from bn News , CHER : the stage. . sfmon a Andy = | TOMY Lite Margie | * Stickey 'Mouse Cub Mrs, Horace Vetsal welcomed 6:15 P.M. Harry Reasoner VbuneSDAY EVE, s all present and introduced Mrs. Folio 10:30 A.M a tak John Romeril, wife of the new 6:30 P.M, 9--Exchange Ui--Family _ Theatre 2 : minister, who spoke on the et Gets tte acon ¢o--Rasle Dazzle \. b> HOW ABOUT topic, 'To Hold a Bazaar or 6:45 P.M. |.41 Love Lucy ee ! - MIR Dis SOU Creaniae: | | ALI Not to Hold One." 1--Family Theatre |3 Studio Parly 1--Rarly Show g RR MIND ~ Conveners for the tables were Te OM ie biel Yo -- iaes M eS Tea] S|] Bit/ country store, Mrs. Edward ' a 3--Christian Science RE ee . IF | K CANCEL, K Warburton; children's wear, ey ~ p2 " 5 | wag ro) | Cee " 4--Popeye's Piayhouse | 6-3--Gcariett Hill 2--Cartoon Playhouse 4--Secret Storm 9:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 9~Domino 1l--Buckskin 7--Jack LaLanne Show | 8--Bozo - Popeye 2--Leave It To The 7--Jungle Jay Show Girls 6--I Love Lucy TUESDAY EVE. , 7--The Doctors 1~A ans, 5:00 va ~~ = o~ 9--Ripcord 11:00 A.M. oat nie ---Destinati Mrs. Don Thompson,. Mrs. {othe Phil Bilver's 'Pree. and Basy o--The Lawman Orm Robertson; CGIT novel- ties, Mrs, Jerry Estabrooks, Show 82--Price Is Right | &--News 3--Wagon Train he wet sista "sen, Hunt oe Christmas cards, Mrs. Cecil 7:15 P.M. s-Ramper Room 8 Adams, Mrs, Norm Gibson; 11=Family Theatre 11:30 A.M. pad Fg Fl "red home baking, Mrs. Myrtle teceonemrshoe" Stevens, Mrs. Harold Graham; - fish pond, Mrs, Ken Ellis, Mrs. lo t--News: Weather 8-2--Concentration 4--Pete and Gladys | work, ae ; Bruce Johnson; fancy 1--The Flintstones 6:45 P.M, F F : mo ' "o--Rowte 66 12:00 NOON Lapamity "eestre - CROSSWORD 'w i esses if Mrs. Earl McLean, Mrs. Earl 8-2--Laramie 11--Fun-O-Rama with | 9.¢--News, Sports, cmenannnnemneemmmenineanne ti) HI H Gatchelle; toys and decora- T--ComD aE inn | patil Lawrence "$--Huntley Brinkley yy tions, Mrs. W. Peirson, Mrs in Higgins a ry Bri k ' oe . A Ss. . . . scanty Griffith Show Impression : FD eg A ACROSS DOWN + Re ' t Carmon Thompson, Mrs, James 8:00 P.M. boMusle Highlights | §Seven-0-One ity pres Ne atta MA Wises Willis; table centres, Mrs, Russ Narcre Be Wh t-News 'and Weather | tHennency a ee ee : te De Coe, Mrs. Stan Kinsmen, a | 54, Where are) 3--popeye And Pals ste Faeises financier 2. By EIGIGNIO CE Mrs, Sim Penfound. 4--The Lioyd Bridges 12:15 P.M. 2--Death Valley Days 6, Burn with (by iAP | IGIA tables were under the pom an Mibeg a. 11 Posi vaaatn IA MeErs] ) Tr)' |direction of Mrs. Charles Arch- : 7--News, Weather - Positive nargi 8 23 aX BS\'7 4 q - 'i 4 gainer on 12:30 P.M. 730 P.M. electrode in 3, Richard s (E[SIS} eal c , f : - H . ez SUN Vale? er, social convener, Mrs, Perey 8-2--Empire 82--Truth or S--Andy Williams Show battery Rodgers, Iie SeSteIa . . p ) Qu | |Dalby took tickets with Mrs. igedore Maes tuner toes hen | SeWane Ree 12, Japanese for one . Gesea Aegon (@y ' ort Cecil Simmons busy as treas- 4--Red Skelton Show 6--Movie Matinee 6--Nations Business temple gate 4. Poems : * : urer. : 9:00 P.M 4--Search for Tomorrow) 4~--The First Lady 13. Large 5, God of : Yesterday's Answer Courtice United Church Ex- e-elethonProgreta | secay, Report 7:45 PAM volumes pleasure: . 83. Wide- plorers held their initiation serv- 9:30 P.M woe nae bias 14. Salad Egypt . awake ice Saturday morning with par. 1:00 PAA : garnish 6. Fur scarf : 34, Tl ants gienting he Worene service was taken by the third- 9--Bleventh Hour $4--Dick Powell Show |, 1100 Sites yee "deren dine 15, Vipers 7, District tempered year gitls to earn their gold stars, JANE ARDEN 130 P.M, ae 's F | 11-9-8-3-2--News; Weather 2:30 P.M. f#--Your's For A Song Bperts MICKEY MOUSE 7--The Untouchables u 'artoonist §~Theat 8:30 P.M. 16. Baffled of 26.Athome _--35,.C mn bag hag B--Divorce Court b-Have Gun' Will 17, Baseball's 8, Dry 27, Japanese ities | : aew" (Meet the Millers Yuodleing My Way -- 9, Dwell emblem +7. maar The girls etiteriained the pax Tonigh 3--Movie 6-3--Parade Durocher 10, Perished 29. Enemy . ents with a piano solo by Val- a 1:15 P.M. 4Dobie Gillis 18, Boy's 16, Eng. 31. Of 38. Pineapple: I letie Simmons, & posta by Caro- 4---Garry Moore Show | 3--News . ee tt... PM, nickname cathedral greater '~ ae Am, : N ' ' i ry Taylor vot Vivian y 'Adair * t 8 e 4 PP Ms og ne World Tams Movie" hat? i power ow. an ieee -- All the Explorers took part in $2-Chet Huntley in, Fa 25. Excitable 7 7 6 15 fe ™ dancing the Virginia Reel, Mrs. gis Lively Ante 8-2--Mery Grittin Show| "Beverly Hillbitties 27. Asia ---- Norman Adair and Mrs, Cecil 3--Country Junction | 6--Cher Helene . aie P.M. 28, Set of Y Simmons presented the ini- 11:00 P.M. 4--Password Our Man Higgins tiated girls with their ribbons 4 The Dick VanDyk boxes: Jap. A 11-9-8-7-6-4.3.9--News 2:15 P.M. Tos ee ta due 29. Young horse Y and pins, They were: Jose- , 11:15 P.M, ll--Lets Go Shopping ' 10:00 P.M 100: P.M. 30, New Dhine Preece, Laurie Preece, pe ga cue ge UsToronto Tonight frontier for Ye Margaret Cochrane, Marilyn uu ong tied ra tite Geter "Lite 7--Naked City i « rant acon AN Ryan, Pamela Vetzal, Charlene --| is Scoreboa * -3--D M if . PERIGCOPE, eaMeh Meise S-Here's Looking at | eee Cecio incre 35.'To pateh, ke WESLEY MADE AN' WILL WHEN Archer, Oheryl Neil and Ger- You 4Theatre in 2--Play Your Hunch ' INVENT BM... ogee See al aes goes. 2 Y ; Those receiving the First 11--Buried Treasure | ¢--House Party 9--News - Sports . y Blue Star were Caroline Taylor, 745 P.M 8-2--The State House need GY a Linda Sumrall, Shirley Gosick $-4--Tonight Show 63--Friendly Gisnt ies «| ge a 90, aan ments ; mee Valerie "aimatons nn "Wale 6--Rawhide 3:00 P.M, 'eemannaciien, Goal (vat | i 'Wes ' H |ters, Debbie Veizal, Lorelie WEDNESDAY 1i--Bugs Bunny Weather: Sports much) -- . = Ke \ Beerthuizen, Saralyn Taylor, 7:00 A.M. eS ene, 1:15 P.M, 40, Holland's + | Ursula Wernick, M lis ' 7-Queen For A. Day | 6---Viewpoint bank 2%) \ . rsula Wernick, Marian is Showcase 4--To Tell The Truth 11:20 P.M. ments ; | : and Barbara Gosick. 7:30 A.M. 3:30 P.M. Li=-Sports Scoreboard 41. Lying flat 3 } ' ; S ) The Explorers receiving the Soheck Stip'r 5 Ay wg a ---- 42. Inactive : ji \First Gold Star were Rosemarie 8:00 A.M. --Dr, 11:30 P.M. 43. Cart SS nf Beerthuizen and Pat Esta- |11--Face To Face ---- Arno : . . \ ! 8 Ph brook, 82--Tonight Show Pack wag visited by Commis- Peag-onta Ro sioner Mrs, Ross Hawk, to en- 3--Wrestling roll Linda Laturski into the eadet ty Captain Sve Buin: e) y Captain Eve Bishop . «+ From the Management and Staff of ... on passing her tenderfoo ie Joy Unit of Courtice Unit- : ed Church met at the home of Mrs, Don Cowle December 3 with 12 members and two visi- i tors' present. Mrs. Bruce John- son opened the meeting read- ing a poem, "A Child is Born." 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 Minutes were read by Mrs. Don Cowle with Mrs. Al Garden' fxn the treasurer's cs wy of 14.75 on hand. The leader in- troduced Mrs. Horace Vetzal, President of the UCW, to cons duct the election of officers, Members elected were -- secretary, Mrs, Don Cowle; treasurer, Mrs, Al Garden; so- cial, Mrs. Eric Dunham; pro- gram, Mrs, Alden Little and Mrs. Morris Tomboy. The next. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Stan Kins- men on January 7 at 8 p.m. SALLY'S SALLIES $--Pierre Berton Hour 44. Organized -- i : S | The First Courtice Girl Guide political group HS ONLY THE NEW YEAR RECKONED 4] BY THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR FALLS MUGGS AND SKEETER FOR THAT SPECIAL GIRL! + «+ Phone 725-0532 and order an exciting quilted housecoot. We will gift-wrap it, and de- liver it to your doer, Gt no extra cost. NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 33 King St. & PS. or drop in to see us: Skate X Change NEW and USED Used Skates completely refin- ished, new lates ond sharpened SHARPENING PRICES Students 35¢ -- Adults 50c STAN'S 223 King St. W. -- 723-3224 > LISTEN, BUDDY--\'vVé BEEN iF YOU THINK YOu'RE 6O i 4 LARRY, T-MODEL PARTS I CUTTING HAIR TWENTY SMART, GO AHEAD AND uP y ' . ARE NOT ALWAYS THE 'YEARS --!'M TIRED OF CUT YOUR OWN HAIR. ; EASIEST THINGS TO PROPLE TELLING " G yw if ITS IN 7 FIND. YoU GET JUST 'CALL OR WHERE? Kee our 726-2905 EYES OPEN FOR ASS il We'll Be... & ANY, WiLL You? @ = Right On The Job 1 Remember, expert. repairs cost fers in the tong: run. WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS vs { f Seles and Service ames alee : HI ye 8 F s 1218 SIMCOE N. 722905