NEW YEAR DANCE Preparing the decorations for the New Year's Dance sponsored by the Canadian Ukrainian Women's Associa- tion, Barvinok Branch, are seated left to right: Mrs. Nicholas Semenuk, co-conven- er and Mrs. Walter Grigo- renko» convener; standing, left to right are: Mrs. Rob- ert Sholdra, president, and Mrs. Alec stec, co-convener. Absent was Mrs. William Iwaskiw, co-convener. The aw CONVENERS (cmon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 27, 1962 United in marriage in North- minster United Church last Sat- urday were Miss Carol Eliza- beth Fitches, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fitches, Osh- awa, and Mr, William John Bax- ter, Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil A. Baxter, Spring- field, Ontario. The ceremony was performed by the Reverend H. A. Mellow. Mr, John Robertson, organist, accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Richard Moses, who sang '"'The Wedding Prayer' and 'Love Never Faileth". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown of peau de grena- dine designed and made by the bride. The bodice featured a scoop neckline and long sleeves and the full flowing skirt was fashioned with a chapel train. Her headdress was a crown of self material which held a veil of tulle illusion and seed pearls. Her bouquet was formed of white roses, stephanotis and ivy trails. Miss Judy Lang, Kitchener, was the maid of honor with Miss Lucille Tutt, Fergus, as bridesmaid and Miss Jane Don- ald) Oshawa, cousin of the bride, as junior bridesmaid. They wore identically designed full length gowns of Tudor red velvet on princess lines, fash- ioned with scoop necklines and elbow-length sleeves. Their proceeds from the dance will go toward the completion of the Sunday School rooms in the St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox Church. --Oshawa Times Photo HOLIDAY SOCIAL NOTES headdresses were matching crowns of red velvet and they carried white cascade bouquets. Carol Fitches, William Baxter Honeymoon In The Laurentians The bridegroom's brother, Mr. Robert Baxter, was the bet man with Mr. Trevor Dickenson and Mr. Bruce Jocelyn, both of Toronto, Mr. Ralph Hollands, Aylmer, and the bride's broth- er, Mr, William Fitches, as ushers, The reception was held at Centre Street United Church with the bride's mother receiv- ing in a dress of avocado green lace over ivory satin. She wore a matching feather hat and her ensemble was completed by a corsage of cream colored Regal roses, The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a dress of chocolate brown with matching accessories and a corsage of Regal gold roses. When the bridal couple left to spend their honeymoon at a ski lodge in the Laurentian Moun- tains, the bride was wearing a nile green two-piece wool suit with a matching hat, dark brown coat with muskrat trim, matching accessories and a cymbidium orchid corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Baxter will be making their home in the Avon View Terrace Apartments, Stratford. Guests from out of town were from Springfield, Clinton, Strat- ford, Listowel, Dublin. Ux- bridge, Aylmer, Guelph, Toron- to, Windsor, St. Mary's, London, Ontario, Denfield, Kitchener, Don Mills, Mitchell, Kingston, Maidstone, Ruthven and Oak- ville, Mr, George T. Twine, Water- loo University College, is spend- ing the Yuletide season with his parents» Mr. and Mrs. George Twine, Madison avenue. Mr. Wolfgang Behm, Univer- sity of Toronto, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Behm, Ridgeway avenue. Mr. Dennis McCrohan, Water- loo University, is spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Owen McCrohan, Stevenson road north. Mr. Eric Mitchinson, Univer- sity of Waterloo, is spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchin- and family, Windsor, are spend- ing the Yuletide holidays with their parents, Mrs. Peter Porayko, Drew street and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ross, Brock street west. Mr. William Hayden is home for the holiday season with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Hayden, Masson street. Miss Joan Tippett is spending the season's holidays at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tippett, Festhubert street. Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Reardon, . Dear- born avenue, were members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. son, Eulalie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ross Terry Graham and family, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Collins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hears Successful Reports The December meeting of the Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa General Hospital was attended by 43 members and two guests, Mrs. L. Hall and Mrs. A. Meima, both members of the Ladies Societies of the Hebron Christian Reformed Church of Oshawa who dressed and donated the Dutch doll for the recent Festival of Gifts. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong pre- sided. The minutes were read by Mrs. E. J. Reed, and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. C. M. Elliott. The Festival of Gifts bazaar, held in November under the convenership of Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, was a great success. Mrs. Baldwin thanked her con- veners and all members for| their co-operation. | Mrs, J. G. Carter reported that sales have been brisk in the gift shop and announced the closing of the shop over the New Year weekend for stock taking The gift shop treasurer, Mrs. A Austin, transferred funds from inite plan to be placed before the auxiliary-for approval. The two delegates to the re- cent Ontario Hospitals conven- tion, Mrs. A. W. Armstrong and| Mrs, C. D. Russell gave their the concept of voluntary work 200 auxiliaries in the province of Ontario with a membership of 70,642. tailed report on the work done throughout the province on spe- cial projects, and also spoke on the importance of public rela- tions as applied to members of the women's auxiliary and the general public. Tea was poured by Mrs. Wes- ley Langmaid and a hand-craft- ed stole, remaining from_ the Moyse. Christina Maphis Emmerson Hunter the gift shop account to the main auxiliary account and was) thanked by Mrs, Elliott. | Mrs. J, E. Mann reported 10) spreads and 12 gowns re-| ceived and three spreads and} 24 gowns given out. She made) special mention of Mrs. J.| Copeland who, since joining the} auxiliary in the spring of 1960 has already completed 688 baby; gowns which must surely set an all-time record! | Mrs. J, G. McIntosh present-| ed a new list of magazines and} newspapers required by the var- fous nurses' residences and the auxiliary voted to buy subscrip- tions to them all. A favorable vote was also given to the pur- chase of an orchid for honorary president, Mrs. T. H. Everson's 95th birthday, which was cele- brated on Christmas Eve. The question of the li- brary cart was raised and whether the books available on it were up-to-date and of the right type to interest hospital patients. It was decided that the in-coming convener should call a commitee to look into the - matter and see if existing ar- rangements cannot im- proved in some way. Reporting on the new bursary to be given by the auxiliary to a student physio-therapist, Mrs. W. W. Baldwin asked those who had suggestions on the subject to contact her. She gave March| 1 as a tentative date for a def-! SATIN. SHOES FASHION SHOES k 79 Simcoe N. 728-2491 Married Recently The Reverend Wesley Her- bert officiated at the marriage ceremony recently of Christina Kathryn Maphis, Lake. Orion, Michigan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Gould, and Emmerson Burwell Hunter, Sudbury, son of Mrs. Burwell Hunter, Tcronto, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs, Edna Jones, Division street. ' The bride wore a dress of turquoise matlesse with a mink stole, crystal hat, black acces- sories and a corsage of white gardenia. The bride's attendant, Mrs. Hugh Rodman, Sudbury, wore a brown wool suit, matching hat and accessories and a corsage of bronze chrysanthemums. The best man was Mr. Hugh Rodman, Sudbury. After the reception, which was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Edna Jones, the bridal couple left on a honey- moon trip to Florida. The bride was wearing a pale blue wool suit, black hat and accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are making their home in Sudbury. CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your corpets in your home or in ou, plont reports, Mrs. Russell spoke of} > and stated that there are now|[ Mrs. Armstrong gave a de- neth Collins and family, all of Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Boyar and sons Stanley Jr., Joseph and Gerald, Hamilton, were holiday guests at a family re- union, at the home of Mrs. Boyar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Glowaski, Glen road. Ronald O'Reilly, University of Toronto, is spending the Yule- tide holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Reilly, Elena avenue. Mr. Donald Adair, Waterloo University, is home for the Yuletide holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adair, Windsor avenue. By ELEANOR ROSS Often it's the little things around the house that make the biggest difference to children. They struggle to wash their hands at a basin that's much too high. They are expeeted to keep their hair brushed when they can't even see into the mirror! They are not trusted to handle the pretty glass tum- blers and often have to be con- tent with thick mugs which are almost too heavy to handle. These are things that we noticed when visiting, just as we have noticed that some mothers never allow the kids enough places to put things. So it's a bit of a martyr's life for some little ones; it really is! But with a little money and effort, things can be made much more comfortable and easy for Mr. Robert Porayko, Western University, is spending the fes- tive holidays with his mother, Mrs. Peter Porayko, Drew street. Mr. John Griffin, Waterloo University, is spending the sea- son's holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Percy G. Griffin, Lowell avenue. Make Everyday, Grown-up World McLaughlin School in three sec- lack of an auditorium, it was Six Hundred Attend Concerts At Adelaide McLaughlin School Wendy Hewett and Catherine Fear. Christmas songs and a Christmas Story Play, rhythm band and rhythm dancing and a jack-in-the-box play were pre- sented, The second section was given by Grades 1, 2 and 3 the follow ing afternoon, Grade 1 present- ed a group of Christmas songs, Grade 2 presented a_ play "Rudolph's Nose Trouble", and! Grade 3 described Christmas as celebrated in Holland and Swit- zerland, The third section of the con- cert was given by Grades 4, 5 and 6 in the evening. An inter- esting feature of this year's con. cert was the version of several classes of Christmas in other lands, Local customs were de- scribed, and typical carols sung, and dances shown. As well as the two countries shown in the afternoon, Grade 6 presented Christmas in Italy, Grade 4 classes presented Christmas in France and Sweden, and the Grade 4 and 5 classes, Christ- mas in Germany. Appropriate music was also presented by the: Christmas came to Adelaide tions this year. Because of the necessary to hold the Christmas concert in three sections to ac- commodate the six hundred par- ents who attended. The first section was given by the kindergarten pupils, Wel- coming speeches were made by GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES ST, PHILIP'S ALTAR SOCIETY St, Philip's Altar Society held its December meeting recently in the form of a Christmas party and a pot luck supper in St. Philip's Hall. In the absence of Monsignor Philip Coffey. the Reverend M. A, Beriault said grace and spoke briefly to 'the members, He expressed the wish that they would offer their work in the Altar Society combined with their daily tasks to God. Mrs. Martyn Darlaston, pres- ident of the Altar Society, pre- sented Christmas offerings to Father Beriault and Monsignor py le hig eg dui "' Coffey. Rather than the custo-| choral reading mary exchange of gifts, the li members presented a cheque to Father Beriault which will be used by Monsignor Coffey to help a needy family, at Christ- Prior to the evening concert, a short meeling of the Home and School Association was held, with the president, Mrs. J. A. Schell, presiding. Members "HEDWIG'S CHURCH Poland, and Mr. John L, Stud- WED IN ST. St, Hedwig's Roman Catho- as. The members who helped to prepare the hall for the party were Mrs, Martyn Darlaston, Mrs. Les Kryhul, Mrs. Harry} Gowlanlock, Mrs. Walter Dobro- shinsky, Mrs, William Dittrick, Mrs, Leonard. Fleury, Mrs. Alan Cherry, Mrs. Raymond Haber and Mrs. Wayne Chidley. were reminded of the Night of Cards to be held in January. Refreshments were served to the children in their classes at the conclusion of each section of the concert. HISTORY RECALLED ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, lic Church was the setting for the marriage recently of Miss Bozena Traczyk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Traczyk, zinski, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Studzinski, Poland. --Ireland Studio SEX TEACHER OXFORD, England (CP) -- This city's education committee has appointed its first sex teacher--a woman doctor, She HOUSEHOLD HINT A thoughtful gift for someone who is nursing an invalid at home is an assortment of paper doilies or tray cloths. Alta. (CP) -- Mrs. Lorne Ad- Mrs, Alan Cher: nd be ' Walter Douteahinaky were 15" of Orillia, Ont., a great: charge of the games and enter-|"@nddaughter of explorer Da- tainment. vid Thompson, recently visited Christmas carols and songs|this western Alberta commu- =. fy ye members, nity, starting point of many of i an , cushion as the dear wie . ny Sharponen g explorations. She A draw was held on a cro:|52¥ the remains of the fort to cheted baby set and was won|Which Thompson brought his by Mrs. Wayne Chidley. \bride in 1801. : Simpler For Small Children Whey not start with a step- stool The cumbersome, rickety kind won't do, of course, but one of the new molded plastic step- stools with non-skid bumpers on the bottom is handy as well as safe, These are solidly firm, yet lightweight, and quite nice-look- ing in pink, blue or maize and the cost is less than two dollars! And for those snacks during the day, how about one of the new plastic cups with built-in straws? These are odorless, un- have breakable and go into the dish- washer. They can be used over and over again and are inex- pensive enough to begin with! The built-in straw has enter. tainment value, too. The young- sters will feel that they are get- ting special consideration, in- stead of being deprived of your best cups and glasses. As for a place to stow things, consider one of the huge wicker . containers with an attached lid. | |ORIENTAL ORNAMENTS These big drum-shaped con- tainers with an Oriental air have | |become very smart recently for } juse as ornamental accents. Ac- :jtually, they couldn't be more : |practical. The children can pile in the wildest assortment of sticks and : stones, broken toys, old bottle caps and other ; |childhood treasures. indispensable Just keep the wicker clean by 4 going over it now and again + |with a sudsy sponge. Then rinse- is Dr. Julia Dawkins, 30, 'who is also medical consultant on television hospital serials. MANY YOUNG PATIENTS TORONTO (CP) -- More than 100,000 children visit the 46 out- patient clinics of the Hospital for Sick Children here each year. Before You Buy TRY FURNITURE ANTIQUES 35 & GIFTS Ram--m@ A Choice Selection of Fine Antiques Paintings, Wrough - Iron and Pine 216 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY | (OSHAWA) LTD. 88 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 725-9332 You'll Be Glad You Did. AUSTRIAN IMPORT bazaar, was won by Miss Vera! : wipe with fresh water. _ Such trifling additions to daily living provide a world of satis- faction at low cost--and, at the same time that they make your youngsters fee] more important, they enable tot, to perform im- + |portant personal duties with in- creased ease and efficiency. HOUSEHOLD HINT When cooking dumplings, use a glass pie plate or casserole top to cover the pan so that you] will be able to watch cooking} progress without destroying the| AWARD WINNERS Excelling in music are Nor- ma and Gary Lonsberry. Nor- ma achieved the gold E pin for high standing in Eplorers of Northminster Church and Gary placed first in the Wi- wanis Music Festival in Ajax. He obtained a mark of 84 dren of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Lonsberry, Simcoe _ street north and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. L, G. Brown, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Bowmanville. --Astor Studio, Bowmanville steam in the pan, | | FUEL OIL... CALL PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 (grade 3) and also a mark of 85 in the Royal Conservatory Music examinations for grade | 2 last June. They are the chil- OCCASION | | @ WEDDINGS @ ANNIVERSARIES @ BIRTHDAYS Our entire staff joins In wishing you and your family the very best of everything, now ond throughout the coming New Year, @ SPECIAL OCCASIONS | © FREE GIFT WRAPPING PLEASE NOTE. We will be CLOSED MON., DEC. 31st. Az LORDS oF osnawa Je SIMCOE ST. S. osnawa |f 91S SPREE WORTH PARKWAY TELEVISION 723-3043 For skiing _ enthusiasts, here's a contribution from Lana of Vienna. The pullover is ideal for wear under a parka or for lounging around the lodge, Hand-knit of a bulky synthetic yarn, the sweater is in contrasting stripes of black and yellow with raglan sleeves and a separate black hood. , --By Tracy Adrian FABULOUS FASHIONS & SAVINGS January. FUR SALE 35% " 50% |" REDUCTIONS ON REGULAR STOCK! Don't Confuse The Sale Of Regular Stock Furs with Department Store Clearance of Inferior Quality Garments. Sale Starts Tomorrow! MARTEN'S FURS 75 KING STREET EAST Opposite Hotel Genosha Pre-Holiday CLEARANCE | This Friday and Saturday at Black's _ DISCONTINUED LINES OF co GOWNS Regularly Priced From 30.00 to 40.00 CLEARING 5.00 10.00 AND ALL SALES FINAL BLACK'S 72 SIMGOE ST. N. | OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 LADIES' WEAR LTD. 725-1912 i aS ASE AI: Ran cla Lot rai Sit