ae ace, Cae: oe ae ae mond s Toront Btock Exquisite Bales itis towne sl USTRIALS 166 a we +% i Net 0 270 High Low a.m. Ch'ge ing at Oh -- 9 9 800 Pt 265 265 43 42% 43 $13% 13% 13% ) a ed 968% 68 68 $43% 4 BA-- 4) g* a" a" + %! 315 0 43 455 $17% 17% 500 817% 17% US $i il $7% 7™% 8% i" 223 $33 220 $17% ti 50 $30% 2100 $23 24 200 $17% 17% M Leaf Mill 260 $12% 12% Mass-F 1040 $12% 12% Mid-West 220 165 165 8% Molson A 25 $28% 28% 310 Nat Drug 2170 $15% 15% 7 Noranda 617 $32% 32% 16% |Nor Phone 100 $9 9 64 -- %! Page-Hers 250 $21% 21% 8% 240 425 425 357% 37% 5 $9 9 $19% 19% $54 5% $9% 9% $7644 764 89% % $8% B% $254 $25 $13% 5 $26% ry 10 230 --5 210 210 210 +% 27% 27% ind Accep Int Nickel Int Util Inter PL Inv Syn A canon PS 843% -- % 22% 354 354 + % 325 95 180 150 8 65% 65% 300 325 320 325 +68 25 350% 50% 50% 352% 52% 52% + % 00 mY 270 270 --5 a 455 17% 1% + i "+ 8% + Autofab B Bank Mont 155 $10% 10% 10% S1lI%y 11% 11% $8% 8% $10 310 00 $7 7 S16% 16% $64 64 $8% 8% Siui% lM $58%4 58% +% % 1460 100 100 221 Ve Revelots pr To -- | R-Nodwell 455 +15 |Rolland A 1 15 |Royal Bank 8 -- % Salada + % Seven Arts Ya | Shawin Shawin A Shell Oil Shell | pr Shell | wts 250 570 570 Slater Steel 100 $9% 9% Slat Steel pr 25 $174 17% Cdn Pet pr CW Prop CKP Dev $15 $8 8 $22 22 $36% 36% 36) $47 a7 $19% 19 19 795 795 795 | $60% 60% 60% $4 "4 M4 | $17% 17% 17% Me 2540 A 25 13% 2% 3 ---%* Dofasco 220 Si Dom Stores 4300 Dom Tar 1230 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Gas Processing Near Edmonton WINDFALL, Alta. (CP) Gleaming towers and brightly- painted fume 'stacks of a new $20,000,000 natural gas process- ing complex dominate a drab forest clearing here at the hub) of a 1,000,000-acre natural gas producing area. The large operation 127 miles northwest of Edmonton draws natural gas from the rich Wind- fall gas field and the Pine Creek and Beaver Creek fields. A $17,000,000 main gas scrub- bing plant is owned by Pan American. Petroleum Corpora- tion. Canadian Fina Oil and Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas, while Texas Gulf Sulphur Com- pany owns an adjoining $3,000,- 000 sulphur recovery pliant, Pan American operates the complex, which ranks first in Alberta in production of conden-| sate, second in sulphur produc- tion, and third in gas handling capacity. MAJOR PROCESSING About 177,000,000 cubic feet of Sets Record gas from the Windfall reservoir, rich in recoverable liquid hydro.! MONTREAL (CP)--The Bell carbons, are processed daily by Telephone Company of Canada the main plant completed a record of $221,000,- From thisn 13,000 barrels of}000 construction program in stabilized condensate (a high|1962, including the addition of grade crude oil) and 650 long|some 200,000 telephones to its tons of sulphur are recovered. |system, President Thomas W. About 133,000,000 cubic feet of) Eadie reported today in a year- processed gas is fed into ajend statement, Pipeline which winds hundreds} Major projects included a of miles south to the San Fran- new microwave system be- cisco Bay area. y| tween Sept-Iles and Gagnon in The sulphur plant, backed b a canaie yelew stockpile 600) northern Quebec and the start feet long, 250 feet wide and 15/0f a microwave network linking feet high, begar. operating last) Montreal and Quebec City, April. The report noted a daily ave Liquid sulphur now is beingjrage of 450,000 long distance shipped to eastern Canada mar-|calls placed in 1962, a nine-per- kets in specially-insulated tank/cent increase over last year, cars travelling on a recently-/and the conversion of 74 manual completed CNR branch line|exchanges to dial service. from Whitecourt, 27 miles south.| wes 1% From the pits some of the sul- phur is pumped as a liquid at 225 degrees fahrenheit through a 1,000-foot long steam insulated} transfer line to a vat where it ils allowed to solidify, turning} from brown to orange and then! cools. Some liquid sulphur is piped! to the tank cars. Six cars can| be loaded simultaneously from| a filling station situated be-| tween two sets of railway) tracks, | The tank cars, bound for Ed- mundston, N.B., Thorold, Ont.,/5% and Hamilton, keep their cargo} in liquid form by means of| heat-containing insulation sur- \rounding the cargo capsules, | Bell Telephone : %) 4 Abacus |Western oils fell more than a|creased to bright canary yellow as it/noint and base metals gained) excellent, o Stock Market Listings Ch'; 11 Net | High Low a. i Ay ge Stock Lorado Louviet Lyndhst M High Low a. rhe Nee 10 10 Stock Ansil 5571 A Arcadia 1500 A Arcad Bw 3200 Base Mets 1700 Belcher 1000 Bibis Bidcop Bordulac Bralorne Brunswk Buff Ank + *Y| Camp Chib Tung € Astoria C Dyno Cdn NW Cassiar xd Cheskirk Chimo Chrom C Discov C Fen CG_ Arrow C Marben C Mo ul C Sannorm Cop-Man Coulee Craigmt Daering De Cour 4 | Denison Dicknsn 19% 9% 100 $18% 2 6 $6: $13% us) 15 8 8 1% 1% LK 350 = 350 115 % 3% 36 +1 8 12% 124 12% +1 ae) eh -- % a --% 13% + % b+ Oadiae 12% W gai " 1000 107 107 107 +1 +% +10 +5 4 OD 45 6h 6% 64--% beer ue wig 500 100 99% % % OILS Alminex 1200 210 Am Ledue 9500 5 Anchor 1000 5Y% An U Dev 16500 38 Bailey § A 730 930 c Oil Las 100 113 00 480 400 112 15 oS 775 M0 i" 360 $12% A Wood J xd N Mylama_ 1000 Newnor 3100 New Rouyn 7500 Nor-Acme -- 2000 N Coldstrm. 750 Northgate 6075 N Goldert 1000 Nudul 2000 Opemiska 1546 Orehan 200 1 5 Paramaq 2000 15 Patino a 35 +2 |Paymast (000 18% toy + %|Pce Expl 500 al -- Pick Crow 500 19500 700 210 «210 5 5 bu 54 re 37% 920 930 s Pig 150 150 «(150 % % % 13% 13% 13% 59 659) 59 MY 35 +5 104 oy +2 s" +1 5 16 35 a Cent Del ae Charter Oi C Dragon C Mic Mac | Dome Pete |H_B Oil xd | Medal |Midcon N Cont Northeal NC Oils NCO wis Pac Pete Pamoil |Permo |Peruv Ol | Petrol Proyo Gas Secur Free Pros Air Q Metal Qunston | Realm {Rio Algom Rix Athab Roche Ryanor Sherritt Siscoe Steep R Taurean Thom L sits 10 10% $11% 11% 11% 3 BD 2 6% 6 6% + u% WY a 305 178 480 3 Eldrich Vo | Fatima Ya | Frncoeur Gaitwin Grandroy Granduc Gunnar Hollinger | Inspiratn + | Jellicoe +4 | Joutel os | Keeley.F }Kerr Add +1 | 3 3 MY 4% + % 3% 1 4+ 13) 139) el 9 9 13 13 = 335 335 975 975 --10 tn 20% 20%-- ¥4 | Tormont & 43° +14 |Tribag 5 + %/Un Keno 110 110 110 «+5 | Vandoo 8? «685 87) «+2 «| Vaure 655 650 650 Violam 18%4 19% 18% +41 | Werner 75 550 845 850 +8 | Willroy 2 «629 «#929 «4 % Winch 7" a7) «6? +1 «| YK Bear 125 123 124 Zenmac 13% 19% 19% + M4] 0 wt We 1000 MINES 1000 23 1000 7 27 ee 3a 4 31 Windfall Kirk Town L Dufault Langis Latin | Leiteh | Lencourt Ly exindin Am 113 ol 3900 Hy | Acora "Anacon-- __ ie Salen to il am, 545,000. Quiet Trading Increased 'Use Marks Stock Market Action | TORONTO (CP)--Quiet trad-| COPPER CLIFF, Ont. (CP)--|per cent of the free world ca- ing and generally lower prices|Use of apes ge 1963 . | pacity. marked routine post-holiday ac-|pected to equal or exceed the 7 tion on the stock market Wed-|levels of recent years, Hemy| international.» Nike during jnesday. 8. Wingate, chairman of Inter the year increased the capacity Industrials were down more Pita vad geen pag tan oot its Thompson, Man., opera- ithan two points in mid-session,|C@nada Ltd., says in a year-end); 75,000,000 pounds of but by the close they had re-|Statement. refined nickel annually to 90,- lcovered most of their drop.| Long-range prospects for in- /000,000 pounds, bringing Inco's| consumption continue/total capacity at Thompson and he states. jin Ontario's Sudbury area to 11% points. | In 1962 free world nickel oem }400,000,000 pounds, In the main list, losses of %/Sumption was about 480,000,000) Capacity of two other prin-| went to Aluminium, . Calgary)pounds, the on i eager os a Fal- Power' Power Corporation,|tory, compared wit 3, Trans-Canada Pipe Lines and pounds in 1961. ahd | Bhereiti Gorden 'Biges nid.| Walker-Gooderham Consumption increased)i, octimated at 70,000,000 and Banks provided a firm under-|in both the United States and/95 999,000 pounds respectively, |tonen with Nova Scotia ahead|Canada and they accounted for) ( of other free-world|: 5 jmore than half the free world's aepaned lotal consumption, but demand|Pproducers is estimated as fol- trials slipped .62 to 569.96, golds slackened in Europe. -- lows: Societe le Nickel, 87 at 85.44 and western oils 1.32 The 1962 consumption rate,/Caledonia, 55,000:000 pounds; '.|Mr. Wingate commented is/Hanna Mining Company, Riddle to 113,37, Base metals rose 1.46/about 80 per cent of the free Draka 22,000,000: Japanese |to 189.07, Closing volume was world's present production ca- ig nde babi 2,423,000 shares compared with! pacity, exclusive of Cuba. Can-|Refiners, using imported. ores, | 052,000 Friday. jada accounts for more than 75'50,000,000, hs cipal Canadian producers, 0) On the exchange index, indus- 2 Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 4% + % Of Nickel Seen New) Growth Predicted In Pulp I MONTREAL (CP) -- Another year of moderate growth for Canada's pulp and paper indus- try is expected in 1963, R. M. Fowler, president of the Cana- dian Pulp and Paper Associa- tion says in = year-end review. The outlook, Mr, Fowler com- ments, naturally depends to a great extent on the general level of business activity in North America, but he sees the possibility of a production in- crease of about the same order as in 1962. In. 1962 production was at a new high, with an increase of %/about three per cent over 1961, reflecting increased shipments both in Canada and to export markets. Gross value of produc- tion exceeded $1,600,000,000, of which more than' $1,200,000,000 was exported. : Increase in over-all produc- tion and industry operations as a whole continued to average about 85 per cent of capacity. Owing to the large exports, 'Doctor Shoots «| Self Over Beck Injury HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- said a prominent Beverly: Hills) physician shot himself Wednes-| day, fatal, and told police and am- bulance attendants who came to his aid: "I have diagnosed my wound) and it will kill me, My lung jc \filling up with blood, and I a dying, I wish to die at Rolin Please leave me alone." Officers and attendants with- drew after vainly trying to con- vinee Dr. E. Bertrand Woolfan jand his wife, Priscilla, that the |physician should receive med- Neal care, Minutes later, with his wife jat his side, the doctor died, Det, Sgt. Robert Stevens said|-- |Dr. Wooilfan, 67, had been suf- fering from a _ back ailment which apparently caused great jpain, He said the physician left a note indicating he planned suicide because the back injury jhad made him "a hopeless) |cripple," i A. E. Johnson 0.0, | OPTOMETRIST 723-2721 8.14% KING E. Police diagnosed his wound as| ndustry the decline during 1962 in the foreign exchange value of the Canadian dollar was of consid- erable significance to many producers, Mr. Fowler states, and helped to offset increased costs in several areas. Final newsprint figures are expected to show that produc- tion in 1962 was marginally lower than in 1961, However, total shipments were slightly higher, with increases in ne domestic market, the Un!'ed States and Britain more than, offsetting declines in some over- Seas areas, principally South) America and the Far East. In the United States» which) consumes nearly four-fifths of| Canadian newsprint, consump-| tion increased substantially in| 1962 to a new high, However, | actual demand for Canadian| newsprini increased to a much| smaller extent, owing to a gen-| eral reduction in publishers' in- ventories and to strikes at sev- eral newspapers supplied pri-| marily by Canadian mills, also, | {wo new newsprint mills went | into operation in the United} States during the year, with! some adverse effect on Cana-/ dian shipments. DIVIDENDS ° By THE CANADIAN PRESS. | Automatic Radio Manufactur-| Ing Co, Ine., stock dividend of! four per cent, Jan. 18, record |Jan. 4, Ontario Paper Company, cap-| jifal stock 25 cents, Feb. 1, rec- ord Dec, 31 | Union Acceptance Corp, 1a,,| first pfd, 78% cents, Feb. 1,| jrecord Jan, | SHOW SALMON LIFE | HALIFAX (CP) -- The fed-| eral fisheries department is cir- culating a film showing the At- lantic salmon's life cycle from| egg to adult. Designed for class- | room use and adult education, the film also explains govern- ment conservation measures. Thomson Kernaghan & Co, MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPERATING DIRECT LINE ap he - MONTREAL ontario 725-1104 No Stairs To Climb RES. MGR, ERIC R, HENRY, 725-4305 START THE NEW YEAR BEST CAR BUY They just gotta go! Trade-ins on the new 63's have been so good we must lower our inventory on some of the finest used cars you'll ever see. Good,, money-saving prices too! Test drive the car you've got in mind to-day. Here's a sample of what's on our huge lot... 1962 CHEVROLET #1 air High model. 327" engine, dual exhaust, § radio, performance stick shift, 1959 CONSOL CUSTOM SEDAN with radio 1962 CORVAIR "102" ENGINE 4 speed transmission, radio 1961 CORVAIR MONZA SEDAN Automatic, radio, ete. 1957 VAUXHALL SUPER SEDAN $495 for Festive A sulphur plant official said) his firm plans to ship out 100 railway cars a month of liquid | and solidified sulphur by spring, | bow 200 cars a month by early LOADS RESTRICTED The tank cars are capable of hauling 80 tons each of liquid sulphur, but loads have been re- stricted to 70 tons until the rail- way roadbed settles. Solidified| sulphur is being shipped in gon-| doal and box cars. Sulphur comes to the plant as the gas hydrogen sulphide, and is condensed to a dark} brown liquid by water cooled tubular condensers, The liquid is stored in 500-ton capacity underground pits. CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA + PORT HOPE WHITBY . COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL entertaining extra SALE Now on at. Ba Refrigerators, Ranges, T.V., Stereo, Washers, Dryers, Water Heaters, Vacuums, Polishers, Redies, Bedroom Suites, Cheirs, Mattresses, Chesterfields, Bunk Beds, Kitehen Suites, Bed Chester- fields, Lemps, Continental Beds. Hassocks, Dividers, Pole Lamps, Tepe Recor- ders, Record Players !! lf You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! BAD BOY smite: APPLIANCES Open Night! (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-46 WM D Yon and your guests will like it extra big stock GF It's full-bodied but nea honey . aN 1960 CORVAIR SEDAN AUTOMATIC, One owner 1960 VAUXHALL SUPER SEDAN' Radio 41375 at Your Service 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN Excellent condition ........ $1195 1958 CHEVROLET DELUXE V8 automatic, radio ........ | 095 1957 OLDSMOBILE $695 Hardtop, automatic and radio 1959 BUICK HARDTOP Automatic, power steering, power brakes and radio 1955 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR $575 1958 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE "348" matic, 1955 PONTIAC HOT ROD "283" or 3 speed floor S49 5 shift . "For The Best Choice . . . Choose from the LARGEST Selection at ONTARIO Motor Sales Ltd. 140 BOND WEST 725-6507 seeeees Excellent condition. . engine, radio