traditional wreaths, holy fig-|nished room. . ures, candy canes and such. All of this isn't too exacting. ne SR raat ee it ae eel 8 ae ona on, 8 mony and attributes American, Regency or Queen which por a ary , even if Anne, does wonderfully with the|we don't make too much use of beloved old holiday decoratio%s) them, A Few Decorations Make Home Merry By ELEANOR ROSS No matter what the theme or "CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR STUDENT NURSES AT OGH The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43, presented a power sewing machine to the stu- dent nurses at the Oshawa General Hospital on Thurs- day. Mrs. Alyn Elliott, left, vice - president of the auxil- jary, and Mrs. Norman Mc- Evers, second from right, president, are seen as they donated the 'Christmas Gift" to the nurses. Miss Donna Stoughton, second from left, a first year student nurse, (Wcmen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, December 22, 1962 accepted the gift on behalf of the students. At right looking on is Mrs, George Telford, director of nursing at the hospital. --Oshawa Times Photo UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES 14TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. Following a pot luck supper and exchange of gifts, Mrs. William Kashul opened the meeting with the Scout Mothers' prayer. Mrs. Harry Boychuck gave the treasurer's report Mrs. William Sargent went to Orillia to Regional Conference. The | Cub Scout carols mber 8 at ale anor. Mrs. William Kashul closed the meeting with it Mipah. The next meeting will be January 10 at Scout hall. GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD The Women's Guild of Grace Lutheran Church December meeting was held at the home of Mrs. William Marshall. Pres- ident, Miss Carolyn Manz, opened the meeting. Mrs. Vic- tor Hartwig was in charge of devotions. The Reverend Phil- lip Fiess gave the topic, "The Meaning of Christmas." Mrs, Robert Behm read the minutes, and Mrs, William Marshall gave the treasurer's report. The officers for 1963 were installed as follows: President, Mrs. Robert Behm; vice-presi- dent, Miss Gladys Colbreay; secretary, Miss Margaret Knox; treasurer, Mrs. William Marshall, Miss Carolyn Manz past president, thanked the members for their support dur- ing 1962. A vote of thanks was express- ed to Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall for the Christmas party given in their home. : The next meeting is to be held. in the church parlors. Fruit cake slices best when it's quite cold. First refriger- ate the cake, then use a sharp, straight - edged, thin - bladed knife for cutting -- never a saw edge. Dip the knife into hot water before each cut, and slice with a slow sawing motion. Do not try to cut the cake into wafer-thin slices. STEPHEN AWAITS SANTA This sturdy young man is Stephen Albert Benjamin Bell, one-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Bell, Valencia road, Oshawa. He is the grandson of Mr. ahd Mrs. Benjamin Mitchell and great- grandson of Mrs, Jack Prat- ley, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio The Reverend Philip Romeril performed the ceremony recent- ly in Blackstock United Church when Miss June Elizabeth Werry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Werry, Nestleton, became the bride of Mr. John Herman Huider, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Crocker, Oshawa. The organist was Mrs. Gor- don Strong who also accom- panied the soloist, Mrs. G. Love, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a portrait gown designed with a_ boat neckline and a Chantilly lace bodice beaded with sequins and pearls. The silk skirt adorned with floral designs was accent- ed with sequins and formed into. a short train. Her Holly- wood bouffant veil was held by a floral tear-drop - headdress and she carried a bouquet of red and white baby roses. The bride's sister, Mrs. Rob- ert Parker, was the matron of honor with Mrs. Mervin Werry and Miss Marsha Reeb of Port Credit as the attendants, They wore gowns of red chif- fon over red taffeta with V- necklines, and street - length Huider-Werry Nuptial Rites Performed At Blackstock chrysanthemums accented by red and white flowing stream- ers. Mr. Robert Parker was the best Man with Mr. Mervin Werry and Mr. John Jeffery as ushers. The ring bearer was Master Terry Wilson of St. Catharines. The reception was held at the Recreation Centre, with the bride's mother receiving in a dress of royal blue lace with a matching cummerbund and jacket and a corsage of pink chrysanthemums. The bride groom's mother assisted in a light blue lace dress with matching jacket and a corsage of white chrysanthemums., Following the reception the Blackstock Women's Institute served a hot turkey dinner. The bride was wearing a three - piece charcoal grey double knit suit with black accessories when the bridal couple left on their honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls. . The newlyweds will be mak- ing their home in Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICES skirts. Their headdresses were white floral veils and they car- ried bouquets of red and white chrysanthemums. ~The flower- girl was Miss Susan Werry, niece of the bride. She wore a dress of white chiffon over silk with a red chiffon apron effect. Her headdress was a white floral veil and she car- ried a basket of red and white a N=) AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gordon, 765 Somerville street, will be at home to their friends, rela- tives and neighbors on Janu- and 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. MARRIAGE The marriage of Lila M. Wilson, Oshawa, and Mr. Elton A. Werry of Bowmanville was solemnized on Saturday, De- cember 22, 1962, in the chapel with the Reverend John .K ary 1, 1963, from 2.00 to 4.00|si, of Simcoe Street United Church|} The theme of the December meeting of the Duke of Edin- burgh Home and School Associ- ation was Fine Arts and the guest speaker was Miss Flor- ence Hart, supervisor of Arts and Crafts. Miss Hart was in- troduced by Mr. K. James, principal. Miss Hart stated that in teaching art in the schools, they are interested in art for everyone and do not try, in the elementary schools to produce artists, Although they do take note of the gifted, their de- velopment is left fill they reach a collegiate level. Through the art program, they try to help the child develop emotionally and mentally. As far as emotional develop- ment of children is concerned, the child is assisted in elimin- ating fears and difficulties by expressing something in a con- crete way, such as drawing on paper or by modelling out of plastic. Through the expression of what they know and under- stand in their art, students de- velop more confidence. There are certain types of art that help to release ten- sions. Working with finger THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Make good headway in busi- ness and occupational dealings now even though you may 'un into some unexpected situations. Ability to cope with change will be the criterion by which- to measure advancement. In personal relationships, be attentive to the needs of others, careful to avoid misunderstand- ings. If tomorrow is your birthday, your prospects for the vear ahead are pleasing, even if not spectacular. Opportunities will be available for improving your financial status and udvancing in your occupation -- especially during August and September-- but it will be essentiai that you be conservative and make no radical moves. A chance for travel could broaden your horizons between early. July and September, and it would be advisable to take advantage of new social con- tacts made then, since, they could eventually prove valuable from a business standpoint. Beginning with late May you enter an especially generous period where romance is con- cerned--a period which will last well into September. During August, however, do your best to avoid friction with members of your family and nervous ten- on. A child born on this day will be talented, idealistic and per- severing in his work. Adverse influences suggest extreme caution in written mat- ters and in communications generally on Monday. Other- wise, the day should be a good one for handling routine Discussion Of Fine Arts Held At Duke Of Edinburgh Meeting paints or plastic materials will help the child to relax. When he begins to see and understand a wider meaning to things that are around him, the child's imagination is de- veloping and he is also de- veloping an ability to enjoy these things. Miss Hart then explained, through the use of pictures painted by children from the kindergarten level up to Grade style of your indoor Christmas decorations the first precept; should be not to overdo, A decorated room without a theme--just a lot of greenery, wreaths, bows and lights, en- in its purpose, RELATED DESIGN The simplest of decorations, tied up in a related design, is going to please and express per- fectly the joys of the i And simplicity itself can be highiy original when handled witii taste, discrimination and artistry. Clutter is never nice and certainly not in holiday decorations, ; The furnishings and decor of the room must be taken nto consideration. MODERN DESIGN . A modern or contemporary type room should be decorated to emnhasize line and form and this can be done even with the tirely unrelated--is going to fail] toy, graciously and gracefully used. And whatever the type of room, the decorations should al-| ways be according to scale. Smail objects won't show up in mous greenery swags will over- whelm a small, gracefully fur- VISIT Sy are donee ramcemsonsssaona 6, the pattern of development. Miss Hart was thanked by Mrs. S, Lockey. The meeting was convened by Mrs. H. Knapp, Fine Arts chair- man. The business meeting was conducted by Mrs. W. Kuch, president, who welcomed the parents and read the 'Ten Commandments for Parents." The minutes were read by Mrs. W. Moring and the treasurer's report, by Mrs. S. Lotkey. A letter was read by Mrs. Kuch regarding Public Liability Insurance for the Association, pointing out that if a child were injured in any activity sponsored by Home and School, the Association could be held liable. It was decided that we investigate the possibility that we might be covered in another way (it was suggested that we might be covered through the Board of Education), and if not, that we take out this policy. Mr. James led the group in singing Christmas carols. Following the program, Mrs. Kuch announced that $220.50 had been collected from the "Every Family Donation" and thanked everyone for their sup- port and for the gifts that had been donated for the. mental patients at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby. The annual skating will be held on February at 8.00 p.m, at the Children's Arena. Our next meeting will be held in February since it was decided that the January meet- ing would not be held. Refreshments were served by Mrs, Taylor, social chairman, and her committee. matters, completing unfinished tasks, etc. Don't venture on new enterprises, however. If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, while matters may seem to be progressing slowly just now, it would be wise to keep forging ahead toward your goals, since the planetary aspects promise fine results before year's end where job matters are con- cerned, Between June and September social, romantic and domestic affairs should prove stimula:- ing, but some emotional tension is possible in August and late October, so watch your step at those times. Look for some good news in late October with re- gard to financial matters in particular. A child born on this day will considered after is proven. the very best, you. All with Sterling Si Insurance, IBABABEBABALABABABABBABABACASABABABABABABAIBIBSBMBSBABABILEBEBIBABABABasaBaBIBaBIBEsIsasasasaBsBasaBpssBasas be warm - hearted, sympathetic and extremely trustworthy. Birks Diamonds are scientifically examined for color, cutting and clarity weight is only the last factor of importance, PPUBABEBEBADIDABABASEBEBEBOBABIBABIBATEEBABEBABEBESEBEBEBEBAB the quality Birks Diamond experts visit the world markets to select bringing the top quality to Engagment Diamond Rings in Gem (best) quality from 75.00 up. Iver Presente- tion Cases and One Year Free y Moffat officiating. > & L__# 11 WIFE PRESERVER If soup is too salty, slice a raw potato into it and boil for a short time. The potato will ab- sorb some of the salt; remove potatoes and use in other dishes. TO Ancus-Graypor CARPET COMPANY ANTIQUES - & GIFTS if Fine Antiques Paintings, Wrough - Iron and Pine 216 BROCK ST. S$. WHITBY 282 King W. . 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your corpets in your home or in our, for EVERY OCCASION | @ SPECIAL OCCASIONS ® DDINGS @ ANNIVERSARIES @ BIRTHDAYS @ FREE GIFT WRAPPING Wizz LORDS 0; as & 12 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA | i SAVE! GUERNSEY GOLD In Half-Gallon PURE-PAC THROW-AWAY SAVE! Be Satisfied With Our complete line of SWEET FRESH DAIRY FOR ONLY WITH EVERY ORYER PURCHASED 6 at Gast 0 at ha et Gast bas oe 125 .». Have Santa Deliver H AN AUTOMATIC THOR NATURAL GAS CLOTHES DRYER ... To Your Home This Christmas! This Canadian-Built THOR Gas Dryer is simply pecked with features thet will save your wife thousands of un- necessary steps this cold, blustery winter. In addition, she'll enjoy the speed, convenience and savings thet only Noetural Gas Clothes Drying can offer! ... COSTS -- ONLY 2c A NORMAL LOAD! Check with SHORGAS today for full details. NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL NEXT YEAR PER WEEK ON YOUR GAS BILL 2% COSTS 4° LESS! i. SS CHECK THESE FEATURES: @ Full Washer Load Capacity @ Illuminated Control Panel @ Canadian Built PRODUCTS in all package sales, @ Vacuum Drying Principles @ High Air Velocity @ Infinite Selector Switch @ Safety Door Switch SHORGAS wa. 31 CELINA ST. (CORNER OF ATHOL & CELINA) 728-9441 Wdeal Dairy Limited QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS OSHAWA, ONTARIO aTtwor § NATURAL GAS & " the Store Or At Your Door!" DRYER CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMAN OR PHONE 728-6241 TODAY! a tele Araneta ac