mien Circuit parsonage boardjiate and Vocational Institute.|wedding anniversary of Mr. Saturday, December P arsonage Board held * quoveastal bazar in thalOahawa: wre N. E. Wright. sade ey THE AWA TO: a 22,1968 7 church basement on Nov. 28 , Holds Bazaar Prochels pained wete 6174 The Church sanctuary was| The Sunday School opening] 'The Oshawa and District(Thos, Fairbrother, Newcastle, enhanced recently by two beau-|worship led by Supt. A. J. Werry/qg as speaker, Mrs, 0. C. Ashton At Enniskill M, J, Hobbs was a guest Offtifu pots of golden chrysanthe-|contained a eee company of en the Oshawa Board of Education A b roi W ee a story which tied in)» atts on Christmas decora-\/" 'Me of Mrs, A. By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN/at the official opening of thelfamilies who 6 a ae dared ee itadaicas tocar Blanchard of Hampton attend- ENNISKILLEN -- The Ennis- new R. S. McLaughlin Colleg- isbn tions in Northminster United/eq this interesting work confer- I Church recently with Mrs.\ence, ; "WZ Christmas GREETINGS To One and All! ! Bi dS fe ES We're wishing you an old- fashioned Christmas filled with @ joy and happiness for your Merry Christmas whole family. Our warm thanks to all! | TO ALL Customers and Friends DIXON'S | Toms coer The Robert Dixon Co. Ltd. 313 ALBERT STREET 723-4663 SS eee 15 BOND ST. EAST 723-1821 IN PRISON 47 YEARS Picture of himself as a gro- friends. Pethic, now 68, was for slaying. At the time he cery delivery -boy in 1915 is released from Statesville Pen- was senior among Illinois pris- shown by William Russell itentiary today after 47 years oners for length of time serv- Pethic, Friday to Chicago in prison--result of conviction ed. --(AP Wirephoto) Some Newsprint Mills week ; , May Cut P ti a =| Waumemege | | ay Cut Production & ore GudBlessBoue MONTREAL (CP) -- New/pers taking a total 6,000 tons of;period and 1.2 per cent ahead York's riewspaper strike means|newsprint monthly from the Ke-'of the previous record set in a loss of about 20,000 tons of{nogami and Riverbend mills|1960, reaching 5,136,638 tons. 3 . , a: : ' newsprint sales a week, news-|have cancelled this month's or-|-- eee --~ , . 4 j j | , : print industry sources say. ders. | j _ = ; sie # } 4 : j Tl a They said Friday that this is} C. Cameron Brown, Price @ } ef coat 20 per "Hg . eon Ca-| Brothers vice-president, said the! : 4 , 3 Be ! nadian newsprint siipments [0| cancellation will mean a re | . ¢ : ey oer the United States, but few-mills| tie | May the Spiritual Truth of This report a clear picture of the erage a -- but no lay- S ' & y fect of the strike. . eee Pee We've filled Santa's sleigh with our very best 4 Fs Holy Season Bring You and Yours However, they say that if the Price Brothers produces about istm ' mi H a Sat eas. nd esl "en su ue sould ie pity rigs as pool ge ng i u a i ' c . Hi a happy one for all. Lasting Peace, Jo and Happiness | y i have to cut production. The ' sage keg soenth tT NOTKINE Gays Off 2) EANERS ond LAUNDERERS One industry spokesman said|™°"'- Ses the strike affects most seriously} yew yoRK (AP) -- U.S Re ee cuRE | rf JOYOUS GREETING the so - called captive mills aniansiok pansanmtion bi et BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO | 5 i ' which produce almost solely for|o°7 hions 'both Phage ft Tec] Curtains, Drapes, Blonkets, Rugs |) HOUSTON"S ' : , me See fear er la Aes wesc] GRHAWAS ONY |! Men' | FITTINGS LTD.( iste ute rh tors Pe see, teva] UMontzeDsnor || Men's and Boys' Wear TEXACO SERVICE | : which supplies the New York|-unlishers Associstion said 20| 723-4631 36 KING ST. EAST = DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 135 BRUCE ST OSHAWA 723-3433 Deity. Nows,o0: creuen Falls|shead of the comparable 1961| 50 MILL AND OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 67 KING STREET WEST ° sing, Ont., half of whose pro- duction goes to the New York Times. NOT A CALAMITY } "it is hard to assess the ef- fect," one official said. "It is important, but not a calamity." Dominion Tar said that in ad- dition to loss on the New York market, its sales afte affected by another newspaper strike in Cleveland, but so far no close- down has been necessary. Consolidated Pulp and Paper) said its loss so far has amounted to 4,000 tons, out of a monthly output of 260,000, mainly be- cause its clients are not con-) centrated in the New York area. | / Some mills are feeling the : pinch because of a shortage of) storage space. This is particu-, FROM THE larly so at Bowater's agp Man t t Paper in Liverpool, N.S., and d S ff the Bowater Mill at Corner agemen an a Brook, Nfld. QUEBEC (CP)--Price Broth- ers and Company Limited said Friday that New York newspa- ead EXTENDS BAR HOURS -- They're ae ae ere RESTAURANT fy Prisine Contd Bernard J. O'Connell said any | We Will Be Closed ballroom, dance hall, cabaret or catering establishment wishing Christmas and Boxing Day to remain open past the 4 a.m.| deadline may do so by obtaining a special permit. FRIENDLY "For Unto You , ie a od Lie | 3 ' ! Bom Thisdoy, |] eee ~ A, CHRISTMAS | OUR FRIENDLIEST a GREETINGS || YULETIDE WISHES City of David ey Saviour, With gratitude for your loyal WHICH IS friendship and support, we CHRIST God grant you at Christmas the extend our warmest wishes for THE LORD" exceeding great joy the shepherds | a very cheery holiday season. b sch ; {e) (LUKE 2:11) felt as they beheld the Star. Y' U OUF est wis' eS. N. FE. SWEET COMPANY LTD. || SMITH's BEVERAGES || FVELEIGH'S CLEANERS ROY W. NICHOLS NORVAL E, SWEET, President (PEPSI-COLA) & LAUNDERERS © COURTICE BOW MANVILLE OSHAWA ||! OSHAWA 50 MILL STREET OSHAWA 723-3461 ® BOWMANVILLE wy - | 5 One of the joys of the Christmas season is the opportunity to extend to all of | HL