Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1962, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, December 22, 1962 | GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN NEW YORK (AP)--Favorable CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND RESPONSE GOOD Herbert G. Chesebrough, City welfare administrator, re- emphasized today what he has said previously about people who may be in need at Christmas. Such cases should be re- ported to the Christmas Cheer Fund--telephone 8-7525 --whose headquarters is at Simcoe Hall on Simcoe street south, Mr. Chesebrough repeated also that the Fund is inter- ested primarily in assisting two groups--jobless persons or persons in the low-income brackets, All on City reli are automatically taken care of, He said that contributions this year had been heavy, especially from church groups, some of whom have arranged to entertain fam- ilies for Christmas dinner. Oshawa' Christmas Cheer Fund, incidentally, is an affiliate of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest. HERBERT CHESEBROUGH Its history dates back to the early 1930's wh@r it started to serve the needy, especially in the depression years. THE MIRACLE OF THE KING ST. TRACKS Santa has not forgotten Oshawa. He has given the City its most important community gift in many years. The news out of Queen's Park, Toronto, midnight Wed- nesday confirmed this. It was overwhelming, enough to cause the citizenry to bring out the champagne bottles and start celebrating without further ado. 'che Legislature gave third and final reading to the City of Oshawa Private Bill to, legalize payment of compensation to the three Oshawa firms that use the controversial King street CNR tracks (Lander Coal Co. Ltd., McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Ltd., and Bathe and McLellan Building Sup- plies Ltd.) The three firms will each receive approximately $10,000 after the tracks" removal is ordered by the Board of Trans- port Commissioners (which is but a legal formality) -- T. D. "Tommy" Thomas (who helped steer the bill through the House) once said that it would have cost the City at least $600,000 "' not so many years ago" to effect the tracks re- moval, Mayor Christine Thomas told the Board of Transport Commissioners hearing last April that the taxpayers of Osh- awa were constantly "subsidizing" the three user-firms (Lan- ders, McLaughlins and Bathe and McLellan) because of the year-round road repair bill required for King street. City Solicitor E. G. McNeely said that the original agree- ment between the Town of Oshawa and the Oshawa Railway in 1893 demafided that the town raise $15,000 in debentures to enable the ORC to construct the track. No unruly disturbances have been reported since this historic announcement, but we keep looking toward the tracks each hour with anticipation (no doubt with the secret hope that some irate but overjoyed citizen will go out with a pick- axe and start chopping things up). It seems incredible, doesn't it, that Oshawa should be reaching the end of such an important era finally ? 'What era? Why the King street CNR tracks era, of course. Even the super-pessimists, the die-hards who like to paint black pictures, are finally convinced that the days are num- bered and it's about time. For too many years the tracks were symbolic of the municipal illness of this community--they also repre- sented a political football that could, and did, play cruel tricks with the hopes of civic-minded groups pri- marily interested in the wel- fare of the community. It was just about one year ago that a concentrated ef- fort was started officially and behind the scenes (one of many in the past 30 years) to spur on the tracks' re- moval. This event was signalled herein December 6, 1961, by the first of several articles on the subject (the behind- the-curtains influence of Ly- man Gifford over a lengthy period, as a constant, prod- ROD KERR ding negotiator who would never admit defeat, was acknowl- edged). There were other efforts by the citizenry, all in a surrep- titious way, directed towards one goal -- to bring the ques- tion of the tracks removal to a head, regardless of. what legal means were used, and some of the more prominent names in this regard were Donald Dodds, Russell Murphy, Dean Kelly (the one-man propaganda machine), and Alderman Edgar F. Bastedo, to name a few; even the Oshawa C of C finally got down to brass tacks and did some lobbying after originally getting off on the wrong (King street CNR) tracks by adopting a negative approach that consisted of sitting idly on the sidelines to see which way the wind was blowing. The Chamber needed only 24 hours to correct this policy, thanks to some well-known prodding. The advancement of the King street tracks case to this desirable stage, after so many years of frustration, repre- sents a co-operative effort by many people, despite the per- sonal claims of some individuals that they alone were primar- ily responsible for the amazing progress made. The big job was to get City Council moving -- the great majority of councillors had been apathetic, indifferent to an approach to the three firms, despite some subtle prodding by Rod Kerr of the Board of Transport Commissioners, Council pretty well dropped this attitude when a strong suggestion was made in some local quarters that the entire matter should become a municipal election issue, Let the people decide, they said. J. H. Spicer, Toronto area manager of the CNR (whose jurisdiction includes Oshawa), said Friday that arrange- ments had almost been completed for the start of construc- tion of the new unloading yard at Athol and Mary streets. He was in the process of getting the agreement executed by the three user-firms and regarded this as "only a formality". He said that the yard could be ready for use in about seven days after the papers were finalized. KING ST. RAIL TRAFFIC DECLINES Speaking of railway traffic on those controversial CNR King street tracks -- only 3 trains used it in October last and 6 in November, which is an all-time low, according to CNR officials here. Year totals to date: were not available today, but to give an idea of the decline in rail traffic of late, there were a total of 710 cars over the line in 1949 and 119 cars in U.S. business signs added glit- ter to the pre-Christmas week. They weren't sparkling enough to indicate that 1962 is going to end on anything near a boom note but they did bolster feelings that moderate improve- ment will carry into 1963. Statistics which showed a gain or a steady tone covered retail sales, automobile sales, the gross national product, durable goods orders, housing starts and industrial production. And it was a week in which keen attention was focused on labor-management with news- paper strikes hanging on in New York City and Cleveland, a Longshoremen's strike threat- ened on the East and Gulf coasts, and Kaiser Steel Corp. and the Steelworkers Union signing a unique agreement in- tended to ease the impact of automation. Christmas buying pepped up in the closing stretch. The Na- tional Retail Merchants Associ- ation reported that. storekeepers were encouraged in their hopes that record 1961 volume would be exceeded. Favorable Signs In U.S. Business A survey of 1,00 industrial buyers indicated expectations that business will be slightly better in 1963 than in 1962 but that the rate of growth will not match this year. Auomobile production this week totalled an estimated 165,- 000 passenger cars, compared with 176,244 last week--highest since January 1960--and 149,285 a year ago. The cutback re- sulted mainly from a sharp re- duction in overtime due to the approach of Christmas: Another decline in steel pro- duction was registered last week, when output amounted to 1,832,000 tons, off 1.4 per cent from the previous week. Pan-American World Airways and Trans Worls Airlines pro- posed to merge, creating the biggest domestic airline with 80,000 system miles. Cold Weather Bullfight Automobile sales for the first! Rages 10 days of December hit a rec.| OTTAWA (CP)--A hot bull. ord for the period. Dealers de-|fight raged in the east end of livered 171,500 domestic passen-|the capital in 10 - below - zero |ger cars against 148,600 a year|weather Friday. | earlier. A truck flipped on its side on Frederick Donner, chairmanjfrosty pavement with these 'e- phe pS By PETER DUNN Canadian Press Staff Writer Investors appeared too preoc- cupied with Christmas prepara- tions to give much thought to Canadian stock markets this week. The result was a string of dreary performances, dwindling volumes and sidling prices. At Toronto, daily trading fig- ures sagged below mid-summer levels, averaging only about 2,- 00,000 shares. Most of the action was chan- nelled into blue chip issues, with banks leading the way. All five chartered banks had gains rang- ing from Royal's fractional rise to : climb of almost $2 in Mont- real, Utilities showed mild strength, Buying in B.C. Power which | |gained slightly at $19.62 on heavy turnover was spurred by speculation that an out-of-court settlement may be near in the company's long-standing dispute with the British Columbia gov- ernment over expropriation of B.C. Electric, the company's main operating subsidiary. Tor- onto analysts, however, feel no deficit of $18,200,000 'as Wore ber bringing the deficit for the Nol ol yl tt eke Pew | Dreary, Dwindling Market Volumes eased .10 to 187.61 and western oils .96 to 114.69. Volumes at Montreal: indas- trials, 593,709 shares compared with 625,276 last week; mines, 1,922,180 shares compared with 2,711,834, : On index at Montreal, indus- trials gained .3 to 113.8, utilities 1.0 to 108.5, banks 2.4 to 124.4 and composite .7 to 114.0. Papers dropped 1.0 to 93.9. - Budget Deficit $18,200,000 For November OTTAWA (CP)--The federal government had a tary first eight months of the cur- rent fiscal year to $105,200,000 compared with one of $304,600, 000 in the corresponding period of last year. In his regular statement of such settlement is in sight. the government's financial op. Power Corporation also drew|¢rations for November, Finance a flurry of excitement with an.|Minister Nowlan reported: rev- nouncement of a proposed 10-|enues of $471,200,000 and expen- for-one stock split along with a'ditures of $489,400,000. The $18,- dividend boost. The stock{200,000 deficit for November touched a 1962 high of $81,50,|his year compared with a def- icit of $93,600,000 in November, |of General Motors Corp., pre-| |dicted that 1963 could be about jas good an automobile sales year--near 7,000,000. Chrysler} Corp.'s president, Lynn Town-| jsend, also predicted a banner year for 1963. | Commerce Secretary Luther} |Hodges reported the gross na-| | tional product--total of all goods and services--is expected to ex-} jceed in the current quarter an| jannual rate of $560,000,000,000. |This would bring the year's total to $554,000,000,000, up seven| jper cent over 1961. | But he said the pace is not! | satisfactory and a tax reduction) jis needed for stimulation of business. Housing starts in November} }remained about steady with the) |October rate. | Production of factories, mines] and utilities in November held) at a record level for the fourth! jconsecutive month. | sults: Five bulls and several calves escaped from the truck and scattered in all directions. Driver Jean Pierre Champagne of Ottawa tried frantically to corral his herd, but was struck a glancing blow to the head by a high-kicking bull. The truck skidded into a hy- dro pole, snapping several wires. Gasoline began leaking from the truck, with loose wires swinging dangerously close. A police car arrived and was almost rammed by a bull. Mr. Champagne was taken to hospi- tal and treated for minor injur- les. cleaned up the pool of gasoline. Ottawa hydro linemen arrived and disconnected the loose wires. Abattoir employees ar- rived and rounded up four bulls and the calves. Residents of the area went back to bed. The fifth bull is still missing. WEATHER FORECAST Forecasts issued by the Tor- onto weather office at 4:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Winter's official ar- rival this morning was marked by northerly gales and sharply dropping temperatures over the Prairies in the wake of a dis- turbance moving rapidly across the Dakotas towards southern Ontario As snow tapers off to flurries in southern Ontario to- day rather mild temperatures will mark the first day of win- ter in Ontario, but the frigid weather over the Prairies will spread to Northern Ontario dur-| ing the day and reach southern} Ontario Sunday. Strong northern winds and) snowflurries will. accompany} the return of colder weather to southern Ontario and squalls will develop in the snow belt near Lake Huron. } Lake St. Clair, Lake Huron,} Lake Erie, Georgian Bay re- gions, Windsor, London: snow tapering off to flurries this morning, then mainly cloudy and rather mild, with snow) again tonight changing to flur-| ries Sunday morning. Local snowsqualls developing Sunday afternoon, much colder Sunday. | Winds light, becoming southerly |20 this evening and northerly |25 to 40 Sunday morning. | Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali- |burton regions, Hamilton Tor-| jonto; hazardous driving warn-| ing in effect. Snow tapering off | to flurries this afternoon but an- other period of snow tonight, changing to flurries Sunday) morning. Turning much colder Sunday. Winds light, becoming' southwest 20 tonight and north- west 25 to 40 Sunday morning. Algoma, Timagami, southern White River, Cochrane regions, North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. |Marie: Cloudy with snowflur- ries and milder today, turning much colder tonight. Variable) Snow, Colder Firemen arrived and| Mr. and Mrs. Mike Prevost and 14 of their 18 children pose on the stairway of a tempor- ary home. A pre-dawn fire FIND TEMPORARY HOME destroyed their farmhouse Thursday forcing them out with only the clothes on their backs. Firemen believe the blaze started in a chimney. and spread through the house while the Prevost's slept. --(CP Wirephoto) Second By RUSSELL ELMAN OTTAWA (CP)--The Board of Broadcast Governors says it is willing to consider applications by the CBC for reserving chan- jnels for second television sta- jtions in certain areas. However, the board is not prepared to outline a long-run policy with respect to the li- censing of additional stations to the CBC, This was stated Friday in a policy statement on the exten- TV Stations Okay In Some Areas |publicly - owned CBC and the|second local station in all Cana- privately-owned CTV television dian centres now served by one networks offered earlier pros-|station. pects of extending service in| The CCG listed Quebec City some areas. Such network re- as the only remaining "'single \lay stations might also extend : lsome service to isolated or re-|Station" market which can def- mot: s where. TV channels initely support a second station. pt Seuiasle ee:F. en *| Renewed applications by the The BBG, regulatory body | CBC and a private group for es- for broadcasting in Canada, did) not appear to favor extension| of alternative service by means of rebroadcasting outlets of ex-| isting stations in other cities. | uage station will be heard at were denied and that of the \tablishing a second French-lan- the January hearing. Previously jin Quebec, decisions on appli- cations by private interests sion of alternative television) The board's statement said|CBC reserved. ; {closed at $81 for a gain of $1.50. Steels added some life to the listless market. Page - Hersey Tubes climbed about $2. Talk jthat the company had received a takeover off from Steel Com. pany of Canada, was denied by Page-Hersey officials. Stelco itself had a good week, gaining $1 on brisk turnover, after declaring a dividend in. crease. OILS WEAK Refining oils and pipelines were a weakening influence. _ Gunnar Mining again high. lighted the base metals board-- not with its market perform- ance, but as a result of the con- tinuing battle for control of the company. Presiden Joseph LaBine mailed shareholders a summary of financial details in his com. pany's plan to acquire McNa. mara Corporation. His uncle, Charles LaBine, dissident Gun- nar director, continued his at- tempt to block the merger by firing out a letter of his own urging shareholders not to ac. proxies to be voted against. it. cept the move and asking for On the week, Gunnar stock During Sunday service in Canada. The statement also declared that because of limitations on the national advertising revenues available, conditions in the smaller markets do not, with one or two possible ex- ceptions, offer the prospect of further 'second' local stations at this time. MAY EXPAND The board said the operation of network relay stations by the GIFT RECORD - $1,007.50 EACH A phonograph record of the late Georges Enesco conducting his first and sec- ond Rumpanian Rhapsodies (is priced at $1,007.50. For a luxury gift market, only 100 were produced. It's music to your ears -- the extra cash you get by using fast-action Oshawa Times Classified Ads to sell the worthwhile articles around your home you no longer need. To reach buyers fast, dial 723-3492 «and get your money-making ad started to- day. Wingham .essecsees Hamilton St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton .... Killaloe .. Muskoka . North Bay ....... Sudbury Earlton ...... sevsee 10 Kapuskasing ...... 0 White River ...... -10 Moosonee .. see -10 Timmins Mount Forest Observed Temperatures Low Overnight, High Friday Dawson 10 16 Victoria ... 49 Edmonton . 37 Regina 32 Winnipeg 29 Lakehead Sault Ste. Marie .. White River ... Kapuskasing . North Bay . Sudbury . Muskoka Windsor . London .... Toronto Ottawa .soccccsers Montreal ......0+. Quebec we dropped about $1, Its trading |this "'would create unfair com- petition between the local sta- tion and the station operating the rebroadcasting facilities, would prejudice the primary service, and could easily im-| pede the establishment of a) "second" local station at the) appropriate time." | IS THE TIME At public hearings beginning| here Jan. 15, the board is to| hear an application by a priv-|§ To have that carpet or chest- ate group to set-up a rebroad.i§f erfield cleaned professionally in leasting station in Brandon,|f Oshawa's Original Carpet {Man., to pick up programs em- Cleaning Centre . . . where janating from CJAY-TV in Win-} nipeg, a CTV affiliate. The ex-|f °u"e¢: isting Brandon station is a CBC Phone 728-4681 affiliate. | rosy cuss | NU"WAY The board, however, says it RUG CO. LTD. has set in motion studies to! determine and to protect, allo-| cation of channels so as to en-| 174 MARY ST. sure ultimate provision of a} fully guaranteed satisfaction is ff) pace slowed somewhat from the hectic clip of past weeks. Oils eased in lacklustre trading; golds were practically less; speculatives showed noth- jing notable. Volume at Toronto was 10,- 812,155 shares compared with 12,519,982 last week. Dollar vol- jume was $34,775,735 compared with $39,423,063. On index at Toronto, indus- trials rose 5.45 to 570.58 and golds 83 to 6.01, Base metals 1961. In the House of Commons Oct. 22, Mr. Nowlan made a revised forecast of a $570,000,000 deficit at the end of the fiscal year next March 31, based on cut- backs in government spending and imposition of tariff sur- charges as part of the emer- gency program undertaken in June to improve Canada's for- eign exchange and balance of payments position. Revenues for the first eight months of the fiscal year to- talled $3,829,100,000 and expendi- tures were $3,934,300,000. In the April-November period of 1961, revenues were $3,700,200,000 and expenditures $4,004,800,000. November collections of per- sonal income tax amounted to $143,800,000 this year compared with $146,800,000 in November, 1962. Corporation tax collections dropped to $83,400,000 from $94,- 600,000. The national defence and de- fence production departments spent $128,500,000 in November this year compared with $137,- 800,000 in November, 1961. WILL BUILD FACTORIES KEY WEST, Fla. (AP)--Ha- vana radio said Monday 16 new industrial factories from social- ist. countries. will. be_installed:in Cuba next year. The broadcast monitored here said the an- nouncement was made by Mig- uel Lianeras Rodriguez, an of- ficial of the industries ministry, who arrived from Prague Sun- day. COMING EVENTS WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26 CLUB BAYVIEW Early Bird Games Jackpots -- 55-52 | FIRST TIME Halifax CALL US aa eS HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL CLEAN - SAFE - DEPENDABLE PHONE 723-4663 Serving Oshawa Over 50 Years cloudiness with snowflurries and very cold Sunday. Winds light, becoming northerly 25 to 40 tonight and Sunday. Northern White River region: Cloudy with snowflurries and| turning colder today. Mainly| clear, much colder tonight and/ Sunday. Winds light, becoming) northerly 20 to 30 by this eve-| ning. Low tonight, high Sunday: | Windsor .. 15 20 | | St. Thomas 20 25 |London .... 25 porweaname. 25 | | SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gos ler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 | Forecast Temperatures | It CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE Christmas Garbage Collection Christmas Day (Tuesday, December 25th) and Boxing Day (Wednesday, December 26th) are Civic Holidays in the City of Oshawa and there will be no garbage collection in Oshawa on these two days. Resid whose | Garbage Coll Day is Tuesdoy or Wednesday cre asked to observe the following changes of schedule: Garbage normally collected on TUESDAY will be collected Thursday, December 27. Garbage normally collected on WEDNESDAY will be col- lected Friday, December 28. NEW YEAR'S DAY GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be NO GARBAGE COLLECTION on New Year's Day (Tuesdey, January 1). Garbage normally collected on TUES- DAY will be collected on WEDNESDAY, January 2. Garbage must be out by 8:00 A.M. to avoid being missed, as the time of collection may vary becouse of the revised schedules, Alderman Walter R. Branch Chairman, Board of Works. AVAILABLE HAVE YOU AN AUTO =| INSURANCE 'U PROBLEM? Regardless of age or driving record, as long as you have a drivers' license, we can provide insurance for your auto IMMEDIATELY! Monthly Payments Available © Call Us For Fast Service @ NOTICE TO... @ CAR DEALERS @ CAR SALESMEN @ FINANCE COMPANIES WE INSURE THE CAR WITHIN 24 HOURS You Are Safer with ... SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED 360 KING WEST PHONE 723-2265 © Don Ellison @ Gerty Osborne © Ralph Schofield @ Reg Aker Spec! es Watch Wednesday Paper NEW YEARS EVE BALL DEC. 31st DANCING 9 to 2 Novelties, Refreshments, BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, DEC, 22nd 7:30- P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 1 -- $150 Jackpot te go 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go [Children Under 16 Not Admitted. $5 PER COUPLE CALL 728-8085 IST. JOHN'S HALL Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay | 31 BLOOR EAST 1 i POLISH 219 OLIVE CHRISTMAS DANCE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 8 P.M. HALL AVENUE Dancing for Young and Old Supplied by TERRY AND THE LINCOLNAIRES | _Refreshments -- Semi-Formal -- $3.00 per Couple FREE KINSMEN ADMISSION FREE BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26th, 8 P.M. 20 -- $20 GAMES $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 Fuil Card 5 -- $30 Games; 2 -- $250 Jackpots JACKPOT NOS. 51 AND 56 EARLY BIRD GAMES --- EXTRA BUSES -- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS DANCING THIS SATURDAY NIGHT at the DNIPRO-UKRAINIAN HALL 681 EDITH STREET 1 Block East of Ritson and Bloor -- Modern Donce Hall Good Orchestra -- Refreshment Counter Open EVERYONE WELCOME

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