12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, December 22, 1962 GROSBEAKS REST . FLOODS HIT PATRAS ge Ee Focmor Eaton [eStats S22 Reet rece mz 2 DST. MARK'S ANGLICAN CHURCH] THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA i + persons from their homes Mon- Stevenson Rd. North on Beurling Ave. 4 a Of P . ~ in -- igh eats eek ot ML Metatchaen wicked day night in Patras, Greece's Rev. A. Woolcock -- 728-3055 KNOX ' ST: LUKE S ST. PAUL b} rovince Syd Scott joined The Province|it clean of berries and then|third largest port. Violent rain- SIMCOE ST. NORTH Rossland: Rd. W. at Nipigon KING ST. E. & WILSON s as assistant city editor follow-|flew on. The birds are disting-|storms caused the floods, and HUR CH S CH OOL (Four blocks from King) nf Rev. D. A. P. Allen, MA. T.C.D. Dies At Home ing service overseas during the|uished by a yellow band at the|rains continued today. No dead 9.30 A.M.--C U fa Minister: : ey ss es pee bac - : First World War and a brief|tip of their tail feathers. or injured were reported. ne -- -- MA, Po! ' Miraater VANCOUVER (CP) -- Syd.jterm as city editor of the old Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.LiC.M. : ney D. Scott, 72. who retived| Vancouve> World: e = §% 8.00 A.M.-11.00 A.M.-7.00 P.M. 11:00 AM. @s managing editor of The| He was appointed managing : CHRISTMAS FAMILY | <= ss ------ -- Province 14 years ago, died editor of The Province in 1942, COU RTICE CHARGE z Nursery facilities ot 11;00 A.M. Service 11 AM. ee SERVICE Finst Seve or Faeries ma atloae Bak Cli owned "CHRISTMAS oa ' fered cst ngg ted cnasien Vancouver pioneer Will Dalton, CHRISTMAS SERVICES % Fs WORSHIP" ee a ee for several : survives. The New Junior Choir will : -M, 3 Syd pe: Rig born April 3, CHRISTMAS EVE i art dace fhege cig kc oN 8:00. P.M Special Anthem by Junior and er page Hannah nel os ig 4 oy Candlelight Service Sra gonna sn neal ean 7:00 P.M.--EBENEZER UNITED OSHAWA SUBURBAN UNITED CHURCHES §)% * % ®roadsost over ck. OTE! : inducted by The Breakfast (Nursery Core Provided) -- newspaper family, he moved to| GOTEBERG, Sweden (Reut- CHRISTMAS DAY ; REV. JOHN PORTER; MINISTER 7 P.M. a7, 'Cb st Vy Am--Sundy School British Columbia in 1910 when|®s)--Two Swedish state rail - "CANDLELIGHT AND + OR eat Satay Shoot his father, Dr. $. D. Scott, took|"084 engineers were convicted 9:30---COURTICE UNITED WESTMINSTER -- 9:30 A.M. CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE EVERYONE WELCOME Corol Service... « Ree ae etter ne Yoncouver|Christmas train last year and 11:00 A.M.--MAPLE GROVE UNITED one Se eee eg who for 20 years was editor of/fiVen_# suspended sentence SOUTHMINSTHER -- 10:30 A.M. the Saint John Sun. later be{ Monday... SoD Dia DeBRDN Cedor St, S. (South of Wentworth) came editor of The Province. SOR UNE EN --11: _M. With Syd came his twin CEDARDALE -- 11:30 A.M ae ag Oa ier many THE FAMILY. BIBLE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Simcoe St. S. at 401 HOUR 8 INFANTS AND LITTLE CHILDREN CARED FOR IN NURSERY Loe Legend ene Proyince. C.RA. BUILDING -- 100 GIBB STREET | CHRISTMAS hy Prolted g pe Richoy 24, 11 P.M. A brother, Gordon, is senior cKie bie. i350 pov acllgecre gang ca Mod SUNDAY, DEC. 23, 11:00 A.M. - : Morley, is a senior officer of Cama gtr vain de] CHRISTIAN UE (ale PRESENTED. BY THE 4{BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH George Spencer, lives in Van- ere CHILDREN OF OUR SCHOOL OF 8 Postor: REV. G. A. CARROLL TELEPHONE 728-2426 * 4s ' "7:00 P.M.--SPECIAL MUSICAL NIGHT Hebron Christian Orange Temple 11 Bruce St. RELIGION ne An sight | | Special Numbers By: : Reformed Church |)" sunoay services |p Ki ror bate ee Semone, eG One block north of highway 2 on || fe ° Mrs. L. Wall rege sao mm mH TOO A.M. |i The Baha'i World Faithis"" * cise tac win o rlenss orcresro Church of the "Bock to God Hour" 10:00 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, 9:15 p.m., CKLB. || AND ivi ee 4 11:00 A.M.--PRAISE AND WORSHIP eer: re _ |@ Divine Spirit, in sincere prayer, enters through thes Saatis A Nema AbOVe: Every Nome" SERVICE SUNDAY, DEC. 23 7:00 P.M. il unobstructed channels of the soul, permeating more@|@ Soloist: Mr. George Datemon We Preach Jesus Christ -- {jg ON more the cells of the being, until they become'| 10:00 A.M. H | REV. JOHN: VANFARELEN | te ee radiant with light and power, truly a temple of God.&| { i A Cordial Invitation To All. a ' MR. Leetat int SALOMONS i} REV. 1. & WILKINS (Minister) | For furthe: information write: j KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY --s&) 611 KING ST. WEST SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL cHURCH "SPIRITUALISTS" GRACE SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Pastor | REV. R. A. BOMBAY, PASTOR THE | 725-1661 Residence Church 728-5371 POISE SN GS een : se PSYCHIC SCIENCE | LUTHERAN FAREWELL SERVICES AT 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. for H | | ® 7:00 P.M. -- CHRISTMAS PLAY ees beta: mah | RRRCH CT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRESENTED BY. OUR YoUNes PeneUl | REV. AND MRS. CALVIN BOMBAY ve. wa ie : " " Sunday, Dec. 23 Crone. Pre Fes Minter "s sedeaies tye Th Mth Cth The Fit Church ot Cv Scientist B LIND BARTI MAEUS" Christ | RECEPTION AND PRESENTATION! AT 8:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. : seeaiaices se a ar spectan: Guang Rl eats ake wie | PARTICIPATING IN THESE SERVICES WILL BE Cloi vice Mc. Pam, Mee, Cro, i anit) sti SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. =. "pu Pastor Wk be fete ke & REV. JIM MONTGOMERY, Youth Director P.A.O.C.. Mrs, Hearn cna mee ! sien Ie "IS THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING MAN, _ 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL | REV. TOM JOHNSTON, Gen. Supt. of P.A.O.C. : EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" 11:00 A.M. PASTOR'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE eis DIVINE WORSHIP : A ao T New Friends and Enquirers | WED. SENVICE Unchides Testimonies) @ P.M : PEACE ON EARTH--A FARCE OR A FORCE REV. GEO. UPTON, Missionary, Sec. P.A.0.C. 6.30 P.M. Ss ised N ~--Tiny Tots Church in Both Servi veer CHILDREN'S SERVICE cs agate Rag HOURS As OF an oe : FRIENDS OF THIS COUPLE ALL INVITED Prag elgg 5 Rev, Philip Fiess | ease ee THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM | m De SIL Before 1962 becomes history we would like to The Directors, Management and Staff of Schofield-Aker Limited wish you and yours A Happy Christmas and A New Year that lives up to all your hopes. take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Oshawa and District for the support you have given us in 1962. Your acceptance of our services in all depart- ments has made this an outstanding yeor -- Le over one thousand NEW clients favored us with their business during the year. Sincerely Reg. Ghar President REG. AKER ons BILL McFEETERS President ; : : Vice President 4 SCHOFI 'DON ELLISON sa RALPH SCHOFIELD N ELLIS HENRY STINSON state REAL ESTATE SERVICES: MEMBERS OF: OTHER SERVICES: setet General Insurance @ Purchase and Sole of -- -- Real Fire, Auto, Accident --Residential Property Outeito: Aamicletina of , Liability, Boiler, etc. --Commercial Property Real Estate Boards Life Insurance : --Industrial Property Canadian Association of ---- ef ble a Real Estate Boards ortgage Insurance --Building Lots Ochewe and Diticies and Planned Programs --Farms and Acreage Insurance Agents Association Life Insurance @ Appraise ; Mortgages ppraisals Ontario Insurance Agents Association N.H.A. Loans, Conventions Loans, Ontario Mortgage Brokers Ist and 2nd Mortgages @ Property Management Association, Arranged @ Leasing of Property "Over A Quarter Century of Service" GERRY OSBORNE KEN HOCKIN y alta lh LES HALL | Insurance Life Insurance (Bowmanville) "= Real Estate Real 'bdod Mice We Have A Staff of 17 Exclusive Agents for: svsmmnenemncenreerenncemecwmemenamenonas ff AA | f (Cf) smensimenmmarcmenmemtimesaiata and 4 Telephone Lines | ie Wicks tie ui Ske Radin oiane Cee BEAU VALLEY and 360 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE.723-2265 GOVERNOR MANSIONS PAVED PARKING FOR OVER 150 CARS