Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1962, p. 5

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WHITBY BOY EARNS QUEEN SCOUT AWARD Ronald Crabble, 609 Harriet street, was one of the proud- est fathers in Whitby Wed- mesday night as he watched his son, Laird, 15, receive the highest award a Boy Scout can earn. Laird, a Grade 11 student at Henry Street High School and a member of the First Whitby Scout Troop for four years, is shown at left, as his Scoutmaster and Assis- tant District Commissioner of the Whitby District Boy Scout Association, Ted Markwick pins the Queen Scout hadge on his sleeve, --Oshawa Times Photo SHOW NO MERCY Crackdown On Drinking Drivers With two long weekends com- ing up both Chief George Rankine of the Whitby Town Police and Sergeant Charles Hefferon of the Whitby Detach- ment, Ontario Provincial Police, urge district drivers to exert even more care than usual in the coming days. Sgt. Hefferon says that all highways in the area will be carefully patrolled by the men of his detachment during the Christmas season and drivers who have imbibed too freely will be taken from the roads in the interest of safety. Chief Rankine also says that no half measures will be taken with drivers who have taken too: much to drink and that no mercy will be shown. He says that the full staff of the depart- "This is also the season of the office party," Sgt. Hefferon notes, "and I warn again that alcohol and gasoline make a poor mixture for the highways." His men have instructions to dis- regard the Christmas spirit when it comes to public safety and erring motorists may find themselves eating a Christmas dinner with new found friends in the county jail. Chief Rankine wishes all a Merry Christmas and reminds drivers that if they are in any doubt as to their ability to drive after the round of festivities they should leave the car and take taxis. Sgt. Hefferon joins with the chief in wishing all a Merry Christmas and by that means all motorists, not just the ment will be on the watch in town, survivors of highway crashes. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Welling and family are spending the weekend in West Hill visiting Mrs. Welling's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roberts. Dr. Howard Hazell, of Strat- ford, former Whitby resident, visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pringle, Brock street south and called on other relatives in town Wed- nesday. Shari, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robson, is celebrat- ing her llth birthday today. Guests attending her party are: Arlene and Bonnie Harrison, Donna Barter, Mary Moly- meaux, Susan Nightingale and Shari's brother, Derek. Mrs. Evelyn Weeks, 630 Centre street north, entertain- ed the members of Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 at their Christmas party. Games were enjoyed and exchange of gifts. A hot turkey supper was served by the hostess assisted by her sister, Mrs. Dolly Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robson and family will be attending a gala family Christmas party Sunday, December 23, at the home of Mrs. Ena Webb of Willowdale. Darrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, is celebrating his birthday Saturday. His friends wish him many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Augus- 'wag seniies Oe Augustus will Christmas Day in Toronto %, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Axhorn are spending the Christmas holidays in Demostville visiting Mrs. Axhorn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawley. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Candler of Ashburn will be Don and Ron Babcock of 300 High street. i On Sunday, December 23, Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey, will be cele- brating his third birthday. For the occasion, Peter is attend- ing a Christmas party in To- ronto Saturday. During the holiday season a family gathering will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Sr., Brock street south. Out of town guests will be Captain Douglas Baker, Mrs. Baker and family of King- ston, also other members of the family from Toronto. From Whitby will be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Jr., and fam- ily and Mrs. William Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Ball are spending the Christmas holidays in Hagersville as the guests of Mrs. Ball's mother, Mrs. Mary Goodale, Mrs. K. Scholten, Pine street, is celebrating her birthday Saturday, December 22, Her friends wish her many happy returns of the day. Tony, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Boxtell, is celebrating his ninth birthday Monday, De- cember 24. His companions of Turkey Dinner Christmas Day At County Jail Prisoners in Ontario County Jail Christmas Day will eat a turkey dinner with all the trim- mings, Governor J. D. G. Sutherland sa:d Thursday after- noon. The governor said in addition to the turkey dinner and Christ- mas pudding, the prisoners will be given chocolate bars by both the Salvation Army and the St. Vincent de Paul Society and will receive Christmas fruit and nuts following their meal. ; Apart from the usual cell-area tiding up that is expected of prisoners every day, Governor Sutherland said, they will not be expected to work. The Christmas feast, Gover- nor Sutherland said, has been authorized by Ontario County Warden Earl Dowswell and the County Council property com- mittee. He sald in past years there has been an average of 30 prisoners in the jail Christ- mas Day. Governor Sutherland said prisoners whose sentence ex- pires Christmas Day wilt be _--* to leave the jail Mon- ay. He said all still in jail Christ- mas Day will draw their usual cigaret ration. Best wishes are offered to Miss Mary Boxtell who is cele- brating her birthday today, December 21, Senate Hears Trouble With Flag Talks OTTAWA (CP) -- The Senate- heard Thursday night that the trouble with a federal-provincial conference on a new flag is that Premier Smallwood of New- foundland wouldn't go for any design that does not have lions rampant. Nonetheless, Senator Jean- Francois Pouliot (L -- Quebec) bravely waved a flag he thought would be a dandy. It was red with a green maple leaf in the centre. He held it aloft for a good five minutes before Speaker George White concluded that Senator Pouliot was tending to Stray from the subject under de- gig motion of interim sup- ply. The senator said he felt strongly that Premier Small- wood would settle for nothing less than lions. "If there were none he would be in a furore." Senator John G. Higgins (PC Newfoundland) rose in de- St. Bernard's school and friends wish him many happy returns ' as the guests of Mr. end Mrs. Lioyd Augustus. of the day. ciisdamaiamammeanen Saturday BROCK THEATRE MANAGEMENT & STAFF "A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS" Evening Show Starts at 7 & 9 p.m. REMEMBER--OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE AT THE BOX OFFICE TO ALL Matinee at 1:30 p.m. THEATRE CLOSED DECEMBER 24 AND 25 OPEN WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26--MATINEE 1:30 fence of the Newfoundland pre- mier--observers noted this de- parture from the days he sat in the provincial legislature-- and told Senator Pouliot New- foundland's flag was "very old" and "I don't think Mr. Small- wood devised it.' "Tt was old before Canada was civilized," he told the Queb DONNELLY OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- dian economy developed a split personality in 1962. At home, the country marked up its strongest economic ex- pansion in six years. Interna- tionally, it ran into a financial crisis that threatened the Cana. dian dollar's status and brought on emergency government -- which are still being elt. Looking into 1963, govern- ment economists foresee con- tinued--but slower--growth. The economy's future perfor- mance may well hinge to a great extent on what steps the government takes to cure the root causes of this year's for- eign exchange emergency, IMPORTS HEAVY The problem lies in Canada's heavy dependence on imported goods and services that has brought persistently heavy bal- ance-of-payments deficits with the rest of the world. The min- ority Progressive Conservative government has already indi- cated its program will aim at reducing this deficit, if the gov- ernment survives long enough to implement it. The exact extent of this year's economic growth isn't yet known. Cautious estimates are for a gain in national output of more than seven per cent to just over $39,500,000,000, compared with last year's $36,844,000,000. But some well - informed sources here predict the growth will exceed eight per cent for a total gross national product--value Split Personality Developed By Canadian Economy In 1962 of all goods and services pro- duced--of as much as $39,800,- 000,000. ldst five years, short of the 1956 boom. Per- - ea Sine taeatet ats 6 9nd F's sey Smee nat matntetin ONS But the measures taken in June were admittedly tempor- ary. The government hasn't yet announced all the details of its promised program of longterm measures to enable the econ- omy to reduce--and perhaps finally eliminate--the balance-| of-payments deficit. Parts of the program are al- ready known: dollar devalua- tion, the production incentives of last April's budget, and the new National Industrial Devel- opment Board, Other measures are expected to be announced in Finance Minister Nowlan's first budget early next year. In 1961 the balance-of-pay- ments deficit was reduced by some $260,000,000 to $982,000,000 --the lowest since 1955, For this year it is estimated the deficit may drop as low as $900,000,- 0. Devaluation in May and the foreign exchange crisis in June ili the economic highlights of 1962. In the background of both was the government's effort, begun long before, to push down the dollar's floating exchange rate from its long-standing pre- mium over the U.S. dollar. The idea was to boost export earn- ings and reduce import compe- tition by nudging the dollar to a discount, Contrary to plan, the dollar weakened too quickly. In the early months of the year, vital exchange reserves of gold and U.S. dollars shrank rapidly in the government's attempt to underpin the dollar in its fall to 95 U.S. cents. Finally on May 3, faced with sudden heavy exchange losses, the government devalued the dollar to 924% cents and decided to peg it there. Underlying pressure ggainst the dollar continued. There was a decline and eventual disap- pearance of the foreign capital inflows that in the past had off- set heavy deficits on current in- ternational payments. AUSTERITY PLANS Foreign exchange losses be- came critical in mid-June. Ca- nadian short-term capital fled the country in large amounts. On June 24 the government im- posed its austerity program within a week of its re-election as a minority administration. Import surcharges were lev- ied on about half of all imports, ranging from five to 15 per The growth rate has been about double the pace of the though well sonal incomes, industrial output and csrporation profits have risen strongly. The heavy un- employment of recent years, while far from overcome, has been notably reduced. RECORD OUTPUT Discounting price rises, the higher volume of goods and services could possibly push real output per capita to a new high of between $1,990 and $2,010--in terms of 1957 dollars --averaged over Canada's pop- ulation of 18,600,000. This com- pares with $1,890 in 1961. For five years this yardstick of prosperity has been stagnant or declining. Looking ahead, government economists are optimistic that the business: cycle upswing of the last two years won't turn downwards in 1963. Tentative guesses are for a rise in gross national product of between 244 and four per cent. One basis for this outlook is the expectation that devalua- tion of the Canadian dollar hasn't yet made its full impact in boosting production for both home and export markets. One official said reports are coming in almost daily of in- dustries expanding their output or going into new lines of pro- duction to replace imports squeezed out of competition by dollar devaluation, NOTABLE GAINS During 1962 employment and labor income reached new highs. The index of industrial production for September was 6.3 per cent higher. than a year earlier, Consumer prices showed a 12-month rise of 1.7 per cent up to November, Unemployment was down. Oc- tober showed 283,000 jobless compared with 318,000 a year earlier. The jobless rate--ad- justed to discount seasonal fac- tors--was 5.8 per cent of the labor force compared with 6.6 per cent a year earlier and 7.6 per cent two years earlier. A government statement said that in the first 10 months of the year 183,000 more persons were employed than in the cor- By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP)--The veterans affairs department today offici- ally recognized three Canadians who won the Victoria Cross with British forces in the Crimea and India more than a century ago as the first Canadians to receive the coveted award for valor. The decision arises from a re- quest by Veterans Minister Churchill to investigate whether an 1866 award of the Victoria Cross to a soldier serving in Canada was actually the first to a Canadian. The department's historians reported three earlier awards to Canadians, all known to the public through stories in news- papers and periodicals in recent years. Lieut. Alexander Robert Dunn, born at Toronto (then Bravery Awards Now Recognized cent. Short-term foreign loans totalling $650,000,000 were ob- tained to bolster the reserves, Plans to cut government spend- ing and reduce the budget defi- cit were announced. Tariff ex- emptions on Canadian tourist purchases in other countries were sharply curtailed. Credit responding period of 1961. The October employment total of 6,326,000 was 106,000 higher than a year earlier. Either way, the gain fell short of the rate needed to meet the govern- ment's stated goal of more than 1,000,000 new jobs in five years. by eight per cent, with much|jumped sharply. of the rise in manufacturing in-| Canada's export sales, to the dustry and new 'vocationaljend of September, were up 8.4 schools. per cent from year-earlier At mid-year labor incomejels, due was running 6.8 per cent higher| sales to the United han a year earlier, corpora-jever, imports were tion profits 15 per cent higher|cent and total personal incomes 9.8/that : per cent higher. But consumerjdity trade surplus of last year spending rose more slowly,!will have disappeared, , conditions tightened as the Bank of Canada boosted its in- terest rate to six per cent to attract capital back into the country. Since then, foreign exchange reserves have bounced back. From their perilously low point of $1,100,000,000 on June 24, the reserves rose to a record §$2,- 607,500,000 at the end of Novem- ber. A total $250,000,000 of the June borrowings had been re- paid and parts of the austerity program had been dismantled, EASE ON CREDIT Import Me pn oo from about one-six' t) e goods affected. With long-term capital starting to flow back DODD & SOUTER into Canada, the Bank of Can- Paint & Wallpaper Store ada made credit easier by a 3 three-stage reduction in its in-|| "97 Byron St. S., Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 Navy in 1852 and was a mem- ber of the naval brigade in In- dia which helped in the relief of Lucknow. WIN JOINT VC Hall, who was "captain of the foretop'" aboard the Shannon, and the ship's gunnery officer, Lieut. Thomas James Young, were jointly awarded the VC for gallant conduct in handling a 24-pounder gun at Lucknow, Nov, 16, 1857, These acts preceded by sev- eral years in the gallant con- duct of Pte. Timothy O'Hea of the Ist Battalion, the Rifle Bri- gade, in extinguishing a fire in a railway car between Quebec and Montreal June 6, 1866 for which he received the VC. He was shown in previous. official lists as the first Canadian win- ner, FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White Lg unified fuel oll from Western 0. DIAL 725-1212 DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store. Coll... For Day or Evening Appointments banter 9 15, Yaa is reco; y the ent as the first Canadian VC. He won the award during the Charge of the Light Brigade at ag rag in the Crimea Oct. SAVES MAN'S LIFE Dunn was serving with the llth Hussars (Prince Albert's Own) when he saved the life of a Sgt. Bentley by cutting down several Russian lancers who hee attacking Bentley from be- Second Canadian to win the VC was Surgeon Herbert Tay- lor Reade while serving with the Gloucestershire Regiment during the siege of Delhi, Sept. 14-16, 1857. He was born at Perth, Ont., in 1828. Reade was attending wounded in the streets when a force of rebels seized the houses nearby and began firing from the roof- tops, endangering the wounded. Reade rallied about 10 soldiers, drew his sword and led a suc- cessful charge that cleared the attacking party. Two days later he participated in the storming of a breach in walls and, with a sergeant, spiked one of the terest rate to four per cent. Evenings PH. 668-5066 NOTICE cid. aa ks Gee SEAMLESS OR FULLY FASHIONED /MESH OR PLAIN/LATEST FASHION SHADES A PRODUCT OF PHANTOM INDUSTRIES LIMITED Mercantile Dept. Store 105 BROCK ST, NORTH, WHITBY, ONT. "The Store with the Log Front" Holiday Garbage Collection There will be no garbage collection on MONDAY, DEC. 24th or CHRISTMAS DAY. Garbage normally collected on these days will be collected on WED., DEC. 26 (Boxing Day). Garbage normolly collected on WED., DEC. 26 will be collected on THURS., DEC, 27th. There will be no collection on TUES., JAN. Ist. Garbage normally collected on this day will be collected on WED. JAN. 2nd. C. HOAG, Town Engineer. You'll soon read the BIG, BIG NEWS. it'll be the BIGGEST . . . It'll be the MOST SPEC- TACULAR ... It'll be the MOST FANTAS- TIC... it wes never before, and will never happen again! WATCH THIS PAPER WED- NESDAY, DECEMBER 26th. enemy guns. The son of a former Negro slave, AB William Edward Hall, born in 1926 in Hants County, N.S., was the third Canadian winner. He joined the Royal Silent City Sought For Deaf People TORONTO (CP)--Rev. Robert Rumball, pastor of the Evan- gelical Church for the Deaf, said Thursday a new type of institution--"'a silent city, a Liberal, Senator Pouliot said his flag emphasized simplicity and it would be just fine for Canada even though the Union Jack was fone of the most beautiful flags in the world. Presumably anticipating its adoption, the Quebec senator said he already flies his own flag over his home at Riviere- du-Loup, Que. It is 12 feet by six feet. BOY WINS BET ADELAIDE, Australia (Reut- ers)--Bill Englinton, 20, who bet his father £1,000 Australian that he could go around the world by air in eight days, won his bet Monday with 14 hours to spare. He said that during his "fantastic" trip he passed through Sydney, Honolulu, Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Moscow, New Delhi, se Bangkok, Singapore and Perth. combination home and she!tered workshop" is needed for deaf people. He said in an interview deaf inmates of mental institutions, while not insane, are generally retarded to some extent and re- quire protective care. Deaf persons, he said, are grateful for care extended by mental institutioxs but a place such as he suggests would pro- vide care for younger people who now live in mental hos- pitals because of lack of other PHILIPS takes the time to build the best BS @ Easy operation facilities. In a letter to Metropolitan Toronto council Tuesday, Mr. Rumball also said deaf young- sters are being kept in Ontario mental hospitals "to get them out of the way." Wednesday, Health Minster Matthew Dymond said any deaf children in mental hospitals are there because they also suffer mental disorders, @ Long play Ability @ Travel Tested the fun is . . . and brings it back alive! @ Sensitive Built-in Microphone CONTINENTAL 100 continentar 200 red portable that goes where A compact low-priced 4 track monophonic tape ve a recorder combining every wanted feature with professional Philips excellence. @ Outstanding 14 @ Featured Versatility @: Pushbutton Controls Portability 220 CONTINENTAL 300 Professional quality in a full feature monophonic tape recorder at a practical cost. 4 tracks, 3 speeds. @ Unsurpassed Fidelity and Flexibility @ Precise on Unlimited Control @ Smart Compact Cabinet PATTERSON ELECTRONICS 107 COLBORNE WEST WHITBY PHONE 668-2711 ee

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