Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1962, p. 18

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ve Se Ee eS eS 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pidey, December 21, 1962 Danger Cited wandarde to the automotive 1+) Industrial Waste "Our Today's Stock Market Listings) ln Unceriitied o'r rir wa com ni *. tario Department of Labor and 1 4. stocEs is ve Mechanics we work closely with officials o AUTO - be <_- By The Canadian Press Stock 'Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Salen MighLow a.m, Ch'ge| Stock Sales MighLow a.m. Ch's#| Tocai motorists may be gam-|the Apprenticeship Branch," Mr. M M RT Y ' Le peat gga» sated 25% --~ Yl sarcee 300 100 100 1 Taylor says. industrial Cc Serie i om SRedivident, ares int Ni 0 96 66 6) gta Gap as 13 as a 3 103 lives of others as the esult-ot| 'The - legislation helps the|!® Metro over 20-year: period. xw-Ex . Stanwell 1000 38 388 ~ lnoter vehicle. repulse earticd|trade, of course," says Mr. Tay-| 'Metro Works Commissioner INSURANCE Triad Ol 225 158 155 : = % +1 lor, "but its real value is the|Ross L, Clarke said asT, 913 Wavurse 1000 O86" 66 8 |N' Coldatrm according to Robert Taylor, Past|Protection it offers to motor-/would constitute one of 723-3722 ae oe President, Garage Operators'|!sts." The Garage Operators onramo Aseoclatian Of OURS. asso-lists are oot Jet aware that | The Garage Operators' Asso-|!sts are n DEPARTMENT OF = clation was formed 30 years ago|™otor vehicle repairing requires PUBLIC WELFARS and is dedicated to upgrading|Proof of qualifications and, be- ' cause of the important safety : , _|factor involved, the Associa- CHILDREN Police Seeking toe peegrens. ts make Oo Seer FOR ADOPTION b F W ral pub familiar with the J ODS ror Wawa G.0.A. believes that the com- plex mechanical features of Children are the heart of a Teen-Agers [rien somes xu ue home, We with, at thi WAWA, Ont. (CP) -- Police|"With traffic fatalities at an all- here are seeking jobs for un-|time high, it is just about as employed teen-agers in an ef-|dangerous to permit an unquali- for to keep them off the streets/tied repairman to work on you Steel Can = 720 $18%4 16% 18K --% and out of trouble. car as it would be to allow the Texa A Pa c Chief Louis Berger said same person to remove your ap-(Q)P EW UNTIL Seer ne Thursday his department was|pendix," claims Taylor. 4 205 + ' Se -- pi Gales to 11 a.m.: 415,000, primarily concerned with per- Beracietin 00 425, 43s 4x3 sons between 14 and 17 years} | MUSICAL ORIGINAL $18% 18% 18% -- %| Dome 3 2 Murder Of Wife old who have left school and} CBC-TV will broadcast Red $57 «87 «87 2 ' a have had brushes with police./River Christmas, 'an original 200 $544 5M 5M tf He said he had already ap-|musical production, from Win- BS Se 1K 13 ~ 41 F 3 Charge Reduced proached several businessmen|nipeg on Christmas Day. 13 300 $20% 20% 20% 3 7) s White Pass 100 89% 8% é4--d . 5 995 -- 20 LORIGNAL, Ont. (cP) -- N Ag egy Bb Alaa get CLOSE SATURDAY AND 10. 10 charge of capital murder|' Chief Be | ses 48 $514 SUK + OILS rpg fe Sona against Berthold Thillman, 30, ah. ie ag cae Pe teen Thomson MONDAY AT 6 P.M. aan 2 } 3 33 35 4+ 4jof Ottawa was reduced Thurs-|agers recently formed a forgery Kernaghan & Co 100 $105%4 105% 105% +4 is 5 o 8 day to non-capital murder. Helring, headed by a 14-year-old ' ih aan 'on ee. 4 {C08 1 ; se will be tried in the spring. y, and cashed more than MEMBERS OF THE 140 $00. $00. 500 +5. |S ae i A 10% , Thillman was charged follow-|s{.000 worth of cheques beforell oronto sTock EXCHANGE =}? | Kelley F ing the slaying of his wife,|nolice broke the ring up. OPERATING DIRECT LINE Kerr Add * a Flavia Thillman, 28, 'whose| Judge C. R. Carter of the Al- To 800 0 blanket-covered body was found gome juvenile and family court TORONTO - MONTREAL f in the back seat of the family|Thursday praised the move and car Oct, 21, The Ottawa wait-/said employment for out-of-work 10 725-1104 ress had been strangled the day|teen-agers would be both a ben-|| ONTARIO before, police said. efit to the individual and the No Stelrs Te Climb THE L'Orignal is 55 miles east of/ community. RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, er" EVENING Ottawa, Wawa is 110 miles north of 725-4305 an Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. | MOUNT. LAND sical Nepal, 500 miles long and 100 phy miles wide, contains eight of , The the world's 10 highest moun. dics Welfare, with interest and a --_-- 29,028-foot Mount tien on ke m0 el for 9 nee newspaper advertisements. f & 83 SadegsGgepenggggegssysicy Beye steep Seggt ess ue Sy Se: 3°? i+ me bi SSSssbEe8 gee senbex8.8eeSex rsa ++ + e US $1 a0 Sie 186 1 Mex LP pr 100 811% li% 114 --%| belcher 4, 4h 4h +3 Mid West WO its, ims 1% thi oe oe * ESKES L + F 3 2. J Es = = ~ 3 o + =i +++ 5 5 5 io 620) «(10 10% 10% lh---% 8 3 a0 : ~n s gee Fagetges ays SoxBSuste S - A . se. osx oveSiusScere Sb .ufScese "8s + 41Co 05 $25%e UY 2% +14 345 $13 12% 13 + Shell I wte 2246 575 5870 575 +15 3F 2: 3332222222se83233 egess 5E2 gsi ght e258 £. 3E° Seu BSsSsetazsten hse Fees tes 42 & s = 22 28898 i fy: CHRISTMAS SHOPPING i my lial SEuSad s8s8sers Fg #85 3 a é 28 e e f uiiy gedeay cfacs8 goktad eg.2.8 Though this greeting is meant for you this 2 Holiday in nineteen - hundred and sixty - two, natured | a | it's an old-fashioned message that's sent ? ale! your way to wish you a very happy day: That's Export f real ale. you 'i : Tair oient fait esting it. Motan's oe From all of us, a Merry Christmas . . . is Canada's largest selling ale. More than and a Happy New Year. a million bottles sold every day prove it: So open up an 'Ex' next chance you get. : se , scsi 235 It's the good natured thing to do. . i : 4/ --_---- 'MOLSON EXPORT i § ioe oe ANY, LTO. _ 1270 SIMCOE ST. NORTH * OSHAWA, ONTARIO. PNOEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786

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