' i i ee ee ae ee a el ee SF EMM gy eA Sy PALA. IERIE No will aid the Motor City Bowlers open golf tournament will Former Gold-Medalist _Pewlsnbw pol nme mene a o Bowlerama e ] ' The Motor City bowlers miss- idmits 'Faster Toda ee ning all five games from Bowl- erama and it was a very poor By MARVEN MOSS _cupation," suid Hodgson. "'Theyimany Canadians sitting in the|when one of his two sons took| 'splay of bowsne Ot Kr Pat MONTREAL (CP) -- Stacked|train a couple. of every|grandstands, We're a nation ofjover. though Motor City bowled 5,511 up against the athlete of today,|day. In my era, nobody: did spacniors. We ons gc Rael Now he goes dowstown to the|against Bowlerama's 5,430, they the old - timer was 0 rnoone "4 Ser Ue s|auetralln ener soua |otfice ooeasionally "ateletly in only won one game. hing rater, e ion,| In the pre-Olympic r) 4 an advisory capacity" an ; é winner of two gold medals for|1011, Hodgson sleo competes in| He said the 30man National|spends his leisure time at pho-|,,2ne 'inet kame was. lost, by/ pleted the first section and thers Canada in the Olympics 50 years|the British Empire Ganves at/ritness Council--set up by the/tography, tennis -- and swim: ise Wy a mice 4 cia "The sec-|Dec, 29, when the final section,| ago. London aad won the mile swim:|federal government to pump up/ ming. ond game was lost with a score|to determine the section win- hy / / "They take it serious now-| "Before that race !£ recall|to $5,000,000 a year into amateur) «over 199 yardis, I'll still racélof 198 against 1,164, 34 pins,|ners, is commenced, It is to be { y | Vy, / ACES { St / THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 21, 1962 ie 8) sions and the full knowledge of SETS OPEN DATE Scarborough ; ' 16 Motor City ho ea Bratt TORONTO. (CP)---The Cane:|Club July Par th Roya Cane dian Association an f/ // adays," the 69-year-old retired|them. asking me what my. time|sport and recreation -- was, a . . investment counsellor said in anjhad been "Tor the mile. I told|"step in the right direction," |22¥one my own age," ie said,|The third game was lost by!hoped that ail errors and omis interview, "In my time the ap-|them I didn't know, T had never Hodgson was 15 before he : proach was much lighter." gone a mile before. took up swimming, strapping y Canada won the unofficial | \ heteens won om ose games title that year, "some-| 'In those days Montreal had . Hodgson ow OD is 100 motzes|thing I'd bet not too many peo-lonly one pool. There was little an wel ee aq fe) Mf : / Lf f LAE ye / Ait é)4 / ot "» and 1,500 metres--at the 1912/ple know," said Hodgson. competition. Games in Stockholm. Based on the performances of} War ended his internat.onal " ,|Canucks ia the Empire Games/competitive career and in 1015 L COLN os E T Pt. Rae of hs at Australia this year, eee joined the Royal Navy Air IN H I RY L D. Was bie be Wie Under the Instructions of the Trustees in Bankruptey 11,000 Doz. used to sit around Stockho:m's|; ' sy{in the 1964 Olympics than injfirst wartime pilots. sidewalk cafes and drink beer) vious contemporary Olym- P ' ether, In the mornings and|.. The year before the stock seeernoone we would compete." oe. mart' orexh of '29, he founded . A { ¥ iY "s Wy, How far have swimmers come ae yg ta . Se bay vag ans Be WILL BE SOLD t eee since then? "While our athletes trainjin rship a hard, 'there. are still far too active in it until two years ago, TO THE PUBLIC Hodgson's medal - winning times were 5:24.4 in the 400 metres and 22 minutes flat in : SS the 1,500. ® Pee ; WON B. E. GAMES . wie tS or ' DOZEN reste tr Phccadl gg vi ngs -- Joha ' : AT \ SS Teese onrads ho! e werld rec: 3 GQ SS ords for both distances. H's : + 15¢ TAX = PAIRS NS \ taps inte eset inn Hote | a we Reg. Value $11,88-$16,68 \ ' Seagram's | ¥%O, son's, For the 1,500, it's 37:11, . almost five minutes faster. { ' ' ; : os ALL FIRST QUALITY INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED "For young athletes today, all : : : NS wort 6 val fusine oc] , si @ SEAMLESS--FULL FASHIONED @ RR ee Panel Gives Nod iy , : DANBURY SALES LTD., 1415 BATHURST ST., TORONTO, ONTARIO S ARAME OL OEUCATE CANADIAN wisn To Houston Oilers : ( : : P GENTLEMEN ° Please rush me -- [] dozen pairs nylons. HOUSTON ' (AP) -- George My ' . ae FULL FASHIONED [] SEAMLESS [) SEAMLESS MESH [1] KNEE HIT) Blanda was the big difference Thursday as players from five American Football League saa on teams picked Houston Oilers. to a ; rr f f 'on a -- peep etn heme oh ~ MERRY MD. oO | | 6 al of four pleyers each CHRISTMAS oe ..8 as ONT Samar ies Senos cove ALL NYLONS ARE FIRST QUALITY 51 9¢.-15 denier or 400 needle, 15 den. PLEASE land, Boston and Buffalo gave the Oilers the nod by a wargis to our many customers and friends. ADD $1.00 per doz. for seamless, mesh, & nurses whites . . . Please edd 25¢ te cover of about two to one, melting costs. Orders over $13.00 post paid, STORE OR DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED: SPECIAL PRICES FOR QUANTITY Coach Sid Gillman, wh r San Diego Chargers lstt thle Ansus-Grayvoon Sele conducted by SEND CERTIFICATES | pee See Sale ae CARPET COMPANY DANBURY SALES LIMITED una anes said. quarterback Blanda's 282 KING ST. WEST [LIQUIDATORS -- AUCTIONEERS -- APPRAISERS ONLY. ___ deadly passing erm would the difference, ' es eUn EU RR veins = OISTILLED, AGED AND BOTTLED UNDER THE Or THE SOSEPH BE. SEAGRAM @ BONS.LIMITED WATERLOO ONTARIO CANADA STRETCHY SEAMLESS () WHITE) BLACK (1) ANKLE HI NYLONS () BA D oY DAR ES EM PRICES! OPEN TO 11 P.M: TONIGHT & TOMORROW!! SHOP SAT. MORNING || #:"". im Book Binders 66 12 NOON! FOR THESE SPECIALS! ! 70 10 F . R ee 1 P.M. TO 2 P.M. SAT. 6 TRANSISTOR FLOOR BAD BOY m 14m. 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