' - so ToT at , FES SPAR GOEL IP ITT @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 20, 1962 RECREATION REVIEWS Two-Way Battle For Top Atom Loop Spot LIONS JUVENILE LEAGUE manville Jr. "B" Pic-O-Mats WL hk ate again offering all boys who Mt. Royals 41 bold membership cards from Midgets the Recreation Department/Rockets Aces no ge geves pene to oe pe ai Canucks tend this coming Sunday's gam 's Schomberg free of/ Canadians "hee Wee lane (0 ie tee, Game time ie 9.18 psn. | sasha Rockets vs Wings--Bruins vs All Minor Hockey players are) Bears Leafs:: 7.45 a.m.; Rangers vs. reminded that this is the last)BANTAM LEAGUE Hawke: @36 cn Saturday for you to bring back Bantam League: 9.20 a.m.: poll ns or the money to your! Tee Pees Huskies vs. Cubs; 10,15 a.m.-- vA --. Pirates ys Flyers; 11.00 a.m. LEAGUE STANDINGS Hak Tee Pees vs. Tigers, ' Bra ae Atom League: 11.50 am. -- yng Rams vs, Royals. Fivers Midget League: 12.35 p.m.-- Pirates i oT vs. pw Mg p.m. MID --Raiders vs. Generals, Leone DGET. Juvenile League: 2.15 p.m,-- BTS Midgets vs. Aces; 3.00 p.m-- Orphans Mt. Royals vs, Canucks. Maroons MONDAY, DEC. 24 Comets Raiders 3 ANIMALS SEIZED IN RAID Dog Farm Owner Charged By OHS The Children's Skating ses- sions usually held on Mondays will be cancelled for the next two weeks. Next session will be on Jan. 7, 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. GOODWOOD -- Mrs. Elsie; The official said he was most Boland, conc. 3, Uxbridge Twp.;/alarmed over the conditions of two miles north of Goodwood|the three dogs that were picked has been charged with failingjup. He said that there was no to provide adequate food, water|evidence of either food or drink- Delivery Boy Killed By-Car and shelter for animals undeyjing water on the morning of the her care and control. raid but said that boiled po- - Near Courtice The charge was laid by Chief|tatoes and old bread had been BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- r Jack McArthy of the/given to the animals when he Box Social Held By Audley Club By MRS, FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY -- Rev, E. R. Stan- way gave an address at the chureh service on Sunday after- Bowmanville. Post Office Service Hours day service for the at Christmas is as Pod Prince Albert UCW Gives $25 To Hospital By MRS, LES BEACOCK PRINCE ALBERT--The UCW met at the home of Mrs. H. Hodgins with sixteen present re- cently. President Mrs, Pugh presided over the business. Treasurer Mrs. Jewel reported that the fi- nancial situation was in good condition following the turkey supper and annual bazaar. A sum was voted to the church board, A total of $25. went to Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs, T. Hodgins offered her honie for next month's meeting. Mrs, Les Beacock contributed an interesting paper outlining the Presbyterial Rally of UCW held at Brooklin in October. The GNS Club was entertain. ed at the home of Mrs. Ivan Parkinson. ~ Games and stunts were run off by committee in charge, A session of Court Whist was played, Prizes were won by Mrs, J. Davidson and Mrs, Wm. Peel. Three members, Mrs, Jeffrey, Mrs, Davidson and Mrs. Parkin. son will line up the 1963 execu- tive, A birthday gift was voted for ~ . group's adopted Korean child, , A bridal shower was held for Mrs. D, Williamson (nee Carol Skerratt) at the home of a neighbor, Mrs. K, Williamson, Carol was seated in a decorated chair with Mildred Martyn as- sisting. The hostess and close neigh- bors served a lunch assisted by Linda Forster and Christine Wil- liamson. Cobourg Man WHITBY And DISTRICT Ajax Kinett . fold Xou Pay --WATTBY PERSONALS Mrs. W. Hearn, Cochrane! q,. Cc street opened her home, Tues-|¢ pager rag - Land peg Mrs. Bate will be their guest] Christmas Day -- December for the festive season. day evening to the Ajax Kinettes ts, Mr. ' , » closed. ; members for their Christmas Beard, '308 2 ag ogy Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Newman,|, Boxing Day, Poem 26, party. of Toronto, will be spending| 1962, Box President Doris Ames chaired] Cleve Worthington, 720 Centre|Christmas Day at the home of|%90. a.m. to 6.00 p.m, the business meeting, Corres-|street south, is celebrating his|Mrs, Pearl Pogue, Trent street,|UObby open from 8.30 a.m, to pondence was read by Jean|birthday today. His friends wish 10,30 a.m, Ensoll regarding a reply from|him many happy returns of the|, M@*;,2nd Mrs. L. A. Batherson! qnote Rural Dale Nursery. It was announced| day, Pisa) and their daughter Jody Lynn 'ae Mall Delivery, Money Order pag Bd -- Kinettes will hold ma Ron Name 5 gy pe Be ings Bank Busloees. ecu ae in the summer parents Mr. and Mrs, H. Panko PE wh by Ses one Letter Box This is a new venture for the of Oshawa. gre rege hi The receipt and despatch Kinettes, Proceeds will go to- Miss Irene Jewell arrivedjof mails will be ed wards their service work, Final Tuesday evening, from Santa|front Pen -- + Pog on rage made ie Monica, California, and will be maa J lew Year's Eve dance to be spending the Christmas holidays held at the Ajax Community at the home of her brother and SHORGAS Centre. Still few tickets avail- sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. able from renga or ticket George Jewell of Mary street. HEATING & : gaarevers, Betty Griffin and Last Sunday evening, at st. APPLIANCES Joyce Ellis reported on the Mark's United Church, the FE bp Po an pe Whitby HI-C Group attended the|J 'ndustrial and sald $43.17 was obtained. from evening choral service. Later Commercial this sale, Joan Maschinter re- plans were made for a Nativity Hs ported the Christmas cake sale Pageant to be held, Sunday baad oo egy ere " 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 ) sea er RATE noon describing some of the work of the Upper Canada Bible Society. The Bible Society has been working over 150 years, he said, translating, pro- ducing and distributing the Bible and parts of the Bible in 1181 languages for people in more than 100 countries. The White Gift service was held during Sunday School on Sunday. Rev. M. Buttars gave a short talk on the origin of "White Gifts." The community club held a box social at the school on Sat- urday evening. The annual re- ports were given. The same slate of officers was returned for the next two years, with Aleck Richards added to the directors. A vote of thanks was expressed to the president, Bert Guthrie and the secre- tary, Mrs. Charlie Clemence, for their work in the club dur- ing the past. The decorated box- ed lunches were auctioned by Charlie Clemence, with the pro- ceeds being added to the funds: Bags of candy and fruit were given to the children, The Audley school Christmas concert will be held on Thurs- day evening, Dec. 20. The Bag- gotsville school held theirs on Tuesday, Dec. 18. UCW Group Holds Christmas Party At Manchester By E. M. CROSIER MANCHESTER -- A delight- ful party was held in the church recently when the UCW held their annual Christmas meeting and exchange of gifts. There: was a short worship period with Christmas numbers by Mrs. Gwen Lamb and Mrs. Toombs. Mr, and Mrs. James Surgeoner. PEE WEE LEAGUE Hawks Wings 2 RS cnn. wats Swinnadi. to ND thao Brock Street South Home and School Association is holding a Christmas Concert at the school this evening, with all teachers taking an active part in preparing the children to pre. orm. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Barker spent last weekend in Toronto as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Chute. Ronald Brash, of New Rich. mond, Quebec, has arrived to spend the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Barter, Dundas street east, his sister and brother-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. C, Bate will he spending Christmas and New Year in Scarborough visiting their daughter and son-in-law SZ coco wwe erHrmemrooco™ a ad 4 soto men menonet med CO He POM OM ssmes tO wus neet == J SMHWANAZ wrswccwanwsZ 5 proved to be most successful. ratte The monthly draw was won SCOTTISH ISLANDS by Joan Maschinter. The busi- The Hebrides are a group of ness meeting adjourned and the about 500 islands off the north. Kinettes enjoyed the program west coast of Scotland, of which apranged by Marie Hill which 100 are inhabited. included social games. Mem- bers exchanged gifts and en- joyed a light luncheon served by the social committee. A joint Christmas dinner party for Kinéttes and Kinsmen will be held Dec. 22 at Spruce Villa Hotel, WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORES Following are the winners of the games played this week by members of the Whitby games COmmecwmem ee 2 WRN et orororroo Or te 08 M ~3-300 00 On mn e eowroo -- Fl BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO pias pes "Abbott and Costello Meet The Mummy" BURT LANCASTER CLARK GABLE "Run Silent, D a ; Run Deep 4 4 4 "Posse From Hell" 1N TECHNICOLOR -- STARRING -- AUDIE MURPHY 4 > > q q q q 4 > A 12-year-old delivery boy was struck and killed by a car Wed- nesday afternoon on Highway 2 near the Gravel Pit road. Frederick Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bailey, RR Ontario Humane Society after/returzed later in the day. three dogs were picked up on] He said one dog was chained the property last week. Thelinside an open kennel with authority to take such action isineither food nor water in tem- contained under section 387 of|peratures of eight degrees above the Criminal Code. zero, The case has been scheduled) The dog population on the for Magistrate's Court, Ux-/Boland farm was estimated at bridge on Tuesday afternoon,|between 43 and 55. Jan. 8, at 3 p.m. 'The inspector accompanied by| CLAIMS NOT NEGLECTED a veterinarian, raided the well-| Mrs. Boland was not home known "dog farm" north ofjwhen Inspector McArthy ar- Goodwood in Uxbridge Town-jrived but she returned a short ship recently and seized three|time later. She denied that her animals. dogs were neglected. She said Chief Inspector Jack Mc-/she had been busy drawing hay Arthy of Richmond Hill and Dr./to the cattle in the morning and Donald Davis of Uxbridge visit-| would tend to the animals when ed the premises after a '"'tip-jthis work was completed. About oft" from an undiscolsed cailerjtwo years ago, Uxbridge Twp. told of unsatisfactory conditions|Council terminated Mrs. on the property. Boland's kennel licence and, ac- Inspector McArthy said that/cording to the Clerk, she now he had warned the owner, Mrs./pays on a per dog basis. Elsie Boland that her place did} The dogs that were seized will not comply with Society stand-jnot be destroyed, but will be housed and fed in the Humane occasion. 3, Bowmanville, was making de- liveries on his bicycle when the accident occurred about 4.40 p.m., police said. They said the boy was on the north shoujder of the high. way riding eastbound when he suddenly swerved across the road, He was struck by a car in the westbound lane that was passing another eastbound car. The vehicle was driven by 22- year-old James Edward Power of RR 1, Bowmanville. The boy died of a fractured skull. His right leg was also mangled, pblice said, Frederick was a Grade 7 stu- dent at Maple Grove Public School. beautifully decorated and the food laden tables with holly wreaths, piece and favors. was the guest of Mrs. A. Roach and family over the weekend. voort visited friends in Mark- ham on Sunday afternoon. ed on a friend in Whitby on Sun. day. Oshawa, and Mr. Keith Fielding, were Sunday guests at the Ed Donnelly home. The fireplace and tree were a beautiful centre Mrs. Alex Hewitt, Carnarvon Mr, and Mrs. Art Vander- Mr, and Mrs. C. Midgley call- Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Dawson, and Mrs. Port Perry, The Baileys have one other son, Richard Jr., age 15. MANY FORGERIES A French police expert esti- mates there are 100,000 forger- ies of works by the 19th cen- tury French painter Corot in t 3 the United States. steads are a status symbol among Africans, says an indus- manufacturer sold more than African customers in the last STATUS SYMBOL LONDON (AP) -- Brass bed- rial news note. It said one 40,000 brass knobs for beds to Hurt In Crash Near Belleville BELLEVILLE (CP) -- One person was killed and at least two other persons injured Wed- nesday night when their car went out of control two miles east of here and rolled at least 200 feet in a ditch, Dead is James Campbell of Kingston, a guard at the On- tario mental hospital there. The two injured men were also guards. Stewart Cecil Dillon of art Dishart, 29, of Kingston, re- ceived only minor injuries. The men were taking a men- tal patient from Cobourg to the curred. Police would not say jured. Campbell was driving the car. Cobourg received head, chest and back injuries while Stew- hospital when the accident oc- whether the patient was in-| Duplicate Bridge Club: NORTH AND SOUTH Mrs, Bowman and Mrs, Irwin, 3 Big Hits @aULT: es ey! 138; Mr. and Mrs. Baker, 127; Mrs. Booth and Miss Forsythe, 120; Mr, and Mrs. Winter, 117. EAST AND WEST Mrs, Chubb and Mrs. Maun- drell, 135; Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Love, 133; Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Crossman, 130; Mr. DAVID'S Drive-In BAR-B-Q CHICKENS and STEAKS Hwy 2 W. Whitby PH, 668-4066 Moyer and Mr. Jensen, 126. TEENS VILLE PRESENTS WAYNE PURDY & | TOMORROW NIGHT 8 TO AT THE RECREATION CENTRE THE BLUE JAYS ODEON GIFT TICKETS NOW ON SALEL 'DEBBIE REYNOLDS BING CROSBY "gny ONE FOR ME" ROBERT WAGNER P Lee Dey $) -- oan " THIEF OF BAGDAD" "HORIZONTAL LIEUTENANT" -- COLOR -- . In COLOR ODEON tins A FREE BONUS TICKET IN EVERY BOOK __ ards when he checked the prem- ises on a previous Society kennels in Toronto. 100 GIBB STREET RECOMMENDED FOR THE FAMILY Journey to Adventure! aaunce CHEVALIER une MILLS FOR BREATH-TAKING ACTION SEE "War Lover" | "Camp On WITH Bl] 00 é Is ae STEVE McQUEEN ROBERT WAGNER FEATURING CARL MOHNER ANDRE MORELL BOTH FEATURES ADULT Entertainment TO-DAY ONLY WE MEET AND DANCE with ME" PHONE 723-2843 (peng world's happiest ; adventurers! f Well worth a trip to TORONTO! DARRYL F. ZANUCK'S "AT SIMPSON-SEARS SUPER VALUE STORE An Excellent Selection of Gift Sets for Men and Women By © SHULT DOROTH Lady Shavers 10.88 Kenmore Hair Dryers The modern hood type hoir dryer. 2 speed model 9.99 THE FINEST SELECTIONS OF HI-FI & TV IN TOWN @ SILVERTONE @ CLAIRTONE @ LOEWE- @ NORDMENDE_ ... plus mantel oe Ban Deodorant - Economy ..... . Lady Patricia Hair Spray .......... "A SYMPOSIUM ON Aetears by BTRA VISTA Batrien Ce, ne. POPULAR SONGS" 's Salibens WHITE © FoPan soncs" Fresh Roll-on Deodorant . Noxzeme Instant Lother ....... Pare Noxzeme Skin Cream .. Wildroot Cream Oil Hair Dressing .. Silvikrin Shampoo ....... LAST DAY "COUNTRY GIRL" "THAT KIND OF WOMAN" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Johnson's Baby Powder - Economy . . Toni HOME PERMANENT Woodbury's Shampas ............ Noxzema Hand Lotion ............ Lenolin Plus Hair Spray ..... Bayers Children's Aspirin ......... Pertussin Cough Syrup ........+... Renmore Air Freshener .......... Pequins Hend Cream Se Alberto VO5 Heir Conditioner . 35 1.03 77 67 s 2) ee eeeeerecees PREMIERE FRIDAY DEw. 2188 EVENINGS 8 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY INCLUSIVE $2.00 INC, TAX SATURDAY, SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS $2.50 INC. TAX Johnson's Beby Oil Bayer Nose Spray .. seeee PLAYERS THEATRE TICKETS Packaged in the handy gift cartonette MATINEES 2 P.M. WEDNESDAY _ $1.50 INC. TAX SATURDAY, SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS $2.00 INC, TAX MATINEE DAILY DECEMBER 25th TO JANUARY ist TIVOLI THEATRE RICHMOND AT VICTORIA ST., TORONTO EMPIRE 4-4341 RESERVED SEAT MAIL ORDERS NOW PLEASE ENCLOSE STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE WITH YOUR ORDER PAYABLE TO TIVOL! THEATRE, TORONTO, CHEQUE OR MONEY OUT OF TOWN ORDERS MUST INCLUDE BANK EXCHANGE CHARGE, The THRIFTY way to see Canada's finest motion picture entertainment GOOD ANYTIME AT FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES COAST TO COAST For Children @ Students @ Adults. NOW ON SALE AT THE en A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATR® quem