hi. ie £ i md x F Oe ee Oe ee ee ¥ ge - i ar i yf Baptism Held At Brooklin '| United Church By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN During the morning. worship held on Sun- i i el i 3 pe a day at Brooklin United Church, ithe following were received into the fellowship of the church, through the Rites of Infant Bap- |tism administered by the Rev- erend S. J. Hillier: Jane Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Stuart, Whit- iby; Carol Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Gibson; Mrs. Frank Traviss, and Mur- ray William, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Peacock, all of Brooklin. PASTORAL RELATIONS pre merses At the conclusion of worship on Sunday morning, a congre- gational meeting was held, to take the required steps to ap- .|point a committee on 'Pastoral Relations," for the sole purpose of appointing a minister for the Brooklin charge. The vacancy Slhas been caused by the retire- -|ment of the Reverend S. J. Hillier, in June 1963. It was moved by Fred Ormiston, and seconded by en/C. S. Thompson, and carried unanimously "'to refer the mat- ilter to the official board and that body be appointed and man-ldirected to hereby appoint a ville Pastoral Relations Committee from the members of the con- gregation for the said purpose of appointing and selecting a minister to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement in '|June of the present minister, .|the Reverend S. J, Hillier." CHRISTMAS PAGEANT A Christmas Pageant entitled puds,|'"The Nativity will be enacted GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. i OSHAWA _ SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 and song will Christmas Eve., at 7:30 p.m. in Brooklin United Church. directed by organist, Winkler. Services will be con- ducted by the Reverend S. J. Hillier. and presented by pupils and teachers of the Sunday School of Brooklin United Church, on Sunday, December 23 at 7.30 p.m. in the Christian Education Building. Parents and friends are invited. CHRISTMAS EVE A. special service of music be held on The Senior Choir will lead n Christmas services of -- . IN MEMORIAM RALPH -- In loving memory of my ee ee aes Wao peed remembered by sister Lil CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued fromPage 21) Keith Frank, son of Mr. and|§ This herd was part of 1,400 scampering, unruly calves which were rounded up and driven back to the Ross Milk COMING IN FOR 'SHOTS' River ranch for vaccinations against bangs and blackleg diseases. Many Southern Al- berta ranchers are finding the veterinary recommendatio: -- initial protection in the spring and follow-up vaccination in the fall -- a profitable prac- tice. --CP Wirephoto 4-H Girls Club Project Nears Completion - By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The Ontario County 4-H Girls Homemaking Club fall project, 'The Club Girl Stands on Guard"',. sponsor- ed-by the Department of Agri- culture, Home Economics Serv- ice Department, Toronto, is now nearing completion. Seven lessons composing the unit were given by leaders and assistant leaders, who attended the local Leaders' Training Schools in September for a course of instruction. Mrs. Albert Cooper, and Mrs. Harry McCool, attended the course as leader, and assistant! leader, respectively. They were sponsored by the Brooklin Women's Institute and later formed a group of approx- imately 23 girls named: the Brooklin Happy Helping Hand, who met each Saturday at 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon in the basement of the Township Hall. Achievement Day for South Ontario County will be held on Saturday, January 5, 1963 at Port Perry High School, Port Perry, beginning at 9 a.m. Bazaar Held By St. Paul's UCW Group MRS, A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- St. Paul's United Church Women held a successful baazar in the Sunday School Rooms. The guests were welcomed at the door by Mrs. H. Turner, the minister's wife and by Mrs. Frank. Osmond, first vice-president. Unit No. 2 was in charge of the tea with Mrs, Anna Watson as convener. The serving table was centered with bronze and yellow chrysanthemums, Mrs. H. Turner, Mrs. Anna Watson! and Mrs. A. McGregor poured tea with the following girls serv- ing: Misses Heather Moore, Laurelyn Welsh, Jennifer Pur- dy, Penny Jeffrey, Nancy Mc- Roberts, Alfreda Jones, Brenda Virtue, Jeannette Boe, Janice Purdy, June Bain, Donna Rogers and Gail Sellers. The following ladies assisted in the prepara- tion of the tea: Mrs. Luther Welsh, Mrs. Wilbert Teeple, Mrs. S. McAllister, Mrs. Harold Moore and Miss Elva Orchard. Mrs. Jack Welsh and Mrs. Kenneth Hull were in charge of the Christmas card table. Unit 9 with Mrs. W. B. Syer las convener was in charge of d i il it; | 8 i Ps Fea i iy i : . i f I H t } t i E E E af i re i t Lost: noes Mr. 985-7448. ENGAGEMENT ring, diamond; lost ev |downtown. . |phone 728-3265. 34--Lost And Found the apron booth. Mrs. Douglas Kemp and Mrs, James Patter- assisted. Holstein heifer, vicinity of Rag- and Myrtle. . John ty Gone 2 weeks. Tele- Kiezebrink, Port Perry » vicinity of ing Centre. Of tt sentimental value to 9983. TR WRIST WATCH: Lady's, Roamer Swiss ay lost Friday, , December 14, vicin- Centre or Reward, After 6 p.m, tele- E $ f | LADY'S Bulova watch, lost Oshawa downtown centre vicinity, black strap, or shopping on engraving ack, Reward. Pickering ¥ Evenings 942-1925. A green, Reward. Telephone BOY'S bicycle, brand new, lost vicinity Woodcrest School, Western Tire make, balloon tires, Urgently needed. 728-5697. CHRISTMAS 35--Legal TRIBUTE Nothing is more befitting or e greater tribute to the memory of the loved ones who have passed on to that bourne from which no traveller returns, than a memorial verse at Christmos time. It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter or son... or those beyond the immediate family circle, , @ faithful friend or kin, In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to » those who wish to select an '. appropriate memoriam notice * at Christmas, The Classified = Department of The Oshawa « Times will publish Special : Memorial tribute in the "CHRISTMAS : EVE EDITION To ensure that your message § Oppears ot this time, call » before Friday, December = 21st, if more convenient ® to you Come in to the 'Classified Counter or use the NOTICE TO CREDITORS _ - In the Estate of Dorothy Fleming Weyrich All persons having claims against the Estate of Dorothy Fleming Weyrich, late of the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of October, A.D. 1962, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, Solici- tors for the Executrix, on or before the 4th day of Jan- uary, 1963, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 4th day of Jan- uary, 1963, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed Solicitors for the Ex- ecutrix shall then have not- ice. DATED at Oshawa this 4th day of December, 1962. , HARRIS HARRIS & WALLACE 112 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for Martha Booth, Executrix. son Mrs. N. L. E e and members of Unit 11 was in charge of the toy booth with assistance from Mrs. C. C. Pur, dy, Mrs. Harold DeMille and Mrs. James Colville. In charge of the home baking table were Mrs. Eugene Beth- une, convener, and assistants, Mrs. Murray Abbott, Mrs. Rob- ert Burgess, Mrs. Robert Car- ruthers, Mrs. J. Castle; Mrs. T. Gould, Mrs. H. Haass, Mrs. J. Killeen, Mrs. H. Lunney, Mrs. N. Metcalf, Mrs .K. Piper, Mrs.| the G. Prout, Mrs. R. Stainton, *!Mrs. R. Whyte. The Messenger's group had a plant and handicraft table with Mrs. Stuart Johan convener and assisted by Miss Ann Carruthers and Miss Heather Johan. The Canadian Girls in Train- ing had the candy booth with Miss Mary Aiken, convener, and assistants Miss Gwen Graham and Miss Rose Robinson. The Explorer group was in charge of the miscell By MRS, E. LAVIOLETTE COLUMBUS -- The village unit of the Columbus United Church Women held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Scott recently. Mrs. A. McKen- zie opened the meeting and Mrs, C. Shaw took the worship portion. The mission study was given by Mrs, J. Miller from the book "Rim of Asia". Slides of local scenes were shown by Mrs. J. Miller. EAST UNIT The East unit of Columbus United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs. M. Gilroy. Mrs. J. McKenzie presided and Columbus Units Hold Meetings members answered the roll call with their most memorable Christmas. A contest was held as well as the exchange of small Christmas gifts. EVENING UNIT The evening unit of Colum- bus United Church Women held its meeting at me of Mrs. A. Scott. The leader, Mrs. G. Webber presided. The worship part was taken by Mrs. R. Love assisted by Mrs, A. Scott on the theme of "The Welcoming of Christ at Christmas." The program was arranged by Mrs, T. McLaughlin. Units Elect 1963 Executives By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The Friendship Unit of UCW met for its De- cember méeting at the home of Mrs, Ruby Sonley, with an at- tendance of 26 members, and two guests. Mrs. Jim Carnwith, Jr., led the Christmas worship service, assisted by Mrs. Alan Boothe, Mrs. Alderson, Mrs. F, M. Hol- liday, Mrs. Don Roberts and Mrs. R, Humphries. Mrs. Robert Humphries, lead- er of Unit, read excerpts on 'Love" taken from the study Mrs, R. Ratcliffe took the wor ship assisted by Mrs. A. Terwil- legar with the theme "Home". A paper was read by Mrs. M, Beath on "Importance of Reverence"'. Mrs. W. Spry gave a synopsis from the chapter "What is Re- ligion", from the study book, "Word and the Way'. NORTH UNIT The north unit of the Colum- bus United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. M. Dring. Mrs, E. White was in the presi- dent's chair. The program for the evening was given by Mrs. C. Naylor. She read a paper on Christmas, telling of the different tradi- tions and decorations. Thirteen Courtice Circuit Brotherhood Meets By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN MAPLE GROVE -- The Cour- tice Circuit Brotherhood met re- cently at Maple Grove with the in the chair. 'The president told group that the next meeting would include a visit to the Hampton Brotherhood at Hamp- ton on Monday, January 21, 1963. The speaker will be Rex Walters from the Bowmanville Hydro. The group heard four numbers by a quartette consist- ing of Ken Buttery, Len Cle- ment, Ken Brooks and Elmer Down, W. H. Brown introduced the Bernard Holden, administrator of the Bowmanville Hospital. table with Mrs. Kenneth Werry convener and assisted by Mrs. J. Measure, Miss Ann Ferguson, Mrs. William Corden, Miss Mar- ilyn Robinson, Misses George- ann and Suzanne Graham, Miss Judy Sellers, Miss Kay Bain and Miss Darla Bacon. Mrs. H. A. Cuthbertson was treasurer for the afternoon. SEVERS RELATIONS EDMONTON (CP)--The Ed- monton Maple Leaf Athletic As- Sociation has severed relations with Detroit Red Wings of the National: Hockey League. In a statement Sunday, Association Vice President D. G. Brown said that "due to the fact Red Wings no longer wish to carry out their end of a sponsoring agreement that has proved beneficial to both clubs over the last eight years, the Maple Leaf Athletic Club wishes to make it known they are no longer con- nected with Detroit." * mail to send @ your copy to The Times, TELEPHONE 723-3492 * QUEBEC (CP) -- Some 40) les were evacuated Mon- y night when a three-alarm swept their four storey building in upper tewn, opened for occupancy; @ly a few months ago. Police gaid the fire apparently started in the furnace room. . ' ' : EXTENSIVE BEAT The United States Coast is responsible for lifesav- maintaining navigational aids, Jaw enforcement and other @ities- along 40,000 miles of shorelines. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT Mr. Holden gave a talk on his duties and how the hospital is operated. A special Christmas service will be held next Sunday at 12 noon as well as a candle light service at 7.30 p.m. in the even- ing. Special Christmas music will be provided by the choir at both services. The Home and School met in Maple Grove West School with President Mrs. Alfred Allin, presiding. The next meeting will be held at Maple Grove east school on February 13 when Father's Night will be observed. Miss Johnstone's and Mrs. Blakely's rooms won the parents count. Teachers and pupils presented an enjoyable Christmas pro- gram. Christmas carols were sung and were accompanied by the music teacher, Ross Met- calf. Mrs. Ann Scott thanked the teachers and pupils for their fine performance. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, Islington, were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Miss Carol Greenham, is spending three weeks in Filor- ida and other places in com- pany with her sister Mr. and Mrs, James Martin and family of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hackson and daughters Leigh, Kim, Oak- ville were recent visitors with 'their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. R .Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bur- gess, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bur- gess attended a family gath- ering at the home of the for- mer's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, Shaws on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White visited their aunt, Mrs. Addie -- in Cobourg on Sun- y. Mr, and Mrs, John Aitchi Brooklin WI Holds Christmas Party By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- An entirely new venture for the Brooklin Christmas Party held recently in the basement of Township Hall. For over 30 years, neither of these events have been held, owing to proximity of festive season. The president, Mrs. Harry McCool, occupied the chair. Finances to date, and secre- tary's report, were presented) by the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Elliott, for 1962. A message of thanks and ap- preciation to members of Brook- lin Institute, for their generous donations of gifts to mental patients for distribution during the Christmas season, was re- ceived from Mrs. M. B. Dymond, Port Perry. The 4-H Girls' Achievement Day will be held at Port Perry president, Mr. Harvey Brooks| guest speaker of the evening, |2°Y High School on Saturday, Jan. Mrs. Albert Cooper, leader of Brooklin group, urged parents and Institute members to at- tend summary display of fall project, "The Club Girls Stand on Guard." A short course _ entitled "Creative Cookery," sponsored ice Department, Toronto, is scheduled to be held on Janu- 21 and 22, instituted by Miss Marion Ivens at Town- ship Hall, Brooklin. Mrs. E. Acton and Mrs. W. A. Heron agreed to act as committee to purchase supplies needed, and make necessary 'arrangements. Details can be obtained from secretary, Mrs. Arthur Elliott, telephone 655-3844. The District Director, Mrs. C. DeJonge, reported highlights of recent District Executive meeting. A new branch of the Women's Institute has been formed at Greenwood. The District Annual meeting of Women's Institutes will be held in Ajax in 1963. An announcement was re- ceived with regret of the re- tirement, after 30 years' active service in 4-H Girls' Clubs and Home Economics Services, of Miss Florence Eadie, Toronto. WI CHRISTMAS PARTY Mrs. E. Acton, assisted by pianist, Mrs. Albert Cocper, led in group singing of Christmas carols as an introduction to the first Christmas party of Women's Institute, Brooklin. Mrs. F. M. Holliday favored with humorous readings, "Christmas Trees" and a paro- dy on "The Night Before Christ- mas." An educational film entitled, "Christmas Around the World," shown by Mrs. W. A. Heron, preceded the distribution of Christmas gifts (donated by "Sunshine Sisters" whose names will be released at end of season). The members then adjourn- ed to the table, which was light- ed by colored tapers, and deco- rated with symbols of the sea- son. A Christmas lunch was prepared and served by a com- mittee comprising: Mrs. E. Acton, Miss Eileen Hamill, Mrs. C. DeJonge, Mrs. Albert Cooper, and Mrs. W. A. Heron. The children enjoyed popcorn and cookies. by the Home Economics Serv-|ip and two children, Blackstock, were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allin Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowden and daughters, Bowmanville, were Saturday evening visitors LIGHT HAUL LONDON (CP) -- A driving firm hired to collect a fonica from London Airport wasn't sure what it was--so they sent a 30-ft truck and trailer. A fon- book, 'The Word and the Way"'. Three home calls, and one hospital call, and cards sent to sick were given in response to roll call. Convener of nominating com- mittee, Mrs. E. Kay, read a list of officers selected to serve for ensuing year. Mrs. J. H. McKinney acted as chairman for the election. Mrs. A. G. Stocks cast the de- ciding ballot, and the following were elected to serve for one. year term, ending December, 1963. Leader, Mrs. Robert Humph- ries; assistant, Mrs, Sam Stuart; secretary, Mrs. A, G. Stocks; treasurer, Mrs. Jim Carnwith, Jr., to act as the executive. Mrs. Don Roberts was ap- pointed social convener of the Unit, and various committee conveners were appointed. FAITHFUL WORKERS The December meeting of the Faithful Workers Unit, took place at the home of Mrs. Lance Beath with an attendance of 12 members and three visitors. The leader, Mrs. Gordon Hunter, conducted business ses- sion. Mrs. Ralph Hunter, assist- ed by Mrs. Leonard Blight, con- ducted the Christmas worship and devotions. A film entitled "The Birth of Christ" and Christmas carols closed this period of the meet- 2g. Twenty-eight calls on sick and shut-ins were given in response to roll call. Mrs. Gordon Hurst acted as chairman for the election of of- ficers. The following will be of- ficers of the unit for year. 1963: Leader, Mrs. Gordon Hunter; assistant, Mrs, Levi Arksey; secretary, Mrs. Bruce Hannam. Treasurer, Mrs. Leonard Blight; program covener, Mrs. Howard Arksey; assistant, Mrs. Norman Alves; representative for Community Friendship and The following districts will be represented: Altona, Bethesda- Reach, Brooklin, Kinsale, Brougham, Mount Zion, Prince Albert, Quaker Hill and Scugog. Achievement Day for North By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON (CP) -- : it comes to a battle between male and female, the woman ususa! gets word. rs. mined to have her's. '. dig bullied by -- jun! congressmen trying to find Communists under every sewing basket,'"' said the mother of three children in recounting! her experiences testifying be- fore a House of Representatives subcommittee on UN-American activities last week. "TI don't think a few Commu- nists in our peace drive are go- ing to do us any harm," added the 46-year-old founder of the Women Strike for Peace move- ment, subjected to three days of public investigation by committee which suspects that Hye been taken over by the CALLS IT WASTE "I was absolutely incensed by' that utter waste of time," said Mrs. Wilson, whose bition in life is to to a troubled world through East-West disarmament, "It was a waste of time that could have been spent on peace work--and just at Christmas time, too. You know how busy mothers are at Christmas." Peace Movement Founder Queried | California at least part of the movementirushed ¢o gi "Unless everybody whole world joln us in fight, then help us." Ontario county will be held on Saturday, January 19, at the Brock District High School, Cannington, commencing at 9 a.m, The following districts will be represented: Atherley, Beaver- ton, Gamebridge, Sunderland, Udney North and Udney South. Sandra Schneller, Home Eco- nomist for York and Ontario County, will supervise these special meetings. Registration will commence at 9 a.m. followed by the judg- ing of activities and discussion of classes. The afternoon session will commence at 1.30 p.m. Each club will present one of the following: Exhibit, skit or demonstration on one of the topics studied, with a three- nute comment on exhibit, and ten minutes for skit or demon- stration. play of posters, Record Books, First Aid Kits, and a Highway Safety Quiz. CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS A. record of achievement is signed for each. member who i completes the pro- ect. A certificate of achievement is awarded upon the completion of every two clubs. A county honor certificate and pin is awarded on the satisfac- tory completion of six clubs. A provincial honor certificate and pin is awarded upon the Satisfactory completion of 12 clubs, A sterling silver teaspoon in the Ontario 4-H Homemaking Club design is presented to each girl and club leader who satis- factorily completes the project and attends Achievement Day. A brief discussion period will be held on the "Choice of Units" for Spring, 1963: 'Clothes Clos- ets Up to Date", 'Working with Wool" or "What Shall I Wear". All record books must be sent in to the Department of Agri- culture, Uxbridge, by Dec. 28 for South Ontario, and Jan, 11 for North Ontario, First Aid Kits must be taken by each member for exhibit on Achievement Day as well as a pencil and pad. A special invitation has been extended by the Department of Agriculture to all mothers of Club members, and members of Women's Institutes. across On- tario to attend the afternoon sessions, There will be a colorful dis-|*" By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The president, Mrs. Harry McCool, chaired the regular meeting of Brooklin Women's Institute held in the basement of the Township Hall. A unanimous decision was reached to send donations of $5 to the FWIO International Scholarship Fund to assist with education necessary for the' work of Women's Institutes in Ceylon. The amount already con- tributed stands at $14,000 wi the objective to be reached, Miss Pearl Isaackss, of Cey- Woman Kills Timber Wolf With Axe RIVER VALLEY, Ont., (CP) --Mrs. Isidore Carre grabbed an axe and killed a_ timber wolf that attacked her husband on his farm Wednesday. Mr, Canre, released from hos- pital after treatment said he was in the stable when his two refused to leave the stable he went out to investigate. "Just as I had stepped out the door I saw this big black fig- ure leap at me," he said. "It must have jumped 10 feet to grab me by the throat. I was thrown to the ground and we rolled over until we were at the; stable entry. I was yelling and my son-in-law ran to my res- cue." Fernand Legault, managed to force the wolf's jaw open. Just then Mrs, Carre arrived with an axe and chopped the animal Unit Hears Talk On Discrimination lon, was thus enabled to pro- cure a year's intensive study at Macdonald Institute in prepara- tion for her duties with the "Lanka Mahila Samitti'"" Wom- en's Institute in Ceylon. Mrs, Harry McCool, official voting delegate from Brooklin branch, attended the Central Ontario Area Women's Insti- tutes' 60th convention held at the -- York Hotel, Toronto and related interesting extracts from a talk by Mrs. James Haggerty, Napanee, Ont., presi- dent of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada, Mrs. Hag- gerty went to the ACWW Con vention held in Australia. An interesting article was read at a 'meeting in Brooklin dealing with discrimination and international affairs. An exhibit of crafts and hob- bies of members of the Wom- en's Institute proved interesting with exhibitors explaining how the work was accomplished. Mr. Carre and his son-in-law, be Finance Man Faces Charge aes} On Murder warrant issued by the im down. oe The wolf's fangs penetrated two inches in the left side of Mr. Carre's throat. He. was treated at a hospital in Stur- geon Falls, about 20 miles southeast of here. MERRY MIXUP EDINBURGH (CP) -- The Scottish Tourist Board received a letter from the United States addressed to Scottish Tourist Board, England, and asking for information about Wales. The wolf's head was to be given laboratory examination for rabies. Mr. Carre was treated for rabies as a precau- tionary measure, and his dogs, nose, will be kept chained up until a report. is received. tion department, He is accused of murdering a@ man in a tavern shooting in July, 1961, He is through posting of $10, in Fort Worth. Spell, an American told police return to ! trial, to Police said he is portant bus nes tions here. Visiting, Mrs. Lance Beath; nursery representative, Mrs. Ray Ingleton; flower convener, Mrs. Ralph Hunter. Mrs. William Ormiston acted as hostess for the Christmas meeting of the ABC Unit. "The 'Eternity of Christmas" was theme of worship service, chosen by a committee made up of Mrs. Mantel, Mrs. David Burleigh, and Miss Myrtle Blakeley. Guest of the evening, Miss Marilyn Scott, Oshawa, acted as pianist for group of Christ- mas songs and carols sung in unison by group. The leader, Mrs. D, E. Hamer chaired the business session, A total of 16 members and two visitors in attendance, re- ported 25 home calls, and three calls at institutions, in response to the roll call. ed the sum of $153 raised dur- ing the year from many varied activities. The final report will be presented at the annual meeting in January, 1963. Mrs. W. Medland was nom- inated and acted as chairman for election of officers. The following will be the offi- cers of ABC Unit for year 1963: Leader, Mrs. D. E. Hamer; as- sistant, Mrs. R. Pilkey; secre- tary, Mrs. William Medland; treasurer, Mrs. John Medland; quilt committee, Mrs. W. Ormis- ton, Mrs. Victor Parkin and Mrs. E. Lee; social convener, Mrs, George Vick; convener of membership and cards, Mrs. Mrs. Mantel; flower and wel- fare convener, Mrs. Arthur Boyes; program convener, Mrs. Ralph Milner; nursery con- vener, Mrs. Holman, Sr.: Com- The treasurer's report reveal-| # Young prisoners, hands be- hind heads, surrender in the prison yard of the Villa de Voto Penitentiary, near Buenos Aires, Argentina, yes- with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Snowden. ica is a musical instrument about three feet long. munity Friendship and Visiting, Mrs. W. A. Heron. terday. A revolt of 400 con- victs was crushed after 10 guards staged a mutiny of their own. They ran amuck the revolt ended, 100 uf the prison guards were slain. As ' PRISONERS SURRENDER and killed at least 23 convicts, some of them cringing in their cells. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Buenos Aires). 2S eas genoa cme SPRANG Pe a ae