THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 20,1962 9 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES aay "i THE STARS SAY | o> meorme --vengacen Syuibal cette es ST RELLITA eee ESTRELLITA Between late June and early HARVEY HUNT UNIT I! | ALBERT STREET UNIT 4 FOR TOMORROW October, there is a strong pos- ; The Christmas meeting of the} Unit 4 of Albert Street Church , i Adverse aspects indicate a -- te oon pedir yg one Of Immortality Harvey Hunt Unit II, of Simcoe/held a Christmas party at the need for caution on the morrow.!°otanee. to Bi = Zz i I ascommeds oveeminan sb: Street United Church Womenjhome of Mrs. Alec Maracle,|f ; Be careful in personal relation"Omantically. or 'career-(reasonable facsimile has, like Watise Gladys Frise, Unit Lead- od by val 'anging Chetsmas al ships and do nothing fo amagon-lwise, There is also indication of|turkey and ee ee er, opened the meeting and wel-|carols. Mrs, Edward Holland : a In business matters, continue renee ' sve! pang eon Fj ceed ae = * |comed the members. Mrs. Earle|sang a solo, "Oh Holy Night'. é the practices which you aave|'"aye! Curing the same period. mek tuyear-round verdure is Le a Mg og: Mme Airs AO allel ll a : Loe ae courselt tolpportunities available in late\regarded as symbolixing im- : , : : and do not permit yourself to rtality, wag veh by Mrs: PAD] Winners of the contests, cs A a , Become discouraged 'by tempm/ ueren ance queesses hen C80/™ ay the Chrismas, tee erry. She a. oF groan _ bs Samuel Gibbs, Mrs, Erie Jack- fm |rary delays or obstacles. There) "4 chitd born on this day will|in safety and ensure that the et Md eon ode ogee Miss|% Mrs. Beverly Heard, Mrs. og ZB |are more stimulating days Com-|»e methodical and enterprising|happiness of yuletide be not Muriel Oke, Miss Gladys Frise|iy, Holand, Mrs. Leo Gray and " a but will be apt to harbor griev.|marred by mishap, here are An ; ' FOR THE BIRTHDAY ances and grudges for mnths,|some : ave the visiting report, There Were 51 house calls and 17 hos-| An exchange of gifts was If tomorrow is your birthday,|even years. pital calls made, Miss Lenore|Made and a @ pot luck supper eo lyour horoscope warns that you Glass gave the correspondence| 8S held. may have to cope with some fi-) qj) od i yplearaanl sour oe mga pore tos a ae Gee \j nancial problems during June:|cherry trees should be destroyed|use candies on or near the tree ice Patten, One sympathy|Mrs. . Mrs. E. ugust and November, but the ; card and four get-well cards| Holland thanked the hostess also soninaratiane indicate that, if ag a spread virus|Check also the wiring on tree had been sent. Mrs. Angus Mac-|Mrs. T, Peters and: Mrs. E. met with courage, good judg- i lights. lean reported on the sale of Jackiin who were in charge of TO WED IN THE NEW YEAR ment and realism, they can be games. easily solved. cards, The chrysanthemums for the Do J 5, 1963, is the d Do not allow worry or pessi- UBLES CLUB anuary 9, , is the date Waugh and Mr. Barry Nelson ee Ne The Double's Club of St,| set for the marriage of Miss Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. nape th goog ye od 4 K AYE'S LARGE SIZE memory of their daughter, Mrs.|Mark's Anglican Church held] Eleanor Jean Waugh, daugh- Alfred Foster, all of Oshawa. |year despite temporary set- H. Campbell Ross, who was a|their Christmas meeting on De-| ter of Mr .and Mrs. William --Photos by Hornsby |backs. } valued member of the Harvey|cember 15, There were 24 mem- SHOPPE ee Hunt Unit. Miss Margaret Pat-|bers present for the meeting terson, leader of Group 2, tookjand the turkey dinner, charge of the remainder of the} The retiring presidents, Mr. 4 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE © meeting. and Mrs, Ernest Dobney thank. : Mrs. J. K, Moffat opened theled the past executives, The new Nets eco devotions with prayer, read thelexecutives for 1963 are: honor- scripture and meditation on the/ary president, the Reverend and Specializing In e complete Christian theme. Miss Phyllis)Mrs, Alfred Woolcock; presi- pe : Glass played the piano for the/dents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ' sata " carols, Mrs. James Potter ac-|Rae; vice-presidents, Mr. and ; companied Miss Glass as she|Mrs. Lloyd Harding; secretar- v sang a solo and Misses Lenorelies, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Daw- aan Ladies Wear and Phyllis Glass when they|son; treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. sang two duets. Miss Irene Boes/ William Howell; press report. A Merry read the story, 'The Smalljers, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Coles; M Cc st One'. social conveners, Mr, . j m } After the Watchword, season-| Lorne Grevelle: sneraties cord FRO REEDS hri ve resi Hoh a2 an to é al refreshments were served by|veners, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Group 2. Flutter; program chairman, and The executive will be inj/Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Wilson; GIVE A LIVING GIFT charge of the January meeting.|telephone committee, Mr, and H + je appy was ai 4 CMINARY BALE. land ats. Bonald Meciashan, nv \\,7 Sm OF THE TRADITIONAL EVENING ELEGANCE presented by the Calvary Bust ,inpine Sn tegen ms, Of carol D, NG hence CHRISTMAS FLOWER New Year ness Women's Fellowship Mon-|1 419, Antoinette of Mont- quinned flowers sweeps diag- |day evening at Hillsdale Manor. =< ; wat alieel feather - light Sealy over the shoulder.| Carol singing was led by Peep fiends from " to all matt jersey of arnel - nylon to Seen in the fall - winter col- Miss Betty Leask and accom- cn dink vaaien py -- \ : create a dramatic low cut lection of the Canadian Asso- jpanied by Miss Ferne Ledgett. Mark's Siow Ball canoe to be es | \ Our k sheath. A band of se- ciation of Couturiers. Several selections were sung by te a quintette from: the Calvary held on January 25, at the Osh- Explorers, and a piano solo|/#¥® Alrport Recreation Hall. i POINSETTIA PANS Customer. $s Bozena Traczyk, SOCIETIES "Star of the East" was played| sT, ANDREW'S UCW NO. 8 2.50 _ 6.00 i . by Maybeth Hoagland. Two The regular meeting of UCW, John L. Studzinski LODGES AND imag deg A Lang Ba ee Meni Ab _ in the eo a \ POINSETTIAS POTTED ae. s Soe! by Dolores Allen. i . Wed in St.Hedwig S| REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 The Christmas story was read ee Png oo Bede. r 4 ais 3,00 Snaies 15.00 St; Hedwig's Roman Catholic Christmas meeting of Re- A eel ie aoe -- hgoos, My . 8 op s ALALAL = Lovely. Ochows Church was the egrord pad the Deer sai cittaase ty Sievers and -isagg ees by Miss Nora Moen. Mrs, Pegg led the devotional az: <3 6.00 _ 16.00 Ch f awk: gv ae aks. eo four visiting Brothers. Prayer was offered by Miss perine, the theme being "Medi- 'Sa , . A emall deposit will hold eny erticle until Christmas. <7, Mrs. Henry Traczyk, Poland, to} Noble Grand Sister Anne Cook Mabel Matheson, Los pig Ma G eribdk cetirtbA toe tha ; <i Heh phe cima -- Becutiful Use our convenient ley ewey plon, ua Mr. John L. Studzinski, Osh-|opened the meeting assisted by Delaney, accompanied by Mrs. Social end FH aah es" mn awa, son of Mr, and Mrs, An-|vice grand Sister Aida Tonkin, Aubrey Hele, sang "Jesus, the/Social a: endship Commit- 3.00 6.00 drew Studzinski, Poland. Sister Flossie Ball, District - gy Born", and "Down from "The Study Book, "On Asia's \ | . as 'The ceremony was performed|Deputy Oshawa East No. 8 was) {8 "Ory a|Rim," digvuneed 6a it Wie : 1 a POTTED MUMS -- by the Reverend Andrew Wal-lintroduced by Sister Viola|, The program was arrange » was discussed as i dais by OMI with Mrs. Gary Booth|Keeler, Visiting Sisters Annie|bY Mrs. Jack McLaughlin, and Oe ee : 3.00 _ 7,50 Srangni andast , losetana and Grace rade of te Tt eugene ""lementor este Andrew' 00 _7.50 vi bid wager oma eugene, Bronk, were srshmenta were served by|Qhuch was, gut speaker STORE HOURS: Open 'til 9 pm. every night Majewski, Sarnia, She wore &| Vice grand Sister Aida Ton- the Explorers. tolciae "Chet Pte an 8 penis i floorlengih gown of Chantilly|kin gave a report of the visiting|CEDARDALE H and 8 ASSOC.|ynich choo at vesegie has Beautiful Christmas Arrangements--Pom Pom A > Saturday, ; Jace, with a jouttgat. skirt tha committee, and Christmas bas-| The December meeting of the ban Seictae a we sone a etd 00 7,50 10.00 cented by self-roses from kets will be sent to sick and/cedardale Home and School As-|to the world. Basing his re- Y waistline at the back. The bod-| shut-in members sociation was held recently. In|marks on th : ; t , e gifts of Christ- HRISTMAS CORSAGES , ice was adorned with pearls) sister Clara Sloman was wel-|the absence of the president,/mas benefaction, Dr. Telford conn PIECES HOLLY KAYE'S "a Gift Certificates For sizes 5 to 20 visit Kaye's, 57 King St. W. * BOWMANVILLE ~<F and sequins and featured lily-|.qmed back to Lodge, after a|Mrs. Gordon Beaton, Mrs. Gor-|said, the é ' . » . , greatest. man is he og gt he! Fi 7 lengthy illness. don McQuaid chaired the meet-| who serves and gives the most. CHRISTMAS WREATHS big Ppt i. a and she| Sister Mabel Ross was also|ing. The minutes were read} Mrs, Pegg thanked Dr, Tel- DOOR SWAGS Breas ease Poca A Re ERS IE LADIES' WEAR ; rs. am Hre' f is servi e refresh- . roses, stephanotis and fern. District Deputy Sister Flossie)... treasurer's report. ments, 1 maid of honor, Miss Mary|Ball extended season's greet- : Posk. Sarnia, wore a street-|ings to all Sisters and Brothers. Bay Bey F screed tg -! ae length dress of flamingo peau) A festive evening followed,|was decided to hold a bake sale WOMEN'S TRAFFIC JOB de soie. The bridesmaids, Miss|under the leadership of Brother at the January meeting. A MONTREAL (CP) -- H. G. SP RTS EAR Gontier, a local sociologist, & a Dana Turek, Miss Rena Stas-|Donald Keeler and Sister Eve-\Christmas treat for the pupils jak and Miss Mirka Gawron-|iyn Fickes, is to be provided|S2¥S, Women aren't doing ska all fie roag gph Brother Keeler was master of - _ simoci D oe or one be bn rate of FLORISTS LTD. in peacock blue peau de soie./ceremonies for a sing song and lyn Elliott, program|traffic deaths of children of 14 Their gowns were designed with|carol singing with Sister Nora Patho rece Sonal years and under. 'You can't be. 10% KING WEST 163 BLOOR WEST 68 SIMCOE ST. NORTH bateau necklines, three-quarter/Hopps at the piano. discussion for the January meet-|8in too soon to teach children 725-1131 725-2512 sleeves cat nous bsg Recitations by Brother Keel- ng veel to Prsghbity on Canadian OSHAWA with a small bow at the waist-jer; Visiting Sister Annie Jack-| The Grade 6 choir from Mr./Tads, he says. line. Their headdresses were!son of Brooklin, gave readings; Shutka's room under the direc. coronets of rhinestones with) Sing songs led by Donald|tion of Mr. Robert Russell sang matching veils and they Car-lKeeler with clowns, A medley|seyeral selections. Mrs. Mc- ried cascades of tinted chrysan-| of old-fashioned songs were por- id thanked the pupils and themums to match their gowns./trayed by Noble Grand Sister a Russell. ae a The best man was Mr. Jo-\Anne Cook and officers; Bro-| Mrs, Elliott then gave a short | = ee ae a or oe sang in "Thelintroduction of the film to be ~K debe re : all Game". ; ted Ci LA Soltys and Mr. Stanley Mar- e shown, entitled "City Under the From a gaily decoratediice"', which showed the proj- chut as ushers. Christmas tree gifts were ex-ject that is underway under the The reception was held at the/changed. Snow Cap in Greenland, which National Hall with the bride's| Refreshments including a de-|consists of 'an Atomic Power : aunt, Mrs. Stet Majewski, corated cake, made by Sister|Plant and living quarters for Sarnia, ie wore @/Eva Tipton, were served, Sis-|the men stationed there. . 8 Lal mink toned crepe dress accent-jter Dorothy Holdsworth and] Refreshments were prepared; . ed with sequins and brilliants,| ommitt : ; matching accessories and a cor- ee were in charge. _!and served by the executive. sage st ---~ ioe Poe orga was Mrs. Vincent Kolodzie, in a dress of green pure silk print, Keep Their Little Feet oc. beige accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. When the bridal couple left WARM AND DRY on their honeymoon trip to Ot- tawa, Montreal and Quebec, the low Raitiod sul with, ink SHEARLING-TOP brown accessories and a cor- sage of yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Studzinski are @) V & R S at @) E S making their home at 1044 Ra- vine road, Oshawa. Out of town guests were from Sarnia and Ottawa. RUTHERFORD"S COOL FILLING Now's the time to outfit Home economists at Macdon- your youngsters with CHRISTMAS BONUS ald Institute, Guelph, suggest 3 when making cream pie, keep aap warm winter SPECIAL THIS WEEK the under crust from becoming : overshoes. Sturdy rubber FROM soggy by cooling the filling be- : . .. Reinforced heels fore pouring it into the baked ; and toes . . . Non-slip -- aS) shell. a -- soles... : \\ | justable strap with a ; inside cuff keeps snow yyy \ out, warmth in. . . ! DELIVERY Brown only in full si FURNITURE CO. 1013; 1, 2, ond 3, ae \ |, 2, . Buying furniture for the first time? Redoing a "tired" living room? Just imagine BIG BONUS . what a dramatic contemporary flair this handsome sectional will lend Ty . J your room S A L E » SPECIAL | . . . with a dozen re-arrangements for change of scene! Reversible, zippered thick Pe SS foam cushions, Covered in modern textured fabric, choice of colors. Only $15 deli- -- vers! . .. with up to 2 years to pay. NOW ON! fl SOTO CHOOSE FROM OUR HUGE SELECTION OF GIFT AMPLE A fOOTSTOOL | LAMPS, OCCASIONAL TABLES, MANY STYLES IN SLR . CHAIRS, DESKS, BRIDGE SETS, MIRRORS, PICTURES, -- 2 99 D AVIDSON § HIGH FIDELITY AND PORTABLE STEREO RECORD & : iI : PLAYERS, TELEVISIONS ~ CEDAR CHESTS, WASHERS, socnuren st. {J OpmradoyNgheTusem. ff DRYERS~SMALL APPLIANCES. 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. in OSHAWA % v