RE i eg ange EE te: es gm, nan ce AR ts a ALT ils ETN i tare me eeigi seni bE gk hfs oeiarinpats iat 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 19, 1962 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT DIVIDENDS Today' s Toronto Stock Market Listings | Newsprint Export @tr S552 Net 11 Net 11 het ORGANIST aged ee High Lo age Stock Sales High Low Bove Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge "on ae Ch' record Jan. 4. . Exquisite 180. $1 ae i: ao i+ Se: fe ee ER RR 1 tl k B d ht Hudson's. Bay Oil and Gas LILA TREDWELL cuioite $10% 10% 10% + i 7.7 c 135 sie ii im u oo Tg. Co. Ltd., common 30 cents, Jan. ight! 30 --% 35% 5% 5% 1% + % $s 5 5 --% 25, ; Appearing N 100 $17 «17 «17 $5% 5% 5% -- %|Cayzor 1500 23 Roche 6 5% 5% ' record Dec. 31. , abe tasK 9% am? |Wemka : Digltemn oe i en eS S MONTREAL (CP)--The 1963, Not only is Canada the biggest at} Meacegen_ Gaal aise GENOSHA HOTEL 4 --% 300 36% 6% 6%4-- * --% 9 9 470 465 #465 --8 jexport outlook for Canadian|producer of newsprint in the i Sa" iu ul 20 $13 1344 13% -- 700 181 130 180 % 't 'm '> |newsprint is bright but not bril-world, exporting 724,058 tans or 1 OK 7 ioe A e.g. hy ee poe oe De aia asso- he yp she is also one of the n # --1 |ciation of Canada. iggest consumers. "00 $i 6% iw? iil ¥, anit {00 250 350. 250 © Discov 900 74 oes 385 385 1¢| Exports to the United States) The Canadian consumption of 50 250 + Ui 10 «69% 10 and Central and' South Ameri-|newsprint now totals more than ited 'ty "tu ~" 39 ie 'a s can should increase while those|500,000 tons a year, an amount fo 40" 470 iy jolam 300 129 329 ue = ca ane Far East inca Blrece nf the bey should drop slightly, an associa-|States, , Japan es 335. 0th 00 60 : sp ms 215 215 tion report said. Exports to|Germany, France and possibly Wiltsey 8300 160 153 183 --y |Western Europe apparently| Russia. 980 $1 Int Nickel 162 Yk Bi 500 ay 113° x IU i Te A ig, eh Se th ee ecw eeme bo 22 BB _u|"Preuminary ventimatas soow|ltdustty also sons dalny lov Syn A" 1S M6 83 ~ "15,255,000 tons of in right, on the basis of an asso- J t Del 225 775 775 175 Gunnar re ons of newsprint going] 100 $04 9 «lS the f io io %| Salon to 11 a deta, to the United States in 1962 com.|'iation chart illustrating a 35- 59% ta Pd Mic Mai 3 $20% 20% ae pared with an expected 5,400,000/¥ear history of capacity and de- $164 16% 193 192 198 a $20% 20 hie os 3 ie A "no $0% 4% "i +¥ NET EARNINGS in 1963; mand. : 4% 94% ' $11% 11% 11%-- %|5 mn Go 2 oy To Central America 155,000 joone mg discloses a "'tre- < $105% "te we % 8 84 $17 17 «17 500 $ 5 § +%| By THE CANADIAN PRESS tons in 1962 compared with 160,- lous increase in both de- S 1 2 21 21 000 in 1963; South America g0,-/mand and capacity in the last > 20% 8 a Laura Secord Candy Shops, 15 like te IMB PR' co Sits sow im | Medal 45 240 40 635 650 630 --io [year ended Sept. 30: 1962, $503,-|%e,tons compared with 120,008 a "OPEN. UNTIL see 9 a Busses i 2 3° Feuss EEEEE rt bq 82 BaBgagugeOtegtt 3 SSSve zee '7 Beige oo on ee E ; ye 19% -- % Midcon 225 295 295 6 FM d nom +15 |423, 87.5 cents a share; 1961, compared with 140,000 and Brit- What about trade with Com- M. 12% 1% ~1lh 11% + % + 1 pad $489, 610, 85.2 cents. t re ta Wine 45 No om aS oa a 75 | Molson Breweries Lta., ar| with tes Ags! age compared} Munlst Countries m4 200 2 12 on 3 ended Sept, 30: 1962, $7,970,572,|™ or the coming 230° 45 Ya 660 $1.90 a share; 1961, $7,614,855,|" a" +1 Exports to Western Europe 210 210 210 +45 6000 nf i : 15 $35% 354 35% + My 4 P 66 4 +h $1.81, should remain at 10,000 tons. ag > F BSESSySBSSy Heed ahaa eeieetelless £ OO CPE Fe in 525 $8% 8% 8 re ge 1 R -- es = bib oyal Bank of Canada, year'. 103 722, 980, 8,8, Josue a is Sr St vont, 1000 29 ao 28 ms ? lended Nov. 30: 1962, $21,492,267, Pe? ae -- Pao 30 Sit 104 i0K feat ; 3000 8% $4 8% $3.23 a share; 1961, '$201,750,844, Thomson $15% 15% 15% ; 00 100 100 --3 $63%, Pow Corp Pi Yan Can 1500 3000 00 0 $3.12 QN Gas 25 Min $13% {34 134 -- % Rockowr pr rt ; %| United Keno Hill Mines Ltd. gh Royal Bank 200 108 108 108 +1 lyear ended Sept. 30: 1962, Kerna an & Co, a br . one is : me $1,218,131, 49 cents a share; MEMBERS OF THE Sayvette 1 7°" heed 1961, $978,035, 40 cents. TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Shawin 121 ' 4 Shell Olt size ize ite "laren 800 Newnor OPERATING DIRECT LINE Stal he Be ee 35 3h AUTO - LIFE - FIRE WHITBY - COBOURG : CHRISTMAS ! | | i 3 TOR TREAL i] BowMANviLtE BORO " yy Meg 25 a a io "ih "ti a Mc MU RTRY ce] cage MON EA | re a aber z i ae 4 Bee Bese CLEANERS ond LAUNDERERS - PORT HOPE sel a ¢g ae ? S928 $8 of BE Ky Bee gases at Curtains, Drapes, Blonkets, Rugs Steel Can 31784 17% 17 000 1914 1348 134 -- less =» -2500 15% 15% 15% ONTARIO 725- 1104 OSHAWA'S ONLY te Ster Tr $5 B x 4 ar gee ome INSURANCE No Stairs To Climb UNIONIZED SHOP THE $30 30 30 B 200 605 605 605 Preston 400 725 725 725 pd Purdex 500 Bi i oe '" EST. 1913 RES. MGR, ERIC R. HENRY, 723-4631 aad EVENING 2500 14% 14% 14% || 21 King St. W. 723-3722 725-4305 50 MILL 39 «3939 ne Het ty SPECIALLY PRICED GIFT SUGGESTION! Both beginners and 'those with sewing know-how should enjoy the talents and smooth performance of this versatile machine. Note its features: Full- size round bobbin; automatic bobbin winder with separate oll built-in sewing light; Aaj hy ' sion control; forward and reverse stitch contro j /g3 4 99 7] drop feed for. various fabrics; variable speed Edgerite Electric Drills 4 Redon ply yh Sabre Saws ave ein ° foot control; "Patch-O-Matic" for mending and @ Uneconditionally 9 ageinst b darning. @ Improved armature feetures a new-type insulation. @ "Ther Id' constructi EATON Special Price: © Mode oe ee ee ee eee * Noslood speed of 3,000 strokes per miriute, %" stroke, amps. ; ' i speed, on ee eee ' [°° 0 Rime emeniotins: 25am, Retaraete, comet ie © Cute "twedjutenraraetegren engl Gift Accessories for the Gal who Sews 3-wire cord. Silver-grey finish. (Drill only), © Bronze alloy bearings. EATON Special Price, © Complete with one blade. 14, 95 BUTTONHOLE ATTACHMENT 4 Ben bs BLIND HEMMER ATTACHMENT EATON Special Price, complete ........-- SEWING BENCH .......... 10.95 and 16.95 SEWING CABINET ..........17.95 and 24.50 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 570 PHONE 725-7373 RIBBED ALUMINUM SNOW SHOVELS @ Blade size approx. 15' x 18" with steel edge to help prevent corners from buckling. @ Hardwood D-grip handle @ Overall length 48". Each 2.69 SATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 PHONE 725-7373 Pamper Her 365 Days a Year with a "YOUNGSTOWN" DISHWASHER What a wonderful way to say "Merry Christ- mas" ... with an automatic dishwasher that will turn dishwashing into a sheer pleasure! This undercounter model automatically power-washes, power-rinses, power-dries an entire day's dishes. Large capacity, easy front loading and simple operation are but a few of the outstanding advantages. OTHERS INCLUDE: @ Dial setting for 'Heavy' or 'Normal' soil conditions. 1,000 watt heating element for quick drying. Automatic detergent dispenser eS "Acculux" Re-Chargeable "Navigator" Auto Compasses! "RAY-O-VAC" "RAY-O-VAC" '305' LANTERNS Flashlights ! @ Seifsiluminated--for high- HUNTER LANTERNS ! @ For fishing, boating, camping, ete. way or waterway. @ Never needs new batteries 6 Swivel mounting, easily @ Economy-priced lantern for @ Features a bright floadii ; ft pel can --re-charges itself over- adjustable. car, cottage, etc. Metal be peta hia be @ spo! a it plus -< night when you plug it @ Plastic case, white or black, construction. red warning flasher with separa EAC switch. Protected impeller Rotating upper rack Vinyl plastic - coated racks for easy 'cushioning'. into any 110-volt wall outlet, can't overcharge. H .00 e ed Ysa ga swivel Fold-away steel handle for conven= ead. , "Airglide" Auto Compass ient storage. @ Compact -- fits into poc- 1 6-volt: batter (not t illustrated) '@ Complete with 6-vol ry. ket, purse, etc. @ Featu 'oualind 'visi e peepee e) --_ bat- dome' universal mounting. ry mtsted @ Airplane type compensa- EATON Special Price, (with EACH 4.95 EACH 7.25 can eu REVERSIBLE CAR BLANKETS @ Smart leopard skin effect on one side, multi-coloured Stas on the other. ' @ Excellent for car, cottage, ete, INSTALLATION IN THE OSHAWA AREA MAY BE @ Softly napped fleecy cotton, sturdy binding ARRANGED AT EXTRA CHARGE. @ Approx. 52 x 72". trons woe aanet amuyanans wre EACH 5.99 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 456 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 PHONE 725-7373 @ Safety switch enabling door-opening during cycle @ White enamelled door fronts en Approx. dimensions: 24" wide, 3412" high, x Sy" deep (door closed) EATON =-- Price, Saat SLOT LE NESS CILLA, SCSI SAGO GOEL CLES