SRT i pg NR ae a OE Pa metom een OGD EL Re ongemeny e a ee PS MOT ONT PET keeping much of the tax legis-jsociation and accountants inst!-|taxpayers should be given an legisiation be referred to aljob of rm ednesday, : reparin Decanber Pre-Budget te, opportunity to study proposed|small committee of the Com- = legislation: a re Pah ro y Share igh bard aki. : Oe lation secret before introduction| tur ooh bet levislati Th tin | e length of time between| legislation, e resu con-jmons to give MPs the chance) "As a result of our particular - 7: , special group of officials who STOLE LOCOMOTIVE -- jit from a shed : and planned to iets Pevtinenanas ney ele ie | introduction and enactment ofjstructive criticism might dojto h itn : letter signed by W: J, Hulbig't, j © hear expert witnesses andjsystem, tax legislation is too Secrec letter signed' by W: 4. Wolleliax legislation was fen tolmuch to. reduce the-Ualinaad|anpcaise ibe nrdbabiy conee-lofeh aly conceived, andl EAT Setar legution and onlouirl dah veleay npovenilenlaian hesah Mitt nearby track- Turela, Suaitieen oe ine hl OS ae wa pe iy gg rd fee 'oy RE a --e are acksowl-|fiscal and tax legislation and onjcourt fined. railway apprentice|side home but it overshot some Li ft Urg ed tion committees of the bar as-| "We suggest that informed| The letier suggested that tax|has not enough officials on the els unieat ors dtd the effects of tax aes thas ge hp nage Mago re _ in eed! causing ; 5 R jamage. : OTTAWA (CP)--Removal of ' hae oe the curtain of pre-budge: se- , 9, Be crecy on much of the tax-change a ea bo, Tr Th . : eee legislation introduced in federal government budgets was sug- gested Tuesday by representa- r tives of the legal and account- | ing professions. They proposed a change in the system to permit a more 'hor- ough review and constructive criticism in Parliament, to re- duce the likelihood of "awkward and ineffective legisla- tion" being passed. ; The suggestion was made by a joint delegation of the Cana- dian Bar Association and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants in a meeting with Finance Minister Nowlan and Revenue Minister Hugh John : p . 2 i Wa : 2 : : 7 - . Flemming. Te ' ' (ast aale ei b J Ce Gs I Sai zat Gas Gast aa Ga GaN Gate, ORF ADT Ge a ala aa a TS a aaa aa a a aaa aa aa The occasion was the annual ua a presentation of a brief on sug- gested tax law amendments by the two organizations. "We question the need for Columbus UCW Elects 1963 Officers By MRS. E, LaVIOLETTE COLUMBUS -- The general] meeting of the Columbus United Church Women was held in the| Cisani All styles, all: cian; all TV TebleT. e lower hall of the church recent-| ; yi SN eines! ; able Trays. Brass finished Bookcase. Sliding glass doors colors to blend with any decor. It's legs and decorated metal tops. scund: Aanared die ont Are oe se -- rg A bie age Moma Round, squore. styles. , en styles, shopes on ome styles with hardwood legs. ly. Quiet music was played by a gift the family Mrs, T. Scott while the mem- will enjoy. ...sees. 4.95 rp spins lelag 11,95 borite top. Beauti- 24 88 : versatile. cabinet! colors, all. foam Wash bers assembled. Mrs. S. Cos- ty trays. 005 ful walnut finish . Makes © great gift 9.98 filled, ashable, vinyl tops, 3.69 way president. Mrs. T. Flett took ' mrs illed, From tae From 4.00 cssevseces for the worship the theme "True Christmas Spirit'. Mrs. C. Shaw read the scripture and Mrs, J. Miller read a poem "Keeping Christmas". Mrs. - a Scott played a selection of : 4 < 7 Christmas carols. sh ; : a SN, A donation was voted to the ax j : Me ; E following: Retarded Children,| ; . Pa Cerebral Palsy and Five Oaks. ' ' : ' as ; : io | WEAN he 1; Nig Mrs. M. Houlding arranged the program which included a skit given in the form of a panel discussion by several members on Christmas traditions. Rey. Love presided for the election of officers for 1963. Of- ficers are as follows: president, Mrs, Stafford Cosway; ist vice, Cedar Chests. Still « good selec- ; ' Clock Radio with $-tube elreult. RCA Victor 23" Coniole the per- Mrs. John Wilson; 2nd_ vice, : Mrs, Allan McKenzie; recording Pillow-back Recliner in washable tion in a wide voriety of styles RCA Victor's lowest priced mod- fect gift for the family, Extre generous trade-in allowance, too! secretary, Mrs: Ted McLaugh- | lin; corresponding secretary, #6 Aihoge ae, Blooty: Brolin, von. end sizes. 59.00 Mrs. Grant Webber. \ae . Gold... 59.88 From ...seesees el. Assorted Treasurer, Mrs. Stewart Mur- Oaee We colors, .... With ison; pianist, Mrs. Thomas| ge ade oes Scott; assistant pianist, Mrs. ; Roy Ratcliffe. Unit Leaders -- Evening Unit, Mrs, Grant Webber; North Unit, : Mrs, Earnest White; East Unit,) 7 5 i va, e Mrs. Gordon Corner; Village " ce : Unit, Mrs. Lloyd Dalby. : ; 'gg Be Committee chairmen -- Chris. | "xe em BY ; Vk - tian Citizenship and Social Ac- : ' | tion, Mrs. Lloyd Dalby; Com-|g ' ; i iy " / 4 munity Friendship and visiting,| x a t , < aS Mrs. Norman Scott and Miss CSIherme cS --. Smith. facia > f ' peration in Christian Edu-| & c/a AY ; i, cation and Missionary, Mrs. Ray|Sa @ } 4 ool ¥ 5 ' FURNITORE WO Scott; finance, Mrs. Roy Rat-)#§ r i ' Y : cliffe; flowers, Mrs. Cyril Shaw; ; } OPEN EVERY literature and communications, a ; ; NI " & AA Mrs. Stanley Webber. ale 3-Pe, Kindergarten. Set with big GHT 'TIL... aiaieee Fuji Tepe Recorder. All 'uji Tape Reco . All transis- RCA Victor Steree Console, AM/ ues, i a, gtr tig toy eS ane 18" Gis ail ' _ rs. Arthur Smith an rs. turdy Tricycle . . . big, stron x "table and two matching Norman Scott. on mandy A allt Wat 9 88 chairs. Natural Gaa 4, 4 , A v4 VN a tor mode! complete with tape, Si cathe, Garrod ah 10 Membership -- Mrs. James will delight any child. f) eta F 4 f mike, earphones <b ve . rard. changer, McKenzie; nominations, Mrs. ; SAIS: 2 eer ers, 287.00 Walter Beath, Mrs. Clifford ; eg. "UU, now Naylor, Mrs. Grant Webber, Mrs. Lloyd Dalby, and Mrs, Ted McLaughlin. Press and publicity -- Mrs. Walter Holliday; stewardship and recruiting -- Mrs. Allan Scott; supply and social assis- tance, Mrs. Thomas Flett. Representative to Official Board, Mrs. Stafford Cosway; representative to Stewards, Mrs. Clifford Naylor; representatives to Christian Education Commit- tee, Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs Margaret Houlding; representa- tive to M and M Committee, Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe. Antibiotic May Kill Rather , Than Cure ae ) | | . = BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) -- #3 Bed Chesterfield. 100% nylon . ° Mounting evidence that a widely) g covering. Foam filled cushions. : Includes smooth top mattresses 'nd matching box spring with used antibiotic sometimes may} Converts to fill double 158. 00 kill rather than cure was re-) size bed. . : e ported Tuesday by the Cali- legs. 1 fornia state department of pub- Complete ....++ lic health. . No single piece of evidence in a series of studies established a definite link between the drug, chloramphenicol, and aplastic anemia, in which bone marrow fails to produce red cells, white cells and platelets, the depart- ment reported. "However, all findings point in the same direction and, com- bined, strongly indicate that chloramphenicol is a causative factor in aplastic anemia," in- vestigators said. Aplastic anemia is fatal in more than half the persons af- fect, according to the report. | The risk of developing fatal aplastic anemia among persons pecan, es drug we Ragga con-| 3 REA Victor Portable TY. 26 tub ' servatively estimat to be|"e :, ube Hoover Polisher. Twin brush H Vv functions, with big 19" screen j loover Vacuum Cleaner. Up- * Sunbeam Fry Pan. Exclusive, 6- i : ' Shout one in em the Teena) fasta ogee | Centos gare | cay dee g aemaue | sation Ie Conse as | ace er le ake as +1 ae vec eeene | eae Mee ee ee Thi study staff headed by Dr.|e and chassis. a haesuioh: [obs 31 08 oars ~ -- to 75.95 sible and has built-in 19 95 features to make it an bese aol tag yin} pit easy to cerry. Built- Kathryn Smick recommended é Y " heat control. bl outstanding buy! . 9.77 nickle finish. 9.77 xt re gala 24.88 against legislative action at this] gp ee, of settings. time to restrict or control the) xe use of chloramphenicol by »hy- ® a si s. hi GUARDS CHANGE HATS -- LONDON (CP) -- Bearskins, : So worn i, anes aac, C&"herne ty been replaced by peaked caps| MO DOWN PAYMENT : : " OSHAWA, SHOP AT : wokrpip 80 KING STREET EAST for sentries on night duty, The} ~ Wak: 'seins : : OJ BAN 2B) Is 3 war office says it will enable) them to carry. out security dut-| g ayeat aye BE As ba AE AY OS hd ho ay aT ad ay dt dT al ay at al ay a) at ay ay ay ol ay dy dy dy a) ald) dd v2 Ree " - ae? BS eS ee Oe 8s 4) as at 4S OS 47 4D AS Ot bs ies more easily. oe 8) 80-8) 8 :