the increasing amount of un-) "Thats Large Laid Fitness Pl an to oversee physical a) fines ac-|__ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 19, 1962 i Tobacco Fir ms Fight oe orn nee After Spot Checks Announced "atsblichment of university British Reported. board inform the *s level programs for Board of its decision in view 'ene ta De Load reation and parks personnel; & of the firms' reaction. Dey tad intend. ® Encouragement of physical Dutch Clock' Auction feos Rrceteee ByDavs ec" Deeper In Debt the tobacco board ed, Development of the Ontario men on charges of theft and! TORONTO (CP) -- Education TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)--; The board, in sounding out)staff and result in a higher sche Pie fo yg ting possession of stolen goods. |Minister William Davis an- ees eerie "er Five of the seven firms i ix oe oS obaue Meee soun chasing of unsold tobacco. cons fn gens von p Brn: " Ane program | ons operation; jto the new system. Board Chairman bop Roa oped PLAN a ta © checkpoint. ne f in the fryer cre and -- spending jecting Tillson| sai . ntario governm: er checkpoint, police mi conferences to p Pe Sees whe |i peeks poo remained agreed to back © los? plan Witiltonta'n" cum teodine iadetine PP ia Mor oN iy cgay hong nga gg passe boats They se it largely because|unsold at Monday's closing ofja $5,000,000 guarantee, Underlin a car and charged its two operation with the federal fit- ni whe have lah -|their ction on the market is|the exchanges at Delhi, Ay' er|the plan, the tobacco board) occupants, both of Toronto, with hoes and Qinateur. Snort dikec- young persons report partly dictated | by the action of|and Tillsonburg. Of the total collects a two-cent levy onlits theft. torate, plans to extend informa. |*Ch00!: by the government, With na-lamong bed hg L's tae competing purchasers, day's offering, 965,204 pounds,/every pound sold during the tional' services, research and| Provision of bursaries and/tional elections due by 1964 atiwane, By "Dutch . f The tite firms also oppose|or about 84 per cent, were sold,|a uctlons. The levy will be used training programs in fitness and|scholarships for university stu:|the latest, the report is cer-aia|been higher, atts exchanges which|the board's plans to. remove) 'Tuesday' sales sino "iceiag to store oN Ee eee bale eae toon dents enrolled in physical edu-|to be the centre of controversy, changes in the elec-|consignment weights from pur-|941,982 pounds. BTS) WODRCC ures the|cation and recreation sources:| The report s the ig equipment, "The| chasers' catalogues. They claim|was not immediately available} The board agreed to arrange| About 7,000,000 pounds of the ont end at eee 'And conferences. with universiyears from i081, when the Con- i i i 5 sold 20 Salt confine informa-ithe extra bookkeeping which) | The exchanges reapened Mon-ja meeting win ee a ry Dean tar exanes Appointment of a co-ordinator] sities to plan research projects|Servatives took over the gover:- G Co- pres Sys gate ll he ny nl aps ang + A a co i ong ecru "-- ono ey ggg between Nov. 15 and 23 from the education department/related to physical fitness. ment from «the labor party. i : - a Hl i i ak morality among young peowle, and even among school port was prepared as for ministerial thinking es, Labor party MPs already have demanded to know who wrote the report. Lesage Backs Pearson Appeal QUEBEC (CP) r Le sage whole-h endorses national Liberal Leader Lester Pearson's appeal for an inquiry i Canada's bilingual prob- lems, Quebec) mies nr " reporters who asked for comment on Mr Pearson's speech in the Com: mons Monday. He said Mr. Peargon's text was "a basic document and not an election speech, "T know Mr. Pearson well enough to know he is not playe ing politics." Mr. Pearson, saying Canada. establish the ee of cone federation wil into Canada's bilingual probe lems. aulay says he plans duce a paves bill in te pron lature to establish a central _ for Christmas ge dias == SPECIAL! THE FINEST SELECTION! COMPLETELY CLEANED For The Festive Season SPECIAL! Dole Fancy 2 fe Tl PREDRESSED GRADE "A" SEALTEST EGG NOG. ........ x" 59 Ket Cocktail SPECIAL! Leblaws Kitchen Pride T U e « E Y 4s eee SPECIAL! Kitchen Pride FOILWRAP : c 18x25' ROLL MINCEMEAT PIE 2. 65¢...... 555e - OD EACH * 90-FL. OZ. BTLS, C \ SPECIAL! Niblets Fancy G Al ne PLUS DEPOSIT m Os: & KERNEL CORN... i. 45 Ginger Ale SPECIAL! Filmac Choice SPECIAL! Loblaws Alpine Club ALSO te en _ leap gal Whole Strawbercies . 2% Yous 77: Li Ri ik 2 BTiS 2 C Butterball Turkeys| PRE-DRESSED seinen a pena ime NiCKey i @00D SaLe er WEIGHTS AND SPECIAL! Hostess SRE I DUCKS . . 55¢ CONNIE SHORTBREAD ais... 33: igi sites" fo ostaas As cb SPECIAL! BEST VALUE IN HAMS SPECIAL! Hostess 33 JUICE ........ ese Qe SODA. oats 23. c FULLY SKINNED -- MINIMUM FAT -- SHANK OFF TBREA 36-BISCUIT COOKED 3 c oenee aan eae SPECIAL! Niblets Fancy Whole SPECIAL! Honey Pod Assorted To Vi isit Troops HAM SMOKED us. & Chocolate Shortbread so-BisculT 33: KERNEL 69. STOKELY'S olthis 3]. tster 5 Garusee, saeivea tenses PACKAGE Led at oh *Arish, Uniod') a ne SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM SPECIAL! Weston's CORN ......... or rie FANCY PEAS Pllc, ovat trope of the RINDLESS SIDE BACON Ke: 72: Festive TABLE FINGERS %:: 29: @ CANDIES @ © CHEESE @ eres, Pecans Se Berrian: SPECIAL! Weston's HOSTESS FESTIVE LOBLAWS TANGY nounced: hers. SWIFT'S PE bi M WIENERS CAPRI CRACKERS ........ 2 QS Creams & Gams .tzis. 33¢ Old While Cheese... 1. G3c| 'mm suence aoarimen sit REMIUM 1a. 49: ; 'emdeieaaeaie" cae RCAF aiteratt trom Paris ; SPECIAL! McCormick's LOBLAWS 1 where he attended the NATO - SPECIAL! GEORGIA GOLDEN SHORE SNACKERS .......... 3c 25: wor. Christmas Mixture "ii? 3c Mediam Cheese... ... 59¢ ministerial conference SHRIMPS stesevensees SPECIAL! Weston's Plain or Salted LOBLAWS FAMILY GENUINE DANISH eae our aree ite T 49 SODA CRACKERS ........... sz: Assorted Chocolates 3: 1.39 Blue Cheese... 83e "an : bebo Fallout Over U.K. |: Trebled By Tests ' LONDON (AP)--The Atomic Energy Authority reported toe. day the 1961 Soviet nuclear tests trebled the delayed fallout over Britain this year of a dangerous radioactive sube stance known as caesium-137. aesium is easily absorbed the body from food and is known to cause genetic defects, The relatively slow fallout of. caesium from the Soviet tests COMP LETE DETAILS ON ' Neng aged oo months to ree cba ma LUCKY | GREEN STAMPS ~|:=-- FROM c ASHIERS over Britain rose'to about three times that of 1960 and 1961, said the authority. But the concen-. tration was only about one-third the level reached in 1959 follow- ing the 1958 Soviet test series.