AR ER bw AE ie net mn hd thane nt eae = ike den a ae cae ope sented by the Senior Choir in| member of parliament com- 2 , narration, and scripture a aa At St. Mar song Ts plained that the pensions min- = Drunk Driving | Left Scene | Sheep Killing |Drove While QTK'S (7h. incinerate pes | A Now anal The congregation and Sunday |riiy on High", "Angels We Have|man who has been dead 11 en ied A Toronto woman was Tues- n C auses Concern School bbe te baer Heard on High", and '"Thelyears, Pensions Minister Niall day sentenced to seven days in Fined Sus nd gg reagge Mh ly Sunday|Ltzee Kings". Soloists of the| Macpherson replied: "Presum- jail when she pleaded guilty Concern over sheep killing in morning, when gifts of goods ee C wea oe a ably it must be: because the before Magistrate Crawford W. e the county was voiced by Mag- and money were contributed for ' man has not been + Ging os cue oom] Bind Jailed ler c.taces" "| Finedl S200 jasiswcereselaitowo fares BAGS ae ome em hw ' olice y. Some of the goods will be sent/kar and Mr. Wayne Lehman|dead." Mary Philomena, 27-year-old Lloyd Hobson, 72, RR 2, Clare- an . Wayne : waitress, of 1185 Woodbine| An Oshawa man was Tuesday|mont, appeared before His} An Ajax man was fined $200 pM ied domecute ye a bt egy ou two serv. avenue, has been in custody for|sentenced to five days in jail|Worship charged with permit-| ster pleading guilty to a charge|to the Fred Victor Mission inlices of Christmas cada to the past six days. Her sentence|and fined $100 and costs, or an|ting a dog to run at large, con- Toronto. * re was dated back to the day of|additional 30 days, when heltrary to a municipal bylaw."|° driving while his licence was| "Cron. Mittin, lesiarad be held in St. Mark's. The fist Ser arrest. pleaded guilty to a charge of|Hobson pleaded not guilty to|suspended at Whitby Police|, Gonion Mitiin, general super-jat 9.30 a.m. and the second at FURNITURE lay School|1i a.m. In the evening, there pA Aistensy W. Bruce yng > eae at the scene|the charge. Court Tuesday. assisted the minister in the serv-|will be a colorful op: pre- Affleck told the court Picker- 2 A Pickering Township farm-| Father of two, Patrick Ser-ice. ing Township Police Constable| , *alph Murray K. Henning, 20:/er and a neighbor of the ac- roul, 23, Harwood avenue, a Siss Joy Foster sang the solo Station Soe aay Oey BIG BONUS Cyril V. Cooper saw a vehicle|the father of three children told|cused, Ross Heron, told the Lia Pe 'A Star Was His Candle" and dceaties: the contre tine of Tow Constable Gerry Winter|court he saw a dog in his barn-|Peared before Magistrate C. W. the choir sang Burt's "Caroling, Highway 2, in Pickering Town- had been drinking" the|yard Nov. 23, Heron said the|Guest. Constable James Brown Caroling ship Dec. 13, night his car struck the side of/dog had blood on its muzzlelof the Pickering Township The Christmas 'Candle Licht Mr. Affleck said the vehicle a, a" nah Dundas/and on investigation he found aj Police told the court he stopped Ganol Garvice was ostal ee rs travelling west, crossed into the h bay east, and tore v4 the ve-/dead sheep in his barn. Serroul's car on Harwood ave-lthe Senior and Intermediate ve ' icle oxto the shoulder of the| Heron testified he chased the|nue, Ajax, Dec. 7. Choirs Bondiy seeing ENDS OF BROADLOOM Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's eastbound lane and cars pro-| a4 rhe ceeding . g and fired a couple of shots} The east were flashing) Constable Winter told the\at it. He said that the doglaske? to orodisce hic lice cs | --2 sree congregation joined in CARPET COMPANY SCATTERMATS YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! their headlights at the vehicle.| .ourt the accused was travellin ie ' iran from his property after|Serroul said it was at home. 282 King W. 728-9581 be _ the -- vee pe west at the time of the mishap.|chasing more sheep and made|subsequently, the officer said,¥ SATIN ar ay, Rue & guistenrin FURNITURE er 200 yards AGED CANADIAN. ~ its way to the Hobson property.| the accused admitted his licence Psi Toront Woman : White Gift , THE --_ TIMES, Wednesday, December 19, a 11 Jailed For WHITBY And DISTRICT | services Held [28.222 Sess] MN | SA L E lendale drive. Mr. Affleck added she staggered, her eyes| PierreJoubert, born at Py aos se Dagon oP bean suspended. a! cont Pu . APPLIANCES were glassy and bloodshot and|Charlesbourg, Que., lived 113\ting wood at the rear of his Ate FE goed 'he a Saturdey ir 930, @he became beligerent at the/years 124 days, and died at|farm. He added the dog hadliad been pe i e: FASHION SHOES 20 Pd sr. . py ¥ 7 ere Police station. Quebec in 1814, been tied up at the time and|n# Ps sl ys peg ane' he 79 Simcoe N. . 728-2491 KING ST. ty did not leave him, Worship then levied the fine pl i ~~, no doubt that farmers were up 4 ' A : in arms over sheep being killed was i: given one month to pay. ' Recent guests at the home of) The many friends of Mrs. - on rope nies Pony hewg! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson,|Fred Ormiston, Brooklin, are ficient to convict and dismiss ed | 104 Trent street west, were|sorry to learn that she is in the chator & " = 'Magistrate C. O. Bick of To-|the Oshawa General Hospital. They wish her a speedy re- . Bick. / ' covery, 2 i Margaret, daughter of Mr.|°V°" Baptist Group ieratng tar ish binsiy Welty Unica Men we] Holds Xmas P ny p i yy today.| University, Mon' , will be 1 . ; 'Her school companions and|spending the Christmas _holi- olds Amas arty {4 | a friends wish her many happy|days with his parents Mr. and] Faith Baptist Church Jr. : { P returns of the day. Mrs. C. a 1121 Centre| Young People Se 2 fo Zi street south. mas party. Te olyneaux r f] Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bedard and family will be leaving for| Mrs, Ralph MacCarl, 509|0pened im Prayer. This was fol EVERY Montreal over the weekend to|Athol street, made arrange- Christmas carols were sun | " "d e spend the Christmas holidays as|ments for the Grade 5 pupils during the devotional arian: OCCASION | eu the guests of Mr. and Mrs.|of Kathleen Rowe Public School|Terry Cyr sang a solo, 'He's| @ WEDDINGS ; (( } ip your carpets in your home Gerard Bedard. A family re-|to meet at her home Tuesday|The Lily of the Valley." @ ANNIVERSARIES -- od ggwe irc. _ pa ens formed a Land by The Pr grag were @ BIRTHDAYS of le wi irom As-|carol singers accompacie Yigiven and the offering was cae @ SPECIAL OCCASIONS | OPEN TONIGHT ... WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19th Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights 'til 10:00 P.M. e Quebec, and Quebec|beli ringing, Afterwards, the|taken by Don Molyneaux. City. group was entertained ai the|Dave Cross gave the offering/] e FREE GIFT WRAPPING ' MacCanl's residence for refresh-|prayer. Terry and Colleen Cyr Elmer Harris RR 1, Whitby, ents duet, and Allan Bradiey, Walnut) wept Wilde was the guest! Nee Closed Mondoy Night at 6:00 P.M, street, won a three-day trip to Mrs, Allan Rahn and her son speaker. His topic was "Chris-| OF OSHAWA. and Milwaukee via|/Ricky, of Port Perry, areltian Youth." The group pain United Air Lines, While ia Chi-|spending a few days visiting at|carols and Mrs. Ross Kwint\|) pre SEE OUR cago Mr. Bradley called on a|the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.|closed the meeting in prayer.|| y2 smeoe of, & "oanawa | a FULL SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS SMOKED relative. Agg, 100 Walnut street west: |Refreshments were served. @ DUCKS . © GEESE fom ct ste srethren @ FRESH KILED TURKEYS "Xt Sins" SPROULE'S ALSO HAVE T WIET! OCEAN SPRAY te] VE THE SWIFT'S FRESH BUTTERBALL TURKEYS CRANBERRIES & ALL SIZES ATTRACTIVELY PRICED risimas © GROUND SUET © FRESH OYSTERS + | | © BURNS FRESH MIXED NUTS COCKTAIL SAUSAGE PKG. 63* WA LN peepee UTS | PUDDING MIX ns. 39°! MIXED NUTS - 99° COMPARE AT 47¢ MAPLE LEAF _ GOLDEN HOUR ASSORTED tas ' hopping MINCEMEAT Two Pit 43. CHOCOLATES a 7 DEL MONTE FANCY QUALITY CANDY CANES | FRUIT COCKTAIL ** 3Q..| ICE CREAM won. BOP | COMPARE AT 65c REYNOLDS HEAVY DUTY FROZEN FOOD FEATURE 18" AT 45c BIRDSEYE SUPREME ] | FOIL WRAP ROLL 59. pees ee 15-08. 39° CORN 2-L8. Age Strawberries BAG SUPREME SUPREME ree COMPARE AT 1.79 Green Peas sae 49° Peas & Carrols sac 43° ip m || MAPLE LEAF HAMS | 5Q) «=. peat 1Y-LB. TINS MIXED VEGETABLES Bas What A Wonderful CHRISTMAS GIFT eins ; Oo IT COULD BE YOURS - IF... GRADE "A" SMALL doz. Be @ YOU HAVE CASHED YOUR "Family Allowance Cheque" AT ANY STORE IN THE CENTRE SINCE JULY AND HAVE ||). suneeam a 320 , ENTERED THE MONTHLY CONTEST TWIN ROLLS eova'n steve. xe 29° BAKING NEEDS @YOU CASH YOUR "Family Allowance Cheque" DONUTS """*" "x. 29° | PEED, "co ne. OO" RNR i Se Rerrraagm | _ ENTRY BOX BY 7 P.M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21/62. FRUIT CAKE 59° «1.15 | COCONUT" ne. OO* 4c OFF... SUNBEAM e VILL BE DEPOSITED IN.A DRUM -- ONE ENTRY WILL POULTRY DRESSING ~. 31° | COOKING BRAN ™™ 10° BE SELECTED AT 7:15 P.M., DECEMBER 21/62. IF YOUR NAME IS SELECTED AND YOU ARE | ON THE CENTRE AND REPORT WITHIN 10 MINUTES YOU WILL RECEIVE A 500.00 u ea Ee <4 SHOPPING SPREE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. & 7 A CONSOLATION SHOPPING AWARD OF §| % far aa 250.00 WILL BE GIVEN IF THE WINNER sia\ va IS NOT ON THE CENTRE WHEN ' SU ge ia SAVE \ MARKETS LO lj atl THE SELECTION IS MADE. » " set | haploids KING oh RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA : CTT ETTEEC