RECOGNIZED BY BOY SCOUTS Mrs. John Kellington was recently presented with the Scout Ladies' Auxiliary award by Mrs. G. N. Varnum, presi dent of the District , Com- mittee of Ladies' Auxiliaries. the Ladies' mittee. Mrs. This award is given by the Boy Scouts of Canada for more than 10 years active service in Auxiliaries 'and service on the District Com- Kellington has been with the 5th Scout La- OF CANADA 'dies' Auxiliary for 16 years and is the only active char- ter member of the. District Committee. This is the first time this award has been pre- sented in the Oshawa district. --Oshawa Times Photo ER EERO LN Large Attendance At Christmas Party For Merry Mates The Merry Mates and their children of Christ Memorial '|Church recently held a Christ- present, The tables and hall | |Mary Carmel with Miss Norma mas pot luck supper with 115)as and Mr. Be hb age St. Gregory's Auditorium was gaily decorated with tinsel gar- lands and evergreens for the meeting of the CPTA. Mr. John Burke, presi- dent, welcomed the guests. It was the wish of the mem- bership to give special assist- ance at Christmas time to a needy family. Attendance prizes were won by Sister Mary Carmel and Bro- ther Martin. The entertainment for the evening consisted of a concert presented by the girls' and boys' choirs. The girls' choirs, of 42 voices under the direction of Sister -- Rowden as pianist, pleas- y performed "Oh Canada", "iets Keep Christ in Christ- mas", "Sleep Holy Babe", 'Si- lent Night", "Glory to God', "Why do Bells for Christmas Ring?" and "O Holy Night'. Miss Paula Gifford thanked Many Voices Bring Tidings Ot Joy For St. Gregory's PTA CPTA and Sister Mary Carmeijof Unit 1 of the UCW of Albert for their assistance. Douglas Burnett Benjamiz Pankhurst, clarine' soloist, whose selections includ- er's Clock", Town", and "Loch Lomond". ther tion of "Jingle Bells', mas in "Joy to the World¥, mas Luaillaby", i vell and John Vandemeer, '"'An- gels We Have Heard on High", "Jesu Bambino", '"'Adeste Fi delis", "Nazareth" and their fine performance Monseigneur P.M. Dwyer, the present. introduced ed "Kerry Dance', "'Graadfath- "Tavern in the "Beautiful Dreamer" Miss Betty Yanch conducted the 50 voiced boys' choir, ac- companied at the piano by Bro- Leonard in their presenta- "Christ- Killarney," "White Christmas", whe List Noel', "A Christ- hich solo parts were sung by Wayne Sto- "we Wish You a Merry Christmas". Father A, G. Quesnelle -con- gratulated the girls and boys for and thanked them on behalf of ail UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ALBERT STREET U.C.W. The regular monthly. m Street United Church took the form of a pot luck supper. Games followed and gifts were ti distributed from a gaily decor- ated tree. Miss Cora Harvey called. the. meeting to order af- ter.a period of fellowship. Miss Cora Harvey read an article on Giving, followed by prayer by Miss Harvey. Mrs. Herman Laxton's theme for devotions was 'Preparing for Christmas" The Scripture*lesson was read by Mrs. William Gibson and was taken from the 2nd chap ter of St. Luke. Mrs, Mervin Morrison sang a Christmas carol and Mrs. Herman Lax- ton closed with prayer. Twenty- four members answered the roll call, Treasurer, Mrs. Adams, reported that BETA SIGMA PHI Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chap- ter was' held at the home of Mrs... Ronald McEachern, Northview avenue. PERSONALS Following. a short business meeting, presided over by the president, Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. Derek A. P. Allen, Bev- erly street, opened her home to the Calvin Group of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, when a pot-luck supper was held. The January meeting will beheld at the home of Mrs. H. P. Cosens, Rosmere street. When the Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board holds its annual Christmas party in the Hotel Genosha on Friday night, guests will be received before dinner by the president, Donald McQuay, and Mrs. Mc- Quay, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe and Mr. S. D. Hyman. Among those expected are Her Worship Mayor Christine Thom- . D... Thomas, MPP; the Honorable Michael Mrs. C. E. Chalifour, Col sister, Mrs. Olive Sauve, Corn be held on Thursday. formerly of Oshawa, month's vacation. borne street west, has received word today of the death of her wall, Ontario, and is leaving to attend the funeral which will Miss Shirley Lewis, Toronto, left last Friday by plane for Mexico where she' will be spending a Young,. each member gave a -|short talk, describing articles she. had made which were to be used as gifts for Christmas -| decorations. With the help of Santa Claus, portrayed by. the host, the members exchanged Christmas gifts with their secret Beta Buddies. During by the hostess, the winning tick- let Yor the turkey draw was picked. Mrs, Bryan Cole, 1101 refreshments served Couple Honored At Anniversary Parish, Drew street, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence (Tab) were re- Cloverdale street, a former member of the chapter, was the winner. RITSON H-S Assoc. To celebrate the Christmas season Ritson Home and School Association departed somewhat from the usual format and en- Mrs. Earlig Unit 1g 7: eam $383.00 to the}} The Christmas meeting of the : M, E. SMITH CIRCLE The Mary Elliott: Smith Mis- sion Circle of First Baptist Church held the monthly meet- ing in the church parlor. The president, Mr. Richard Britton, singing of Christmas carols. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Robert Moon, Taking her topic from St. Mat- talk on the highlights of the Link and Visitor: ending with a Christmas poem, and with prayer. : Mrs. Moon introduced the speaker, Mrs, Harold Fuller, a missionary from Africa, who with her husband, the Rever- end Fuller, is home on, fur- - FASHION SHOES 4 79 Simcoe N. 728-2491 closed | opened the meeting with the| Mrs It takes 1 thew 2-1-12.° Mrs. Walter|Bulga Nickerson gave an interesting); 20 CHURCH ST. Spray Set 13.75 new Parfum Spray with matching Esprit de Peviont for vanity refillable Parfum Spray for the purse A oe joyed a "Fun Night." Laverne Devitt and principal, Mr, Arthur Winter, were in charge of the activities. Mrs. Devitt introduced Mr. Paul Wright, a teacher from King Street Senior Public School. who instructed those present in various games. Mrs. Devitt introduced the "Aconstichords," a quartet from the Sweet Adelines. Bar- bershop group. The quartet members, Marion Kingsland, Jean McKenna, Pat Weggler, Margaret Moffat, sang several selections. Mr, Paul Edmond- son thanked the members and Mr. Wright. Mr. Winter played records and called for square dancing. Prior to these activities the regular business meeting was jconducted by president, Mrs. Eric Cooper. Among other items, Mrs. Cooper reported cently honored by a party held at their home on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. Parish is the daughter of Mrs. James Hill, Oshawa and the late Mr. Hill and Mr. Parish is the son. of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hill. They were married by the Reverend W. J. Murphy in 1037 at the rectory of The Church of St. Gregory the Great and have been residence of Oshawa since childhood. Their - bridesmaid was Miss Isobel Baird and the best man was Mr. Charles Par- ish, brother of the bridegroom, The hostesses for the buffet supper and party were their daughters, Mrs. Edward Smith (Donna Ann) and Miss Lar- raine Parish, assisted by the Starr, MP and Mrs, Starr; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wandless; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox; Mr. and Mrs, E, G. McNeely; Mr. and Mrs. John B. Raine; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Follows; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hann, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Hann; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Garrison and members of the press. were decorated by the Rever- « jend and Mrs. W. J. Goodswan -|Grace was said by the Arch- * |deacon H. D. Cleverdon. A short business meeting with the presidents Mr. and +|Mrs. Gerald Crawford presid- ing was followed by the elec- sjtion of the new executive con- i iducted by the Archdeacon Cle- _|verdon as follows: Honorary presidents: The Archdeacon and Mrs. H. D. Cle- sjverdon; past presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Gearld Crawford; presidents, Mr, and Mrs. Regin- ald Mouck; vice-presidents, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Green; secre- tary, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laughlin; treasurer, Mr. and ,|Mrs. Bruce Hayes; social con- ,jveners, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Bell; Parish council, Mr. and Mrs. Slade Nix; press convener, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Adams; Fabergette 3.75 elegant slimlined golden perfume-filled purse applicator News of out-of-town guests and festive parties are always of interest to the readers and your friends and welcome in this column. There is no charge for these items. Social Depart- ment, phone 723-3474, extension 18. Perfumed Soap 3.50 three bath size cakes boxed for gifting Formerly of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Logan are mak- ing their home at Lehigh Acres,|pyide's sister, Mrs. Wilson Map- Florida. Before his__retire- plebeck and also Mrs, Sidney ment two years ago, Mr.jpiy A BONNY BOY Pictured is Craig Morgan fie are Mr. and --, vay L. Ewing, one year old son of 'organ, Oshawa, an r. and Mrs. R. J. Ewing, North- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ewing, ern Ireland. Brooklin. His proud grandpar- nard Glover. phone conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howard, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Leo- Logan was. stationed in Que- bec with Army Ordinance. The couple .has five children, the youngest four-year-olé Kim, a son, and are the grandparents they have one grandson. electrical appliances and Beside their two daughters, They were. presented with sil- the school. pins- had been. pur- chased by the Association ahd Presented to the Grade 5 on December 7. classes at the senior assembly| FREE --Aldsworth Photography | During the meeting the. chil- ver cuff links and tie bar set MARGARET HAMILTON Grp. The secretary's report was Donald Mac- The Margaret Hamilton Group of St. Paul's Presbyter- dan Church met recently at the home of Mrs. H. W: Sheridan| It for a Christmas pot luck lunch. eon. There were 15 members present and two guests. read by Mrs. donald and the treasurer's re. me by Mrs. Fred Malloy. Building Fund, making a tota of $1500 donated since Septem women's hats, was presented|been raised by various means, with Mrs. D. A. P. Allen andjrummage sales, catering, home- Mrs, Charles Cornelius as|baking sales, and other indi- modeis and Mrs. Fred Malloy |vidual and group projects. as commentator. The January meeting wil was decided to give an additional $300 to the Church |ber, and a grand total for the A fashion show, displaying|year of $2500. This money has dren were entertained: by Mrs. Ray Webster, Mr. and Mrs. M. McLeod, Mr, and Mrs. Wi'liam Lock and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewhirst. The surprise guest, \Santa Claus, was gleefully greeted by the youngsters and each received a gift. This happy and successful party was convened by Mrs. Donald Leddiard, Mrs. Gerald Crawford and their committee. Ibe held at the home of Mrs. \E. J. Brookham, 72 Oakes llavenue. 1 Mrs. of four, ranging from 10 months to ten years. Mr. and Logan have become en- thusiastic .golfers and square dancers. Employees and their families at Pickwick Cleaners Limited and cards received. The evening of dancing wa Oshawa. among the many gifts flowers spent by 30 couples consisting of friends and relatives from The parent attendance prize was. won by Mrs. T, Black's morning kindergarten class. 'DELIVERY s| Mr. Winter spoke briefly on school activities, then .»xtended the season's greetings. Refreshments were served by| the Grade 1 mothers. 28 KING ST. EAST were entertained to a Christ- mas Party at the Hungarian Hall recently. The event in- cluded dancing and a buffet supper. The guests were wel- comed to the "get-together" by Joseph Puskas, president of the company assisted by Mrs. FOR THAT SPECIAL GIRL! . Phone 725-0532 and order an exciting quilted housecoat. We will gift-wrap it, and de- liver it to your door, at no extra cost MESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 33 King St. €. P.S. or drop in to see us. Puskas. ETP e SESE = 2 § EAI a a ae ae ba ae pi Ss is Ss rere re rt DAD ... Have Santa Deliver AN AUTOMATIC THOR NATURAL GAS | CLOTHES DRYER ... To Your Home This Chrisimas! WITH EVERY toda DRYER PURCHASED FOR ONLY @ Vacuum Drying Principles @ F @ High Air Velocity @ Infinite Selector Switch @ Sofety Door Switch 125 CHECK THESE FEATURES: y for full details. PER WEEK ON YOUR GAS BILL ull Washer Load Capacity @ Illuminated Control Panel @ Canadian Built nese Lid 31 CELINA ST. (CORNER OF ATHOL & CELINA) 728-9441 This Conadian-Built THOR Ges Dryer is simply pocked with feetures thet will save your wife thousands of un- necessary steps this cold, blustery winter. In addition, she'll enjoy the speed, convenience and savings thet only Natural Gas Clothes Drying con offer! . . . COSTS ONLY 2¢ A NORMAL LOAD! Check with SHORGAS NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL NEXT YEAR SS x: A THOR NATURAL GAS DRYER it's A Perfect Gift * 4 ; 3 ae y oh * Sy "Se ome ee ie M0 Behind this new bold, gold label . . . Ontario's favourite ale